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  • I have been searching for a guild for quite a while now. Grievance seems to be one that keeps coming up in my research, kind of like a kid tugging your shirt saying "pick me! pick me!", lol! Now that I'm near lvl 60 (yes, soloing a DC on semi-limited play time is rather slow), I'm really pushing to find a good fit for both…
  • I understand what you are saying...but from what I'm reading, this issue has been around since Alpha...so "saying" they are in the process of fixing it and actually "doing" it are two very different things. Also, a lot of the point the OP states are also known issues I'm sure the are working on. Until they actually fix the…
  • Now THAT made me LOL, for real! All pretty valid points outside of the comical parts. I would add one thing as the 9th entry 9) Fix the increasingly frequent global issue where people are getting stuck on the Protector's Enclave loading screen after character selection. In order to make money in a F2P game, people need to…
  • Same. Stuck on login to protector's enclave. I only have 1 toon that I play right now, so I didn't try logging into my other character. When I right click on the Neverwinter executable in the task bar, while on the loading screen, it comes up with a command prompt with some debug code. there is also a white debug looking…
  • Same. Stuck on login to protector's enclave. I only have 1 toon that I play right now, so I didn't try logging into my other character. When I right click on the Neverwinter executable in the task bar, while on the loading screen, it comes up with a command prompt with some debug code. there is also a white debug looking…
  • For those that are mad there isn't really a "Ranger" type class, play a Cleric. They have to kite 99% of the time when in a group...
  • Not to mention Clerics are often playing tank AND kiting trying to keep themselves alive (using pots) WHILE keeping an eye on everyone else's health (often times not fighting together to make it any easier)...why? Because heal aggro is insane and the aggro reducing options are not working as intended.
  • Congrats. You just defined just about every MMO ever created... /golfclap Fact is, MMOs are a "pick your poison" situation. There is no such thing as a perfect MMO. If there was, everyone would be playing it. WoW is still the #1 MMO out there (in terms of population) and it has every bit of what you said that I quoted.…
  • Do you have a forum/website for the guild?