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  • Break the Spirit taking Divine Mode to stun is already a huge letdown. Furthermore, it's a fairly slow-moving projectile and has a very distinct sound - competent players can dodge it with ease. And even if you get it to hit, it still only lasts for a minuscule amount of time. I still use it when PvPing, simply because…
  • If you manage your DP properly, it's not useful at all On topic: Playing support/DPS Cleric myself occasionally. I like the playstyle, my guild likes the utility a lot. Most of your contributions don't even appear on the charts, so don't expect to top them, but all this "Buff Clerics are useless" is just uninformed…
  • Here's my research on Repurpose Soul, about two weeks old: 1a. Ground-target AoE spells don't target enemies or allies. These spells include Daunting Light and Flame strike. They do not proc Repurpose Soul at all. 1b. Funny enough, even though Divine Glow only targets ground, one target critically hit by Divine Glow will…
  • Greaves of the High Prophet are still Bound on Pickup - other set boots (Divine Emissary, Sacred Hand) were fixed
  • Do you really believe this? Do you really believe AS was not supposed to increase in time with increasing ranks? How come it did, then, for a long time, with no comment on it? Did the time increase just sneak in by accident, a typo or something? It obviously was an intended functionality. I won't take the tooltip as an…
  • 1a. Ground-target AoE spells don't target enemies or allies. These spells include Daunting Light and Flame strike. They do not proc Repurpose Soul at all. 1b. Funny enough, even though Divine Glow only targets ground, one target critically hit by Divine Glow will radiate the Repurpose Soul healing. If you crit more than…
  • Repurpose Soul: When one of your spells has a critical effect the target of that spell disperses a small area effect heal [...] Mind the wording, it tells us something about this feat, and why it's not quite as good as it looks. TARGET of the spell. 1a. Ground-target AoE spells don't target enemies or allies. These spells…
  • Do Foresight and Linked Spirit stack with buffs applied by other clerics? If so, this would probably make me shift towards using Sun Burst more and to adapt my spec. However, even if they stack, I don't think they should - they're way too powerful to stack. Also, the cast-SB-then-quickly-TAB will probably get removed as an…
  • Took my Cleric (running a similar spec to the OP with the alternate paragon feat build; 9,8k GS, High Prophet set, no weapon enchant yet) into Spellplague yesterday, group setup GF, 2x DC, 2x CW. One of the Wizards was a random, rest of us were guildies. Ran Daunting Light + Divine Glow + Searing Light for trash/first…
  • Lucky you, having a Healing-focused Cleric to play along. I've had a very hard time finding groups to actually use my buff/debuff Cleric - people usually kick me straight away, no questions asked. Too bad the effect all our stuff has on the group doesn't show anywhere... I guess my build is little more hybrid than yours -…
  • You don't get 3 bones just for participating. I'm not sure whether it depends on performance, but I've gotten 1, 2 or 3 (most frequently 2)
  • To whoever said Sun Burst was more effective than Wizards at delivering instant AoE damage: You're wrong. Sun Burst cast animation is fairly lengthy, and then the "burst" has to hit the mobs. By that time, they're already dead. The only thing Clerics can do is put down Chains of Blazing Light and hope they actually…
  • I love how the Community Moderator is either playing dumb or not informed. Either of those is laughable.
  • Funny to see which kind of players complain here. It's not those who still really need gear. It's not the new ones. It's those that are already geared out, people who probably have millions of AD on their bank accounts. Those who can afford to spend several millions of AD on their alts. Just sell enchantments instead. With…
  • Clerics will be relegated to running the supportive tasks during the PvP event, or take part in the fight if they can afford the proper gear (defense/regeneration build)
  • Reason for this nerf is pretty obvious, and it's not botting. Just ask yourself, what happens when people get less enchants than before? a) People get other enchants, e.g. Tenebrous Enchantment. Yep, the one that costs Zen to acquire. b) Price on Enchantments rises. People require more AD to buy enchantments. How to get a…
  • D-Divine Glow is a massive group buff now. Only using self-buffs, I've got my Daunting Light to crit for 6-8k higher than I've ever seen it crit before in group settings. I'd love to be able to use it, but won't dare to outside of organized groups. Already hard enough to get PUGs to survive during AS downtime. If you're…
  • Didn't even realize that. The AS change might force DCs into mandatorily questing the last few zones (at least Mt. Hotenow and Whispering Caverns) in a group. Even with AS, it was already hard enough to kill all the mobs charging at you, when Daunting Light doesn't oneshot the little ones and the big ones take at least two…
  • So, what did I pre-patch for? Had that run (twice!), now the patching began as usual, quickly updated the pre-patched part, then canceled at ~30%, and started at 0% with a patch of 2GB (instead of 3) that I now have to download again. What is this supposed to be?
  • I agree. While being a "heal bot" in general might not be the most appealing of choices, other games at least give you potential to react to a changing situation. They give you the power to make decisions. And they give you clutch potential. All of this is missing with the current iteration of the Devoted Cleric, making…
  • The only "smack them back hard" ability we have is Daunting Light. You can hit Clerics and GWFs with that. It's telegraphed so heavily, CWs and Rogues can just dodge out, and GF will probably block it. Yes, this includes the instant-cast version. What we can do is throw some DoT's in their general direction (that can also…
  • Some questions regarding a DPS build: 1. What's the use? I've been running a fairly offensive spec, but so far I've had a hard time feeling impactful. CWs don't really need my help with trash (though Searing Light + Daunting Light cleans house) and I often feel lost in boss fights unless my group requires me to abuse…
  • I just wonder how you get to the "DoT up the opposition" part. In my usual PvP matches, I pop shield, then get choked/more CW cc to death, or a Rogue pops up, delivers some 15k++ lashing from stealth, execute for another 20k and I'm dead. This is counting Shield and Foresight DR buffs. How do I not get blown apart like…
  • I started playing NW in general, and DC in particular, because of how it advertised it's classes. Talking about how the DC is not a healbot, but more a support specialist that heals largely due to actively participating in combat. Reality: Cleric is a passive class. Our three most powerful features (Astral Shield, Hallowed…