Btw, for clarity, upload a picture of your gear so that people have some idea of what CW they looking at. I may have ran with you before Agathe, but not all of the CW's here have.
Fair enough:
Edit: I had some 1k crit more during my test there.
I m using
Storm Spell + Chilling Presence for now.
Later this update what i need to use to have a good demage again?
I m focused on critical, with azure etc. now with this new update critical will be important for cw? Vorpal etc?
what skilss use on pvp now, i change storm spell for??
I m using
Storm Spell + Chilling Presence for now.
Later this update what i need to use to have a good demage again?
I m focused on critical, with azure etc. now with this new update critical will be important for cw? Vorpal etc?
what skilss use on pvp now, i change storm spell for??
You do talk a lot. I'd love to see you post some videos or screenshots of your oppressor build standing over a dead boss in eGWD or eCC.
Like said, again, who cares about PvE?
Is the footage in my own thread not enough, or do I need to spend thousands of dollars to become a 4.8k IL myself and challenge a broken-HAMSTER OP MI/Sabo on like "sicarius-level" and actually win to prove myself (which I doubt any of the current "top" CWs can do with any consistency, btw), since PvPing in the 3.5k IL range in multiple normal PvP games doesn't qualify as "viable" in your book?
Geez, just what is this need to crush alternatives and declare the "my build/variant is officially the best" dogma, with you big-name types? :rolleyes: Did I lie about how SS CWs suck in the control aspect? I don't go claiming I do more damage with an OPP-CW, so is there a problem when I point out how pathetically weak the "CONTROL" part is with SS-CWs?
You do talk a lot. I'd love to see you post some videos or screenshots of your oppressor build standing over a dead boss in eGWD or eCC.
Zerg is right, I've ran ECC/TOS with oppressor CW's and they get out DPSed even by my tank OP. The additional CC time that oppressor gets is not nearly as impressive as it seems (those 3 sec additional stun/dazes get cut to fractions of a second after resistances are applied). I'd rather have the DPS than an extra few seconds of stunned mobs because the DPS would've rendered them corpses already.
I don't think storm spell is nerfed to the point where evocation or EOTS can be slotted over it to improve DPS. Apparently it still multi procs on AOE and the half second ICD is per-target. Those big buffed spell storm procs are a thing of the past, though as vorpal will no longer increase it's damage (though I hope chilling presence still does).
Based on Agathe's parses, with the Storm Spell changes to a 0.5 sec internal cool down and no critical chance hits, Storm Spell will be reduced from 20% of total DPS, to a mere 6% (this is based on disintegrate having a ~5s cool down, multiplying those 'hits' by 10, and a 130% crit severity). So approximately a ~15% DPS reduction with my current renegade load out.
The new Storm Spell will be a fraction of the output of Lostmauth's Vengence (which has the highest DPS output here at 25%!). But should I even bother trying to get the Lostmauth artifacts considering it might be nerfed?
I wish the development team could show some framework of design and forward planning. Then I could make some well-informed decisions about what build I should pursue.
huh? that act parse you just reposted was done today, on preview, and it shows that SS is still 20% of damage dealt. your math to reduce this to 6% is misplaced
Guild - The Imaginary Friends We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
kieranmtornMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 382Arc User
Based on Agathe's parses, with the Storm Spell changes to a 0.5 CD cool down and and no critical chance hits, Storm Spell will be reduced from 20% of total DPS, to a mere 6% (this is based on disintegrate having a ~5s cool down, multiplying those 'hits' by 10, and a 130% crit severity). So approximately a ~15% DPS reduction with my current renegade load out.
The new Storm Spell will be a fraction of the output of Lostmauth's Vengence (which has the highest DPS output here at 25%!). But should I even bother trying to get the Lostmauth artifacts considering it might be nerfed?
I wish the development team could show some framework of design and forward planning. Then I could make some well-informed decisions about what build I should pursue.
I also wouldn't get too comfortable with using LostMouth as dps crutch, either.
I do love how there's no "Balance" just a pure nerf... "SS can no longer crit and has an ICD of .5 seconds but damage was increased 15%" is something it should have been changed to... do they even test things or just write the script and call it a day?
Realy i think the TR´s are happy now, never nerfed and the CW nerfed now
TR's are safely at the top of the PVP food chain, without any equals, CW was smack dab in the middle even before this nerf goes live. So, tell me again, why is this nerf necessary and the real problem (piercing damage) continues to dominate PVP?
Alright. I guess this is were I jump off this trainwreck of a game.
I understand that you want to change Storm Spell because a passive shouldn't be that strong. I totally agree with that. BUT not replacing it with something else that makes up of for it, that's were you lost me.
I want to see a significant boost that makes up for SS with a control or damage boost to our encounters. Or both.
I'm on a break from this game ATM since the latest mod didn't bring me anything fun to play. But I was looking forward to come back for mod7. But now, I'm not so sure i will.
huh? that act parse you just reposted was done today, on preview, and it shows that SS is still 20% of damage dealt. your math to reduce this to 6% is misplaced
Ah well, it will be nerfed. Sucks to be a CW right now.
Realy i think the TR´s are happy now, never nerfed and the CW nerfed now
Actually I do believe that TR's were nerfed every patch but 2 (every patch that touched anything to do with TR). They were nerfed every mod but one and stand as the most nerfed class in the game. Granted they needed it too in some cases and especially early on.
Actually I do believe that TR's were nerfed every patch but 2 (every patch that touched anything to do with TR). They were nerfed every mod but one and stand as the most nerfed class in the game. Granted they needed it too in some cases and especially early on.
Sigh remember when a TR could lashing blade crit for 180+k one hiting everything! I started playing my cw again and not two weeks later its getting a Nerf. My friend tested preview and then live and the majority are correct 50% Nerf, but meh if I get to play more of a controller build and not get criticized or kicked for low dps all the better!
beatannierMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 692Arc User
I have been a cw in this game for a long time and I have seen you cut our damage by a huge amount back in mod 4 so that the new class sw could be top dps. I understand that making the new class strong so all the flavor of the day players will flood to the new class essentially spending money in the game. I understand the free to play model and that there is a need to create a revenue stream out of new classes and new items ect. The issue I have is out of all the classes that are not working correctly today like gwfs hitting for 22 mil at 3k item lvl or sw having there ghosts hitting for 3 mil at 3k item lvl or trs still doing perma stealth, hrs doing perma root. With all these issues the 1 class that was working as intended you go and nerf. This makes no sense at all. So at 4500 item lvl all 11s and 12s and mythic artifacts I get out dpsed by 3k gwfs and 3k sw currently and after this next patch i'll lose another 20-30% of my dps. Really !! I had high hopes for the new crew coming in, I was thinking they would make things better but i'm losing hope. With trs running duel wep enchants and dcs running ap gain exploits I have to wonder if you guys play the game. How about the over power effects of negation and fey touched in pvp. Does anybody realize what is actually going on. It saddens me what it going on right now and I hope, well I have a little hope still that the new crew fixes these issues.
Fair enough:
Edit: I had some 1k crit more during my test there.
Storm Spell + Chilling Presence for now.
Later this update what i need to use to have a good demage again?
I m focused on critical, with azure etc. now with this new update critical will be important for cw? Vorpal etc?
what skilss use on pvp now, i change storm spell for??
I'm going to go and cry in a corner now
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Give bye bye for the critical now
** reads changes **
Hmm.. hmm.. let's see...
Meh. No concern of mine.
Doing fine in both PvP and PvE as it is.
Build for control, as in "CONTROL" wizard.
As a Renegade who uses SS and CP, with CoI, SS, IT and ST, I'll probably not change a thing. There probably is no better combination.
The amount of control you SS CWs do, that ain't "control".
That's net-lag.
You do talk a lot. I'd love to see you post some videos or screenshots of your oppressor build standing over a dead boss in eGWD or eCC.
Like said, again, who cares about PvE?
Is the footage in my own thread not enough, or do I need to spend thousands of dollars to become a 4.8k IL myself and challenge a broken-HAMSTER OP MI/Sabo on like "sicarius-level" and actually win to prove myself (which I doubt any of the current "top" CWs can do with any consistency, btw), since PvPing in the 3.5k IL range in multiple normal PvP games doesn't qualify as "viable" in your book?
Geez, just what is this need to crush alternatives and declare the "my build/variant is officially the best" dogma, with you big-name types? :rolleyes: Did I lie about how SS CWs suck in the control aspect? I don't go claiming I do more damage with an OPP-CW, so is there a problem when I point out how pathetically weak the "CONTROL" part is with SS-CWs?
Zerg is right, I've ran ECC/TOS with oppressor CW's and they get out DPSed even by my tank OP. The additional CC time that oppressor gets is not nearly as impressive as it seems (those 3 sec additional stun/dazes get cut to fractions of a second after resistances are applied). I'd rather have the DPS than an extra few seconds of stunned mobs because the DPS would've rendered them corpses already.
I don't think storm spell is nerfed to the point where evocation or EOTS can be slotted over it to improve DPS. Apparently it still multi procs on AOE and the half second ICD is per-target. Those big buffed spell storm procs are a thing of the past, though as vorpal will no longer increase it's damage (though I hope chilling presence still does).
Based on Agathe's parses, with the Storm Spell changes to a 0.5 sec internal cool down and no critical chance hits, Storm Spell will be reduced from 20% of total DPS, to a mere 6% (this is based on disintegrate having a ~5s cool down, multiplying those 'hits' by 10, and a 130% crit severity). So approximately a ~15% DPS reduction with my current renegade load out.
The new Storm Spell will be a fraction of the output of Lostmauth's Vengence (which has the highest DPS output here at 25%!). But should I even bother trying to get the Lostmauth artifacts considering it might be nerfed?
I wish the development team could show some framework of design and forward planning. Then I could make some well-informed decisions about what build I should pursue.
Far more than care about PvP.
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
I also wouldn't get too comfortable with using LostMouth as dps crutch, either.
Thats all I have to say to these changes. Oh yeah and CYA!
TR's are safely at the top of the PVP food chain, without any equals, CW was smack dab in the middle even before this nerf goes live. So, tell me again, why is this nerf necessary and the real problem (piercing damage) continues to dominate PVP?
I understand that you want to change Storm Spell because a passive shouldn't be that strong. I totally agree with that. BUT not replacing it with something else that makes up of for it, that's were you lost me.
I want to see a significant boost that makes up for SS with a control or damage boost to our encounters. Or both.
I'm on a break from this game ATM since the latest mod didn't bring me anything fun to play. But I was looking forward to come back for mod7. But now, I'm not so sure i will.
Ah well, it will be nerfed. Sucks to be a CW right now.
You haven't been playing very long, have you? TRs have been nerfed many times. Just not lately.
Actually I do believe that TR's were nerfed every patch but 2 (every patch that touched anything to do with TR). They were nerfed every mod but one and stand as the most nerfed class in the game. Granted they needed it too in some cases and especially early on.
Sigh remember when a TR could lashing blade crit for 180+k one hiting everything! I started playing my cw again and not two weeks later its getting a Nerf. My friend tested preview and then live and the majority are correct 50% Nerf, but meh if I get to play more of a controller build and not get criticized or kicked for low dps all the better!
+9001. Finally!