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  • Lord Banshee@lairdbanshee Thanks for making the event!
  • This is further proof to me of the feeling I have long gotten that Perfect World actually *owns* a sufficient amount of the gold-sellers, knowing how overpriced Coals are in the Zen Store, that they need to push players into the gold-sellers to get ahead. If they can't make money off the game, they'll at least make money…
  • Well, well, this statement and the (G)MoP reductions are a pleasant surprise. I thought those who still play had to wait for Underdark for any reasonable balancing after ADmageddon. This is also only one little first step in a marathon. If you care to rekindle a playerbase you have a ton of work to do. As a mostly-solo…
  • Just like Scott's forum avatar, "Some men just want to watch the world burn..." Nero, grab your fiddle, you're violin chair #1. As expected, no recompense for lost ADs or the Heroes/Adventurers who brought them quicker.
  • That's great, except that, unless you have BiS everything, you'll be wondering, even just for a little bit, "Hmm, shouldn't I apply this stuff to make my gear better?" Doesn't MY stuff deserve this more? For me, I always choose, "Yes... yes it does." Otherwise I'd be using the proceeds to... buy things that do the same…
  • My findings: Once the Neverwinter XP inflation hit, I actually decided to visit STO, as a few of my guildies play that too. Strange thing is, I like it, and have been told by a couple people that it's a pretty decent place now. I've had a good time reaching Vice-Admiral, and have gone Anonymous because of numerous attempts…
  • I've spent $20 a couple times for mounts and inventory space and a few keys. That's it. Now it's zero. No Zen for you! Scott, your avatar's right hand? Right back atcha, pal. Joke's not on me now, I'm not payin', nor playin'... until this game is worth my time again. How could that happen? Revert to Mod 4 or 5.
  • OK, I'll bite, as someone who mostly solos and is part of a small guild totally comprised of people from a much larger guild in a different game, and as someone who has spent a little money on the game. You have killed the main source of ADs for me. I can only foresee entering maybe two dungeons on the weekend days with…
  • SCA already is a way to generate RAD: just keep plugging with purple and blue companions in the toughest dungeon and wait for the purple ring drops that are worth six-figures in the AH. Problem is, I'm Playing A Completely Different Game To Generate ADs. The bigger problem is, playing SCA these days is sometimes more fun…
  • Leadership is a Facebook browser-game bolt-on for Neverwinter. It's like I'm back playing Castle Age, which I left years ago. But it's a necessary evil, as it's a low-time-intensive way for my three toons to generate ADs. And they have generated enough for this solo player to get by. They didn't make me "happy", but they…
  • I'd rather take double the time to perform my Leadership tasks, navigating a Capcha like every good human does for each one, rather than NOT BEING ABLE TO RECEIVE ADs FROM LEADERSHIP AT ALL. Seriously, how difficult would installing a Capcha for each AD-generating task be? As it stands now, my small guild is ABSOLUTELY…
  • This is the reason. Comcast, oddly enough, is the least of my problems. It's that hop just before we actually get to patchserver2. Tracing route to patchserver.crypticstudios.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms ______________________ 2 9 ms 7 ms 8 ms ______________________ 3 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms…
  • If the few areas that give you armor to care about still have monsters that can and do one-shot you with regularity, nothing changes. And I see nothing in the notice that shrinks the vast gulfs of XP necessary to level. Each level's XP gap from 61 to 70 is roughly 8-10 TIMES what it was a few months ago. So we get less…