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Official Feedback Thread: Devoted Cleric Changes



  • bvirabvira Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    hefisdo wrote: »
    I have one doubt about this capstone though.

    If you're at 50% health and go straight to 0% (you'd be dead), are you dying or is the capstone proccing and keeping you alive?

  • herundrionherundrion Member Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Feedback: Faster Divine Cast Time
    Like others have mentioned, Break the Spirit animation goes way too fast now - doesn't even fully play.
    However, Divine Glow has some kind of a lag in its casting animation that doesn't make it that much faster.
    Co-Founder of -Valor-
  • hefisdohefisdo Member Posts: 709 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    bvira wrote: »


    Virtuous is definitely my future tree.
    (´・ ω ・`)
  • magiquepursemagiquepurse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    free2pay wrote: »
    Either that or allow us to use our shift dodge even when CCed. We don't have anything else to counter CC unless it's the AC's daily (which is not feasible considering its long "cooldown").

    Can you be happy with what you have a bit? I posted earlier that DC should get a CC escape, but based on my experience in Preview, DC is a godly spot right now. They will make teams immortal (BiS GWF and TR could not even get my CW below 90% HP when I had a DC near me) and are impossible to kill for pretty much all classes but CW, which takes LONG minutes to clear a DC.

    I mean... common. We want DC to be strong, but it already enjoys near-immortal status. Don't be so greedy :)
  • izatarizatar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,161 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    josiahiyon wrote: »
    DPS DCs are competitive vs most classes/builds but not over powered. We will lose to HRs most of the time, and often to TRs. CWs can lock us down (Oppressive) or spike us (renegade), but we can kill them too. GFs can kill us if they catch us with a full rotation, but we can kill them otherwise. Same with GWFs. SWs -- i haven't seen enough to say.

    Look at what you said. DPS DC's are competitive then give a list of classes that they lose too.
    So I don't agree that DPS DCs are competitive as of this build.

    The main reason in my mind is that they have no way to gain divinity when they spawn without having an enemy target. I am seeing people do testing in artificial situations where they can hit idle players or mobs before the battle starts. Sadly, once a righteous DC dies in live domination, he is doomed to maybe never build 3 pips of divinity again, especially if his opponents are rogues.

    There are several possible ways to address this, perhaps a feature of the capstone that either allows divinity generation with no target or gives divinity when re-spawning.
  • josiahiyonjosiahiyon Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 396 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    izatar wrote: »
    Look at what you said. DPS DC's are competitive then give a list of classes that they lose too.
    So I don't agree that DPS DCs are competitive as of this build.

    The main reason in my mind is that they have no way to gain divinity when they spawn without having an enemy target. I am seeing people do testing in artificial situations where they can hit idle players or mobs before the battle starts. Sadly, once a righteous DC dies in live domination, he is doomed to maybe never build 3 pips of divinity again, especially if his opponents are rogues.

    There are several possible ways to address this, perhaps a feature of the capstone that either allows divinity generation with no target or gives divinity when re-spawning.

    My point was primarily that we're close to well balanced (DPS and heal). Not perfect, but close. Besides HRs and maybe TRs, no class has a clear 1v1 advantage over dps dc. It's generally 60/40 or 40/60. In my experience, at least.

    I do agree that it'd be nice to have an aoe at-will, a healing at-will, or some passive thing to generate divinity.
    Iyon the Dark
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The DC's unused daily, divine armor should give the party CC immunity. It's still useless compared to hallow ground and even HG helps very little in PVP. Hallow ground should get a small buff as well with it's healing and AS's healing out of the picture.

    Seriously, compared to Oppressive Force/Tyrannical Threat. Plus the AP gain is neutered while it's up so another good reason to make them more effective.
  • isuuck2isuuck2 Member Posts: 491 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    Sunburst and terrifying impact goes through cc immunity.
  • koalazebra1koalazebra1 Member Posts: 1,173 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    Sunburst and terrifying impact goes through cc immunity (unstoppable, GF guard, ITC etc.).
  • brush4toiletbrush4toilet Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    please please, rework our heroic feats before launch!!
  • free2payfree2pay Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Can you be happy with what you have a bit? I posted earlier that DC should get a CC escape, but based on my experience in Preview, DC is a godly spot right now. They will make teams immortal (BiS GWF and TR could not even get my CW below 90% HP when I had a DC near me) and are impossible to kill for pretty much all classes but CW, which takes LONG minutes to clear a DC.

    I mean... common. We want DC to be strong, but it already enjoys near-immortal status. Don't be so greedy :)

    I do not equate increasing the strength of party members as being DC's own strength to hold his/her own. That is similar to Righteousness feat which doesn't help the DC at all. A CW can make a team "immortal" in different way with their perma CC and yet retain his/her ability to 1v2. You can't say the same for DC can you?

    Most of the time during PvP, DC don't even get the chance to fire off his Daily even after painstakingly building it up. With so many things DC will have to build up going forward, do you think his/her chance will improve or worsen? I certainly do not think asking for equal rights and fair chance as being "greedy".

    PvP is the ultimate stress test where any fundamental flaw in Class design is exposed and has nowhere to hide. Its effects certainly hold sway in PvE. Often the best class in PvP is also the best class in PvE. Mechanics that work "very well" in PvP is open to the same abuse/misuse in PvE. In a way PvP performance reflect how well the Class scale with higher difficulty level and what designs DC have now don't bore well.
  • magiquepursemagiquepurse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    free2pay wrote: »
    I do not equate increasing the strength of party members as being DC's own strength to hold his/her own. That is similar to Righteousness feat which doesn't help the DC at all. A CW can make a team "immortal" in different way with their perma CC and yet retain his/her ability to 1v2. You can't say the same for DC can you?

    Most of the time during PvP, DC don't even get the chance to fire off his Daily even after painstakingly building it up. With so many things DC will have to build up going forward, do you think his/her chance will improve or worsen? I certainly do not think asking for equal rights and fair chance as being "greedy".

    PvP is the ultimate stress test where any fundamental flaw in Class design is exposed and has nowhere to hide. Its effects certainly hold sway in PvE. Often the best class in PvP is also the best class in PvE. Mechanics that work "very well" in PvP is open to the same abuse/misuse in PvE. In a way PvP performance reflect how well the Class scale with higher difficulty level and what designs DC have now don't bore well.

    Come test things in Preview. Fight other people. If you have similar gear, you will NOT die to anything but a skilled CW. Now this is POWER, even if you can have just that.

    However, you will also make, by your OWN power, people around you just as immortal as you are.

    DCs deserve lots of love and should have their moment in the sun because they suffered a lot of abuse during these months. But a semblance of balance needs to remain present.
  • dizonyxdizonyx Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Astral Fury: You deal 2/4/6/8/10% more damage. It's not working! Damage is not increased.
  • masterjewstarmasterjewstar Member Posts: 563
    edited November 2014
    CC breaking what if hitting shift broke free from CC effects for all classes and costed stamina when used against cc like 25% stamina, then every class would have the ability to break a CC chain at the cost of a dodge it might mellow out some outrage from cc locks in pvp; just a suggestion.
  • borrowedtime1borrowedtime1 Member Posts: 131 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    I have to say I really really appreciate that you are asking us for Feedback. Here are some which will positively affect all players & I hope get implemented.

    1. Regarding Lack of Tooltip Information which means A LOT to new players deciding which skill to upgrade.

    Feedback: Sun Burst
    Sun Burst has 0 Tooltip Information on HOW MUCH IT HEALS (currently only Damage Value is provided). This actually goes for Guardian of Faith as well where the Power grants both Damage & Heal, but only Damage Value is provided in Tooltip.
    Empowered Sun Burst: Sun Burst now consumes stacks of Empowered Sun Burst to increase the knock distance and the heal potency by 15% per stack.

    Feedback: Healing Word
    Healing Word has 0 Tooltip Information on HOW LONG IT LASTS. It would be even more useful to display Heal Per Tick as to Total Heal. It is, however, mentioned in Divine Healing Word that it lasts for 9 seconds, is this the same?
    Healing Word: Heals and applies a Heal over Time effect FOR # SECONDS to yourself and all allies in a line. Max 3 stacks. 3 charges.
    Divine Healing Word: Grants yourself and all allies in a line Temporary Hit points every 3 seconds for 9 seconds.

    Feedback: Chains of Blazing Light
    Please include Tooltip Information on the Cast Time for Powers with long Cast Time (use of word "Mark a location" & "Instantly marks a location"). We players have 0 idea of how long it takes to cast. And, again, how long does this Power last on the ground & on enemies? It is mentioned in Divine Chains of Blazing Light that it lasts for 1 seconds, but it never mentions how long the Power stays on the ground when not triggered. I'm really inclined to think that players will appreciate Actual Value rather than use of subjective words such as "short duration" & "long duration" which varies between Powers.
    Chains of Blazing Light: Mark a location with a holy rune for a short duration # SECONDS. When a foe steps on the mark chains of fiery light Immobilize them FOR # SECONDS. Damage is no longer reduced for hitting additional targets. This Immobilize is halved on players.
    Divine Chains of Blazing Light: Instantly marks a location FOR # SECONDS, Immobilizing targets for 1 second and dealing a small amount of damage.

    2. Regarding Controls (not related to Devoted Cleric) which makes the game feel very stiff compared to other games & the fix seems very easy.

    Feedback: Auto Run
    When a Power is used while in Auto Run mode the character should continue running after the Power is used. Currently the character will stand still afterwards.
    What it is now: Auto Run activated -> cast a Power -> character stands still
    What it should be: Auto Run activated -> cast a Power -> character continues running

    Bug: Map
    The Map, [M] Hotkey, when pressed twice should (1) Open the Map then (2) Close the Map. Currently it (1) Opens the Map then (2) Leaves the Map opened; requiring player to press [ESC] Hotkey to close the Map. (I reassigned the Key Binding for this Map Hotkey and this might be a result)

    Checked with Preview Server few days ago and..

    Feedback: Sunburst, Divine Glow
    Both Powers still has no Heal Amount included in the Tooltip, how are the players suppose to figure this out if he hasn't invested any Point in it?

    Bug: Bastion of Health
    On a level 60 Devoted Cleric, Preview Server Tooltip showed 15,000 in Healing, but only does 3,000 in actual combat. This was mentioned about 10 pages ago which was long before I played and problem still persist, hopefully it doesn't go into live.
  • eiagraeiagra Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Checked with Preview Server few days ago and..
    Bug: Bastion of Health
    On a level 60 Devoted Cleric, Preview Server Tooltip showed 15,000 in Healing, but only does 3,000 in actual combat. This was mentioned about 10 pages ago which was long before I played and problem still persist, hopefully it doesn't go into live.

    I wonder if it's doing this because it's multiplying the amount healed (3000) by the old target cap (5 targets).
  • free2payfree2pay Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Feedback: Divinty Mode
    When in Divinity mode and there's not enough Divinity, any attempt to cast encounter skills should automatically turn off divinity mode and use the default encounter skills instead of not casting anything at all.

    Feedback: At wills
    PLEASE increase ALL our At wills by x2 across the board.

    Feedback: Prophecy of Doom
    Still can't find any reason to use this. It should at least do some DOT and when it end do at least 10K damage minimum. Else at its current state it's not really as ominous as it sounds.

    Feedback: Searing Light
    Still can't find any reason to use this. This should be our second best dps encounter skill but it isn't. Its dps have to be x4.

    Bug: Dodges
    Still only just dodge 2x, not 3.

    Feedback: Slow Activation Time
    Our divinty mode is a dead giveaway. Compared to other classes ALL our baseline encounter skills do
    pitiful damage still. The fact that we have to toggle into divinity mode to cast anything with semi reasonable effects and damage slow us down considerably. In a high action PvP setting, that split second delay just outright demolish the Cleric. Especially our cooldowns are long and our skills are hard to aim and target. For such delayed activation mechanics to handicap the Cleric, Cleric should instead do much more dps to compensate. For all the divinity and empowerment gained really mean nothing when the Cleric is lying face down eating dirt on the ground because of CC.

    I still believe the fundamental design of the Cleric is borked and it has to go all the way back to the drawing room. Is WOTC version of Cleric really such gimped? Are they aware what you have done with this iconic class? Would implementating such poorly designed Cleric jeopardize the IP?
  • tonyvincenttonyvincent Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Comment to free2pay's post:

    Concerning the divinity mode not turning off when under one pip of divinity may be good for some, and bad for others. What if someone wanted to use punishing light or soothing light? What annoys me is that the divinity mode actually turns off when Soulforged procs.

    When it comes to the at-wills I must agree. I don't know what the devs are intending, but I have never thought and still think on preview; "YE, let's throw those Lance of Faith at those PvP players, coz they will certainly harm them!" Nah, in the end I, personally, just use the at-wills that give the most divinity, because the difference and the damage of the at-wills are tiny. But since Lance of Faith does a tad more dmg than Sacred Flame I am now using LoF. ...not that it will make any difference in Dungeons or PvP.

    Prophecy of Doom,,, I agree. Long cooldown and long casting time, but for what? If the mechaninc is not going to change, then the damage at the end should be increased. Right now it's useless, imo.

    Searing Light also needs a huge dmg boost.
    |Aizu Wallenstein|
  • lyaiselyaise Member Posts: 491 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Comment to free2pay's post:

    Concerning the divinity mode not turning off when under one pip of divinity may be good for some, and bad for others. What if someone wanted to use punishing light or soothing light? What annoys me is that the divinity mode actually turns off when Soulforged procs.

    When it comes to the at-wills I must agree. I don't know what the devs are intending, but I have never thought and still think on preview; "YE, let's throw those Lance of Faith at those PvP players, coz they will certainly harm them!" Nah, in the end I, personally, just use the at-wills that give the most divinity, because the difference and the damage of the at-wills are tiny. But since Lance of Faith does a tad more dmg than Sacred Flame I am now using LoF. ...not that it will make any difference in Dungeons or PvP.

    Prophecy of Doom,,, I agree. Long cooldown and long casting time, but for what? If the mechaninc is not going to change, then the damage at the end should be increased. Right now it's useless, imo.

    Searing Light also needs a huge dmg boost.

    It's all too late now.
    This is what you will now get at launch with this reworking of the class:
    - Several long standing issues still unresolved
    - A list of new ineffectual abilities
    - A host of new bugs
    .... and players somehow thinking that these changes where the answer they where really looking for all along.
    But I can't really blame them when the class was so far behind others. Any change would be seen as an improvement, even if it completely fails to recognize some long standing issues with the class.

    "Our dps is now a lot better" - so what?
    If you want dps roll a true dps class. That may be a bit in your face obvious, but really, did you create a Cleric to play as a dps?

    The Empowerment mechanic is simply unwanted and unasked for. Who in the myriad of Cleric posts since the original launch asked for it? Anyone?.... No

    It appears to have been someone's bright idea that looked good in the powerpoint presentation, but has had to be fiddled about with since original announcement.

    Honestly, have any of these developers actually tried to play the class in pvp on the pts server against competent opposition? Try it, go on, try it - and see how you go on.

    Trying to build empowerment while you are cc'd to death. Born again only to try in vain to build any useful ability before suffering the same fate.

    You know what developers? You really haven't got a clue about what you have done to this class in pvp.
    "Ooh in pve my mobs are dying a lot quicker!" This may come as a surprise, but on my SW/CW/GWF they die even quicker than that.
    - It's not a major accomplishment, it really isn't.

    But as the Cleric is going to hit live soon, that's it. A reworked, bug strewn class, with a list of unfixed issues and a new list of ineffectual skills - enjoy.
    ...............vote for your favourite expansion..........
    "Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity".
    ..............not this one then.............
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Rather depressed they couldn't achieve more with all the time they had... Will we even get further improvements along the way to mod 6 or they're just leaving it just like that and nerfing anything pvpers cry about?

    *Still stuck with the truckload of useless heroic feats(many are nothing more than beginners traps).
    *Class features left alone to rot.
    *Soothing/Punishing light still useless/pointless to use.
    *Lance of faith never got a damage buff, but TR at-wills got attention.
    *Searing light still too weak less you have CWs spamming singularity like mad.
    *Forgemasters rendered useless for PVE pretty much.
    *Divinity gain still sketchy.
    *A lot of bugged/unresolved issues with feats and encounters.

    Most importantly, empowered is a terrible mechanic that'll promote bad/reckless playing styles. Not to mention, it's not enjoyable to try to keep track of it.
  • free2payfree2pay Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'll say enough is enough. Whoever redesigning Cleric is clueless anyway. Can we have Jack Emmert look at all the feedbacks players have been yelling for so long before any remaining good will disappear?
  • hefisdohefisdo Member Posts: 709 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    lyaise wrote: »
    If you want dps roll a true dps class. That may be a bit in your face obvious, but really, did you create a Cleric to play as a dps?

    I'm sorry but besides controlling foes with loads of arcane magic, I always wanted to purge my enemies with holy fire.
    (´・ ω ・`)
  • destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    This is why i pretty much stop. Earlier during the changes, peopel were running in. Oh Cleric is so good now. I can do this and that better.

    Only taking into consideration thier playstyles. But the class as a whole is overall hindered in multiple ways with these reworks. This class now only works with more strict dedicated playstyles (that are much more trouble to execute than what we already can achieve on live)

    Since then, I've just accepted the fact that Cleric is just going to be a disappointing class upon Mod 5. Cause I see where they are going with it, and they are set on doing it.
  • borrowedtime1borrowedtime1 Member Posts: 131 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    On top of everything I posted: URL="http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?773411-Official-Feedback-Thread-Devoted-Cleric-Changes&p=9284381&posted=1#post9284381"]1[/URL, URL="http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?773411-Official-Feedback-Thread-Devoted-Cleric-Changes&p=9441451&viewfull=1#post9441451"]2[/URL, I'd just like to add this note here. Now this is taken from Wiki Potion Page.
    Potion of Major Healing: Instantly heals 8,500 Hit Points
    potions have a 12 seconds cooldown

    Okay, interestingly, that cooldown is about the same as Bastion of Health, our Encounter Power available after level 30; which, on my Tier 2 Cleric with 40% Encounter Recharge Speed, heals for 3,000 Hit Points with 13.2 seconds cooldown.

    Now does anyone see anything wrong here?
    Why is a Potion almost 3 Times better than our Encounter Power at level 60? I was overjoyed seeing my Bastion of Health Tooltip showing 15,000 in healing on Preview Server (because that means I'm now more effective than a Potion in single target heal) only to realize it was a bug..
  • free2payfree2pay Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    That's why I'm casting a vote of no confidence. We need Jack Emmert's urgent attention on this.
  • dawidinsandawidinsan Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Please rework Templar's domain heroic feat which is useless now.
    I think the best way is to make it passive.
  • eiagraeiagra Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Okay, interestingly, that cooldown is about the same as Bastion of Health, our Encounter Power available after level 30; which, on my Tier 2 Cleric with 40% Encounter Recharge Speed, heals for 3,000 Hit Points with 13.2 seconds cooldown.

    Could you do the players and devs a favor and test something? I'm unable to, as I've got some offline things to juggle. Try this:

    - Have an ally drop to near-death. Make sure they have NO regeneration on.
    - Determine the min/avg/max amount healed when using Bastion of Health (Normal)
    - Determine the min/avg/max amount healed when using a single pip of Bastion of Health (Divine).
    - Determine the min/avg/max amount healed when using 1, 2, and 3 Empowered charges of Bastion of Health

    Provide a comprehensive list of those findings here so they can be examined. Make sure you include any Heal-over-Time recovery (i.e. if you heal for 3000, then 2000 each second for 6 seconds, that's 15000). If it helps, you can use something like ACT to get Heals per Second, but I think the base data is going to be more valuable over data-over-time for now.

    Also, let us know what armor set you are using (if any), what your weapon is (including its listed weapon damage), and what your Damage/Healing score is. If you are using anything else (boons, etc) that may modify outgoing healing, provide that too. Gear Score isn't necessary.

    Quick test just now, Normal BoH healed for 2919 (3079 adjusted) and then gave 6 pulses of 846 (892 adjusted) for a total of 7995 (8431 adj). Fully empowered, it gave 3005+12736=15741 (3169+13433=16602 adj) and 6 pulses of 907 (956 adj) for a total of 21183 (23338 adj). My tooltip says 11745 to 13964, Damage/Healing is 12644, and weapon damage is 671-820.

    Here's the thing. Heals are 70% more effective on allies. 170% of my Normal BoH is 13591. That falls within the range of the tooltip. So it should be presumed that the amount of healing on the tooltip is AFTER RIGHTEOUSNESS.

    Other people will be needed to add their test figures to this in order to confirm. But it looks like everything is normal, just not transparent.
  • hefisdohefisdo Member Posts: 709 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    eiagra wrote: »
    So it should be presumed that the amount of healing on the tooltip is AFTER RIGHTEOUSNESS.

    I think it's more likely that Righteousness reduces the healing on ourselves by 70% instead of increasing it on allies.

    Otherwise the tooltip wouldn't be updated because of that increase if it was supposed to work only in certain type of units.
    (´・ ω ・`)
  • refracted0dawnrefracted0dawn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 894 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Potion of Major Healing: Instantly heals 8,500 Hit Points
    potions have a 12 seconds cooldown

    our Encounter Power available after level 30; which, on my Tier 2 Cleric with 40% Encounter Recharge Speed, heals for 3,000 Hit Points with 13.2 seconds cooldown.

    Now does anyone see anything wrong here?

    Why is a Potion almost 3 Times better than our Encounter Power at level 60?

    I have said the same many times. It is absurd. The fact that it heals all party members in an Area still does not in any way make this Encounter even worth slotting, even if you lay a blue one over a blue Astral Shield. I tried it several times.

    And the casting is far, far too slow without Divinity.

    My Module 4 AC is completely feated for Healing, Buffing and Divinity Regeneration with 6000 Power and 3600 Recovery, 58% Recharge speed plus feats that cause Divine Encounters to proc and boost those values. She is a Tiefling with 20 INT and WIS and 22 CHA as well. And Profound Faithful gear for +30% Divinity Regeneration speed..

    3000 hp are wiped off with half a glancing blow. Party members are better off running away, quaffing a potion, keep running and quaff another one. There's 17,000 hp in 24 seconds right there, not including any regeneration.

    For 3000 hp it is not even worth pressing the button in an Epic melee crush, even if I did NOT suffer from that Righteousness baloney.

    15000 hp seems a lot better, but, realistically, 9000 to 12000 would be enough to make it worth using, as it would be a little better than a Healing Potion, and the Party could still drink those as well.

    Also, Divinity should not just make the casting instant, it should boost the healing by +50% AND add some damage mitigation. Bastion of Health should be a lower level healing version of Astral Shield.

    "Bastion of Health"?

    It should be called "Wooden Shed of Illness"!

  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I have said the same many times. It is absurd. The fact that it heals all party members in an Area still does not in any way make this Encounter even worth slotting, even if you lay a blue one over a blue Astral Shield. I tried it several times.

    And the casting is far, far too slow without Divinity.

    My Module 4 AC is completely feated for Healing, Buffing and Divinity Regeneration with 6000 Power and 3600 Recovery, 58% Recharge speed plus feats that cause Divine Encounters to proc and boost those values. She is a Tiefling with 20 INT and WIS and 22 CHA as well. And Profound Faithful gear for +30% Divinity Regeneration speed..

    3000 hp are wiped off with half a glancing blow. Party members are better off running away, quaffing a potion, keep running and quaff another one. There's 17,000 hp in 24 seconds right there, not including any regeneration.

    For 3000 hp it is not even worth pressing the button in an Epic melee crush, even if I did NOT suffer from that Righteousness baloney.

    15000 hp seems a lot better, but, realistically, 9000 to 12000 would be enough to make it worth using, as it would be a little better than a Healing Potion, and the Party could still drink those as well.

    Also, Divinity should not just make the casting instant, it should boost the healing by +50% AND add some damage mitigation. Bastion of Health should be a lower level healing version of Astral Shield.

    "Bastion of Health"?

    It should be called "Wooden Shed of Illness"!


    More healing won't be enough. They need to turn it into a flatout self-centered AoE heal with a long reach. It's nearly impossible to use. Are you going to yell at everyone to clump together in a heated fight? Simply absurd. Make it work like sun burst, then it'll become viable.
This discussion has been closed.