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Patch Notes: NW.45.20150515a.6



  • mutjinninjamutjinninja Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    query523 wrote: »
    You might consider that if you are getting 60% of your damage drom a passive it is fairly broken and maybe needs fixed. I'm thinking back to when Deep Gash was providing upwards of 40% of GWF damage. And yeah I've looked at GWF damage Mod6 and honestly it's fairly ballanced (ignoring Lost set which is fairly broken for a class that gets most of it's DPS from critting on At-Wills) when you consider that GWFs have no utility powers of any real merit (without going IV and losing DPS then they have like 1). A class that has nothing but DPS should excel at DPS. It always confuses me that so many in the CW community think that a class with lots of utility powers should also be a high-end DPS class. Should GFs (also a utility heavy class) also be top DPSers?

    Again, people like to see what they want to see. Gwfs got their damage back, huzzah. I'm not debating that storm spell was fairly broken. But this is, to use your example, exactly like the deep gash nerf. Gwfs had <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> damage for a long time after that because they were not provided with compensation for that loss. This is the same. So you bring the power back in line, but you need to buff it in some way to make up for that. Add more control powers, buff the base damages of other powers, etc..

    It always confuses me that the rest of the nw community can't be bothered to play multiple classes and understand them. For the millionth time I've probably said this about the cw: We. Are. Not. Controllers. We have never been controllers. We might have been pre mod 4, but they killed that build on preview. All our "control" powers are very high risk or <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. We either get one shotted or ineffectually freeze things for like 2 seconds.

    If you want Cws to control, write a letter to cryptic and get them to do another huge overhaul of the class. Until then, the best form of control we have is to burn things into the ground before they can kill us. Which this nerf makes very difficult
  • solbergxsolbergx Member Posts: 654 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Classes and Balance

    Control Wizard
    • Repel: This spell should no longer be able to be dodge cancelled infinitely.
    Explain i dont understand,the repel attack cant be dodged or repel cant be canceled by another player?
    So confusing
  • lilhamletlilhamlet Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    solbergx wrote: »
    Explain i dont understand,the repel attack cant be dodged or repel cant be canceled by another player?
    So confusing

    CW player would be able to cancel the repel attack (cw dodge to cancel), so the push would activate, but with no damage, and the power would never go on cooldown. So they could effectively perpetually push opponents away.
  • senterionosenteriono Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    This is wildly exaggerated. Why do you think most of the requests in lfg chat are for healers and tanks? There are no 5 cw runs. We cannot perma CC ANYTHING and if a single add gets through, we get one shotted. So it makes sense for us to do tons of damage.

    lol i run 5 man cw ecc/etos and **** everything we run ecc in less then 15 min almost everyrun just because u see noobs looking for dc's and gf's doesn't mean thats the best way too run it
  • shoogaboogalooshoogaboogaloo Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I agree that TR 'SO' piercing damage does need to be looked at too and many of us have mentioned this for quite awhile, but realize in PvE it is 3% of a TR's damage opposed to 60%+ from SS for CW (Now I know you are being particular to PvP here but I wanted to give you more of a comparison of the difference between them).

    Yeah, balancing for pve isn't really a thing though, they don't even use shadowy opportunity in pve... at least the top damaging ones I see in tiamat. Also I did some testing guys, I play only CW and I can say our damage isn't gutted the .5 icd is barely noticeable and we lost maybe 10% on our overall damage from stormspell, 20% in pvp rather than 30%.... So you can relax if you play CW.. we are still very much alive post change especially with the changes to damage mitigation our actual spells do good damage now too. So everyone put your pitchforks down and lets just politely ask the devs to look into other things. I must reiterate how strong shadow opportunity is... not so much in pve but definitely in PVP it is literally game breaking, all of the best guilds revolve around the two large main broken things right now... how to steal points off an unkillable class (paladin).. and how to 2 v 1 vs a tr and not take 9k piercing damage fast enough to die. Both of those classes get people stacked on them because they are ultimately stronger than any one class.... and it is very concerning to me because I love pvp and the health of it matters. So even as a cw I don't mind our damage getting revalued, its a positive change if it changes the communities outlook on CW in general... but I think there are more pressing matters as far as balance goes. We will trust you to look into them <3.
  • suddenlyslowsuddenlyslow Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Yeah, balancing for pve isn't really a thing though, they don't even using shadowy opportunity in pve... at least the top damaging ones I see in tiamat. Also I did some testing guys, I play only CW and I can say our damage isn't gutted the .5 icd is barely noticeable and we lost maybe 10% on our overall damage from stormspell, 20% in pvp rather than 30%.... So you can relax if you play CW.. we are still very much alive post change especially with the changes to damage mitigation our actual spells do good damage now too. So everyone put your pitchforks down and lets just politely ask the devs to look into other things. I must reiterate how strong shadow opportunity is... not so much in pve but definitely in PVP it is literally game breaking, all of the best guilds revolve around the two large main broken things right now... how to steal points off an unkillable class (paladin).. and how to 2 v 1 vs a tr and not take 9k piercing damage fast enough to die. Both of those classes get people stacked on them because they are ultimately stronger than any one class.... and it is very concerning to me because I love pvp and the health of it matters. So even as a cw I don't mind our damage getting revalued, its a positive change if it changes the communities outlook on CW in general... but I think there are more pressing matters as far as balance goes. We will trust you to look into them <3.

    Well you don't "not use" SO in PvE, you either have it or don't and it has no off switch. It could be executioners you are looking at as they don't have SO. SO is on the sab path and honestly has no business being there.
  • soulbearer1soulbearer1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Last two previous patch updates .. Acceptable and pleased.

    This patch update ... not so pleasing.

    That's all ... just my two bits.
    Forgotten Realms Forever!
    Thank you, Ed. :D
  • feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    jonkoca wrote: »
    Token HR here, thanks for the fix to our roots, these last few weeks' patches have been nothing but 100% good news for our class. Keep up the good work. I mean god, I cannot think of anything major that needs fixing anymore.

    Though my trans terror could use some love, I just put the poor thing in the bank. Then I held a minutes silent vigil in mourning. Luckily my alt has a p.plague to tide me over till the DR debuff is fixerized.

    My comiserations to the CWs, look forward to meeting you all in domination.

    It's nice that they finally fixed something we've been reminding them about for months, but they still need to fix dodge immunity frames, the way that swiftness of the fox often fails to proc in combat, the unbelievably dumb fact that plant growth, a giant pile of grasping roots, is somehow neither strong grasping roots nor weak grasping roots but some third thing specifically created not to work with trapper feats, make dodges about 20% bigger (so we don't constantly die jumping between platforms in Tiamat), make the triggered attack of Careful Attack stop <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> up Aspect of the Serpent so that it's hard to maximize melee damage (important when using Gushing Wound against bosses), and I imagine there's a whole other list of stormwarden-specific things.
  • lilhamletlilhamlet Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Well you don't "not use" SO in PvE, you either have it or don't and it has no off switch. It could be executioners you are looking at as they don't have SO. SO is on the sab path and honestly has no business being there.

    Exactly this. The path with the near perpetual stealth should not have been the one to get the damage boost that cannot be mitigated (from attacks while in stealth no less).
  • feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Nerfing the RP rewards from IWD was the wrong solution. Limiting the number of people per instance, requiring more time/damage to get the full reward, suspending all RP rewards while BID is up (and finally fixing the broken BID instances after a YEAR), and binding them to account would have made sense. As usual, Cryptic implements the worst possible 'fix.'

    As it is, anyone hoping to advance in the IWD part of the pvp campaign is still out of luck.
  • necron304necron304 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    And again I wonder, if the resitancebug will ever be patch
  • manzillaprimemanzillaprime Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2015
    Does anyone not remember the reason that stormspell was buffed in the first place? Let me remind you: It was because all of our CW powers were massively nerfed. Buffing stormspell was like a little bone to try and help. Now, stormspell is nerfed without a re-examination of the encounter power nerfs that necessitated the need for it in the first place. This nerfs our damage into oblivion
  • fuglymookfuglymook Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Laugh at CWs who say they can not control anything, all the annoying mobs that 1 shot players in T2 (ie, Archers, Spiders, Cut Throats, ect..) can all be controlled and easily killed if interrupted with 1 singularity. There is a difference between can not and will not, I run with a great many CWs who are great at controlling the mobs in most every encounter. Yes there are mobs that are uncontrollable but most of them do not need to be controlled anyways. All the dps classes have felt the nerf bat at one time or another welcome to the party. Those classes that got nerf did not receive any boost to another ability until down the road but found other specs to use and just accepted what happens in all MMOs eventually.
  • manzillaprimemanzillaprime Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2015
    fuglymook wrote: »
    Laugh at CWs who say they can not control anything, all the annoying mobs that 1 shot players in T2 (ie, Archers, Spiders, Cut Throats, ect..) can all be controlled and easily killed if interrupted with 1 singularity. There is a difference between can not and will not, I run with a great many CWs who are great at controlling the mobs in most every encounter. Yes there are mobs that are uncontrollable but most of them do not need to be controlled anyways. All the dps classes have felt the nerf bat at one time or another welcome to the party. Those classes that got nerf did not receive any boost to another ability until down the road but found other specs to use and just accepted what happens in all MMOs eventually.

    You obviously have no idea the level of control resistance of mobs in T2's. 1 second is about as much control as you get on any "control" ability. And you need to get this idea out of your head that "control" wizards should be controlling/cc'ing. That would be like me saying "trickster" rogues need to be tricking enemies. It is just how they are named. All classes have some measure of control abilities, from stuns, prones, dazes, pushes, etc.
  • fuglymookfuglymook Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    You obviously have no idea the level of control resistance of mobs in T2's. 1 second is about as much control as you get on any "control" ability. And you need to get this idea out of your head that "control" wizards should be controlling/cc'ing. That would be like me saying "trickster" rogues need to be tricking enemies. It is just how they are named. All classes have some measure of control abilities, from stuns, prones, dazes, pushes, etc.

    1 second is all you need as it interrupts their attacks and puts them on CD again. Trickster Rogues do in fact use tricks on their enemies such as bait and switch, smoke screen, stealth. The control wizard has the most CCs and most effective CCs in game and yet 90% refuse to use them. A good controlling CW can make runs so easy and increase the damage all party members do in group and the end goal is to beat boss and take loot. The DEVs fixed a broken class feature that critted 100% of time and in some cases procced multiple times in 1 second on same mob.
  • martanis117martanis117 Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Classes and Balance

    • PVP: Armor Penetration Resistance now correctly works as expected against players.
    • Tenacity: Armor Penetration Resistance is now multiplicative. Base Armor penetration resistance is now 20% to compensate.
    • Tenacity: Damage Resistance and Critical Resistance from Tenacity are now correctly multiplicative.
    Control Wizard
    • Repel: This spell should no longer be able to be dodge cancelled infinitely.
    • Storm Spell: This class feature now has a .5 second ICD and can no longer critically strike.
    Great Weapon Fighter
    • Punishing Charge: Rank 4 now correctly increases your number of charges.

    Guardian Fighter
    • Line Breaker Assault: This power will now consistently activate when hitting targets.

    Hunter Ranger
    • Thorned Roots: This damage component of this power is no longer incorrectly resisted by control resist.

    Items and Economy
    • Icewind Dale: Heroic Encounter rewards have been reduced.
    • Trickster Rogue Rare primary weapons level 61+ are not only usable in the main hand.

    User Interface
    • Inspecting a player defaults to the equipment tab again.

    hey so what about the bugged enchantments? what about the classes that need to be buffed to be on par with other strong classes? what about the invisible fire balls in LoL?
  • fuglymookfuglymook Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    You obviously have no idea the level of control resistance of mobs in T2's. 1 second is about as much control as you get on any "control" ability. And you need to get this idea out of your head that "control" wizards should be controlling/cc'ing. That would be like me saying "trickster" rogues need to be tricking enemies. It is just how they are named. All classes have some measure of control abilities, from stuns, prones, dazes, pushes, etc.

    On my main I use control dailies all the tiime (at a huge dps loss) to help ensure party success.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Im sorry but one peridot reward is a massive reduction.

    It should be guaranteed one peridot and chance of rolle at another 50% and another 10% chance at aquarmarine or something.

    Again, you guys are not balancing this right.

    Simply put, there just isnt enough in game items to worry about doing to warrant playing right now.
  • checkmatein3checkmatein3 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 525 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Token GF on the thread.

    Line Breaker Assault fixed. Really? With the DR issue, the Shield Issue, the Lunging Strike bug, the stance glitch, you 'fix' a skill that is not valuable in PvE ('face tanking with it in epic dungeons will get you one shot killed because you are exposed and separated from group) and not very useful in PvP (when rotations of skills are better with control features).

    For the GF, please fix the things that are more critical for the class. Thanks!
    LEVIATHAN--19.3k Metallic Dragonborn Guardian Fighter Swordmaster Loadouts

    Guild--And the Imaginary Friends

  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Again, people like to see what they want to see. Gwfs got their damage back, huzzah. I'm not debating that storm spell was fairly broken. But this is, to use your example, exactly like the deep gash nerf. Gwfs had <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> damage for a long time after that because they were not provided with compensation for that loss. This is the same. So you bring the power back in line, but you need to buff it in some way to make up for that. Add more control powers, buff the base damages of other powers, etc..

    It always confuses me that the rest of the nw community can't be bothered to play multiple classes and understand them. For the millionth time I've probably said this about the cw: We. Are. Not. Controllers. We have never been controllers. We might have been pre mod 4, but they killed that build on preview. All our "control" powers are very high risk or <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. We either get one shotted or ineffectually freeze things for like 2 seconds.

    If you want Cws to control, write a letter to cryptic and get them to do another huge overhaul of the class. Until then, the best form of control we have is to burn things into the ground before they can kill us. Which this nerf makes very difficult

    You fail to understand why DG was a problem. It was because with one feat you could get plenty of DPS then go IV sent and be nigh invulnerable too. GWfs now get great DPS but can be kind of fragile. If you think CW's controlis bad you whould try...... EVERY OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME. I happen to know their control was fine past Mod4 because I was using one. Everyone's control is dimi9nished Mod6 this is true. But when you play a class that has a dozen utility powers complaining about a loss of DPS just sounds like whining.
  • daalydaaly Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Token GF on the thread.

    Line Breaker Assault fixed. Really? With the DR issue, the Shield Issue, the Lunging Strike bug, the stance glitch, you 'fix' a skill that is not valuable in PvE ('face tanking with it in epic dungeons will get you one shot killed because you are exposed and separated from group) and not very useful in PvP (when rotations of skills are better with control features).

    For the GF, please fix the things that are more critical for the class. Thanks!

    Yeah I have to seriously agree here...with all due respect to the dev team you fix an ability that as far as I know not one GF is using let alone have any points into it. Epic Facepalm moment coming.
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    fuglymook wrote: »
    On my main I use control dailies all the tiime (at a huge dps loss) to help ensure party success.

    Not my main but I builtan Oppressor after the entire library (almost) told me not to. Amazng how nigh-invulnerable it is. It just kills things slowly.....
  • doidlokodoidloko Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    yes, but all dont understand, spell storm its the best skill for cw. if remove this we will have nothing good.
    cw is not like Trs all builds are good, we have 1 good build for pvp and 1 good skill for pvp.
    Now nerfing this we dont have nothing good, we will be the **** class of this game.

    90% of cw´s use vopal, focus on critical and use spell storm, because mage of fire its terrible, impossible for pvp.
    we dont have what to make now, only see TR´S them laughing even more of us. And this already look at enclave chat geral.
    All Trs happy for this change of cw
  • kriseinkrisein Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I feel like the whole cw community is speechless in shock. I know storm spell was out of line, but this change harkens back to the old dev team who just smashed things with the nerfhammer and left them broken. If you're going to slaughter the skill that does 60% of our damage, maybe you should buff something to compensate? This will leave us with barely any damage. If you felt cws were doing too much damage, maybe you should take a look at the insanity that a geared GWF can pull off.

    Time to make another toon my main until this debacle is scaled back.

    on the other hand,
    Repel: This spell should no longer be able to be dodge cancelled infinitely.
    It's more fun in the Philippines >:)
  • shoogaboogalooshoogaboogaloo Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    fuglymook wrote: »
    1 second is all you need as it interrupts their attacks and puts them on CD again. Trickster Rogues do in fact use tricks on their enemies such as bait and switch, smoke screen, stealth. The control wizard has the most CCs and most effective CCs in game and yet 90% refuse to use them. A good controlling CW can make runs so easy and increase the damage all party members do in group and the end goal is to beat boss and take loot. The DEVs fixed a broken class feature that critted 100% of time and in some cases procced multiple times in 1 second on same mob.

    To be fair, trickster rogues do trick enemies, but they also tank everything with 100% deflect and 75% deflect severity making them take less than 5% of incoming damage... so they should be called tankster rogues instead yeah?
  • zeusomzeusom Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 810 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Hopefully the TRs don't just get the enchantment back in their bags.

    And TRs wake up tomorrow morning to find the Transcendent vorpal they had equipped to blue offhand slot has vanished along with their blue offhand weapon, irreversibly gobbled up by the system :D
    Sopi (aka Haxbox) SW [Synergy]
    Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack

  • slintashslintash Member Posts: 172 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2015
    I feel like the whole cw community is speechless in shock. I know storm spell was out of line, but this change harkens back to the old dev team who just smashed things with the nerfhammer and left them broken. If you're going to slaughter the skill that does 60% of our damage, maybe you should buff something to compensate? This will leave us with barely any damage. If you felt cws were doing too much damage, maybe you should take a look at the insanity that a geared GWF can pull off.

    Honestly some of us that play CW are laughing, pretty hard. Seriously, changing SS ruins your build so much that you lose 60%? Talk about putting all your eggs in one basket.

    Also, people DO play MoF you know, so no the "whole" community definitely doesn't care. Speaking of which, since SS was "buffed due to our other powers dealing less damage", tell me, what did MoF get? *Silence*

    Maybe you and everyone else complaining that you arnt top DPS dogs should learn to play a CONTROL wizard with CONTROL powers. You know, like some of us do. And yes, i do fine in T2s, thanks for asking.
  • demonkyuubidemonkyuubi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    wasn't storm spell only buffed because shard of the endless avalanche was nerfed?

    besides, at least now ss wizards won't be so condescending about the usefulness of the debuffs of MoF wizards
    slintash wrote: »
    Maybe you and everyone else complaining that you arnt top DPS dogs should learn to play a CONTROL wizard with CONTROL powers. You know, like some of us do. And yes, i do fine in T2s, thanks for asking.

    ya, i hate dps-crazy cw's in pve. they make the runs so much more annoying than when an actual control wizard is in the group
  • helpimblindinrlhelpimblindinrl Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    What powers are mof using to get more control that ss? Nothing? Are you using feats to get more control? Well try it without them and see how much difference they make. Its not a lot. Its in fact pathetic. But you want to roleplay a wizard that's fine
  • demonkyuubidemonkyuubi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    What powers are mof using to get more control that ss? Nothing? Are you using feats to get more control? Well try it without them and see how much difference they make. Its not a lot. Its in fact pathetic. But you want to roleplay a wizard that's fine

    u can get the silly icy veins feat regardless of path. it's your problem if you don't invest in it.

    also, there is frost enchant but i doubt any cw seeking dps will want to sacrifice a weapon enchant for more control.

    it has never been necessary to be a 100% oppressor but it does help
This discussion has been closed.