Do you not have a companion? If not, get the healer... She's one of the best investments you'll ever make in the game, saves a boat load of money for potions and makes PvE more manageable.
Arcmoon99, not all of us feel that way, I absolutely adore my TR but the lack of challenge in pvp is saddening, yes I win and loose too but my pvp experience is the same for every single match, I want to have to mix things up and find new ways to get the slightest upper hand.
Being a TR I can't wait, I hate the lack of challenge on the battlefield... Hope they don't go overboard though and make us a laughable class, that would suck.
I've played around with a CW and a TR, they are both very skilled at pvp situations and decimate any other class... As for a TR against a CW, I think it all comes down to who hits first, they both need changes made to them.