Well my guild fell apart. Most of the players I know have just quit. I intend to keep playing. I'm a little more casual than the average player. So I joined another guild and a week later the guild leader was perma banned for exploiting the sharandar sharable weekly quest.
So Onto a new guild. The new guild I'm in is a guild recovering from players quitting like my first guild.
Players have more stories of high end epiced out awesome players quitting the game than they do of players that are staying.. Or even enjoying the game. Alot of the players that are staying are all kinda mellow with no motivation. We dont stand a chance in hell of beating a Full MC run or even most T2's. Even though we are all 12k GS plus. Granted I'm a GF and not a useful class for PVE dungeons. But common already.
I've begun to realize the game punishes players more than it encourages "fun" play. Even if all the bugs and exploits where fixed in the game the game is just far too difficult for the casual players base that is actually staying to enjoy the game.
Throw in the Horrible class balance. CW teams own everything, other players HATE on GWF and GF as they provide little to the group.
And my own personal pet peeve, how many useless skills there are in the game that no player will ever use in PvP or PVE. Classes are cookie cutters and use only each classes best 3 encounters, 2 dailies and 2 at Wills. Give or take the optional +1 power that might be swapped in at times.
Devs need to take major action to save this game. Start by making dungeons more fun. Let casual but geared players enjoy an entire dungeon and just not farm half a dungeon. Next is class balance, makign the GF and GWF an essential part of the group.
I suggest in giving more team up abilities to GF, GWF and TR. LEt them be more powerful when working with certain members of other classes. (TR back stabing for more when teamed up with fighters over other TR's, GWF being able to really exploit a CW's ability to gather mobs. CW lines them up GWF mows em down... Ect) And this needs to be as effective as just using multiple CW's
my guild is awesome we are getting like 2-10 new people a week.
typically the sign of a healthy mmo is a ton of people predicting its doom
if the game was really doomed they would all me elsewhere.
though people seem to really want to hate NW probably cause of its licence
and people just seem to love crabbing about pwe and yet they still play.
Sometimes I think if pwe showed up gave us all 50$ cash tax free
someone would claim its proof they are a greedy corperation.
I have 7 characters at least one of each class.
I think the game is awesome they are adding more content fixing
a lot of bugs, pluging exploit holes pretty quick. Adding a ton of
new content and customizability. the servers feel full the AH is profitable
RP is very good, events are fun, the classes all feel balanced and yet different.
imho this is one of the best mmos ive ever played. and ive played
UO AO WOW COH LOTRO EVE Neocron, POTCO, Tabula rossa, DDO, TOR
and a few others....
Is real some people left, but there new 1 coming all the day. Just take a look at the low lvl map, there a lof of people. Look sharandar too, yesterday there was 22 channel whit 30-40 player inside. I think's only some heavy geared player left the game, since there nothing to do for them, almost all the item are BoP and the daily are boring Just need to wait for someother events or maybe for some new skill or class and the game will be full agin of people.
lolwut. yes really
best(fastest) CN/MC runs doesnt include GFs in it
baleriondrogonMember, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 53
edited September 2013
So far I'm really enjoying this game, wished I had played it earlier! I finally narrowed it down to which classes I like, next on my list is to find a good bunch of people to play the game with. Lvl 29 and loving it.
" I don't know half of you as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you as well as you deserve." -J.R.R. Tolkien
I’ve played this game every single day since shortly after open beta started (133 days if you’re interested) and I’m still enjoying it now as much as I ever did.
I still have goals in the game, and I have goals for once I’ve completed those goals. I’ve just crafted the Fabled weapons, and now my current goal is to craft a perfect vorpal enchantment.
I’ve been in a lot of top guilds, and I’ve seen a lot of people come and go, but there are still many people that I’ve played with since the very start who share my views and are still here despite the negativity.
My class has suffered numerous nerfs, and my builds have been destroyed. Yet I continue to find new ways to play and have fun. I respec all the time, always trying out new builds and more efficient ways to play.
thodsrMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 22Arc User
edited September 2013
I am a guild Leader, and we have a good 4 people a week come on and stay. None has left our guild cause we glitch or exploit cause that is a rule that we don't. Make people happy and they stay in the guild. Play the game the way it was made not the way you think it should be made and you will have fun.
This game is in no danger at all. Yes, the population has dropped. No, it is typical and nothing to be concerned about. Even if the player drop is at the massive levels all the hyperbole and doomsayers want to believe. The game STILL would have a larger population then STO. A game Cryptic still considers a big success and still worth investment and development on.
Even in the highly unlikely event NW slips in population below STO. It would take years to fall to CO levels. Even if that happened it would hardly be doom. Cryptic has said repeatedly the CO is still profitable and in no danger of closure
So predictions of doom are greatly exaggerated.
shaddaxMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 19Arc User
edited September 2013
I agree with the general consensus that the game is far from dead and would like to add that if the content created by Cryptic has grown stale to the casual player, please check out the foundry. There are a lot of great quests out there from very creative authors who would love nothing more then to hear your feed back and comments. At this point, the foundry fuels me and keeps me playing (and writing).
My one complaint about this game is that the foundry seems to take to much of a back seat to the Cryptic content. Us player-authors can pump out new content and make updates much faster then Cryptic can. I personally wish they would devote more resources to giving us better/more tools to entertain and inspire the players.
Just my $0.02
Author of "The Party" (NW-DD33IHKSH) A wall suddenly appears out of nowhere blocking your path. You turn to notice that the everyone has vanished, their cheers replaced with screams. Unsure what is happening, you decide its best you leave this 'party'... The Party
Ive played since day 1, but at this point in time log in to do my professions and
dailies. There are a few people in this post that remind me of a few guildies: They profess
that there are SO MANY things to do, and goals to accomplish.
With that said, how people do you know want:
1) To get a max level of every class
2) To complete every worthless achievement in the game
I can assure you thats less than the majority. My point is that claiming
that there are so many things to do at 60 is a ridiculous statement, because
not everyone has the desire to log in for hours every day for trivial content
(limited PvP, repetitive T2 dungeons, a failed GG format, etc).
Either way I wish them the best in keeping things going, but they really
need to do something more with things like pvp (open world or new maps/goals).
I agree with the general consensus that the game is far from dead and would like to add that if the content created by Cryptic has grown stale to the casual player, please check out the foundry. There are a lot of great quests out there from very creative authors who would love nothing more then to hear your feed back and comments. At this point, the foundry fuels me and keeps me playing (and writing).
My one complaint about this game is that the foundry seems to take to much of a back seat to the Cryptic content. Us player-authors can pump out new content and make updates much faster then Cryptic can. I personally wish they would devote more resources to giving us better/more tools to entertain and inspire the players.
Just my $0.02
Don't quote me on it, but I heard Module 2 will have a lot of emphasis on the foundry.
^^ Feel for you Bro, and can fully understand your frustration as i'm sure 1000's also can.
I played from early Beta weekends which required special Beta keys , althrough open Beta, playing a average of 6 to 8 hours a day, i am retired and have the time to do so.
The game at the start, beta weekends was a real breath of fresh air in the MMO world, everything looked so good, game play, graphics, combat etc etc it realy had no faults at all and looke very much like it was going to be the next realy big MMO everyone else would try to copy.
I think i have around 12 characters, all are over lvl 40, 6 are lvl 60 with fully capped gear and enchants, ioun stones etc. all earned through shear hard work, most were lvl'd during open beta all were geared through grinding dungeons how they are supposed to be run, I never bugged, glitched, terrain hopped any content, there was no need to and if i remember rightly there was not realy many actual bugs or exploits around at the time, the game was fun, there was 1000's of players online all the time everywere, everybody was loving the game,dungeons were worth doing even if you was geared well. most runs were done for fun and not rewards.
Even professions were well worth doing, you actualy got rewards for your work that helped you characters or alts, every thing in the game had a good reason to do it, all had rewards that made them worth doing in the first place.
Now these day, mainly since Module 1 came out and more because of the nightmare box mount bug and the way it was handled i maybe log once a week just to see if anything as changed, but alas it never has, just more things that dont work or are not worth the time or efort to start.
My guild had and still has 464 members, 3 months ago we used to regulaly run 2 teams doing dungeon runs all the time, it didnt matter wether it was DD or not we always hade teams running, somtimes in DD we had 4 teams running. There was always a minimum of 50 guild members onlin at any time, and at DD, peak times this would treable.
Now i log and i am the only one online. it does not matter wether it is EU or US peak times no one is on, even the 60+ players in my friends list have give up. In the past 3 weeks i have loged maybe 20 times and have only ever seen one other guildie online and after talking to him, he only loged for the same reason i did, to see if anything had been fixed or changed for the better, we chatted for about half an hour and he said near exactly what you have just posted and i'm sorry i had to agree.
Dont get me wrong i am not a 'hater' of the game, in fact totaly the oposite, i genuinly love the game, just hate at what it is slowly but surely becoming and like you said it had so much potential early on. i know they stated they had 2 million players at one point and if the game had been properly progressed from what it was like in open beta that could have easily been 4 million by now without a doubt.
all i can think of is sadness and sheer frustration to see what as happened within so little time
A lot portion of people are just on cruise control at the moment. Majority of players are not running the new dungeon Malabog's Castle because its either buggy, bad mechanics or mostly drops Rare(blue quality) items. When a lot of people get bored and don't have a dungeon to run they look to PvP. With only two maps and one type(Domination) pvp can get stale if you do it everyday all day for a few weeks/months. The midsummer event was an interesting event and a whole zone dedicated to it. The daily takes almost not time at all and unless you really want the gear/appearance items you won't be there more then 20-30min tops. Leveling is entirely way too fast.. Hell you can pretty much level up through Leadership if need be.
With that being said game has a lot of players still in it. Its got D&D + Forgotten Realms tied to it so there is endless possibilities.. including new exciting places to explore and dozens of new classes in the future.
I think Neverwinter will suffer some growing pains. I feel that PWE brought a big piggy bank to Cryptic and helped Champions really boost its content/items so I expect Neverwinter will deliver.. just not at the pace most players would like.
Its got D&D + Forgotten Realms tied to it so there is endless possibilities..
This is NOT D&D . they bought the rights to use the name, with a very limited licence to use certain pieces of content originaly from D&D obviously solely for marketing purposes to cash in on the fame huge fan base this had in the past.
so any of the "endless possibilities" they do come up with will be totaly of their own design and idea's.
"I think Neverwinter will suffer some growing pains!" yes i kind of agree, but its realy sad when 99% of them have been self inflicted by PWE themselves, countless bugs, exploits that ALL get reported about near enough instantly but are never acted upon, and yes i know many many people say they are busy with this or busy with that etc etc,
But when any new bug arrises that afects players possitivly , like game currency or the ability to make it, or anything concerning the smooth running of the Zen shop it gest fixed near enough instantly. But major bugs affecting basic gameplay from a players point of veiw are left for weeks, some months and months, we even still have in the game gear and feat issues from pre live lauch ! thats months and months ago and they seriously do affect pretty basic game play, now players have to adapt feats and build around what actualy works and not what they would like to use.
Yes it is. It's just another version of it. D&D has changed a great deal over time. This particular version feels a lot like the earliest ones but with a modern twist with the feats and paragons.
Yes it is. It's just another version of it. D&D has changed a great deal over time. This particular version feels a lot like the earliest ones but with a modern twist with the feats and paragons.
You are very delusional, this is NOT D&D it is NEVERWINTER running under the D&D banner which they paid for the privalage to use. they bought the name and the rights to use the name with a very limited licence to use certain aspects and lore from the original D&D series, They did NOT buy the game.
Two totaly different games from totaly different companys,This is NOT a 'version' and never will be a 'version' of the D&D series which as been clearly stated by PWE numerous tiimes in the past.
D&D is owned and was designed, published and run by a totaly different company altogether and as no affilation with PWE what so ever.
We can run most of the dungeons, although many people are still learning how to play their characters. We don't exploit the game (at least, when i'm in the party) and we have fun clearing them, even if it's our 50th pirate or the 45th full frozen heart.
Many people in my friendlist have left the game. Some new players joined it. I often see low GS players in T2s when i use the public queue and don't mind giving them some advices, provided they aren't autists and listen to what others say. I rarely have trouble finding a party with my DC, my CW or even my GF.
Many people like GFs in a party, it's handy. Not every team wants a GF and that's fine. People had to find a workaround, because not many people want to play a tank, and there is the same issue in every single MMO out there. Having control over aggro is a nice form of crowd control, and if some players underestimate it, it's their problem, not mine. A class not being extremely attractive doesn't mean it's underpowered, it means that many people don't want to do what this specific class can do. That's another issue. Blame people willing to be the hero instead of taking hits. GWFs should be fine as soon as unstoppable is fixed.
Of course, this game has several issues: exploits, very easy to gear up, not enough dungeons, not enough pvp content, but it's definitely not dungeons being hard (lol?) or some class balance issue.
axer128Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
lolwut. yes really
best(fastest) CN/MC runs doesnt include GFs in it
CN yes.
MC hell no.
Ultra differently designed dungeons result in different classes performing better.
Being MC has no kb kills for CWs to dominate, GFs AOE dps is quite solid. Yea it's a bit behind a gwf and cw, however the fact is the trash packs are quite a bit tougher than CNs, so having a GF keep them all steady while so the rest of the group can focus them down speeds up the killing.
Personally lead the dps meter by a wide margin against 100% of TR, and 99% of CW/GWFs on my GF for the first section of the dungeon. (Probably could the whole deal, but at the first boss I swap to knight captain set to ensure grp survivability over my own, which kills my dps).
Same goes for the bosses. Sure a rogue can tank them like in CN, however unlike in CN the rogues actually have alternate tasks to attend to (burst valindra), so it's better to have the GF tank.
You still are never gonna leave the TR, CW or DC out like you can for GF for a quick run, but the best grp imo for fastest MC atm is GF, TR, DC , 2x CW.
(Though you can replace one or both CWs here with more GF/GWF and still win unlike CN)
I think we will see more people when they release more paragons and classes. Some people are just waiting on that. Just because we are in a lull does not mean much at this stage. The true test will come when we see how many people come back when they release a bit more content.
a scene from lord of the rings comes to mind when denethor, son of ecthelion, sees the armies of mordor and assumes that rohan has abandoned them. he then says that theoden has betrayed him. as the first catapulted rock hits the white city, denethor begins commanding soldiers to abandon their posts, to flee for their lives!!
as he turns to look upon them, gandalf whacks him with his staff... not once, not twice but three times and commands the troops to prepare for battle.
it's unfortunate that you and others like you want everyone to run and flee for their lives on this allegedly sinking ship. this company has proven time and time again that they are dedicated and here for the long haul. i mean, look around you. look at the cut scenes and the trailers and the great expense that has transpired to bring you neverwinter.
i bring you a quote from jon schindehette, the creative director of wizards of the coast. this comes from the foreword found in the book "the art of dungeons & dragons: neverwinter":
about two years ago, i had the opportunity to sit across a table from joe jing, neverwinter's art lead, and his talented team, in what would turn out to be the first of many creative meetings focused on the development of the dungeons & dragons neverwinter game. along with dan gelon, our dungeons & dragons digital art director, we came to the table with a world dying to be explored. the next two years allowed us all to walk side-by-side through the amazingly wonderful world of dungeons & dragons - specifically through the halls of neverwinter and its surrounding land. joe and his team worked diligently to stay true to the world of dungeons & dragons and give fans a great game. we all sweated the details for hours and the end result - a true dungeons & dragons experience in neverwinter. take time to check out the hidden details while you explore. this is not simply a stage to kill a few orcs. this is an immersive world, and there is so much to discover. go forth and discover a contemporary vision of dungeons & dragons in neverwinter.
The sky isn't falling as much as these threads make out.
typically the sign of a healthy mmo is a ton of people predicting its doom
if the game was really doomed they would all me elsewhere.
though people seem to really want to hate NW probably cause of its licence
and people just seem to love crabbing about pwe and yet they still play.
Sometimes I think if pwe showed up gave us all 50$ cash tax free
someone would claim its proof they are a greedy corperation.
I have 7 characters at least one of each class.
I think the game is awesome they are adding more content fixing
a lot of bugs, pluging exploit holes pretty quick. Adding a ton of
new content and customizability. the servers feel full the AH is profitable
RP is very good, events are fun, the classes all feel balanced and yet different.
imho this is one of the best mmos ive ever played. and ive played
UO AO WOW COH LOTRO EVE Neocron, POTCO, Tabula rossa, DDO, TOR
and a few others....
Or that the $50 bill they got was creased or wrinkled...
aye, fo sho.
to the OP: hey man, valindra called. she says destroying neverwinter is her job.
lolwut? Not really.
lolwut. yes really
best(fastest) CN/MC runs doesnt include GFs in it
I still have goals in the game, and I have goals for once I’ve completed those goals. I’ve just crafted the Fabled weapons, and now my current goal is to craft a perfect vorpal enchantment.
I’ve been in a lot of top guilds, and I’ve seen a lot of people come and go, but there are still many people that I’ve played with since the very start who share my views and are still here despite the negativity.
My class has suffered numerous nerfs, and my builds have been destroyed. Yet I continue to find new ways to play and have fun. I respec all the time, always trying out new builds and more efficient ways to play.
Even in the highly unlikely event NW slips in population below STO. It would take years to fall to CO levels. Even if that happened it would hardly be doom. Cryptic has said repeatedly the CO is still profitable and in no danger of closure
So predictions of doom are greatly exaggerated.
My one complaint about this game is that the foundry seems to take to much of a back seat to the Cryptic content. Us player-authors can pump out new content and make updates much faster then Cryptic can. I personally wish they would devote more resources to giving us better/more tools to entertain and inspire the players.
Just my $0.02
A wall suddenly appears out of nowhere blocking your path. You turn to notice that the everyone has vanished, their cheers replaced with screams. Unsure what is happening, you decide its best you leave this 'party'...
The Party
dailies. There are a few people in this post that remind me of a few guildies: They profess
that there are SO MANY things to do, and goals to accomplish.
With that said, how people do you know want:
1) To get a max level of every class
2) To complete every worthless achievement in the game
I can assure you thats less than the majority. My point is that claiming
that there are so many things to do at 60 is a ridiculous statement, because
not everyone has the desire to log in for hours every day for trivial content
(limited PvP, repetitive T2 dungeons, a failed GG format, etc).
Either way I wish them the best in keeping things going, but they really
need to do something more with things like pvp (open world or new maps/goals).
Not everybody plays the game with a stopwatch running, and not every GF performs at the same level.
Don't quote me on it, but I heard Module 2 will have a lot of emphasis on the foundry.
I played from early Beta weekends which required special Beta keys , althrough open Beta, playing a average of 6 to 8 hours a day, i am retired and have the time to do so.
The game at the start, beta weekends was a real breath of fresh air in the MMO world, everything looked so good, game play, graphics, combat etc etc it realy had no faults at all and looke very much like it was going to be the next realy big MMO everyone else would try to copy.
I think i have around 12 characters, all are over lvl 40, 6 are lvl 60 with fully capped gear and enchants, ioun stones etc. all earned through shear hard work, most were lvl'd during open beta all were geared through grinding dungeons how they are supposed to be run, I never bugged, glitched, terrain hopped any content, there was no need to and if i remember rightly there was not realy many actual bugs or exploits around at the time, the game was fun, there was 1000's of players online all the time everywere, everybody was loving the game,dungeons were worth doing even if you was geared well. most runs were done for fun and not rewards.
Even professions were well worth doing, you actualy got rewards for your work that helped you characters or alts, every thing in the game had a good reason to do it, all had rewards that made them worth doing in the first place.
Now these day, mainly since Module 1 came out and more because of the nightmare box mount bug and the way it was handled i maybe log once a week just to see if anything as changed, but alas it never has, just more things that dont work or are not worth the time or efort to start.
My guild had and still has 464 members, 3 months ago we used to regulaly run 2 teams doing dungeon runs all the time, it didnt matter wether it was DD or not we always hade teams running, somtimes in DD we had 4 teams running. There was always a minimum of 50 guild members onlin at any time, and at DD, peak times this would treable.
Now i log and i am the only one online. it does not matter wether it is EU or US peak times no one is on, even the 60+ players in my friends list have give up. In the past 3 weeks i have loged maybe 20 times and have only ever seen one other guildie online and after talking to him, he only loged for the same reason i did, to see if anything had been fixed or changed for the better, we chatted for about half an hour and he said near exactly what you have just posted and i'm sorry i had to agree.
Dont get me wrong i am not a 'hater' of the game, in fact totaly the oposite, i genuinly love the game, just hate at what it is slowly but surely becoming and like you said it had so much potential early on. i know they stated they had 2 million players at one point and if the game had been properly progressed from what it was like in open beta that could have easily been 4 million by now without a doubt.
all i can think of is sadness and sheer frustration to see what as happened within so little time
With that being said game has a lot of players still in it. Its got D&D + Forgotten Realms tied to it so there is endless possibilities.. including new exciting places to explore and dozens of new classes in the future.
I think Neverwinter will suffer some growing pains. I feel that PWE brought a big piggy bank to Cryptic and helped Champions really boost its content/items so I expect Neverwinter will deliver.. just not at the pace most players would like.
This is NOT D&D . they bought the rights to use the name, with a very limited licence to use certain pieces of content originaly from D&D obviously solely for marketing purposes to cash in on the fame huge fan base this had in the past.
so any of the "endless possibilities" they do come up with will be totaly of their own design and idea's.
"I think Neverwinter will suffer some growing pains!" yes i kind of agree, but its realy sad when 99% of them have been self inflicted by PWE themselves, countless bugs, exploits that ALL get reported about near enough instantly but are never acted upon, and yes i know many many people say they are busy with this or busy with that etc etc,
But when any new bug arrises that afects players possitivly , like game currency or the ability to make it, or anything concerning the smooth running of the Zen shop it gest fixed near enough instantly. But major bugs affecting basic gameplay from a players point of veiw are left for weeks, some months and months, we even still have in the game gear and feat issues from pre live lauch ! thats months and months ago and they seriously do affect pretty basic game play, now players have to adapt feats and build around what actualy works and not what they would like to use.
too late
I hope so The Foundry has so much POTENTIAL!!
Yes it is. It's just another version of it. D&D has changed a great deal over time. This particular version feels a lot like the earliest ones but with a modern twist with the feats and paragons.
You are very delusional, this is NOT D&D it is NEVERWINTER running under the D&D banner which they paid for the privalage to use. they bought the name and the rights to use the name with a very limited licence to use certain aspects and lore from the original D&D series, They did NOT buy the game.
Two totaly different games from totaly different companys,This is NOT a 'version' and never will be a 'version' of the D&D series which as been clearly stated by PWE numerous tiimes in the past.
D&D is owned and was designed, published and run by a totaly different company altogether and as no affilation with PWE what so ever.
We can run most of the dungeons, although many people are still learning how to play their characters. We don't exploit the game (at least, when i'm in the party) and we have fun clearing them, even if it's our 50th pirate or the 45th full frozen heart.
Many people in my friendlist have left the game. Some new players joined it. I often see low GS players in T2s when i use the public queue and don't mind giving them some advices, provided they aren't autists and listen to what others say. I rarely have trouble finding a party with my DC, my CW or even my GF.
Many people like GFs in a party, it's handy. Not every team wants a GF and that's fine. People had to find a workaround, because not many people want to play a tank, and there is the same issue in every single MMO out there. Having control over aggro is a nice form of crowd control, and if some players underestimate it, it's their problem, not mine. A class not being extremely attractive doesn't mean it's underpowered, it means that many people don't want to do what this specific class can do. That's another issue. Blame people willing to be the hero instead of taking hits.
Of course, this game has several issues: exploits, very easy to gear up, not enough dungeons, not enough pvp content, but it's definitely not dungeons being hard (lol?) or some class balance issue.
CN yes.
MC hell no.
Ultra differently designed dungeons result in different classes performing better.
Being MC has no kb kills for CWs to dominate, GFs AOE dps is quite solid. Yea it's a bit behind a gwf and cw, however the fact is the trash packs are quite a bit tougher than CNs, so having a GF keep them all steady while so the rest of the group can focus them down speeds up the killing.
Personally lead the dps meter by a wide margin against 100% of TR, and 99% of CW/GWFs on my GF for the first section of the dungeon. (Probably could the whole deal, but at the first boss I swap to knight captain set to ensure grp survivability over my own, which kills my dps).
Same goes for the bosses. Sure a rogue can tank them like in CN, however unlike in CN the rogues actually have alternate tasks to attend to (burst valindra), so it's better to have the GF tank.
You still are never gonna leave the TR, CW or DC out like you can for GF for a quick run, but the best grp imo for fastest MC atm is GF, TR, DC , 2x CW.
(Though you can replace one or both CWs here with more GF/GWF and still win unlike CN)
-Epic Dread Vault Crushed.
Characters (Dragon): Axer (60 Guardian, Leader of Crush It!), Controller (60 Wizard), Warlocker (60 Warlock)
a scene from lord of the rings comes to mind when denethor, son of ecthelion, sees the armies of mordor and assumes that rohan has abandoned them. he then says that theoden has betrayed him. as the first catapulted rock hits the white city, denethor begins commanding soldiers to abandon their posts, to flee for their lives!!
as he turns to look upon them, gandalf whacks him with his staff... not once, not twice but three times and commands the troops to prepare for battle.
it's unfortunate that you and others like you want everyone to run and flee for their lives on this allegedly sinking ship. this company has proven time and time again that they are dedicated and here for the long haul. i mean, look around you. look at the cut scenes and the trailers and the great expense that has transpired to bring you neverwinter.
i bring you a quote from jon schindehette, the creative director of wizards of the coast. this comes from the foreword found in the book "the art of dungeons & dragons: neverwinter":
see you in-game.