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  • Yup they're back people! Bots are everywhere now. I get 1 just about every 1-2 games now. I guess this is the 3rd party sites farming pvp again? what can they possible profit from this? or is it just some dbags trying to screw up pvp lol
  • Must have under 2 chars already to create one.
  • CONFIRMED. But an easier way to do this I suggest: Open task manager Go to Processes tab, find Neverwinter.exe right click and hit "set affinity" (check show processes from all users if needed) then I unchecked cores 1,3,5, and 7 and was able to log in preview.
  • I keep getting the same pixal error that someone posted on other page of this thread. :l guess im not gonna be able to prepare for mod4. Angers me so much lol
  • Can we PLEASE get a dev response about this? Preview has been crashing for lots of people not just this patch but last one before. I know they have to know this is still happening to lots of players. So much change is coming to the game with "reworks" and the new warlock and we can't test a thing with this constant…
  • Yup I crash still just like last patch. Last i heard it was AMD problems.
  • I'm fed up with roar. I will be completely avoiding pvp til this is fixed. Why it takes til mod4 to patch this is confusing to me....Enjoy it while you can GWFs.
  • Ahh well that makes sense, got my hopes up for nothing lol
  • When does preview get updated? i still cant log in
  • Can we get a dev response to whether this is being looked at or not PLEASE? Some big class changes are coming soon especially cw and I would like to get a look at them so I know what to expect but preview is STILL not working for me.
  • Just wanna say im having a problem with preview too. It loads my characters to about 99% then crashes over and over. I really wanted to test the changes coming up in mod 4 but can't :l
  • THIS OMG I always wondered why blocking couldn't only protect yourself but other teammates aswell. Almost like the shield deflects damage away like a protector OMG? O: Also as a GF i hate the tab skill, even with enchanced mark now it doesn't really help that much. I would rather see something similar to gwf unstoppable,…
  • I have to agree with the op. I started playing NW post sharandar and enjoyed MC up to the point i farmed my seals, got my armor set, and eventually my offhand. But always back n forth to other t2 dungeons including CN. But that was the time the gate glitch was still there and you didn't need DC/GWF/CWx3 and could play with…
  • Just wanna say this was the best event ive experienced since ive been here. The Dryads voice had me laughing haha. Would love to see different scenarios/rewards for this kind of skirmish and possibly a permanent skirmish? (: Very fun and entertaining, thank you dev team.
  • GF was my first class when I was introduced to the game and I was very content with it seeing how most people only wanted me if I had Knight Captain set which is very easy to afford/run dungeons for. Although GF doesn't get invited to any PVE other than mostly Icespire and almost never to end game VT since the main…
  • Valuable CTA time going away, extension pl0x? (;
  • I just logged in and I'm having the same issue. Any way to fix this??