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  • That is precisely where the problem is, for the protector's capstone to be trully viable, you need to slot in Guarded Assault. Changing it so that it reduced damage everytime you guard an attack (just like the Distracting Shield heroic feat) would open space for the other class features and would be more synergic with the…
  • It's there, you just have to try a little harder ;)
  • I'm just going to leave here a simple sugestion that may make the Protector tree more appealing: Why don't we change the Protector's tree capstone feat so that in addition to reducing the attacker's damage, it also enhances block so that it blocks 100% of the incoming damage? It's just a simple sugestion, no flaming…
  • No, the Halfling effect will not deny the CC, about that you're just wrong or blalantly making things up. The only race I ever saw deny a prone in game was Dwarf with their passive (wich is pretty good indeed). I'll bet that this was due to a weird interaction between the imunity provided by fox shift (wich is supposed to…
  • Please delete, double-post by mistake.
  • GWF's full Cerimonial Armor in Ethereal Skies Dye: Front Back
  • Yes, and that is exactly how Roar should work, it was never meant to be more than what it currently is on preview a plain and simple interrupt that helps building determination (and generate aggro when it comes to pve) No, Roar was op due to being bugged, it did a lot of stuff thay it shouldn't be doing from silencing to…
  • You do have a point there, but, here is a quote from Gentlemancrush, a game developer, about Roar, please read it: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?674281-So-is-Roar-supposed-to&p=8015091&viewfull=1#post8015091 It's recent but took me a while to find it xD Hope that it helps sheding some light on why,…
  • Yes, it is, the difference is that mobs won't ever complain if it's broken or not. Wich it is. Indeed, and, has I have already stated, I have no objections in this regard. Yes, I am because that particular skill affects the hole pvp picture. When dueling a GWF, yes, it makes THAT BIG of a difference. Roar has been broken…
  • LoL, no, have you ever been on the recieving end of Roar? The biased view is not wanting it to get fixed....it's beyond broken <-- admitted by Devs. And currently being abused by many gwf's in pvp. Nobody asked to remove Roar, just to fix it. If it is already (and I quote you on that) "only a slight mitigation in PVE"…
  • Like I said, none of the fixes he asked for affect PVE. Roar does more that it's intended to do, it's currently game-breaking bugged and trully needs to be addressed. It wouldn't affect the PVE side of it because It would still interrupt mobs and generate determination. Healing Depression doesn't exist in PVE so, it'…
  • None of the bugs referenced by him affect PVE. and TR's are already one of the least desired classes in PVE so, actually they do need some love in that department. Currently TR's rely on perma/semi-perma builds because their damage was nerfed into oblivion, bringing it back up would actually make them move a bit away from…
  • I think that my definition of micro-transactions is a bit different from PWE's.....
  • I believe you have missed the point of the thread. I have absolutely no problem with my dps, didn't come here asking for help with it, and honestly I couldn't care less if someone or some class deals more damage than me on a dungeon run for as long as I feel like I'm able to do my job. I created this thread because as you…
  • I have actually, just yesterday, started a thread about this very same issue, I'll link it here just so you guys have an idea on how amazing the Thunderhead armor enchant isn't: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?687041-Thunder-nothing
  • Amazing! In PVP, the target's HP's are somewhere between 22K and 40K in PVE the target's HP goes much higher. 400 damage points and a small stun on a 40% chance to proc on recieving a Crit (wich is also chance based) and only once a minute can hardly be considered has "damage" or "usefull" xD