Unfortunately, any response to your questions will be speculation unless a mod comes in. I agree prices seem to be going down. I don,t know what a normal amount of AD is. I usually have around 20k, but I have trouble saving.
Is there a way to divide stacks? Individual chat channels. Trading, social, questing levels 1-10, 11-20, etc. Crafting speed bonuses. I do a 40 minute job with 25% speed bonus, it should be 30 minutes, not 32 minutes.
Thanks for the quick reply. Other opinions/explanations welcome. There is no place that lists how long the skills last? It honestly makes me a little angry that I would have to time something myself.
So it is actually confirmed that the passive ones add stats from their items to your own? Not the buffs, but the gear slots. Also, if ioun adds power/crit/rec and cat only adds crit/rec, why wouldn't everyone use the ioun stone? Is ring/belt/neck a more powerful item combo for the cat than the slots for the stone?
Good points, thanks for the feedback. I do agree that some of the stuff on the auction is not terribly priced. I was also going to list the login thing, as this annoys me as well. I didn't know that the zen companions don't add anything. They really don't end up stronger?