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How would you rate this game out of 10?



  • oicidrazoicidraz Member Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    What this graph shows me is, on the whole, most people enjoy the game enough to give it a solid 7. With a small group of bitter players angry at the game or company, but unable to move on, causing the spike at 3.

    Yes, most people gave a 7, but if you only see that then you are not seeing the real picture, with 120 votes the average is: 5.9, that's not so good, if I'm try to find a new game to play and I see a 5.9/10 I won't feel very attracted.

    And if you read the replies, almost everyone feel that the game is becoming worse and worse, even guys that voted 6 and 7 said that.

    If you ask me to summarize this topic I would say:
    • The average score is 5.9/10.
    • Most people agree that the game is increasingly getting worse.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    8/10, they have come a long way in fixing many of the exploits and disasters that was beta. I minus a point for the clumsy design of campaigns, there is way too much currency, too much content like skirmishes and dungeons is gated, and way too much RNG. I minus one other point for pvp, it could be balanced better by toning down a few OP skills while at the same time improving less used skills to provide alternatives, and the poor state of low level pvp due high level enchantments like perfects and rank 10s being allowed to be used there.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Well when the customer service people dont care about what you submitted a ticket for the game rating goes down. If they would have fixed my problem i would have rated it higher but when you rate a game you need to rate customer service/satisfaction as well.

    Yep. I had to file a complaint with the BBB about their false-advertising to get my blue skeletal dog that was promised during a livestream a couple weeks ago. They really don't seem to care what the marketing department claims or does most of the time.
  • thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    What this graph shows me is, on the whole, most people enjoy the game enough to give it a solid 7. With a small group of bitter players angry at the game or company, but unable to move on, causing the spike at 3.

    I gave it 3 now. I m one of early beta testers - 7 or 8 at that time. played it till it went live and game had great potencial but required good quality of work both on accual development and work with community. Came back at mod 2/3. Was pretty big game at that time. Quality was still decent but content was so so - a lot of repeating dailies but there was still a challange and it was more invest in fashion and extra rather then buy completed content. did my share in preview testing of mod 4. Was one of many who pointed defects with design of balance and content. Also what killed my was dragonborn sale. so even if I stay with game due to first innitial impression this game does not make me want to invest in it due to low quality of promisses and way it goes.
  • samothrace22samothrace22 Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Well when the customer service people dont care about what you submitted a ticket for the game rating goes down. If they would have fixed my problem i would have rated it higher but when you rate a game you need to rate customer service/satisfaction as well.
    I had a guy that was going to trade me his tensers disk for my Perfect vorpal and 3 rank 10's, and when i put my trade stuff in there and he put nothing in i declined and thought i got all my stuff back but 15 minutes later i check my inventory and my Perfect Vorpal is gone something is wrong.The guy is a hacker or something went wrong with the trade coding either way i felt cryptic should have replaced the item and they basically but politely tell me to **** off. Just like the time during the 2x refine weekend i was making a rank 9 to a 10 and used a pres ward and it took both, My rank 9 and the pres ward and they said there is a known bug and they are looking in to it and still haven't got my rank 9 back.
    So when this kind of stuff happens on a regular basis it is hard to tell between quality and enjoyment.

    I've had similar things happen to me but never with such valuable items. That really stinks and scares me at the same time
    Trickster Rogue
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    probably a 8 if we consider 5 to be an average game, it's one of my favorites MMO's Iveplayed, but there's plenty of room for improvement.
  • zshikarazshikara Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I vote 9/10. I didn't start back at launch, and I question why some of you in this thread even still play if you hate the game so badly.

    I personally love the game. The end game is fun and there is always something to do no matter how much or how little time I have to play. It has a huge D&D flavor which I am addicted to.

    My only real complaints right now are the dragon HE timers for the TOD campaign. I don't believe waiting is ever a fun mechanic. I want to be doing something every second I am logged in. Waiting in a queue for something though is unfortunately understandable due to the nature of multiplayer. I also have an issue where the mail icon at the top of the screen is unreliable. It'll always stay lit up as if I have new mail even if I don't. So I just check my mail randomly throughout the day. Not a big deal, but still annoying.

    I do not like the elitist community this game has, but luckily legit exists and my guild is awesome too. If Legit wasn't around I probably would have quit shortly after hitting 60 on my cleric.
    Tired of running dungeons with exploiters and cheaters? Join the legit channel by visiting http://goo.gl/1zfnTS to apply!
    Performing ritual pony sacrifices to Tiamat to earn favor with the RNG Gods since 2014.
  • arontimesarontimes Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    reiwulf wrote: »
    probably a 8 if we consider 5 to be an average game, it's one of my favorites MMO's Iveplayed, but there's plenty of room for improvement.
    Most people have been brainwashed into a four-point scale where there are only four possible ratings:

    10 - Very Good
    9 - Good
    8 - Average
    7 and lower - Poor

    Using this scale, I'd give Neverwinter a 9/10. However, I like to think that 5 equals average, so I gave Neverwinter a 7/10, like you did.
    Member of Grievance.

    Taking a break from Neverwinter indefinitely...
  • cheesegromitcheesegromit Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Well when the customer service people dont care about what you submitted a ticket for the game rating goes down. If they would have fixed my problem i would have rated it higher but when you rate a game you need to rate customer service/satisfaction as well.
    So when this kind of stuff happens on a regular basis it is hard to tell between quality and enjoyment.

    Vote based on whatever criteria you see fit, let's call this a customer satisfaction survey. I'm just suggesting that based on previous experience the spike in lower votes is from people voting based more on their current enjoyment, because their view of the game is directly related to that.
  • petestarkspetestarks Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    It is an interesting phenomenon to see people voting based on how things used to be rather than how things are. Lots of I give my bank account a 9/10, but that was before I paid my monthly bills and now we are looking like a 3/10 while I eat pocket lint until payday type posts :)

    To the topic I think the main thing this thread tells us we mostly have two groups of people. One group has been around since the start and sees it as a steady decline into the mess we have now. Then we have the second group who missed the "good ol' days" and thinks this is more or less the norm. I am sure in time that 2nd group will merge with anyone left from the first group as fresh bodies get sucked it...

    I just really hope someone reads this shotgun blast of bad feedback that is sprayed all over the forum and decides to try and repair the damage before it is too late.
  • danatiel886danatiel886 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    If I am to give it a truly objective and honest rating, comparing to other games, lost potential in many aspects and bunch of bugs, I would give it a 6. I like though as if it was a 9.
    Don't look at me like that! That thing made a move at me!
  • ysil6969ysil6969 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    petestarks wrote: »
    It is an interesting phenomenon to see people voting based on how things used to be rather than how things are. Lots of I give my bank account a 9/10, but that was before I paid my monthly bills and now we are looking like a 3/10 while I eat pocket lint until payday type posts :)

    To the topic I think the main thing this thread tells us we mostly have two groups of people. One group has been around since the start and sees it as a steady decline into the mess we have now. Then we have the second group who missed the "good ol' days" and thinks this is more or less the norm. I am sure in time that 2nd group will merge with anyone left from the first group as fresh bodies get sucked it...

    I just really hope someone reads this shotgun blast of bad feedback that is sprayed all over the forum and decides to try and repair the damage before it is too late.

    That's a pretty broad assumption. I've been around since beta and I voted a 7. What this shows is not everyone here thinks the games in just a dismal state of disrepair that a lot of steady complainers think it is.
  • sr2normandysr2normandy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 56
    edited September 2014

    Gameplay: 9/10
    Devs feedback: 9/10
    Bugs/Issues: 3/10
    Upgrade frequency: 9/10
    AD sellers prevention: 5/10
    Compare to other MMOs: 9/10
    F2P model: 10/10

    So, in total I rate NW 8/10!!! Potential to have 10 out of 10 is here...
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    zshikara wrote: »
    I vote 9/10. I didn't start back at launch, and I question why some of you in this thread even still play if you hate the game so badly.

    I like my characters, my guild, and I believe many of problems today's can be solved in the short / medium term. things like the "new" gwf-sprint animation dont have reason to exist.
  • huajia2huajia2 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I voted 7. I'm not a regular MMO player, so I have little experience to draw on as far as MMOs go. What MMOs I've dabbled in have tended to lose my interest within a month, sending me back to other forms of gaming. Neverwinter has kept me around for a couple months now, so the base content while leveling up I have to say is very good. (I'm most definitely a PVE player, however, and one that tends to play solo at that.) As a working adult, as well, I like the aspect of the Gateway and Sword Coast Adventures for when I'm not near my laptop. And, despite it's multitude of troubles, I have a deep love of the foundry.

    It doesn't get a higher vote, however, because:

    There are persistant, unfixed bugs. (The foundry has list fulls, my mail also lights up with no new mail, and of the tech issues I've personally encountered, one hasn't been addressed, one was fixed but never announced fixed, and one I was given the solution to by a fellow player on the forum.)

    It's hard for someone without a guild to have a truly enjoyable dungeon run. Too many dungeon runners who don't bother to look for other content, and who never say one word to one another. (I've only had two positive experiences with teaming up with fellow players. One, sadly, was a dungeon we ended up failing, but was enjoyable because there was actually conversation and P&Qs going on.)

    Frankly, as a gamer, even though not a MMO gamer, I feel like you level up your character too fast (gear completely seperate matter). You literally tend to already be passed the suggested level for a dungeon by the time you finish the section and earn it. Play any events, foundry quests, ect, and you tend to out-level even the regular quest contest before you even get to it. I've only ever played two dungeons (Two and a half with the failed one) because I was above the level by then and couldn't queue, so just skipped over them.

    There is a horrible amount of spammers, especially in main areas like PE.
  • lewel555lewel555 Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I voted four.
    There are too many flaws for a game where nothing had to be created. The world was already there, the locations, the chars, the lore. This game is only about implementation, and this implementation is questionable by any point of view.
    It is a recent game, but it did not avoid all the well-known concerns of older MMOs.
    It did not bring much in terms of innovation either. The Foundry yes, the idea is nice but it has way too many limitations and not much has been improved since Beta for the foundry writers.
  • leedskalninleedskalnin Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I say 3/10, 8/10 without the AD Exchange.
  • myowmyowmyowmyow Member Posts: 1,923 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    petestarks wrote: »
    It is an interesting phenomenon to see people voting based on how things used to be rather than how things are. Lots of I give my bank account a 9/10, but that was before I paid my monthly bills and now we are looking like a 3/10 while I eat pocket lint until payday type posts :)

    To the topic I think the main thing this thread tells us we mostly have two groups of people. One group has been around since the start and sees it as a steady decline into the mess we have now. Then we have the second group who missed the "good ol' days" and thinks this is more or less the norm. I am sure in time that 2nd group will merge with anyone left from the first group as fresh bodies get sucked it...

    I just really hope someone reads this shotgun blast of bad feedback that is sprayed all over the forum and decides to try and repair the damage before it is too late.

    Human nature is to ***** and complain. I see it all the time as an HR Manager. One of the most important parts of any good supervisory training program is encouraging supervisors to "praise" the good things their people do - this seems to be one of the hardest traits to instill in all people. A vast majority of supervisors only point out the mistakes because it seems to be the way most people are programmed.

    Because of this, I think a lot of people still like the game quite a bit, but just complain when something in the game does not go the way they want it. Heck, I have seen several examples of some people liking a change in the game while another group hates it! I kind of feel sorry for the devs trying to please everyone, because it will never happen.

    That being said, the bugs and glitches SHOULD be top priority for the devs. Forget about the petty "I hate this update" <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, because for every person that hates and update, there is going to be someone who likes it. Fixing the bugs and glitches is critical to maintaining gaming happiness long-term.
    SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! (repeat indefinitely)

    myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
    pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
    looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
  • hfgtfsdfshfgtfsdfs Member Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Looking at the game overall I would say

    Beta: Strong 8
    M2: 7
    M3: 6
    M4: 4
  • silence1xsilence1x Member Posts: 1,503 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I voted 7

    I agree with most thoughts above mine. I have chosen to dump some money into the game but I think their pricing really needs to be looked at again. I understand the pay wall and how a business is run (gotta make money) but the #1 rule in running a business (at least one that isn't publicly traded) is to address customer concerns.

    I would just like more frequent answers to issues that people post about. I'd rather see "Yes we know about this issue and are actively pursuing a resolution" than nothing at all. If the devs can't fix something right away - no problem. Most of us are adults in the working world so we understand priorities that our bosses thrust upon us and what the bottom line is - money.

    Combat system - best I've seen in a a long time. Some animations could be tweaked to activate faster but overall very nice setup.

    Graphics are good but need some tweaking. I shouldn't have to constantly change my video card settings (one year old card) just to run MC. I only have issues in MC and IWD (epic HEs and the inherent zerg fest).

    Audio - Great sound effects and music. The voice actors are great! Would love to hear Patrick Stewart's voice in-game :)

    Quality of Life issues, while not game breaking, just keep up the perception that the devs either don't hear us or there are too few to fix the little things. Bugs on patch day should be the exception not the rule especially since a lot of us run stuff on Preview. You get free testing, we get to see the new stuff. Leverage that to the fullest extent possible. Help us to help you.

    I do applaud the steps taken to correct the ZAX. Last night I checked and it was 837K/500. MUCH better than 13mil/500 from just a few weeks ago. Nicely done.

    I still believe that PvE and PvP need to be separated in terms of changes made to classes. Dont' nerf something to quell the PvP'ers that totally screws up PvE. Typically, we're two different kinds of players so the "fixes" should be different as well.

    Give us time between the grinds to catch up. I know that WotC are dictating the schedule and that it gives you little time between modules. I too work under (sometimes unrealistic) deadlines. However, moving forward, if you know that you have a short window between modules, please decrease the number of days needed to grind thru the current module. Example - while IWD was a grind at 35 days, it's NOTHING compared to ToD. With module 5 already announced to hit in October, do you really wonder why people are complaining about the grind? The fourth and fifth ToD boons SHOULD be hard to get but not so hard that they overlap module 5 by weeks for most people.

    Final thoughts - great game with a few QoL issues and some logistics problems that can be solved but you need to let us know that you're actually hearing what we say. If you can only do ONE thing, do the RIGHT thing. I'll let you figure out what that is for you.
    I aim to misbehave
  • leillannaleillanna Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I've been playing on and off since launch. The game has it's good parts but are well overshadowed by the bad. I gave 5/10. Once IWD hit it has been all downhill. I am hoping they go a different direction with Rise of Tiamat. Again Cryptic is presented with an opportunity to shine. Will they? Or will they implement more dailies, more enchants that have NO business in this game and make drops virtually impossible to get? We'll see.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Eilistraee zhal zuch tlu wun ussta xukuth.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    The continued grind has dropped the value of this game significantly for me, and in a very short time, I would say I was having a blast when I started playing near a year ago before mod 2 was released and I enjoyed mod 2 alot up to mod 3 and during it, I was having loads of fun in pvp as well, but now its all broken.

    Too many dailies just kills it for me, pvp being a little borked out isnt good either.

    I would say right now the game is about a 5 out of ten maybe.

    They could solve most of my complaints by simply adding cult secrets and sigals into the new skirm and dd, so we dont have to do the stupid dailies any more.

    Please for the love of the game, at least do that for us.
  • frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    silence1x wrote: »
    I do applaud the steps taken to correct the ZAX. Last night I checked and it was 837K/500. MUCH better than 13mil/500 from just a few weeks ago. Nicely done.

    Tbh I would've said nicely done had they fixed thing thing that caused the rise before it reached up to 15m backlog. That's not exactly what I'd say though.

    As with everyone else, I still thank you for the feedback.
  • thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    petestarks wrote: »
    It is an interesting phenomenon to see people voting based on how things used to be rather than how things are.

    There are too much of issues that are acceptable for beta but not for 1 year old game. They did fix a bunch of stuff but it took forever to do and even just to admit their existence. Plus making new stuff with same flaws is not good. That is why people who played here for long don't give it good grades. We indeed lost a lot of faith in game since we know how it operates for longer then newcomers. Also we stick here cause of all time/money we invested. And in memory of good time we did had here. Simple as that. So this credit of trust is just running out but has not reached bottom yet.
  • galahad01galahad01 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    GoodDay All,
    silence1x wrote: »
    I still believe that PvE and PvP need to be separated in terms of changes made to classes. Dont' nerf something to quell the PvP'ers that totally screws up PvE. Typically, we're two different kinds of players so the "fixes" should be different as well.

    I like this quote as it deals with the broad spectrum, I don't deal with PvP, just doesn't appeal to me but the comment holds true, The player base ( PvE, PvP ) are 2 different animals changes to one should not trickle over into the other, for none other than the ease of applying of the changes.

    And this quote also applies to the player base as well , we have a lot of people here giving their opinions good, bad or a mix of both, but in reading these concerns don't make things even easier to obtain then from the norm. And what I mean by that is if it was never intended to be able to obtain something from certain areas previously, then don't put them in now just to please the huddled masses.

    All this will do is allow the hard-core farmers to get stuff that much faster and easier and flood the AH with even more stuff. Lets face it the Hard-Core player base are going to farm stuff regardless of what the Devs do just don't make it even easier.

    I would ask this,

    Why, when you look in you campaign items for SoT and LoL runs does the items say Bind on Equip, but then when you get them they then say Bound to Character? Now these aren't that special an item that I would keep them and some I can't use anyways, so why not let them be salvaged/Auctioned, as they would not commend that many A.D. on the A.H. anyways.

    However the Haarl's Treastie that we have to actually " Work/farm " for and in all fairness should be bound we are able to buy in from the vendor and then throw it on the A.H. for an Bloated and Inflated A.D. price on the auction. So now the hard core farmers can place even more on the A.H. and kill the in game Economy even more.

    It's like you ( Devs ) code and want to self perpetuate the bad economy. I just find that odd.

    Cheers, Thx for reading.

    " May The Wind be Always At Your Back "
  • baddeedsbaddeeds Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 74
    edited September 2014
    well i would just like to add one thing

    When i started playing the game . i loved it . felt unique and player friendly . Now it just feels like you have to grind grind and grind to get stuff . Or have to use real money to buy it . for example : the tyranny campain books . 100 signals ? that is just so unfair . feels like they just want you to buy them or grind for it( grinding drop rate is so low you feel like just quitting ) . Well devs i just want to say this " To make the game better you need to take constant feedback from the players .They are the soul of the game like you are the body of the game . the body and soul have to have a deep connection for someone to live . The same way the game will live if the players are heard and some new changes are made according to there wishes . please stop the grind fest . 30 - 40 days to unlock a zone . which makes it sooooooooo boring eventually you start to loose interest . please try to make this game more fun with more open pvp areas . larger pvp dominations . more balanced pvp ques .....
    1. Takes some points from other mmos make some new content according to what actually players want .

    2. Make the drop rates a little better .

    3. The open pvp areas should have better drop rates and drops which are more pvp oriented

    4. The pve content needs a little fix ( The zen keys for T4 should have atleast have a better drop rate . In skirmishes the zen key chests has worse drop rates then the normal free chests . Also same issue in Dungeon chests ).

    5. Would be awesome if there are large guild battles . like in PWI . But with daily battle then weekly super battles .

    6. Leadership boards should have resets after a little while . with top players getting some type of rewards . which would make the dominations more fun .

    7. the list will go on ........................ but nothing is going to change so i would just stop here . GL on making mod 5 would be super kool to see people rate it atleast 9 / 10 ............... hoping for a awesome mod this time .
  • selsamaselsama Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    there are two ratings i would give this game
    Pre mod 4 it would get an 8

    after mod 4 went live, and game crashing when you enter or exit a dungeon, or PvP, or any change of zone and the lag, that makes the game unplayable, cause you are unable to do a **** thing, and hopefully after the sever has dropped you for the 3rd time, maybe you can actually "play" the game. it get 0 out of 10, for being unplayable for large stretches of time.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    while this thread may have had an intent to go on the constructive side, it's hard to be constructive when there are discussions of moderation, references to moderation and its tone which weighs on the whiney-complainey side. don't like something in game? the devs want to hear your ideas about how it can be better as long as its presented in a constructive and respectful manner. not in this manner which lists a lot of complaints and not a lot of constructive ideas.
This discussion has been closed.