I've posted this on a "negative" thread and i thougt it would be a better idea to make a good, constructive and useful thread about good ideas that can make this game better, be constructive and explain your train of thought about every suggestion, your own and the suggestion other people post.
Mods PLEASE, auto erase any kind of negative-destructive-toxic coment to allow this thread become a good feedback to the Dev team.
My Decalogue would be:
1- Allow mobs of dungeons drop blue/purple enchants/profession resources-assets in a 1-100 1-1000 ratio, as i wrote once in those forums, make even it a lottery, allow 1-1000 lvl 7 enchant drops, 1-10000 lvl 8, 1-100000 lvl 9 and 1-1 million lvl 10, let people have the chance of getting rich doing dungeons... and people will search the corners to find missing mobs.
2- unique-really exclusive boss drops from dungs: Parrot augment companion on PK, High priestess of lolth fashion costume on ToS, Dragon wyrmling mount/pet in Karr... etc, do it drop only 1% chance in boss and make it BoE, people will go CRAZY for those things, and run the instances 24/7 like there is no tomorrow, also, the whales, people with disposable income who like shiny thingys, will buy thousands of zen to get their hands on it, also make T1 dungs have those "tomes" (5 t1 dungs + fardelver t1 = 6 char stats) drop from boss also at the same rate, but BoP, Min-Maxers and PvPers will run all the t1 instances helping the new players for the chance of improving their toon. (cannot be BoE because then you will be again selling power, even indirectly)
3- the Mount dyes is a great idea, but what would be better idea is to allow alchemy to make new recipes, or make random mobs arround the world drop rare recipes on a 1-1000 ratio, that will revamp the profession and make profit for those who run Alchemy, at the same time... revamp "old" professions (the new ones are in the right direction)
4- ladder PvP and new PvP maps and types of game, theyre working on it, but the PvPers need a bone.
5- Being able to bind a key to switch from PvP setup and PvE setup and also make PvP and PvE separated to avoid new nerfs to the Main player base in order to balance.
6- the new classes and paragon paths, theyre really needed, i know they are on a timer here, but they must shorten that timer if they can.
7- A public list of Banned people and their offense, accessible for anyone, stickied, updated daily, its the 21th century, transparency is a must, we must know who is banned and why, i want to see 100 goldselling bans everyday and those who exploit also, people will understand the company is responsible and is taking care of bussines and will soon forget the whole (really overblown, but i dont wanna derrail) lockbox issue.
8- More, A LOT MORE, dev comunication with player base, explain why you do things, explain why things are this way and not that other way, explain more and more... comunication from devs, not from CM & Mods (those do it and do it great).
9- Zen item : Stone of unbinding, 1000 zen, a 10$ item that allow you to unbind your enchanted gear, leveled pets, horses, heavy priced drops... etc, that way, you wont feel ripped off if you have to switch to a new set, for example, you could make money leveling pets and selling them at max level, you could resell your horse if you buy a new one... moving the market and making good money for Cryptic.
10- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FIX ONCE AND FOR EVER the queue replacement system, fixing the queues would make this game just better, vote kick to prevent abuse, invite option while in dungeon (deactivate the option once in last boss battle).
I'm sure those will make the game better for the players and make millions of profit more for the company, all are thought to be easy to implement and really profitable for the bussiness, while being really positive about balance.
WoTC has always publicly announced the bans for cheating in their games, the duration, the reasons for it, and WoTC operates in more countries than PWI...
Showing a list of player handles, their bans, their duration and the reason behind it does not affect privacy, cuz handles are anonimous.
Publicly doing so will create a very good precedent, people will see that exploiting becomes punished, will make people become aware of the consecuences of exploiting... there is only good to come if that is implemented... also is FREE, the development cost of it is zero!
Ok.. I'll try to be positve and dont write "fix this or that its totaly broken what were you thinking creating this [censored]..."
1. Nice idea
2.Yes, yes, yes! More fashion, I love fashion! I especially like the idea of boss dropping specific outfits. That would give players more reason to do those dungeons, and also we'd have more fancy cloths to choose from Yup, every boss should give different fashion items, also different mounts (that should be common quality, but different looks). I'm not sure about pets tho, they cant be purely ornamental.
3.Another big "yes"
Oh and since we are talking about dyes - would be nice if we had more colours in the zen shop
4.Pvp as it is needs some changes, thats for sure.
5. Switch key? I dont think that is really necessery. You can change gear and choose powers before battle, that is enough I think. Some adjustments, buffs/debuffs for pvp only instead of nerfing would make all players happier(ok, you never can make everyone happy. But most of them).
6. They are working on it already (or at least plannning )
However I think balancing what we have already should be a priority. Plus I'd rather have good things later, than some made in haste HAMSTER sooner.
7.Yes. Simply yes. Down with gold spammers!
8. Again, 100% agree. Especially clerics need some love from devs.
9. I am not sure abot that one.
10. If we could invite people in the middle of the dungeon or pvp, that would help with quitting problem. However, party leaders would be much quicker to kick people out of dungeons. Situations like "ok you pug, boss fight and epic lewt before us, you go out and my friend who doesnt like hour long mobs hacking so much comes in" could happen (thats a bit extreme, but possible, for sure more kicking out would occur).Still I think it would be better than s it is now.
One of the positives i noticed about the new sharandar zone was that it is a really good bridge from turning 60 to doing dungeons with solo content. I know people in T1 or T2 gear feel underwhelmed at some of the items but from a fresh 60's standpoint it is not bad at all.
Yeah, i agree, being able to equip yourself on purples just doing solo content is nice, and helps players who don't like the dungeon thingies, either because are too hard for them, either because is not their kind of things, even with some bad feedback about sharandar, fury of the feywild is a great addition to the game, most players dont have several hours everyday to play, being able to progress doing half hour dailies is awesome for them, but i hope they show also some love for hardcore gamers too.
Even if you like doing dungeons or group content Sharander does offer a fresh 60 a lot more options than I had for my toons that turned 60 as far as getting a decent starter dungeon set ready. It is a step in the right direction as far as establishing progression.
Any drops from mobs or bosses would have to be BoP Botters would have a field day and plus gold buyers.
Devs talking to us not going to happen.
MOst of the ideas are great but the #7 wont happen, dev's talking nope, and all item drops would have to be BoP since botz and gold farmers/buyers controll that.
Im talking about mobs in dungeons, and there are no bots in dungeons runs. And im suggesting things, instead of "not gonna happen" feel free to add feedback and your own ideas to make the game better and we will discuss those too.
Guild hour reward your guildies with another DD or Skirmish once per day.
Sealtrader trade up your seals of the lion for more epic seals (eg 5 seals of the lion for 1 drake)
upgrade guild repository with gold rather than AD (im 350k ad in the hole, after guild became inactive) my fault i know, lesson learnt.
First off, I LOVE the new buffs, and how we have to earn them. And I know it annoys many, but I like how you can't just blow through the new content in a day, it's going to take some dedication. I look forward to more expansions like this.
The Tymora's gift box event was a blast earlier as well, and I'd love to see more of those. Perhaps, to encourage people to explore foundries, perhaps there could be a special, rare drop like those that only drops inside foundry quests.
I would like to see the character's backstory come into play more often. Perhaps when you invoke, your deity of choice could have a small influence on the rewards? And maybe, just like class and race quests, perhaps there could be a small quest regarding your character's chosen origin.
I would also like to see better gear for the Solo Player. As somebody who's not fond of dungeon runs and dislikes PVP, I mainly bought my high end gear off the AH. Now that it's no longer an option, I would like it if I had an option to still get some T1/T2 gear sets without being forced to depend on other players to earn it.
Good ones, i'd like to see more guild features, also the option to unlock guild bank tabs with gold is great, i would love to see an AD donation tab to the guild bank the same than the gold one, the seals are kinda useless... but that would be useful (more 4-1 3-1 2-1) like in the coins.
I totally forgot:
11- Monthly Call to arms!!! (with new skirmishes every month) or even better make all skirmishes avalibles to all levels, with scalated level monsters, like the CtA or the summer trolls, that would be awesome!
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
Great idea for a thread. Unfortunately, Cryptic has proven time and time again not to listen to their customer base.
I would like to see the character's backstory come into play more often. Perhaps when you invoke, your deity of choice could have a small influence on the rewards? And maybe, just like class and race quests, perhaps there could be a small quest regarding your character's chosen origin.
That's a nice suggestion too, not enough roleplaying background in the game, a deity specific reward for praying and a deity questline would be great, good job!
Im talking about mobs in dungeons, and there are no bots in dungeons runs. And im suggesting things, instead of "not gonna happen" feel free to add feedback and your own ideas to make the game better and we will discuss those too.
Botz can run dungeons its more tricky. But you could run 5 instances of the game and run 5 botz then enter dungeon as a group could you not? Once you give those idiots a way to make it worth the effort they will find a way. Not putting you down or your idea but the botters will have those drops in some way.
As for the devs talking to us more, sure that would be great also. We been asking for that from Open beta. It looks like that wont happen.
The posting peoples names of banned peoples sure great, but again because of legal reasons that wont happen either.
Altogether i agree on your ideas but 2 of them just wont happen.
That's the kind of response that adds nothing, exploiter must be banned and publicly announced, all exploits must be permabanned, exploiting is a felony against the comunity, it hurts the game, there is no reason to exploit but selfishness and entitlement, so people who is banned has 2 options, create a new account and restart the game knowing that those ways will get all their progress nullified again, or go play another game and cheat themselves playing soltaire.
That's the kind of response that adds nothing, exploiter must be banned and publicly announced, all exploits must be permabanned, exploiting is a felony against the comunity, it hurts the game, there is no reason to exploit but selfishness and entitlement, so people who is banned has 2 options, create a new account and restart the game knowing that those ways will get all their progress nullified again, or go play another game and cheat themselves playing soltaire.
totally agree
We as a community dont need to know the names of the people really. They should all have perma bans so who cares what there names are. Plus should be banned from the forum also.
perm ban first time offense for something so trivial over letting the "lucky ones" that exploited nightmare boxes that hurts the game even much much worse....
good logic
BiS DC Seyfried - PvP / CN farm (Dragon Server) 1st Degree Burns
In the "what's an exploit" thread some people have given detailed legal explanations of the issue, please, if you don't have anything good to add, leave this thread, whe are trying to make constructive feedback, thank you.
In the "what's an exploit" thread some people have given detailed legal explanations of the issue, please, if you don't have anything good to add, leave this thread, whe are trying to make constructive feedback, thank you.
I agree with this guy dont hijack this thread post it on the other one. Or the modz could move them into there at least.
I personally would like to see a revamp of the fashion item slots. Give us the same fashion slots that we have for gear, and allow us to put armor into the fashion slots. It might take a little bit of a revamp of the fashion sets [separating arm/wrist items from the tops], but it would give us a lot more flexibility on customizing our characters. I've got a bunch of items from promotions that I don't really use because they don't fit with the current fashion sets, but I'd definitely use some of the masks [sun or ivy] with leather armor, or maybe the starry eyepatch. As it stands, you have to choose between your armor and having an eyepatch.
Adding the jewelry slots would be nice as well, this way you can have your gear and also have a chance to wear some of the great cloaks and capes that have been added to the game, but don't get worn because their stats generally are sub-par. There are a lot of items that get ignored because there are better items... let us make use of them.
I personally would like to see a revamp of the fashion item slots. Give us the same fashion slots that we have for gear, and allow us to put armor into the fashion slots. It might take a little bit of a revamp of the fashion sets [separating arm/wrist items from the tops], but it would give us a lot more flexibility on customizing our characters. I've got a bunch of items from promotions that I don't really use because they don't fit with the current fashion sets, but I'd definitely use some of the masks [sun or ivy] with leather armor, or maybe the starry eyepatch. As it stands, you have to choose between your armor and having an eyepatch.
Adding the jewelry slots would be nice as well, this way you can have your gear and also have a chance to wear some of the great cloaks and capes that have been added to the game, but don't get worn because their stats generally are sub-par. There are a lot of items that get ignored because there are better items... let us make use of them.
Jeweler profession would be cool. Could use our copper silver and gold coins for some materials. Enchant gems for settings. Or at higher lvl fusing chances with better percentages. This would be cool
One of the things I have been asking for since this game was in friends and family alpha is a more robust cosmetic system, let us take a piece of armor and slot it in a cosmetic slot. Let us then be able to dye that cosmetic slot however we want with dyes.
Speaking of dyes we need more solid color dyes, don't get me wrong the dye packs are great but to achieve the visual satisfaction that most players want, there are not enough dye colors. For example I really want a gold dye to use in my accent slot but the only way I can achieve that right now is the buy an elemental or high harvest dye pack then use another color(s) for the primary and secondary color slots. So if I wanted black as my primary color, blue as my secondary color and gold as my accent color, I have to use the elemental or high harvest first, then apply a black dye as my primary, and a blue as my secondary. This can get very expensive, I also think dyes should be 5 packs not 4 packs as well. Quite often I see players who have dyed all of their armor and their cloak to match but that is 5 pieces so they had to buy two packs of each dye pack to achieve this and then are left with 3 left overs of each dye they bought.
I proposed that we get a dye pack that we choose the colors for the dye pack for say 350 zen. We can choose the colors we want as primary, secondary, and accent from drop down boxes or a color chart. We can call it custom dye packs and as new dye packs and colors are introduced then they are added to the list of available colors.
1) Allow preview of items! There is nothing worse than spending AD just to see
if you like the looks of something
2) When someone disconnects or leaves a party in PvE or PvP, allow people to join. For
PvP it would be a random person from a que. Personally, I wouldn't mind joining the
end of a losing game because I normally just go in for dailies anyhow.
3) The cost for removing enchants and transmuting is still WAY to high. They are making
plenty of other money in every other aspect of the game.
Also, just wanted to say I enjoy the dailies and grinding of the new event. I think it was
something missing before. I like to log in and at least have something to do. This is
in reference to the new zones. As far as the new seals, and how many you need to get
the gear, that might be too high.
Can the devs or the CMs/Mods participate please in this topic? we are trying to do a civil, good feedback ideas thread, and they dont take the effort to at least say: hey, we are READING! its just discouraging, please, if you want to heal a little the comunity, take the effort of appearing in this kind of threads, give us ideas, coment ours!
I would like to see the character's backstory come into play more often. Perhaps when you invoke, your deity of choice could have a small influence on the rewards? And maybe, just like class and race quests, perhaps there could be a small quest regarding your character's chosen origin.
I really like this idea. I want to go on the record to say that I'm still completely okay with having the back-story choices be 100% superficial, but if some back-story-specific quests were to magically appear in the game tomorrow, I'd be very happy with that, too.
11- Monthly Call to arms!!! (with new skirmishes every month) or even better make all skirmishes avalibles to all levels, with scalated level monsters, like the CtA or the summer trolls, that would be awesome!
I'm all for anything related to skirmishes. One of the things that got me hooked on the game early on, was the idea that I could sit down for 15-20 minutes, play a skirmish, and get a decent reward. They seemed like an excellent option for the more "casual" gamers among us. The new skirmish that's been added in with Module 1 is a great start, but I'd love to see more. I can't get enough skirmishes. I don't always want to play through an entire dungeon, and some of the higher-level skirmishes are almost as challenging as some dungeons, without the rewards. Having more skirmishes, or opening up "epic" versions of the previous skirmishes, would be greatly appreciated.
Speaking of dyes we need more solid color dyes ... I also think dyes should be 5 packs not 4 packs as well. Quite often I see players who have dyed all of their armor and their cloak to match but that is 5 pieces so they had to buy two packs
I'd absolutely love to see more dyes. I'm absolutely in favor of cosmetic items everywhere. Honestly, though, I'd love to see them stop selling "packs" and start just selling dyes by the bottle. Why should they force people to buy a four-pack of dyes for 100 Zen, when they could just sell each bottle for 25 Zen. Honestly, all it does is encourages people to go to the auction house for their dyes, where they're more likely to get ripped off. Sell them all by the bottle, and everybody's happy.
Alright, a few more:
Foundry: I'd like to see rewards tied more closely to the specific foundry quest. STO did a good thing (in my opinion) by getting rid of the foundry "wrapper" quest, and basing the rewards on the average time that players were spending in the quest. I think Neverwinter should be doing more than just following suit; we should be innovating. I'd also like to have the ability to put chests and/or skill nodes down in foundry missions, even if their contents were entirely driven by the amount of time that players were actively spending on the quest. That would definitely be a secondary goal, though.
Professions: I'd love to have the ability to continue to upgrade my workers all the way through the ranks, without buying any profession packs on the Zen store. I'd also love to see the uncommon profession assets added in as a rare item in the (invoking reward) "Blessed Profession Resource Pack". I don't want to derail this conversation, but it sort of feels like there's a bit of a pay-wall in the professions right now. If they could add in some way of gaining these items that isn't dependent on Zen, no matter how difficult or convoluted it was, it would be greatly appreciated.
Inventory: I'm mostly okay with the way that inventory works. Between the professions-inventory, and the currencies-inventory, we have it pretty good. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, here, because I'm actually surprised at how little pressure they're putting on us to buy bags, overall. That said, I think that an account-bank would be a good thing. Even if it were a system where we had to pay zen for every slot, I still think it would be worth-while.
Skills: I know this is probably a lot to ask, but I'd love to see an "arena", where we could experiment with new respecs, before we'd finalized them. They have this set up very well in CO. Having the same thing here would be amazing.
- LTS since shortly before the F2P announcement, and very happy about it.
Showing a list of player handles, their bans, their duration and the reason behind it does not affect privacy, cuz handles are anonimous.
Publicly doing so will create a very good precedent, people will see that exploiting becomes punished, will make people become aware of the consecuences of exploiting... there is only good to come if that is implemented... also is FREE, the development cost of it is zero!
1. Nice idea
2.Yes, yes, yes! More fashion, I love fashion! I especially like the idea of boss dropping specific outfits. That would give players more reason to do those dungeons, and also we'd have more fancy cloths to choose from
3.Another big "yes"
Oh and since we are talking about dyes - would be nice if we had more colours in the zen shop
4.Pvp as it is needs some changes, thats for sure.
5. Switch key? I dont think that is really necessery. You can change gear and choose powers before battle, that is enough I think. Some adjustments, buffs/debuffs for pvp only instead of nerfing would make all players happier(ok, you never can make everyone happy. But most of them).
6. They are working on it already (or at least plannning
However I think balancing what we have already should be a priority. Plus I'd rather have good things later, than some made in haste HAMSTER sooner.
7.Yes. Simply yes. Down with gold spammers!
8. Again, 100% agree. Especially clerics need some love from devs.
9. I am not sure abot that one.
10. If we could invite people in the middle of the dungeon or pvp, that would help with quitting problem. However, party leaders would be much quicker to kick people out of dungeons. Situations like "ok you pug, boss fight and epic lewt before us, you go out and my friend who doesnt like hour long mobs hacking so much comes in" could happen (thats a bit extreme, but possible, for sure more kicking out would occur).Still I think it would be better than s it is now.
Devs talking to us not going to happen.
MOst of the ideas are great but the #7 wont happen, dev's talking nope, and all item drops would have to be BoP since botz and gold farmers/buyers controll that.
Sealtrader trade up your seals of the lion for more epic seals (eg 5 seals of the lion for 1 drake)
upgrade guild repository with gold rather than AD (im 350k ad in the hole, after guild became inactive) my fault i know, lesson learnt.
The Tymora's gift box event was a blast earlier as well, and I'd love to see more of those. Perhaps, to encourage people to explore foundries, perhaps there could be a special, rare drop like those that only drops inside foundry quests.
I would like to see the character's backstory come into play more often. Perhaps when you invoke, your deity of choice could have a small influence on the rewards? And maybe, just like class and race quests, perhaps there could be a small quest regarding your character's chosen origin.
I would also like to see better gear for the Solo Player. As somebody who's not fond of dungeon runs and dislikes PVP, I mainly bought my high end gear off the AH. Now that it's no longer an option, I would like it if I had an option to still get some T1/T2 gear sets without being forced to depend on other players to earn it.
RainFeather- Dragonborn DC
Rune Fell- Drow CW
I totally forgot:
11- Monthly Call to arms!!! (with new skirmishes every month) or even better make all skirmishes avalibles to all levels, with scalated level monsters, like the CtA or the summer trolls, that would be awesome!
Good ideas though.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
That's a nice suggestion too, not enough roleplaying background in the game, a deity specific reward for praying and a deity questline would be great, good job!
Botz can run dungeons its more tricky. But you could run 5 instances of the game and run 5 botz then enter dungeon as a group could you not? Once you give those idiots a way to make it worth the effort they will find a way. Not putting you down or your idea but the botters will have those drops in some way.
As for the devs talking to us more, sure that would be great also. We been asking for that from Open beta. It looks like that wont happen.
The posting peoples names of banned peoples sure great, but again because of legal reasons that wont happen either.
Altogether i agree on your ideas but 2 of them just wont happen.
totally agree
We as a community dont need to know the names of the people really. They should all have perma bans so who cares what there names are. Plus should be banned from the forum also.
good logic
I agree with this guy dont hijack this thread post it on the other one. Or the modz could move them into there at least.
Adding the jewelry slots would be nice as well, this way you can have your gear and also have a chance to wear some of the great cloaks and capes that have been added to the game, but don't get worn because their stats generally are sub-par. There are a lot of items that get ignored because there are better items... let us make use of them.
Those are all cool ideas.
Jeweler profession would be cool also.
Jeweler as a profession is a great idea!!!
Speaking of dyes we need more solid color dyes, don't get me wrong the dye packs are great but to achieve the visual satisfaction that most players want, there are not enough dye colors. For example I really want a gold dye to use in my accent slot but the only way I can achieve that right now is the buy an elemental or high harvest dye pack then use another color(s) for the primary and secondary color slots. So if I wanted black as my primary color, blue as my secondary color and gold as my accent color, I have to use the elemental or high harvest first, then apply a black dye as my primary, and a blue as my secondary. This can get very expensive, I also think dyes should be 5 packs not 4 packs as well. Quite often I see players who have dyed all of their armor and their cloak to match but that is 5 pieces so they had to buy two packs of each dye pack to achieve this and then are left with 3 left overs of each dye they bought.
I proposed that we get a dye pack that we choose the colors for the dye pack for say 350 zen. We can choose the colors we want as primary, secondary, and accent from drop down boxes or a color chart. We can call it custom dye packs and as new dye packs and colors are introduced then they are added to the list of available colors.
if you like the looks of something
2) When someone disconnects or leaves a party in PvE or PvP, allow people to join. For
PvP it would be a random person from a que. Personally, I wouldn't mind joining the
end of a losing game because I normally just go in for dailies anyhow.
3) The cost for removing enchants and transmuting is still WAY to high. They are making
plenty of other money in every other aspect of the game.
Also, just wanted to say I enjoy the dailies and grinding of the new event. I think it was
something missing before. I like to log in and at least have something to do. This is
in reference to the new zones. As far as the new seals, and how many you need to get
the gear, that might be too high.
I really like this idea. I want to go on the record to say that I'm still completely okay with having the back-story choices be 100% superficial, but if some back-story-specific quests were to magically appear in the game tomorrow, I'd be very happy with that, too.
I'm all for anything related to skirmishes. One of the things that got me hooked on the game early on, was the idea that I could sit down for 15-20 minutes, play a skirmish, and get a decent reward. They seemed like an excellent option for the more "casual" gamers among us. The new skirmish that's been added in with Module 1 is a great start, but I'd love to see more. I can't get enough skirmishes. I don't always want to play through an entire dungeon, and some of the higher-level skirmishes are almost as challenging as some dungeons, without the rewards. Having more skirmishes, or opening up "epic" versions of the previous skirmishes, would be greatly appreciated.
I'd absolutely love to see more dyes. I'm absolutely in favor of cosmetic items everywhere. Honestly, though, I'd love to see them stop selling "packs" and start just selling dyes by the bottle. Why should they force people to buy a four-pack of dyes for 100 Zen, when they could just sell each bottle for 25 Zen. Honestly, all it does is encourages people to go to the auction house for their dyes, where they're more likely to get ripped off. Sell them all by the bottle, and everybody's happy.
Alright, a few more:
Foundry: I'd like to see rewards tied more closely to the specific foundry quest. STO did a good thing (in my opinion) by getting rid of the foundry "wrapper" quest, and basing the rewards on the average time that players were spending in the quest. I think Neverwinter should be doing more than just following suit; we should be innovating. I'd also like to have the ability to put chests and/or skill nodes down in foundry missions, even if their contents were entirely driven by the amount of time that players were actively spending on the quest. That would definitely be a secondary goal, though.
Professions: I'd love to have the ability to continue to upgrade my workers all the way through the ranks, without buying any profession packs on the Zen store. I'd also love to see the uncommon profession assets added in as a rare item in the (invoking reward) "Blessed Profession Resource Pack". I don't want to derail this conversation, but it sort of feels like there's a bit of a pay-wall in the professions right now. If they could add in some way of gaining these items that isn't dependent on Zen, no matter how difficult or convoluted it was, it would be greatly appreciated.
Inventory: I'm mostly okay with the way that inventory works. Between the professions-inventory, and the currencies-inventory, we have it pretty good. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, here, because I'm actually surprised at how little pressure they're putting on us to buy bags, overall. That said, I think that an account-bank would be a good thing. Even if it were a system where we had to pay zen for every slot, I still think it would be worth-while.
Skills: I know this is probably a lot to ask, but I'd love to see an "arena", where we could experiment with new respecs, before we'd finalized them. They have this set up very well in CO. Having the same thing here would be amazing.