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nerf rogues 1 sec deaths



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    andotacoandotaco Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    huckaseven wrote: »
    rogues would just adapt and still faceroll all the unskilled scrubs
    it would solve exactly nothing as youd still get oneshotted and dominated hard and the crythreads would continue too

    its just sad that people like you cant wrap their mind about that

    ? strawman much? people like me? All I stated was that if you negatively effect skills,feats,blah blah blah it's still considered a NERF. I'm not debating that a nerf is bad, all I'm doing is trying to get you to wrap your head around the simple definition of a word.

    As for a loss in range dps and preventing jump/throw sploit not solving anything... You must be delusional if you don't think that will effect rogues being bbq atm.
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    benskix2benskix2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 674 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Most TRs are easy to kill, but there are a few that I've seen that somehow become immune to all damage while attacking. I assume this is an exploit of a bugged skill and not how the class is intended to function?
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    kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    huckaseven wrote: »
    the scrubs will never be on equal footing as long they remain scrubs...and once they are on equal footing they also dont have a problem with stealth anymore

    i know, it sounds strange that once you get better that you will have less trouble with other stuff, but thats how it is...try it

    You're living proof- that was almost coherent (though still reasonably loathsome).
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    bigbascdtbigbascdt Member Posts: 42
    edited July 2013
    benskix2 wrote: »
    Most TRs are easy to kill, but there are a few that I've seen that somehow become immune to all damage while attacking. I assume this is an exploit of a bugged skill and not how the class is intended to function?

    No. It is an encounter of ours called impossible to catch. When used from stealth it makes you undamagable for 3 or so seconds, however there is a bug currently where it can last for much longer than that.
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    huckasevenhuckaseven Banned Users Posts: 470 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    andotaco wrote: »
    As for a loss in range dps and preventing jump/throw sploit not solving anything... You must be delusional if you don't think that will effect rogues being bbq atm.

    see, a scrub

    you think stealth is overpowered, otherwise this part of your reply makes no sense
    but once stealth is removed, you will still get roflstomped by rogues cause we can adapt...you cant
    we know how our class works, you dont
    we worked hard to get that knowledge, you dont even try
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    balthazoorbalthazoor Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I've played around with a CW and a TR, they are both very skilled at pvp situations and decimate any other class... As for a TR against a CW, I think it all comes down to who hits first, they both need changes made to them.
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    nukeyoonukeyoo Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    balthazoor wrote: »
    I've played around with a CW and a TR, they are both very skilled at pvp situations and decimate any other class... As for a TR against a CW, I think it all comes down to who hits first, they both need changes made to them.

    Playing around with sub 60 toons doesn't really give any real grasp on the end game balances.
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    kshoksho Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 85
    edited July 2013
    Ahh this TR absurd....dont even know what a kind of class this is, propably melee sorcerer taking bunch of daggers from asss or using big magical dagger on your head, as in every similiar game this class is forced to implement so we have absurds like that, why?/ because without this absurds this class can be worthless with only 2 daggers, omg only two daggers.

    Take away from TR magic skills, magic was for magic classes like DC and CW or make another class like this, let's say, CLOWN, they will kill us with juggling balls or deadly jokes x.x
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    stylepilestylepile Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Here's my pro-tip for a CW facing a TR. Use Icy Rays. Mark the rogue with the first cat and then u can follow them around for a good 4 to 5 seconds. Then you can see their play-style.

    Some TRs will try to run around the back or side of you to get that lashing in. Once they are out of stealth they will usually use ItC. You need to try and wait out all their little tricks and then attack. You will certainly take damage from CoS... that is a given. Try to damage them as much as possible to keep their stealth meter down since it get's slowed by damage. But if you are equally geared and skilled then at least it will be a good fight and don't feel bad. Try again next time.

    Generally when i get face-rolled by a TR it's because his gear is much better and i have to concede that or he is simply very experienced. Other than that on any class (I have all 5 to 60 and decently to excellently geared) it will turn out to be a very competitive fight.
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    meeggtoastmeeggtoast Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 159 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    In pvp you deserve to die if....

    If you let yourself eat all 12 cloud of steel(low damage but each subsequent hit deals more damage)... you deserve to die.

    If you let yourself eat double ray of enfeeblement and not aware that there is 100% going to be a piece of ice dropping on your head... you deserve to die.

    If you let yourself watch a guardian fighter slowly crawling to you with guard up and get in range of his lunging strike... you deserve to die.

    If you see a Gwf and you don't have teammates around you... you deserve to die.

    If gwf opens with takedown and u have enough stamina to dodge... you deserve to die

    If you try to kill a dc while the dc is in her astral shield... you deserve to die.

    If you try to chase a dc past their entire team... you deserve to die.

    If you dont understand the skills I just mentioned... you 100% deserve to die.
    Nevermore@meeggtoast 12.2 BiS TR
    Lanaya@meeggtoast 13.4 BiS GWF
    Shendelzare@meeggtoast 11.2k CN mule CW

    Server: Dragon
    Stream: meeggtoast
    Guide: Meeggtoast's Destroyer Dps Guide
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    oakbenderoakbender Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    wow a lot of crazy people posting in here I wrote this thread to bring awareness to the fact rogues are way overpowered through exploits, hacks, poor game mechanics, whatever in the hope that it might get fixed but it seems a lot of mean spirited and children post here instead of a honest discussion, we get boasts and chest beating.
    Thank you to those that posted reality and try not to reply to those that would troll.
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    huckasevenhuckaseven Banned Users Posts: 470 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    oakbender wrote: »
    wow a lot of crazy people posting in here I wrote this thread to bring awareness to the fact rogues are way overpowered through exploits, hacks, poor game mechanics, whatever in the hope that it might get fixed but it seems a lot of mean spirited and children post here instead of a honest discussion, we get boasts and chest beating.
    Thank you to those that posted reality and try not to reply to those that would troll.

    just that your "facts" are just an opinion and not just that, its also prooven as beeing wrong
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    rollingonitrollingonit Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    TRs are obviously the best killers in the game. They usually hold the top slots for kills in Domination and GG PVP. (Not that kills mean all that in GG). But they also are usually squishy, so can be easily killed once in the open.

    I think you may be running into the Pee To Won crowd. This game does have that aspect, no matter how much the mods/admins attempt to deny it. You could be running into people with BIS gear and Greater or Perfect Vorpals/Soulforged/Tenebrous (Pee Too Won).

    "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist" - The Usual Suspects
    We can pretend.
    Fox Stevenson - Sandblast
    Oh Wonder - Without You

    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
    - Dylan Thomas
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    meeggtoastmeeggtoast Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 159 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    oakbender wrote: »
    wow a lot of crazy people posting in here I wrote this thread to bring awareness to the fact rogues are way overpowered through exploits, hacks, poor game mechanics, whatever in the hope that it might get fixed but it seems a lot of mean spirited and children post here instead of a honest discussion, we get boasts and chest beating.
    Thank you to those that posted reality and try not to reply to those that would troll.

    I posted the things above to bring the awareness of gwfs being overpowered in pvp, CWs 1 shotting people then magically fills up his ap again, GF perma prone/stun killing while being super tanky, dc's unwillingness to die under her astral shield, and people who are just being arrogantly unaware of his surroundings. Or someone who is simply outgeared? I have no problem oneshoting someone as any of the 5 class, give me couple million ad and I can 1 shot people who are less than 10k gear score.

    Maybe we need to discuss the real issue here with pvp? its glory system which is allowing bots to farm gold. GWFs dominating high tiered games of pvp. Guardian fighter's ability to perma prone? once you fixed these if you argue that rogues are a bit overpowered in pvp then i might have to agree with you.

    In reality all the children posting here are the ones who are obnoxious to the information that publicly available. Despite many of us trying to logically reason with you, but many of the people who complains about rogues does not open up their myopic minds to the game. Your thread entirely is either a troll thread/flame thread/QQ thread/I just got to 60 yesterday on 1 of my toons thread/I am underinformed and I arrogantly believe I'm right thread.

    If you do want to provide an educated discussion, please rename the title of your thread asking: Does Impossible to Catch last too long? or Does Control Wizards need a buff in armor class? or Possible rework of the stealth mechanics? Possible to rework the pvp map so that cw can have a little more advantage? Should Similar gearscored people be matched up vs each other in PvP?

    A little off topic, many people don't know how to play their class very well despite being well geared. Can you be 100% sure that you are playing your class to it's fullest? I have seen double cw with 11k gearscores fail spellplague caverns. yet I have soloed spellplague at a 9k gearscore.
    Nevermore@meeggtoast 12.2 BiS TR
    Lanaya@meeggtoast 13.4 BiS GWF
    Shendelzare@meeggtoast 11.2k CN mule CW

    Server: Dragon
    Stream: meeggtoast
    Guide: Meeggtoast's Destroyer Dps Guide
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    oakbenderoakbender Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    meeggtoast wrote: »
    I posted the things above to bring the awareness of gwfs being overpowered in pvp, CWs 1 shotting people then magically fills up his ap again, GF perma prone/stun killing while being super tanky, dc's unwillingness to die under her astral shield, and people who are just being arrogantly unaware of his surroundings. Or someone who is simply outgeared? I have no problem oneshoting someone as any of the 5 class, give me couple million ad and I can 1 shot people who are less than 10k gear score.

    Maybe we need to discuss the real issue here with pvp? its glory system which is allowing bots to farm gold. GWFs dominating high tiered games of pvp. Guardian fighter's ability to perma prone? once you fixed these if you argue that rogues are a bit overpowered in pvp then i might have to agree with you.

    In reality all the children posting here are the ones who are obnoxious to the information that publicly available. Despite many of us trying to logically reason with you, but many of the people who complains about rogues does not open up their myopic minds to the game. Your thread entirely is either a troll thread/flame thread/QQ thread/I just got to 60 yesterday on 1 of my toons thread/I am underinformed and I arrogantly believe I'm right thread.

    If you do want to provide an educated discussion, please rename the title of your thread asking: Does Impossible to Catch last too long? or Does Control Wizards need a buff in armor class? or Possible rework of the stealth mechanics? Possible to rework the pvp map so that cw can have a little more advantage? Should Similar gearscored people be matched up vs each other in PvP?

    A little off topic, many people don't know how to play their class very well despite being well geared. Can you be 100% sure that you are playing your class to it's fullest? I have seen double cw with 11k gearscores fail spellplague caverns. yet I have soloed spellplague at a 9k gearscore.

    this is prime example of children in this thread, full of self interest and boasting along with a nice added learn to play and look at me at the end.
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    huckasevenhuckaseven Banned Users Posts: 470 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    oakbender wrote: »
    this is prime example of children in this thread,

    jep, youre one of the prime examples of a children
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    vvergvverg Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    huckaseven wrote: »
    jep, youre one of the prime examples of a children

    Actually you are, trying to win discussions by flaming to others (or are you from a specific country in the west?). Really you're all day long on this forum flaming to other people behind your screen... Really you're cool now, can I have your signature?

    You should spend your time to improve your English instead of acting like a big boy here on the forum.
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    huckasevenhuckaseven Banned Users Posts: 470 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    am i flaming?
    or is it people like you that are just trolling by ignoring everything they are told and still spout their nonsense?

    and no, i dont need to improve my english, thanks...but thats just an argument for trolls anyway that have no further points and just troll for the sake of trolling...and since you havent even added anything meaningfull to this thread...i wont reply to you again
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    raddatackraddatack Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    llclickll wrote: »
    LOL another PvE roleplayer who gets destroyed in PvP so he decides to cry about Rogues when he gets owned by every class that's well geared, spec'd, and played. Learn to play and learn to quote, scrub.

    Scrub. That is literally the most ignorant thing you could ever say. Why don't you stop name calling people of a forum like a little girl.
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    nukeyoonukeyoo Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So apparently they disagreed with you blowhards defending TR's so vehemently. Better start adapting to a new means of wrecking scrubs so they can come back here a cry for more nerfs that will go unanswered. ;)
    terramak wrote: »
    Trickster Rogue
    • Cloud of Steel: This power now has 8 maximum charges, down from 12.
    • Duelist's Flurry: When the bleed portion of this power is at 10 stacks, further applications now recalculate damage in addition to refreshing the duration.
    • Feat: Speed Swindle: This feat is now properly considered a Control effect for calculations and procs.
    • Lurker's Assault: This power now grants 5 / 10 / 15% bonus Crit Severity, instead of 20 / 40 / 60% bonus damage.
    • Stealth: At-will powers used from stealth will now partially deplete the Stealth Meter.
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    abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    I can't sleep because these adjustments to the broken rogue class were needed and this game just got better.
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    borgued3borgued3 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 150 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    nukeyoo wrote: »
    So apparently they disagreed with you blowhards defending TR's so vehemently. Better start adapting to a new means of wrecking scrubs so they can come back here a cry for more nerfs that will go unanswered. ;)

    how exactly did their crying go unanswered? I can see the devs decided to dumb the game down for them. But worry not, i will give scrubs reason to come to the forums to cry for another nerf when that one goes live, thats just how good rogues adapt to nerfs, we actually improve rather than be depressed.
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    cinj216cinj216 Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    nukeyoo wrote: »
    wrecking scrubs so they can come back here a cry for more nerfs

    Not sure who's side you're on here, but in any case I agree with this.
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    cyblisscybliss Member Posts: 108
    edited July 2013
    nukeyoo wrote: »
    So apparently they disagreed with you blowhards defending TR's so vehemently. Better start adapting to a new means of wrecking scrubs so they can come back here a cry for more nerfs that will go unanswered. ;)

    That or they're just catering to the huge mass of people who wanted rogues nerfed. On the bright side, everyone saying that CoS isn't OP because it takes 36s to fully recharge, now it only takes 24s to fully recharge huehue. Regardless, bads are still gonna get destroyed by good TRs and complain on the forums while proper GWFs go ignored facetanking 3-4 people and end up killing them all.
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    nukeyoonukeyoo Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    borgued3 wrote: »
    how exactly did their crying go unanswered? I can see the devs decided to dumb the game down for them. But worry not, i will give scrubs reason to come to the forums to cry for another nerf when that one goes live, thats just how good rogues adapt to nerfs, we actually improve rather than be depressed.

    I was being facetious in regards to all the people that were saying that all whine posts were pointless and nothing was going to happen.
    cinj216 wrote: »
    Not sure who's side you're on here, but in any case I agree with this.

    I play a rogue also and was for some tweakage in regards to permastealth. But mainly it was meant to poke a bit of fun at all the folks vehemently defending rogues against calls for nerfs yet claiming if it did happen they won't be affected what so ever. Which if that was the case and they have some build/setup that is just as good if not better then common sense tells me they would be using it already and wouldn't waste their energy on the forums in TRs defense.
    cybliss wrote: »
    That or they're just catering to the huge mass of people who wanted rogues nerfed. On the bright side, everyone saying that CoS isn't OP because it takes 36s to fully recharge, now it only takes 24s to fully recharge huehue. Regardless, bads are still gonna get destroyed by good TRs and complain on the forums while proper GWFs go ignored facetanking 3-4 people and end up killing them all.

    Like llantiss said TR is/was essentially too nub friendly in regards of its capability to face roll with little effort and only decent gear. I'm sure the devs did some data mining and came to this conclusion. Also seeing TR's with only rank 5 armor pen enchants 1 shotting kids for 25k+ LA LB's then dropping another 20k+ with CoS before LA runs out.. but yes the good players will continue to face roll kids.

    I am surprised GWF escaped the nerf bat also though. Merely fixing their double daily exploit. I'm sure the hordes will focus more of their cries towards them next.
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    vortix44vortix44 Member Posts: 680 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    oakbender wrote: »
    Please nerf rogues its not even funny how op they are one shot deaths for over double our full HP with encounter spell

    No it's funny, it just changes the PvP and makes it different from the other games. In other MMOs it is all about gear, then skill, and there might be some situationnal plusses for one race against another.
    Here in NW you just count the number of TRs in your team vs the number of TRs in the other team, and you know who will win.

    Don't be sad about it, don't expect a fix by Cryptic, they think they fixed it already, plus seeing how they messed the Sort and can't fix it they're now afraid of issuing any patch.

    Be creative, between all the one-shot deaths you suffer from TRs, try to find a 1v1 with another race. If you're DC, GF, CM, try to find a lone gwf. If you're a gwf, try to 1v1 another gwf. If you're a gwf and lost the 1v1 againt the gwf of the opposing team, then wait at Campfire and compose a poem.
    English is not my first language.
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    djoffer1djoffer1 Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    huckaseven wrote: »
    noone is scared that the rogue could get nerfed cause its pretty obvious that it wont happen...since there is no reason to

    you sucking isnt a reason to nerf a class
    huckaseven wrote: »
    yeah, cause they dont play their own game and cant see unbalance by themself....

    funny then though that stealth wasnt touched in the big balance patch, basicly shows that its working as intended...thanks for providing that

    *Cough* Oh how i wish you were on my server...
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    harrivengerharrivenger Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    donnyth wrote: »
    Make your comments less redundant. I've covered that TR's can stealth. You can't dodge something if you can't see it coming.

    Not true, I have seem CW/Cleric dodging my LB when I am stealth. Maybe I am not good enough as a TR.
    Harrivenger (Master Infiltrator)
    Ebony (Whisperknife)

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    abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    cybliss wrote: »
    That or they're just catering to the huge mass of people who wanted rogues nerfed. On the bright side, everyone saying that CoS isn't OP because it takes 36s to fully recharge, now it only takes 24s to fully recharge huehue. Regardless, bads are still gonna get destroyed by good TRs and complain on the forums while proper GWFs go ignored facetanking 3-4 people and end up killing them all.

    I say adjustments to a broken class not nerf. If they weren't functioning correct in the first place.
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    cyblisscybliss Member Posts: 108
    edited July 2013
    I say adjustments to a broken class not nerf. If they weren't functioning correct in the first place.

    Honestly, is there anyone left in the forums that will even take you a little bit seriously anymore?
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