I think that no
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It's now common to read how it is now hard to gear up. But I really tend to strongly disagree.
Both PVP and GG are very simple and easy ways to obtain purple gear that can allow you to run T2s right from scratch... Especially getting T1 PVP set is trivial, and basically everybody who leveled his character and played few PVP matches on his way should have enough glory to get it once he dings level 60... (This is something that have not changed at all since the game was released)
Also to me it actually seems much more simpler to gear up with PVE gear now as during DD you just select what set you want the item from as opposed to previous rng.
So for players who run dungeons for gear it's much more simpler to gear up compared to how it was before.
It just really takes a fraction of time it took before.
But of course for people who likes to pay to win, yep it's harder now and more expensive.. But that's more then correct no?
What do you think?
1 they should make t1 purples BOE or drop t1 equivalent blues so people can gear to around 10k, people just get angry at level 60 blues that aren't worth their time dropping.
2. you should stop getting unidentified greens at level 40ish when all you care about are blues, and stop getting unidentified substandard blues at 60. (with exceptions of rings/belts/necklaces and other things that you can specifically slot on pets.)
3. I think they drop other rare things that are not gear in t2 dungeons rather than blues or even greens like rare crafting recipies and supplies, or fashion items. stuff that wont change anyones power level but will be easily sellable to auction junkies.
DD every 6 hours is still not 100% sure that you will get the part that you want
if they make DD event permanent it will fix BoP and many players will start to do dungeons again (many players work or still study most of them doesnt have time for DD event)
only last boss has a chance to drop set items
you cant use your glory seals and grym coin to gear your alts
I'd like to see:
Also purchasing your gear is not any harder. Gear is worth a lot more now, so when you run a dungeon and get a drop you get a lot more AD for, then can turn around and use that AD to purchase your own gear.
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thats why there are some that complains that they did 1hour+ doungeons many times and cant still get the item that they want?
i farmed my stalwart set before its a lot harder before but the DD today is still not upgraded it is still random it is still 50/50 or lower
It's the exact same chance to recieve T2, however you get to choose your T2, so it's roughly 3 times faster as there are 3 possible T2's you could have recieved.
Again I was doing T2's on a 9.2k GS character and completing them fine. If you are struggling with T2's then join a PvE guild that will do runs with you, there are a lot them (spamming zone chat everyday lol)
If your reply is "No I don't want to join a guild, don't want to form competant group in lfg, and don't ever want to fail in a dungeon" then your choices are buy zen, or grind dailies for ages to get the AD to purchase your T2.
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not everyone have time to waste or wait for DD (working and still studying)
9.2k GS is high thats a player with items and enchants already
i tried karrundax with PUG and got belt so no for me it is still not easy easier than before but still hard for NEW players
geared and experienced players wont have problem getting gears that they want
May I respectfully remind you that this is a game, and that we all play for different reasons. Not everyone is available 6 hours a day. People work, have families, kids, social life... This makes both attending scheduled event and joining a guild difficult. The fact that there seems to be some kind of despising mentality within dungeon-running guilds against the casual gamer does add another layer to the problem.
So, while I respect your way of playing, I do not share the view that it should be the only way to play. If there's a problem for people who pay for their stuff, then they have every right of complaining, just as I let some people complain at length about how PvP is unbalanced, even if I never do PvP.
My point is : yes, it IS more difficult to gear up using money. And gearing up with RL money IS a respectable form of levelling up, if only because it pays the bills of the server where those who gear up just dungeoning play.
If you're not doing group content, you don't need that level of stuff to begin with.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
As a newbie, I got to 60 maybe 2 weeks before the module. I was able to buy an Archmage set and other "Grand" epics for my CW is 3-4 days, very good decision considering they are now expensive. They carried me in T2s, albeit my GS was low, around 9300 with this T1 gear/R4-5 enchants.
Difficulty level for gearing T1 up: VERY EASY (pre Fey).
It should be noted that one of the options was to keep the AD and buy HV set when I had enough. The HV prices exploded after Fey, but even before, the set was around 300K or so. I'd estimate the difficulty level for getting just the set as medium, and it might have taken around 1-2 weeks.
After the module, I focused on the T2s where tier dropped. Started with the easier ones like FH and Karru and ended up with SP. 3 out of 4 HV pieces I got relatively easy, in 3-6 runs or so. I actually managed to get the first 3 pieces in a single day.
And then... the last piece, the head from SP. I think it took me about a week and around 35 successful runs and hell knows how many failures.
Considering many of these T2 runs were with complete unknowns from queues (I was not "experienced", and with a GS below 10K, and without augment, so you can imagine I didn't bother at first to whisper people making preclears in /lfg), I would say that the overall effort to get my T2 set was MODERATELY DIFFICULT, with spikes in difficulty. Being forced to use the queue was a huge pain that contributed a lot to the frustration.
Now I run MC and CN mostly and didn't set foot in any other dungeon (except DV normal for daily) since I got my set from SP. Gearing up at this point means 2 Ancient pieces and the Fomorian Orb. Considering I just saw a single fragment drop in 50 MC runs or so, I have very little expectations that I will be able to craft it without buying the pieces, which are rather expensive. I wouldn't care less for the new orb if, but I need to pair to the talisman something
Gearing up at this point of the game: EXPENSIVELY DIFFICULT, maybe not worth the effort at all. For example, I won't craft the orb if I can't borrow the needed assets, I'll just try to get the Ancient set instead.
Keep in mind, gear is just a rather small part, the enchants are the more expensive component. Progressing beyond R6 without exploiting CN or buying Zen-->AD is rather difficult. I have only got a Coal Ward from praying which I used on the Soulforged shards I had. I still have an empty Weapon Enh. slot... The nicer stuff such as GPF and so on are prohibitively expensive, and you cannot really do anything but farm like crazy for AD to be able to buy them.
This part of the game is almost impossible to achieve by a normal player.
Keep in mind - the answer to players becoming bored with content and starting to look to other titles is NOT to slow progression and artificially prolong the life of the existent content, instead the developer should constantly add new content - new dungeons, new tiers and so on. A single 45 minutes dungeon once every few months is not nearly enough. Better rewards (MC runs are (90% blue drops - really, guys? REALLY?), harder content.
You, like so many others are answering this thread incorrectly. Of course you list the difficulty pre-patch as easy because you simply bought everything, and T1 is still quite cheap, everything but the grand jewelry is going down daily, and even the jewelry is getting cheaper by the day as more and more appear on the market. You got 3 HV pieces in ONE DAY, how is that harder?!?! You claim it's so much harder and want the old system back but you were able to farm 3 out of 4 T2 in ONE DAY.
When you run dungeons now you have the exact same chance to get a boss drop as before, with a much greater chance to get your T2 in the chest. So after a run if you got a drop pre patch you would have made ~80-100k, now you've made ~500k or more. I don't see why it's harder now as the loot is easier to acquire with DD, and the loot that you sell is worth way more allowing you to purchase your own equipment, which also costs more.
Edit: Also once you get all your armor/gear and only need enchants those armor pieces that now sell for 500k are going to buy far more enchants than pre patch. Enchants haven't changed price much but gear has skyrocketed, so end game enchants are much easier to farm for by doing dungeons and selling the loot. The top tier BiS gear SHOULD cost a lot as it is by definition BiS... Why people want to be able to instantly purchase max gears at 60 for every character I don't understand.
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
Lots of people playing the game, everyone enjoying doing t2 dungeons, thriving economy and people having such a good time they open their wallets to buy keys for a chance at a nightmare.
Post patch:
I get banned for sharing a quest that doesn't really even benefit my feywild progression. Half my friends leave the game, most of them play a lot less. No one wants to do t2 or gauntlgrym except people who need gear and are overall much less skilled than before, few people want to do cn/mc because they are buggy and are boring after repeating them without having anything else to rotate around. Everyone complaining about the changes and many saying they will never buy zen with money anymore for various reasons. Haven't seen anyone in guild buy mass keys ever since patch.
You failed cryptic! Have a lollypop!
While the wards are expensive if the RNG is not kind to you, I don't see anything wrong with picking up either a cheap lesser whatever or some cheap shards and making it yourself, if you just really, really want that slot filled. Or use the shards you can get from Feywild content, where you don't have to worry about a mix'n'match drop lotto.
My TR managed to get a last-minute bid in on a Lesser Bilethorn selling for about a third of the cost of just the ward, so I know I ended up having extremely good timing on that one. Sometimes keeping one eye on the trade channel while you muck around with your mail and professions is a very good thing, just sayin'. I know it's far from considered BiS, but it'll do. I don't have an armour enchantment on him, but since I probably want to exchange his Battlefield Scavenger's for a Skulker's eventually, I also don't see the point. He's also all decked out in rank 5s, and I'm slowly accumulating to get 7s or 8s for when he changes gear. Good deals on lower rank enchantments are my friend, plus a bunch of preservation wards. (Basic coloured enchantments are much cheaper than they were a couple of months ago. If you want them, learn the pricing and watch for deals or falling markets.)
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
And apparently you can already farm the hardest dungeons in the game with the cheap enchantments you already have... so there is no "need" for those super expensive uber enchants unless for e-peen or to stomp randoms in PvP queues.
Part of this won't necessarily be out of conscious protest, but because analyzing what you can get from the Feywild boxes compared to the Nightmare ones... it's just not very good. The coffers don't have the chance at a coalescent ward, however teeny tiny. The profession pack offers assets for professions people view as a horrific grind instead of a guaranteed income. I think every player who's not into that omgwheee-chance at a rare mount or companion looks at these boxes and goes "no, thanks". Nightmare boxes, you had more of a chance at something good enough to make the gambling aspect more fun.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
I think you misunderstood me
I said T2 was overall moderately difficult. 3 pieces easy, 4th piece a pain in the HAMSTER. I'm a WoW vet raider, I'm used to RnG and rather slow progression during the endgame, I didn't ask for changes, I just estimated difficulty to get gear from my perspective. T2s are approximatively OK as far as I care. MC with the blue drops is not. And yes, more content, instead of slowing down progression. More places to farm.
As for the AD I've made from some drops I've won in greed rolls, it's almost all invested in the stone I've bought and dark enchants, as I had too few from farming for my needs. I've also had to buy 3 Pyrotechnic Bands, since I got annoyed with farming the 1st Karru boss like 20 times without the ring dropping, so I just decided to buy. I didn't get any good tier drops to sell, just some HAMSTER I had to put on AH repeatedly until somebody decided to buy. Hopefully I'll get better loot to sell once I get a stable CN farm team, so I can buy the orb fragments, or maybe I get lucky with the Ancient set and stash the fomorian talisman for the future.
Actually I've yet to kill the last bosses in CN and MC, but the rest of it is rather farmable indeed. R6 Darks are not that cheap anymore, and I need them to softcap my ArP, not for any kind of e-peen
Stomping randoms is also not a priority for me, I was there myself not long ago and empathize with people being ran over by much better teams. I hope some ladder&matchmaking will come soon, so people would face opponents at their relative level.
So you have made slightly more AD than it costs to buy Ioun Stone, 3 Pyro bands, and dark enchants. That's 800k just for the stone, 50k per band at the lowest, and lets say r6 darks - 30k each. So you've made well over 1 mil AD already and completely farmed your T2 without having to buy a single piece and you're angry about the changes? That I don't understand.
I do understand the annoyance with MC giving blue's and BoP items. It makes MC just not worth the time, as CN gives so much more profit. I also think GG items should be BoE as they completely killed that content by making it BoP.
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2 Ring + belt + neck + pants + shirt you can have.
So you have to add 1,2k or more stats to this. +500 for boons you choose that's ~8,4k alone without any T1/T2 setpieces and without any enhancements! Far away from 9,2k? NO! So you can easy achieve that GS! BoP is only on DD-Chest, PvP and GG. So you qq about that? I run with Surgeon's Bloodstained Greaves, T1 Bulwark helm, old T1 armor and gauntlets of bulwark FH and Karru and they are easy as T2. I get some BoE purples from bossdrops, which i can sell or salvage. So what's against BoP?
lol yeah once I get boons on my cleric he will be at like ~10.5k with all blue everything except weapon/offhand, and those were cheapest purples I could find. But it's just too hard to get geared now a days, I mean I had to spend like 10k for those blue items and another whopping 10k on the weapon/offhand!! =P
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
I'm not going to lie... I kinda despise the people who grind HAMSTER systems or buy AD, now have super gear scores higher than mine, then say to themselves, " Now Let me go run that dungeon... I'm uber geared!" Then contribute to a wipe of the dungeon because:
A) The have little to no experience in a dungeon
C) Contribute to the frustration old/new users have that make groups require exp/GS
If you expect different, then you really haven't been playing MMOs very long or your lifestyle has changed. Mind you I'm a 40 y/o Sr. Systems Engineer with a average work week of 50 hours... working on-call 10 days a month.
Does that matter? You Q.Q, because you buy purples? You don't must do that. GG or PvP Purples help too.
I am not QQ'ing, I am saying achieving the GS needed to complete T2's is soooo easy, and that people who are saying it's impossible to gear up without spending money are stupid. I think we're on the same side lol
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
didnt the guy up there just say you don't need the gear to do group content?
People want to do group content, but the restrictions blared across zone chat for GS 12k sort of puts a nail in the tire there.
The required gear score for t2 is like 8300. who is going to take you to spellplague with an 8300 gs.
Yea, thats what i thought.
This bug will make it real easy to get gear.
PinkSugar, lvl 60 CW.
Baby Cakes, lvl 60 GWF.
*******, lvl 60 TR.
Premium Juicebox, lvl 60 CW.
Pink Exxxtacy, Ranger
There is NO pvp in Neverwinter.
I can easily achieve 10.5k+ for under 20k, you will have more than that from prayer alone at 60. Just need boons. And TBH I have run Karru, FH, Spider, and spell as 9.2k GS cleric (all blue's, purple weapon/offhand cheapest I could find) and have done totally fine, completed all 4.
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
I can still move.
I can still fight.
I will never give up!
17 runs Frozen Heart - 11 successful - all gotten carried by higher level groups - No boots 1 Ring of Hr won
14 runs SP - 5 successful - all gotten carried by high level groups - No helmet No rolls won
AH for 2 weeks... No Helmet I need
AH for 2 weeks....1 Pair of boots posted for 700k ... Can't afford them..
So YES.... its harder to get gear now.
People that say its easier are either delusional,fanbois,or just blind and ignorant...