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  • The time Ultima,Everquest,DaoC etc etc were created,people were not used to MMOs and the companies didnt have the technology and experience they have now. After 13 years and so,you cant believe that people will show the same patiance like before,after so many MMOS that have released. I will support a game,when i see that…
  • Its a decent Guardian Build,but for sure not the best one. To play with Greater Tenebrous,doesnt demand any skill at all and most Guardians just do the same thing. As for being the best Guardian in your server and being able to kill everyone 1vs1...well come and try in Beholder....we are going to wait you with open arms…
  • Thank you for the invite.I am looking forward to play with you all guys
  • I play as a saboteur rogue.I dont use bleeds,and still i easily top the dps meters.So no big deal. As about Shocking Execution,they decreased the base damage,not the total damage. So everything is fine,no worries.And honestly,yes we are overpowered.Rest classes should have rerolled long ago. But guys,this is still…
  • Lets see.... The 4th edition of D&D has 22 classes.Every class has around 3-4 specialisations.The classes are seperated to Leaders,Controlers,Damage Makers,Fighters(Tanks).So far we have that in the game. The abilities are also exactly as they are in the 4th edition, sepereated in At Will,Daily etc etc etc abilities.So we…
  • The game is in BETA....you really believe that Balance can be fixed so fast?How many years do you play MMOs? And tell me something,did you ever see any MMO really balanced?WoW after 8 years and still is not balanced.If you visit their forums,you will see only complains.Like in every MMO out there. And yes balance is about…
  • The game is in open beta....accept it or leave it.Why many people try to prove the oposite?Because you can buy items,you say its not beta.Nobody forced anyone to buy anything,and on the other hand,you cant demand a company to work for you non stop from the moment you dont need to pay anything to play.Somehow they must make…
  • Leveling has no rules.There is no rule that says that leveling must be slow or fast.Each company designs the leveling part as they like. However,why is it so important for some people if the game offers fast leveling?I mean,The content is all there.If you want,you can go again and again,no matter the lvl,and do it.For…
  • 4th Edition heavily retooled the class system, discarding varying base attack and save bonuses in favor of a more unified set of mechanics for characters. Rather than varying notably in passive elements, classes are differentiated primarily by what active-use class features and powers they give, all of which follow the…
  • MMORPG means Massive Multiplayer Online Rolle Playing Game.Has nothing to do with how many people need to participate in the games content,but with how many people can play at the same time in the same server. Depending the company,the game has differend content(Small Scale PvE-PvP,Large Scale PvE-PvP,Only PvE,Only PvP etc…
  • You are complaining for a free game,that even is in beta,you can still play it and enjoy it daily?And not only that,you give also Ultimatums? How crazy and stupid is that? First we must wait till the official release of the game(cause after that,no company can have any excuses)and then we can give them around 3 months to…
  • A like to invest in a game in a long term period. So i prefer a company to do whatever they have to do,to ensure that the game is gonna work propably in official release. Now the game is in OPEN BETA,even if some people say the oposite. Many spent money in a game that is not ready and its their fault,and many even they…
  • The game is in Open Beta. Means that is not ready in matter of CONTENT and Software Issues.Even propably in graphic code and software code.They still try to solve any problems with bugs etc etc. How is this game ready,when NOT ALL CLASSES,RACES,GEAR SETS,and end game content is in the game? Because you are able to pay and…
  • This is an MMO version of a D&D game,you cant have aligments,like in you didnt have in any other game.Imagine how many alternative quest ends and dialogues we should have because of aligments,and how much work and money would have been demanded. Warhammer also was changed a bit for the MMO purposes.Dont ask for things that…
  • Greetings, My name is Yiannis and i am from Greece,37 years old.I am also a veteran player of MMOs and RPGs and i took the opportunity to also post my opinion about the game. Before that,however i would love to say that people should not take seriously THE FORUM TROLLS and QQrs,not only in this game but in any game.Try to…