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What is the Arc Client?
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  • Are you sure you are logging into the correct account? Besides,I have no problem LOGGING IN!!! The problem occurs as it tries to load the character screen. You should have gotten that from my OP. LOL
  • Are you sure you are logging into the correct account? Yes,I'm not a moron LOL I've played this since Open Beta. I think I know the problem.... Windows 7. Microsoft no longer supports it. I have that OS. Even though all other games run just fine,Cryptic must have something the others don't. SW:TOR,EQ 1&2, LOTRO,DCU-Online,…
  • I am assuming bannikus is your original User ID since it doesn't have the numbers new user have on their accounts. Nope. My forum name is different than my game name :-)
  • All my drivers are up-to-date. I'm always in Full Screen mode. I have DirectX 11. I'll try un-checking Full Screen to see if that helps..... Nope,it's still not working. It loads the Cryptic screen,then starts loading the Neverwinter screen,then hangs a couple minutes,then crashes. It's like it can't find the character…
  • My thoughts: Concerning the dungeons returning--I hope the Cloak Tower is one of them. It needed rehauling in the collection of flowers and gems to open the extra chests. Nearly every time I did that dungeon one jerk would pick up a quest item and leave the dungeon before placing it,making it impossible to open one chest.…
  • so far I got : "Nasher is back " I have "online ranked la" left What is the leader of the Nashers name?
  • The only thing I noticed is missing from the current specs is a Damage Shield!!! Rangers always need a Damage Shield for close combat :-) Even if it's 5/10/15 % damage per hit,so at 15% if an enemy hits you for 100 points,the DS will hit him for 15 points. It doesn't seem like much but it helps a LOT !!!
  • When rolling our stats,during character creation,is there a way to get more than 80 total? That is the max I've rolled so far and created my dwarf guardian and halfling thief each with 80.
  • I'm really confused. When I first started playing a couple days ago,after I completed the first tutorial area,I recall going into a building which had a chest on the floor. I clicked the chest and it opened a bank with a small section marked "Shared Bank". Now I can't find it and everyone in forums saying there isn't any…