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  • YOU PLAY A ROGUE. Buhahahaha. Please don't expect anyone to take you seriously. LOL. Your videos are irrelevant. I thought we had a break through earlier and you finally admitted TR is OP garbage. Alas.... to much to ask for. Skills? I am saying you have none because running around with a rogue easy mode one shotting…
  • You need to buy a life and real gf. Your imaingery one is not cutting it.
  • You would think the Devs learned from mod 6 and will implement something better on xbox. No one wants GWF who shout and one shot people or the other examples. People also do not want TR to cc and one shot people like right now but I am sure this will get fixed. Nerfing TR now and before mod 6 would be the devs sending a…
  • Spouting out nonsense means nothing. TR are extremely OP and need a nerf. It is really not up for debate. Now you may continue to spout out.... I reread your post and I was wrong. Good pointS.
  • Or admit you have no skill or aptitude to play pvp and roll a TR.
  • Now that we are in agreement and it gets worse in mod 6 please start a thread asking for TR nerfs. Lets fix this game. Welcome aboard.
  • So you admit your class is overpowered easy mode and the future mod makes it even more stupid. Bravo my special snowflake. Honestly is a good thing. We have made progress. The next step is to acknowledge how easy and OP your class is and how you are ashamed. The final step is to realize that playing and OP broken class is…
  • I agree with the author. TR are a complete and utter joke. So overpowered they are pointless and completely ruin pvp. CW have similiar issues. The effect of the lack of balance for both TR and CW basically just make it so less people play the game. It is so obvious that TR are broken OP the fact people actually defend this…
  • Lol. 5v5 all TR with a random CW thrown in. Why not just put on a bicycle helmet and finger paint. Would be more competitive and skill based... Just kidding.... Maybe? I look forward to some pvp adjustments and future content changes.
  • I have a much better fix for the community. Nerf TR and CW so the majority of the community can enjoy pvp. You inferred from no where that the CW were bad and made a stupid assumption that adapting is the solution to your OP class. Sorry but broken is broken. TR and CW need an immediate nerf. Bottom line.
  • you play a rogue. Keep living in denial snowflake. The only thing clueless are the no skills "TR" trying to make the case that easy mode is okay for their special class. Poor guys. Man up and ask for a change. That is all that needs to happen..
  • Excellent, unbiased, and intelligent post. This adapt argument to my OP broken class needs to stop. Are these guys to stupid to realize success is handed to them by a broken class. The true solution is to fix the problem which means frankly TR need a huge nerf. Call something for what it is....
  • This is relatively true but frankly TR and CW are so overpowered it ruins the game type. I typically judge content based on the average opinion of friends. All of them hate pvp. The only ones who enjoy it are TR buddies. The others are either leveling up a TR specifically for pvp or not bothering. TR and CW need a severe…
  • YOU PLAY A ROGUE.... buhahahaha. Wake up special snowflake.
  • YOU PLAY A ROGUE!!!! PUT ON THE BIG BOY PANTS AND DO SOMETHING THAT TAKES MORE SKILL LIKE FINGER PAINTING OR LEGO BLOCK ASSEMBLY. This is amazing... you guys pick a no skill OP class and are to naive to understand the difference between skill and the class. I can't stop laughing. This is so funny.
  • The authors reasons do not support the current system. They support a change that includes: 1. The ability of the group leader to invite friends that must be approved by other members. 2. A restriction that anyone who joins a group must wait 20 minutes to kick another player. 3. The ability to invite prior to electing to…
  • This is why no one I play with wants to pvp. Lol. Up to the devs but frankly if the goal of this game is to make money they better fix stuff fast. Stop confusing skill, ability, or progression with OP garbage and un balanced classes. As long as you play a rogue you are garbage at pvp. Every game has balance issues but TR…
  • Dude..... TR is OP and needs a nerf. Lol
  • Omg.... Adapt by leveling a different class. Ice Mage... Fury Warrior... depends on the season and adjustments to classes. To imply adapting is the key to success would imply you have some idea what you are writing about. Look man. For better or worse TR is so grossly OP it ruins an entire game type. TR is a mistake that…
  • If pvp is your passion why did you pick the most broken OP class to play my special snowflake. Make pvp your passion with a GWF or SW. Oh wait... that would take skill :(. I cannot even get people to pvp because down syndrome kids run around and one shot everything....
  • You really are not following..... lol. A few OP rogues does not make pvp. No one wants to play pvp only to get blown up by broken OP classes. Look man. Every rogue I play with is good at pvp. They all no skill one shot someone. The class is so grossly overpowered it takes absolutely no skill to play. Rogues need a nerf.…
  • You are naive. In WoW I was horrible at pvp until I created a warlock and then bam... top of the charts. The class you play in an unbalanced game has a huge effect on success and failure. Dude. You play an OP broken class and instead of asking for changes to make pvp better for all classes you defend no skill garbage. You…
  • That is not the point..... PVP needs some serious adjustments because most people do not enjoy it because they get cc and one shot by a rogue or cc and destroyed by a CW. If the devs goal is to alienate the gaming population from doing pvp -> mission accomplished.
  • You basically proved the point of this thread. TR is grossly OP and until fixed any success is based solely on a poorly designed OP class. How is this even fun? PVP should be a viable option for all classes. Not the current broken and pathetic mess that it currently is.... I frigging cannot get anyone to pvp because it is…
  • On the contrary.... Rogues are so grossly overpowered they take little or no skill to play. All of my rogue friends love pvp. Every single one of them cc and one shot other players. It is not like a few are good and bad. How much skill does it take to cc and one shot a toon in the back. NONE. The only reason I pvp is the…
  • Yes... HR have some issues as well. CW is in the same boat. I am not saying any game can have perfect balance but come on. TR need some work first. The CW and HR. Class balance implies viability for all classes. Look man. I am not advocating nerfing other classes to nothing. I am stating pvp class balance needs some…
  • Obviously you don't either or would play a class that took some skill. I rest my point. Thank you. Dude... TR cc and one shot other players....
  • Smash me with knowledge of the game? Do you at least play it? Give us all a break. TR has to be the most broken OP class in any game I have played. It is so broken it is Undefendable so please just give it a rest. All these threads exist because rogues are running around cc and one shotting people. Most if not 99% of the…
  • Lol.... Understand mechanics? Rogues need a nerf. Hopefully the devs fix this prior to losing everyone to a different game.
  • TR are grossly OP. Cryptic needs to bite the Bullet and nerf TR so they can learn to adapt and win by something more akin to skill then smashing a few buttons and one shotting people. Lol.