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What is the Arc Client?
Install Arc


  • Can anyone confirm that it is now working correctly?
  • Hi all, If you are experiencing a crash in the Neverwinter Launcher, please post the error number that CrypticError gives along with your problem report. That allows Cryptic developers to see, on our side, what kind of crash you experienced. We might be able to use that information to narrow down exactly what is going…
  • I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems thunderfoot23. Can you tell what the error number reported by CrypticError is?
  • I agree with astazia here. aralix, your nettest and tracert look fine, so I think your basic connectivity is OK. So I think you should see if you still have the issue with a hard connection, instead of using wireless. Wireless is a notorious cause of lag. Let me know if that helps or doesn't help. By the way, you should…
  • Hi jazzjynx, Cryptic programmer here. I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble patching up. This sounds like some sort of a network or Internet connectivity issue. If you are still having problems, please respond with the following information: 1) Download and run http://download.perfectworld.com/CrypticNetTest.exe,…
  • Hi tehpeej. I'm a programmer at Cryptic. I'm really sorry to hear that you're having trouble getting in. About 12-24 hours ago, there was an issue that affected some users where their patch would get near the end but be unable to complete. At 1:30 PM PDT (UTC-0700) today (about six hours ago) we made a change that should…
  • Hi guys, Cryptic programmer here. I'm sorry to hear that you guys are having trouble patching up to get into the game. The first thing you should do is head over to Tech Support and file a ticket so our troubleshooting team can help figure out what's going on ASAP. If you are seeing errors about reading files, you should…
  • Hi guys, Cryptic programmer here. I'm sorry to hear that you guys can't get in. What error number are you getting? CrypticError should give this to you, at the screen that says "please tell us what happened."
  • Here's an alternative approach recommended by one of the players. Instead of closing TeamViewer completely, you can just exclude Neverwinter.exe from TeamViewer QuickConnect. That way, you won't have to close TeamViewer every time you start up Neverwinter. 1) Bring up Teamviewer 2) Go to "Extras" (top-righthand side of the…