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  • That probably depends a lot on why you play games to begin with, and why this one attracted you're attention. Not much of an MMO player myself, only played a handful over the years, and this is quickly turning into one of the ones I've stuck with the longest. Essentially, I think I can sum it up like this: 1) I'm a casual…
  • Why not both? Reward authors with featured quests with additional slots, and make slots available for the rest of us to purchase? I'm only working on my second foundry myself, but additional slots is something I might actually consider paying for, especially as I fill them up. (I definitely wouldn't want to delete a quest…
  • Sorry, but I wouldn't at all be interested in that. If you want 100% original content - then create your own game with the programs and tools out there to do so. That's not what the foundry is for. It's for making new quests in the NW world - and I don't think I've played two foundries I felt looked alike once, let alone…
  • @ eldarth: Man, I would love to be able to copy maps from quest to quest. That was one of the limitations I was trying to circumvent by copying the quest to begin with. @ imaginaerum1: The NPCs were the other reason I made the copy. I wanted to be able to use the same characters again. I like the idea of being able to send…
  • Look forward to those changes. A reduction of the repetitive phrases in hotspots will definitely help.
  • Ok, I laughed pretty hard over that. :D Just had to say. I agree, though. I mean, I was pretty amused the first time it was said. But it gets annoying fast. Especially in areas where there's a lot of spawn/respawning. I don't have half as many problems with Man-at-Arms posing as the Wayward Wizard constantly pointing and…
  • Even though I ended up using quest goals because of needing other things to happen at the same time, in Treasure of Lost Cove I set up the dungeon cell doors to only open in a certain order by layering a static door over an openable one. The locked versions only disappear upon component complete of the openable cell door…
  • I seriously doubt PWE is ever going to allow free zen to be given out for any kind of achievement. AD, maybe though. Since the achievements include playing and reviewing different quests, it might encourage some people to stop replaying the same ones at least. From what I've read, though, not very many people seem to be…
  • I voted 7. I'm not a regular MMO player, so I have little experience to draw on as far as MMOs go. What MMOs I've dabbled in have tended to lose my interest within a month, sending me back to other forms of gaming. Neverwinter has kept me around for a couple months now, so the base content while leveling up I have to say…
  • Contest and Events are completely different from dailies. People choose whether to do dailies or spend their time on an event, yes. Some people like one event over an other as well. I barely visited Seige enough to do some of the fights, before leaving to do other things. I played for hours in the Summer Festival, long…
  • Thank-you, everyone. I was wondering how that worked. I can sort of see why they wanted featured quests uneditable, considering you could change it completely. But if it turns out there's a glitch or something like that after the fact, that would be kind of a pain to never be able to fix it. Glad to know you don't lose…
  • Oh, it wasn't just your reply. I've actually heard it said a lot, including during in-game zone chats. So I was curious (as I'm still leveling my toons) why companions seemed to have such a bad rep.
  • Interesting reading this. I'm kind of curious about those who say companions aren't worth it - Can anyone tell me what type of equipment did you give your companions, and how high of runestones before quitting for an augment? I'm almost level 50 on my HR, and was going to save up AD to upgrade my companions. Except in…
  • I'm not talking about the foundry in general. Those are whole other issues. I'm talking about the contest - which is a cryptic run event.
  • Actually, what the OP was saying was there was an event going on already. The Foundry Contest. And it didn't seem fair to run other events at the same time. How would people have felt if they'd run the Seige Event the same time as the Summer Festival? Probably pretty put out. To those who do play the foundry, and…
  • I'd like to add my voice for the foundry getting an overhaul and new content as well. It's one of my favorite features of the game, and it deserves some attention.
  • Event areas, not permanent areas. As I'm guessing Tiamat is going to be an event, not a permanent. And there's very good reasons for wanting it. If an event area is meant for everyone, then of course the drops aren't going to be the high end drops the level 60s want, because you aren't going to hand it out in an area where…
  • Seperate event areas/dungeons/bosses based on level. I think you end up with complaints about difficulty and loot because you have level 10 fighting the same boss as level 60 in events. The regular content dungeons are seperated. Sure, a level 60 can run the Blackdagger Keep, but they know they're playing for content, not…
  • I love the idea of a Community Foundry Contest. Not sure I'll participate yet as I'm still learning how to work the foundry and am pretty slow at it. I love the concept though, and I'd love to see some quests based on it.
  • The lack of notes about updates to the Foundry is pretty ridiculous. I don't know about anyone else, but my maps are now loading without entering 3-D editor, so they obviously did some fixes. It would be nice to know what. In one way the idea of the foundry having it's own token system is interesting (and I think it's been…
  • Personally time-scaled rewards are one of the asked for foundry fixes I don't want. I'd much prefer the ability to save progress over time-scaled rewards. Look at the daily dungeons. You have groups who explore and find all the hidden caches, and ones who only care about running through it as fast as possible to finish the…
  • Charging for foundry content is bad for everyone involved. Not only will it cause a rift among the foundry authors, the simple fact is there's not enough of a target audience for it. The foundry authors as a whole seem to be a small percentage of the gamers. And it seems like at least half of us would never buy into…
  • I can't help it if I'm old. :p In fact, gnomes weren't a playable race in the edition I first played. But the version I played years later, they were a core race and my second reason stands either way: I just like gnomes.
  • I voted gnome as well. As others had said, it's a core D&D race. (Plus I'm fond of gnomes.)
  • Thank-you, everyone. Definitely gonna try these out.
  • There's three difficulty levels for encounters in the foundry, so there are "levels" <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Personally, while I don't think it should be required to list a level, I'm in favor of doing so. And much more likely to play a foundry that does so (or mentions whether it's intended for solo, solo w/…
  • Welcome to sales, game world or real world. People will buy for whoever has the lowest price, even if it's one red cent. The simple fact is, if your item isn't selling, then your price isn't right. Period. If you literally have people undercutting you to the point your item doesn't sell, the problem isn't 1 AD. If they're…
  • More gorgeous work to oogle. Please keep pictures coming. (That settles it, I'm totally redoing the map for my own foundry quest)
  • I like that idea. Or, for those of us who've already started, it would be fun to have "origin" quests like they have "class" quests. Either to travel to the city you picked as origin or, since that would be a lot of additional areas, just to help someone who's supposed to come from the same city and that you would then…
  • Neutral Good Human Druid/Ranger (2nd/2nd Level) Though according to my scores, I only missed a dwarf by one point. Never played a Druid in any game, tabletop or otherwise, but I do play a ranger, so I guess it works.