If as a warlock you use your shift to move out of a red area the damage you do after is zero until it cools down, so all you see is little 0s floating over the mobs head.it just isnt realistic to stand still in any content as the mechanics require you to move quickly but doing so makes you ineffective, please make this a…
Seriously you can buy Mirage weapons on the bard BUT when the mimics spawn they dont attack, they just stand there and the other campaign store weapons are still not available, C'mon guys it cant be that hard to fix this.
No campaign store weapons are available for Bards and so many posts made but no comment from developers still, i simply think they dont know how to fix it and its obvious they dont actually play the game in any capaicity.
I think you can only see your own class not other classes, also Bards cant see any at all because why launch a new class that can buy stuff from a campaign sore, that is obviously too much work
I sent a petition also and recieved a generic response, the weapons have been made and can be seen in the collections of various campaigns but cant be accessed from the campaign store, I wouldnt have thought it would be hard to fix at all.
I think Zildoss missed the point ALL campaign weapons are missing for ALL bards, seriously wonder if anyone on the staff actually have played the game.