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What is the Arc Client?
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  • Removed. I got a reply from 3 different HR's ingame to the questions I posted above. Thanks a lot all for the fast responses. No longer need to waste your precious time with already answered questions. //
  • @jazzfong I always slot BoH and AS (as you did yourself) and I mostly run the same cycle as you. Always prioritizing E.AS to be on CD and then with how much divinity I have left using a BoH (to stack GoF when people are full HP or just healing). I recommend you using 1x D.BoH strait into 1x D.AS. (if people are low skip…
  • Sorry for a double post but I would like to ask a question myself. I have done quite some testing but can't seem to prove this. I’ll explain the situation then the question: Situation: I enter PvP and we fight on mid, I stack GoF on everyone after (of course winning mid) we all spread around and people go to point 1 and 3.…
  • Hello Jazzfong, welcome back to neverwinter. Eventhough some of your questions are already more than answered I replied to all of them for the sake of clarity. 1. Can DC still generate AP from other sources (DC artifact, artifact neck, set effect) under these 2 daily?? You can still generate AP from any other source…
  • I’ve seen some good answers in this topic but there is also some misinformation flying around. There are a few things I would like to add or correct. Let’s start with your main question about diminishing returns. There are always two things you look for in your character panel. The amount of the stat added and the increase…
  • The problem people are having is not the fact there isn’t a drow set on live yet. It just the lack of communication to be honest. Lets take a look at the situation: - PvP'er haven't received any love for some time (besides balance updates) - The drow set is found on the preview gateway and posted on the preview forum.…
  • Tenacity is added to the total DR once you enter PvP. However you are correct that 10% of the DR from tenacity will always be present and can not be reduced by anything like ArP. To qoute Kaelac again: "Tenacity determines the TeR %, an additional multiplier in PvP which serves to reduce spike damage. It combines with your…
  • First off I want to thank abaddon for putting in the time and work creating this chart. Much appreciated. I’ve seen multiple posts in this topic saying deflect on characters with 50% severity is not worth the points at all. I would like to make a case to the opposite. Lets take a PvP DC as example. This hypothetical person…
  • Cant get in either. The problem with "all my chars are gone" is simply a bug. Restart the game and they will be back. I keep freezing after loading my char, then it says "loading maps" and it boots me out. Any fix inc?
  • I really do not mind Bloodbath in it's current state. Even the combination of sigil + AP cloak is no problem. However I do have a problem with Shocking execution at the moment. Why you might wonder? I can do something against the constant stream of BB's as DC. If I rotate my AS, dodges and exaltation properly I will live…
  • This was reported on the preview forums but still went live. I agree with the OP though. Please just let us queue with atleast a group of 5. Would be even better if we could find an instance for multiple groups of friends (tonight we tried to all join 1 instance, the instance filled to fast appearently and we all ended up…
  • Hello, Iv done some more testing and updated my former post (below). You were right x1101011x, the buff remains in combat. - There is no cap on the heal. This means if your healing (continuously in combat) for a extended amount of time the heal will be huge once your gift is popped. Iv seen 450k heals pop. Iv seen some…
  • Thank your for this post Dersidius, it is clear you have put work and thought into this post. I must say I agree with a lot of your points. Your breakdown of each class in PvP seems logical. I 100% agree with your “requests”. Things like new maps or even better new PvP modes are way over due. As a cleric I mostly agree…
  • I don’t really want to comment on the state of TR’s, however the above quoted calculations show a much to high number due the fact you forgot to account some multipliers. - Enemies armor penetration - Enemies chance to ignore resistances (caused by some abilities and talents) - Enemy weapon enchantments - Stacked enemies…
  • See later post - new testing with new results
  • mod 5 changed it.