I agree I was a sad tiefling when I went to get a sinister tome for my CW with my tarmalune rich TR and found it was BOP. Not hijacking just pointing out a issue I personally had because of tradebars being character bound.
I am very tempted to use a rust monster on my GWF It seems like it would be a decent combo for defensive builds unless there is a downside I do not see.
Right now artificing or weaponsmithing are the best choices since the assets are less expensive atm. Level 11 or 12 if I remember correctly will sometimes offer a task that has 3 levels.
This was the worst event they have done yet. I am hoping they tweak it alot next year. If any event uses the same method procuring rewards with a huge price tag on them I will not even bother with it.
Too much of a useless time sink this year. I hope they rethink how this event works next year or I feel a lot will not even bother. I do have to say everything worked good as far as how the pumpkins spawned in a timely enough manner to make farming PE work with a lot of people. The decorations and the night setting was…
I would wait till the next module and see what that pack offers. I am not saying that to be snarky I just think the next module has some cool potential for that particular pack.
I have to agree that the companion cost is a bit much for the amount of running around you need to do to get one. Other than that I have no complaints.
Of all the ways to spend zen buying toon slots is always good since they can pay for themselves via Leadership. It is not super fast but it is there to be taken advantage of.
After I started praying with 8 toons that do this every day I average about 1 a week and a half. I have my days staggered so 2 toons open a box every day for 4 days. There was no reason why they got staggered like that it just happened that way and I am too greedy to give some a day off to get them all in sync.
I think we will see more people when they release more paragons and classes. Some people are just waiting on that. Just because we are in a lull does not mean much at this stage. The true test will come when we see how many people come back when they release a bit more content.
The only thing I want is a follow/stay command for my companion I know people do not want to micromanage pets but this simple function could help out with so many issues I currently have with non augment pets. I do not want to control their attacks just tell em to stay there or follow me.
Only thing I really felt was it takes a bit longer to gear out my alts. Nothing worth quitting over since all it takes is a bit of PVP and you have a decent starter set. Not to mention Sharandar. While it does not have great stuff for my elder 60 toons any new 60 could surely benefit off of the items from there as well.
It is not just the Man-at-arms that went up Footmen went up from 10kish to around 20kish now. It seems like all the leadership assets are costing more nowadays.
I would not mind seeing a key drop but honestly it is not on the top of my list. I would not mind if the drop rate was a very, very tiny percentage something so small that if you get one it is akin to winning the lottery. Edit 1 Having said that a one time quest chain at 60 to give you a key would not be a horrid idea…
I like the idea but it does not really fit in to the map layouts we currently have to run around in. It would be awesome if they explored this in a future module with zones tailored to flying around.
Not really a fan of this at all especially since I would be staring at that part of the character most of the time. I really do not care about the design but the bald earless head I will be looking at most of the time is a bummer. I do hope that they address this in the future somehow.
I think it is a definite possibility. They do have plenty of things to play with for a Halloween themed event. I mean a game with costumes not doing Halloween C,mon :P.
While it would be good for looking cool the transmutation has a lot of issues if you wanted to try and marry it to dnd. First we would need to have the prerequisite stats to use said armor and the according feats as well. Not a problem for your native heavy armor wearer but your wizard would have to gimp himself pretty…
Even if you like doing dungeons or group content Sharander does offer a fresh 60 a lot more options than I had for my toons that turned 60 as far as getting a decent starter dungeon set ready. It is a step in the right direction as far as establishing progression.
One of the positives i noticed about the new sharandar zone was that it is a really good bridge from turning 60 to doing dungeons with solo content. I know people in T1 or T2 gear feel underwhelmed at some of the items but from a fresh 60's standpoint it is not bad at all.