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  • Idle poking around has me stumbling into this forum after a hiatus of 4 months or so (I think). Which isn't to say I'm interested in returning. That ship, I think, has sailed for the time being. But that hiatus does mean I'm a little out-of-date on recent changes. I can only give an account of my experiences up through…
  • Yeah, I was able to finally get in. Maybe the server was busy or something. I was mainly worried because when I had gotten booted off the last time I was on, it was due to some phenomenal lag, and I wasn't sure if that was the cause of this. Seems okay now though. Thanks.
  • Feedback: Sharandar/Campaign Updates Personally, I think this would be a fine opportunity to re-examine Sharandar's progression scheme and revamp it. Specifically, the fact there is no way to "invoke your way through" the campaign's boon progression. By this, I mean that the Day-6 chest you get from invokes (where you can…
  • Extra Credits did an interesting episode called "Perfect Imbalance" that may shed a little light on the changes to classes, and though I don't use SE myself (I chose Whisperknife) and I don't PvP (it's impossible to compete unless you have gold-ranked artifact equipment, so middling 15Kers like myself get mopped up like…
  • Make sure you aren't experiencing network lag. I actually thought Divine Chains was doing the same thing until I realized that it may be the equivalent to animation/network lag glitching it out. Check your combat log, make SURE you are getting an extra count of damage. If so, let us know. It may just be animation…
  • Well, we both know that they never actually changed how Righteousness affects the caster (outside of maybe tweaking the numbers slightly) they just rephrased it so that instead of it being a penalty, it was a bonus. i.e. they turned WoW's "unrested experience penalty" into a "rested bonus." It only really fools the people…
  • Could you do the players and devs a favor and test something? I'm unable to, as I've got some offline things to juggle. Try this: - Have an ally drop to near-death. Make sure they have NO regeneration on. - Determine the min/avg/max amount healed when using Bastion of Health (Normal) - Determine the min/avg/max amount…
  • I wonder if it's doing this because it's multiplying the amount healed (3000) by the old target cap (5 targets).
  • Agent of the Divine looks like it's performing the following: - 25% of healing from ALL spells are deducted from their capacity and added to a buff, Gift of Faith. - HoT is removed from ALL spells and the amount it would have healed is also added to a buff, Gift of Faith. Fully feated healing powers are pretty potent. I am…
  • I went into Live to try and trigger it, and for some reason cannot do so now. Which is probably why my brain was wired to think having Inventory open while Mail was open was acceptable. What's happening now is that the delete key has NO functionality at all, even inside Mail, regardless of whether Inventory is open. But…
  • If I'm with a team in Tiamat, then I want them to go up to full life as a result of a capstone feat. How are potent heals something you'd NOT want? Unless you're just talking about PvP? In which case, I don't think the developers are focusing on that right now. Wait until after it goes live and gets a full stress test,…
  • Yeah. I'm shrugging this one and moving on, I really don't want to stack on yet one more issue onto the CSRs that isn't technically high priority/critical to account. My sister's gonna help me grind Dread Ring for it once my time isn't being eaten by other projects. :| But yes, the more people that learn from my mistake…
  • POSSIBLE BUG?: Brand of the Sun This power's Damage Over Time ticks only add Divinity for the FIRST creature you tag. You do not gain Divinity faster for tagging multiple targets (reducing this power's benefit for Divinity gain). May be working as intended if it's only meant to extend duration of divinity gain, not…
  • Checkboxes in mail would be handy, yes. But really, why the heck does the Delete key have any functionality in inventory? That's a phenomenal design flaw and a potential customer service nightmare.
  • Being DPS feated is probably a solid way to go into PvP, even if your gear is not PvP specced. Regardless, this power synergy is normal, even on Live, just not as potent. You should try adding a Hallowed Ground and see if you can break 270K. I'm usually combining Hallowed Ground, Divine Glow, Linked Spirit, Plaugefire…
  • Regarding Astral Shield: I'm not sure if people realize this, but the description of this power is summarized as performing the following: 1.) Normal: Increase Defenses by 10/20/30%. It is unclear whether this is +30% extra Defense or +30% Damage Resistance (there is a difference) as the Character Sheet does not update to…
  • Haven't had a chance to test the new patch exhaustively, and with NaNoWriMo around I'm not sure how much opportunity I'll get, but I will say that so far the improved casting speed helps reduce the clumsiness of the new Empowered mechanic. I still need to do a field test of it, though. Also, I am a little concerned about…
  • I like this developer. I like you, developer.
  • Okay, a brief check-in of the latest patch, found this one... BUG: Daunting Light not generating AP While testing on combat dummies (and making sure I was in combat when I fired the power off), I discovered that Daunting Light does not generate any AP in Normal, Divine, or Empowered modes. I also noticed that Divine…
  • Excellent! Both changes, but especially the Empowered indication, should help quite a bit. Don't forget, if it's at all possible, to resize the targeting paint for Divine Glow and any other powers that have a radius change when Empowered, though. Dunno how complicated that would be to add, and I know you're crunched for…
  • You know, that's kind of a good point... Hallowed Ground: Does Defense and Offense boost. Divine Armor: Does Defense boost and Temporary HP. I would rather see Hallowed Ground do Defense Boost + Offense Boost and Divine Armor do Defense Boost + Healing. Temporary HP is gonna get shaved off fast, and we have so many other…
  • Some kind of visual would be nice. Even if it's something like glowy balls flying around us, like what Warlocks have, or something around our weapon, like Wizards get for Arcane stacks. Something that will help us keep count in case things get heated, and more importantly, let us know when our empowerment stacks have…
  • If some people have access and others don't, or if some people HAD access and no longer do, then this can be considered not working as intended. Thus, I'm reporting it, and would like to see it fixed.
  • Yes, I wholeheartedly agree here. I was about to suggest that we need combat dummies in the new Well of Dragons area because Clerics need a way to build Divinity back up without smacking hostiles. A passive feat would be INFINITELY better. Fighters have a resource that they must build up in combat as well, but Clerics are…
  • There seems to be quite a lot of voice over Sunburst and Knockback ability. I'm not seeing, overall, that players want it gone, just a lot of disagreement about the mechanics of when: 1.) Knockback once, with cooldown 2.) Knockback three times with NO cooldown 3.) Knockback once after Empowerment, with cooldown That is…
  • Hehe, I wondered why it went from 39 (at last view) to 32 pages. :) Thanks for stepping up, Ambisinisterr. I tinkered a little with a new import-and-upgrade of my cleric, mainly to look at the change to Empowered. I like the flexibility in tactics now being granted with Empowered being universal, but there is still one…
  • Dragonborn Pack is Zen Market purchasable, not cash-only. I purchased mine by converting diamonds to Zen after a long period of time. Also, my sister has unlimited race rerolls, where the option doesn't even appear for me. So this isn't item-based, it's something else.
  • I was still able to Race Reroll though. Once. My sister can Race Reroll as much as she wants.
  • Forgot to put a "things done right" kind of feedback after my initial bugs/feedback however many pages ago, sorry been kinda sick/busy. Feedback: Things Done Right Healing Word: Line instead of target. Yes. I have discarded this skill primarily because of how hard it is to target a specific player around a boss or in a mob…
  • I am also having this issue. I cannot Race Reroll, cannot buy it from the preview Zen market.