I'll be back after the weekend. I had to delete the Earth map and start over. Everything was going great until I ran out of NPC slots towards the end of the second ending. Going to put this method on the back burner for another quest, I just want to be done with working on this one.
I love everything you guys have done so far with the 3D editor. My only complaint is this at the moment: If we cursor on an item by accident without meaning to, we can move threw it which can be helpful at times. But at times it's more of a pain when you
Thank you thank you thank you :) What will the min and max heights for the rooms? I believe the current for outside of a room is -350 to +350? I don’t have my notes on me at the moment, so I may be off.
Here is an easy trick you can do when talking to an NPC that you want to change in the middle of the conversation... you need 3 NPC's actually, the one you first look at, an invisible ghost (the one the player is actually talking to) and the NPC/Encounter you want to appear. Just use the dialogue as the trigger, like your…
Thank you for the support, I'm doing my best not to get burned out on it. it's big enough to break it apart in 3-4 quests, but none of it would make any sense if I did. The final area can no longer be edited in 2D mode anymore, too much going on for the grand finally
confirmed with item moving to 0.0.0 works fine durring testing tho, I wish the item pull down list that is aviable in 2D editing was aviable in 3D view to avoid the hunt
it looks great, just remember that Sigil is large enough where you may not have to worry about the curveature on smaller map. It is too bad they don't let multiple authors work together sharing maps for a combined effort.
I've been going round and round with the Earth Map, getting it to translate well from the original story line into the foundry has been near impossible unfortunately… So I’ve decided to go a different route entirely, I’m going to put the switch right at the zone in… the only objective I’m going to put into the foundry for…
Had to take some time off from editing, last weekend was a 3 day solid grind getting the 2 rooms (1 hallway, and 1 room) boss map completed. That makes 2 out of 13 maps complete with the exception of dialog. I’ll work on the script for that later, placeholder text and foot notes will have to do for now… Status post…
for indoor maps it works great, for outdoor maps it's hit or miss. Sometimes it's way off, sometimes it's in the ball park especially if it's on a cliff I made or something high in the air that flys. I have had luck going 10 - 15 feet off the ground with the direction a little wonky, but going to the top of a light house…
I tend to have better luck placing a backpack exactly where I want the teleporters in 3D view, then in 2D view I place the teleporters at the Backpack locations for each end. It works ok for inside maps, Outdoor ones it's hit or miss unfortunately, especially for areas that are in the air unfortunately. I made a ramp for…
I only run into the rotation issue during inside dungeons, outside dungeons on the other hand is like rolling the dice for me. Sometimes it works; sometimes I lose both ends by moving one. If I get one to work outside, I count my blessings and don’t touch it.
That makes sense, I just wanted to use one as a Druid npc. The 2 male versions are too gruff for what I wanted, but the female would be perfect if I could change her shirt, head thingy, and her hair a little bit
I was doing a lot that day, but this is what made me crash... I set a drider as a costume to edit, as soon as I do anything with it the system crashes... gave up after 3 attempts. I guess they don’t want it to be changed because it's a spider body with a humanoid torso
I love the idea of vanity items. There may be a max limit you can earn in a day, or quest. Someone is bound to try to take advantage of it making a run here, pull lever to get max aloud, next quest…
Terror: Realizing that you just clicked on the [Delete X] on the top right corner of the screen on a map you just worked on for 3 days straight, instead of the close button… [Ctrl] + [Z] = Your best friend
I'm simulating a hub map to go back and forth within the story line. Found it easier to add everything I could possible need into a master copy, then duplicating it as many times as I needed. It's easier to delete what you don’t need, than to add over and over again as things change. Because I have a lot of optional side…
I actually decided to use a Drow Assassin. It’s one of the few easy encounters that have a single critter. I had it placed on ground level with more than enough guards on the other side of an invisible wall. As soon as the trigger is flipped, the wall disappears and they go at it. Sometimes the drow gets the upper hand…
Agree, I have a number of 3d editing programs that that show multiple angles in 3d. For our use, I would suggest the ability to switch between static views: Top (birds eye), front, and side within the 2d editor. It would give us a bit more freedom when tweaking items without going into 3d view.
There's my problem, I was trying to set it all up in 3d mode using a single friendly encounter. I believe that only lets you edit detailed information because it only gave me a "follow" option only. Edit: All fixed, they all stand on the same spot, but at least it's working, thank you :o
Thank you for your response. Adjusting our video settings could help some, but the bit mapping / bump mapping would still exist and be processed to a certain degree by the video card. A simple grey scale would be great with little lag. I understand what you mean about the doors, I temporarily forgot about the possibility…
I spent 3 hours designing a small werechicken sub-plot, only to find durring testing that they dont fall down. they just stand there then slowly fade away... it was just a little to ... wierd... changed the title from "were what???" to "Got Imp?" :o