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  • I'm not a follower of D&D or its rules, so the comment below can be utterly wrong, but works for me. If I remember when doing the char, dex applied to both damage/crits, while stre is only damage. You should try to level both, but with a priority on dex. For gear... Power (more damage), and crit, forget the rest.
  • I don't think they are bad (mine is lvl 20 only btw), but I have been in dungeons where people just ignore adds on boss fights, and what do you think those unattended adds will go to?
  • But I haven't played any of the 2 Cryptic games under PW umbrella, so they can be treated differently.
  • Yes, they will probably do some server tune ups, add maybe a server or two in the future, but usually for PW, the definition is: Open Beta = Official RELEASE
  • There is a menu named ALL GAMES at the top of this web page. Go check on any of the forums in any game listed and ask what the Open Beta means. Then come back and post your findings, lol.
  • Dunno about the item, but the name is released instantly. But the longer you take to remake the character, the more chances someone else will be able to grab that name.
  • Don't remember exactly but around 16-25 you get a kind of charge jump that do a lot of AOE damage on landing, plus AFAIK you dont get any damage during travel.
  • Hummm... 1. If I remember even WoW the tank has to keep aggro of things. The difference is that is SO FREAKING EASY to keep (at least pre panda) aggro on WoW as a tank, that make the class boring. 2. Each person has to known its role, that what a RPG or MMORPG is about. If you are not a tank, stop pulling the groups. In…
  • Dunno if you have played previously games published (or developed) by PW, but the truth, usually that open beta is more of a release. Game will very likely stay the way it is, and will not gonna get any large modification or addition until an expansion hits in like a year from now, like all the other games in PW repertoire…
  • I understand why healers get aggro on an MMO, but sometimes the aggro formula is kind of umbalanced. Haven't seen any MMO lately that after a couple of heals everyone start targeting the healer. But healers acting as tank.... My healer Ops in TOR do that a lot in heroic quests, lol
  • I enjoyed my GWF in beta 2 or 3 (don't remember which one now), and also enjoyed the Rogue. GWF start slow, but after lvl 15 they start to get interesting. I got mine to like lvl 25 during the betas and was a beast on both solo and group kills. Also do most of its leveling with my brother who has a Rogue, those two combine…