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  • Hey there! Just wondering if you folks had any room for another guild in your alliance? I've started a new guild with friends from FFXIV and have been poking about trying to find someone to take us under their wing. Sort of trying to branch our large FFXIV guild out into other games, so made a Neverwinter branch :D Given…
  • Heya tfox! Does this mean you have full alliance roster as well? :) I have started a new guild with my friends and am looking for an alliance to join that would be willing to help us fatten up our coffer in return for whatever we can do for them :) I've been playing a while, all the folks I formed the guild with are…
  • Hey there! Wondering if you have room for a newly formed guild in your alliance. A few friends and I, 8 of us so far, came over from FFXIV and started a guild here called Coffee. We share similar values in our members and would like to find an alliance that does. It's tough to wade through the toxicity and trolling…
  • I had noticed this. I thought maybe it was a new "you've been idle too long animation" then my rogue companion did it after like 5 seconds. I thought he was just being an HAMSTER.
  • I will never let it die until it's fixed :3 https://media.giphy.com/media/8hYeTaDwvcGFanxWg4/giphy.gif
  • That's what I'm saying, there's literally only one armor set I like. This doesn't mean all are bad to everyone, just personally to me they've been really disappointing since elemental evil. Even I get tired of wearing the same armor set all the time.
  • That looks absolutely amazing, I hope you guys do more tweaks and such like this. WoW went back and redid a lot of its old world stuff and its so nice. Maybe next character model texture updates so I dont look like a pixelated wierdo in my cutscenes? :D
  • a year later, still hump a yeti's leg then scoot across the battlefield to his friend with rapid strikes :3 https://media.giphy.com/media/26gN1ssHLMSHJkxlm/source.mp4
  • I want to see bond of virtue put as an aura, and our doodie abilities fixed. Templars Wrath : needs way more temp HP, it gives like 1% Healing Font : Should pulse temp hp or a shield as well as the heal. Aura of divinity : should be bond of virtue. Exactly as it is. Stop taking up an encounter slot with a passive, PLEASE…
  • Very well done. I only take offense at using an awesome dwarf's name for an ugly dragonborn :)
  • I think it's the best skirmish and doesn't take even remotely to long. You just said 6 in 1 and a half hours, thats under 20 minutes a skirmish. The heck do you want, 5 minute ones? Luckily neverwinter has never been about instant gratification, but working for what you want, even if that takes a very long time. And I love…
  • meanwhile, rapid strikes animation.
  • i'm really bummed. I had hoped to have as much fun with the foundry as I did EQ2's dungeon maker. However it looks like they both went the way of the dinosaur.
  • New maps are always good, it's pretty nuts the slim pickings for a game that's been out for 4 years. The gear scaling is the biggie. Just about every MMO out there now has some sort of gear scaling. I think SWTOR does it really well. When you join a max level warzone you are instantly put at a certain expertise. The pvp…
  • Will we see new planes? The Abyss or Demonweb pits for instance? OR more of the underdark? Menzoberranzan? I REALLY want to see more places, and I love drow :D Forgotten realms is SO cool.
  • Will you guys please fix the rapid strike animation? PLEASE :(
  • I'd like to add this :smile: Rain of Swords : The flurry effect from the end line combat ability procs while you are at your peak in mid-air. By the time you land, you barely have time to swing MAYBE once.
  • I was extremely bummed to find this wasn't a thing anymore. I loved EQ2's dungeon maker until they went and removed all reason to use it. I had hoped to make many fun adventures as I did in NWN1 and NWN2 :(
  • Just a quick addendum about the rapid strikes animation. This may have nothing to do with it, and may have been just well timed good luck. I was doing the dragon in Neverdeath today. I did him 3 times. I noticed that everytime I did him, rapid strikes did not hang up on him. He's the only thing I've fought that it…
  • Both the rapid strikes bug and just, at-rest animation annoy the ever living HAMSTER out of me. THIS HERE (Click) AND THIS!! (click) reaaaaally irk me. You're a ranger man! EYES FORWARD. Is he staring at his feet because he's afraid of tripping over them like when he tries to rapid strike?
  • All I can say is look at the balance pass you just made on DCs to put on the test shard, then look at Devo paladin. Then tell me you dont feel even a little guilty.
  • Nothing I suggested would change the way a devo OP would work. We have auras that do NOT work for us, such as the one that GRANTS US THREAT. Why the HECK would we need that? The one that heals is vastly underpowered. Asking for abilities to change or improve that no one uses is not asking to change the class, it's asking…
  • :"Judge" the final ability in the Justice tree for paladins no longer re-applies itself if it's already active. It will not reapply unless the first has worn off, makes having to use divine call more than once in 10 seconds (need to taunt or heal) drops our uptime on it a bit. Ghost companion still does not trigger…
  • gonna necro this, as it's 2017 and its still a huge issue.
  • Ya know one other thing that I think would be good is if some auras were staple and just changed based on your spec. The one that does damage for instance for tank spec, Aura of Radiance. That should be base line. If you're a tank, it should do as it does and give threat. If you are a healer, it should heal. Get rid of…
  • @damoc#3687 I really like that idea for sacred weapons! One thing about bond of virtue that's been ticking me off lately is sometimes the big circle goes away, and I keep having to look to make sure it's still on. Minor annoyance, but sometimes can be really bad because I just start thinking "it's probably still on xD"…
  • question. Divine Touch : it lowers the damage you take for 8 sec, with a shorter than that CD. How much does it lower it by, anyone know? edit* Also is divine call bugged? it says it gives 10% DR, but when I hit it, I see the buff, but my char sheet doesnt show it. Sorry, just respecced from devoation cause I didnt like…
  • That's a pity that they know, it works on console, and its still broken on PC :(
  • Did I miss that At-Will rapid strike doesnt play properly over half the time? You get stuck in this never ending loop of half playing the animation but never going through with it. Think Suwamee did a video on it even on his youtube.