Honestly I don't care much about the looks the character already looks kind of dumb, but the teeth just kill me. Been looking for a helmet I like but nothing so far. I'll try this however. Hope it does not cost me a token but hell, might as well since there's no reply from the devs.
Let's face it, unless it's by Cryptic it won't be as good (I am aware there are talented people out there but they won't have all the resources at their disposal while Cryptic will). I expect they'll add it along with the Underdark at some point (porbably qute soon) cause the underdark theme sells well, if not the best.
They NEED to add diving and climbing... one thing DDO did right was the fact that dungeons were so consistant due to those things that you could actually overlook the other <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and enjoy it. Truth is, underwater exploration plays an important role in MMOs. People say it's not that important…
From where I'm stading now, the only thing D&D in this game is the setting. The combat is different (and I'm really happy about that), the classes are ... well, they kinda feel like starter classes with no promise of a more detailed advancement (black guard, shadow dancer etc). So this is not D&D, just a hack and slash…
The combat system is a MUST. I'm a big D&D fan and I totally understand the roll-based combat, but the fact is, it's so bloody old and overrated in MMOs that it does not give NW any actual edge over other MMOs other than the fact that it's a D&D setting and considering DDO, that won't do much for their game. Consider this…
Drow are a marketing stunt, I mean every fan of D&D knows that drow have a lot of fans among emo and goth people who also happen to be gamers in big numbers. I'm not saying this is a set rule that all drow players are emo and goth, cause if I did then I'd be contradicting myself because I also like drow a lot and I'm…