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TR out of control (CoS/SO/LM)



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    gom8gom8 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    hmm HR(s) chart looks the same (at least for me) as a trapper, about 50% of my damage is from thorned roots.. those sometimes can crit for 10k, where as my encounter powers do about 8k critting...

    the chart does not help much what would help is DPS or damage vs time... honestly after a 4 or 5 hour play session mine looks very similar with 2 skills doing 70% or so of my damage..
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    mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    docj0r wrote: »
    If you could hurt a TR they would be a *little* more balanced, same goes for CW's.

    But how long have these classes been like this? Do what you have to do in order to have fun I suppose!

    Hence, a different "solution" to the TR defenses need to be thought of from the community, not like how the rest of these delusional TR-bashing morons would simply want to cut off its arms and legs and call that "balance".

    The major TR players usually keep silent and want to describe it as a "L2P" issue, which it really isn't, at least not to the extent they would have us believe. The rest of the "non-majority" TRs have a few ideas in terms of stealth and ITC, since most of the balance-threatening "king of survival" issues directly stem up from ITC particularly.

    But on the other hand, some of the "L2P" comments do have a point as well, for example the GG match I was in yesterday. I used a setup which had:

    (1) no ITC
    (2) no SS
    (3) no BnS
    (4) was not a Saboteuer, so no free "insta-stealth"
    (5) was not a Saboteuer, so did not have broken OP SO-boosted damage
    (6) don't have any Lostmauth set effects
    (7) don't have any mythic grade artifacts to boost my survival every minute, only a "once-in-2 minutes-CC breaker" Oghma's

    ...so basically I had no defense utilities, no special super duper damage buffs, no stealth enhancers, every kill I had to work my <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> off to earn it, and still was able to survive in the midst of 3~4 people on the node. The fight grew bigger with like 6~7 on each side, and since the node was right next to the opponent's spawn, gradually things turned in the favor of the opponents, but I was the last to leave the mod, and alive at that. I had none of what people point out as balance breakers, nor am I a talented TR player.

    It was basically a lot of gear difference and (especially) really bad "TR-check" from the opponents as they were mostly very passive, and had either a too short attention span (to keep me pressured), or had to long an attention (which had them fixated against the one enemy they were attacking, and mostly oblivious to what was happening around them. I could easily walk up my target at a normal pace while visible the entire way, and my target would not know I was about to hit him. Just totally fixated on one target.


    So in reality balance is a mixup of a lot of factors. Hopefully we can get a "duel/challenge" mode that works in Protector's Enclave, and maybe draw in a few casual/PvE players who might be interested in getting some practice, or ask for hints or tips... because like, these forums, which was probably meant for all those things, nowadays has none of it. Every PvP discussion is a E-Peen contest, and so volatile and hostile nowadays that I'm not sure if a newbie or a casual player can ever get the courage to ask honest questions and tips and pointers without provoking a flamewar somehow.
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    mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    Well guess what, you are like the only TR that does not use ITC. The developers clearly should balance the class around a 0.00001% percentage of players. It makes the most sense... NOT.

    Which part of "ITC needs nerf" did you not get? English not your main tongue?

    Besides, are you running out of arguments? Usually simple minded people resort to utilizing insults when they have no concrete evidence for their claims and want to add a little pressure... Keep on shooting your own foot, mate. It just proves the potato cliche isn't as unreal as you guys want everyone to believe.

    Right. I'll make sure to tell my doctor to not prescribe whatever meds you're on, because I honestly don't have a clue as to what triggered your response. In a bullet point, my comments above were:

    (1) certain defense issues on TRs need balancing
    (2) there are some "L2P" issues with a lot of the average players

    ...so uh... which one is giving you the allergic response again?
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    mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    If this was Mortal Kombat, what you just asked would be considered a 'potatility', which resembles the potatoland equivalent of a hara kiri. You are referring to the few sane people on these very forums as delusional morons, buddy... so expect some sort of backlash. You get what you give, that's life.

    So you're basically saying that you're one of those delusional morons, right? :winks:
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    trpotatosyndrometrpotatosyndrome Member Posts: 110
    edited May 2015

    If this was Mortal Kombat, what you just asked would be considered a 'potatility', which resembles the potatoland equivalent of a hara kiri. You are referring to the few sane people on these very forums as delusional morons, buddy... so expect some sort of backlash. You get what you give, that's life.


    The non TR (An intelligent being) proceeds to approach the defeated TR (potato). The non-TR proceeds to take a gigantic spoon and slice the TR in half vertically. Mashed potatoes explode around the area instead of blood. The non-TR then gets in the ground and eats those delicious mashed potatoes in sheer satisfaction. mmmm.... delicious TR potatoes!
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    colonelwingcolonelwing Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I used to be quite passive about the issue and was not in favor of a nerf to the stealth mechanic, but now i believe that the TR class is a bit overpowered in terms of survivability. I am forced to leave many GG matches due to perma stealth rogues being invincible, they cannot even be taken down by an entire team. How am i supposed to fight them, if i can't see them? And if i actually see them i cannot CC them? While they can stay in stealth endlessly and throw their ridiculously hard hitting daggers? Don't get me wrong, i usually do not flame or bash any class, but something has to be done about said imbalance.

    Thanks for allowing me to use the signature.

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    mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    Thanks for allowing me to use the signature.

    "...and thus, it has come to pass the Dark Armies of the Potato Heresy grew in their numbers, like a plague across this lands... every farm hold, every castle they swept through more and more hideous heresies of the potato rose from the ranks of the dead. A curse upon the dreaded Dark Lord Tomato, and his hideous followers of the cult, whom, with their unending hatred towards potato TRs, would soon see this land extinguished of all peaceful potatoes and their saplings... Our lord Jesus Christ have mercy on our potato souls, be they fried, whipped, mashed or boiled, and cometh the heretics that bash potatoes, and none be safe after this hour..."

    - excerpt from the "The Annals of the Deadly Spread of the Potato Cult" -
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    colonelwingcolonelwing Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    "...and thus, it has come to pass the Dark Armies of the Potato Heresy grew in their numbers, like a plague across this lands... every farm hold, every castle they swept through more and more hideous heresies of the potato rose from the ranks of the dead. A curse upon the dreaded Dark Lord Tomato, and his hideous follows of the cult, and our lord Jesus Christ have mercy on our souls. Cometh the potato, and none be safe after this hour..."

    - excerpt from the "The Annals of the Deadly Spread of the Potato Cult" -

    Hey, it is a good and passive / non aggressive way to make the developers become aware that something is wrong. I'm not here to troll if that is what you are trying to imply. I simply want to see the class balanced. Besides, the sig. is very well done, in my opinion.

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    rustlordrustlord Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    "...and thus, it has come to pass the Dark Armies of the Potato Heresy grew in their numbers, like a plague across this lands... every farm hold, every castle they swept through more and more hideous heresies of the potato rose from the ranks of the dead. A curse upon the dreaded Dark Lord Tomato, and his hideous followers of the cult, whom, with their unending hatred towards potato TRs, would soon see this land extinguished of all peaceful potatoes and their saplings... Our lord Jesus Christ have mercy on our potato souls, be they fried, whipped, mashed or boiled, and cometh the heretics that bash potatoes, and none be safe after this hour..."

    - excerpt from the "The Annals of the Deadly Spread of the Potato Cult" -

    Oh my dear cousin peaceful potato, I sweat in muh garden bed. That is Dark Lord Tomato for you when he's in a good mood. God forbid he is ever in a bad mood.
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    lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    zeusom wrote: »
    Balance of any sort requires trade off between survivability and damage.
    Rogue has incredibly high amounts of both and incredible speed too.

    Yea, combination of ITC, stealth, guaranteed super crits and ungodly deflect amounts with 75% deflect severity make for one overpowered mix.

    TRs pretty much have everything without sacrificing anything in return(well, maybe except their very soul as you have to be pretty dead inside to play TR and don't feel bad).
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    k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    More like, braindead. The sad part is, our average potatoes think that they are decent pvp'ers. They believe staying stealthed forever takes actual skill... when in fact it is the easiest, cheesiest thing in mmo history. Even a 5 year old could pull the smokebomb, dagger, dodge, stealth, dagger, dodge, dagger, dodge, dagger, dodge, ITC rinse and repeat - TR chicken dance off.

    what is your main class anyway?
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    rustlordrustlord Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    History and French.

    Really? Here I thought you majored Agriculture and make up.
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    demonkyuubidemonkyuubi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    lerdocix wrote: »
    Yea, combination of ITC, stealth, guaranteed super crits and ungodly deflect amounts with 75% deflect severity make for one overpowered mix.

    TRs pretty much have everything without sacrificing anything in return(well, maybe except their very soul as you have to be pretty dead inside to play TR and don't feel bad).

    if you want sabs/permas to be nerfed, leave the rest of us rogues out of it. it's really just that 1 thing that has always been overwhelming and not our other defensive abilities.

    itc/deflect doesn't even mean much in pvp these days with all the ungodly amounts of piercing on top of the fact that itc has a high failure rate when used to block a prone. but this is just from the perspective of a non-perma who actually does get hit and die quickly.
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    rustlordrustlord Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited May 2015

    They lost credibility the moment they started this whole potato crusade. Now devs just don't care, dumped all their crying to the sore tomato basket with all the cucumbers and peaches and kiwis. But past all that, out of the goodness of our potato hearts, you'll maybe see 2 or 3 honest TRs speak up that sabo needs a nerf.

    That's coming from me, who's playing MI and sabo. Yes, nerf me. No conditions whatsoever. I know it's broken. I'm still gonna find ways to dice you up, mash you and boil you in the end cuz why? We're smarter than your average forum trolls.
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    pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I find mirrorballz post reasonable apart for the potality part...

    When someone agrees something must be fixed, it means you just have to talk about what and why, examining the mechanics.

    I think making CC undeflectable, make piercing damage respect tenacity in PvP (piercing damage pierces through armor, tenacity is "something else" imho, a separate layer of defense that should affect EVERYTHING in PvP. Every power, every feat. To be fair), and just fixing where needed the specific things that make the "chicken dance" too powerful.

    From my own point of view, imho it is also a bit cheap the fact that dodge rolls now are close to being spammable. Dodge should be something to use carefully and time...not spam.

    For that, i'd just tone down stamina regeneration. So if you spam dodge rolls, you have to wait before dodging again. And 4 long rolls are enough as a defensive mechanism, i think we can agree on this.
    No problem in leaving stealth the way it is if ITC and dodge rolls spam are fixed.

    Damage i think would see the problem solved if piercing damage was changed to respect tenacity. Since, as i stated above, everything respects tenacity in PvP and TR damage is not special in that way. Piercing through armor is enough and tenacity would provide enough damage mitigation to imho solve the issue. If then we see the damage is too low, i'd rather buff specific encounters that can be dodged/ mitigated.

    Negation also needs a fix, since it's a long shot above all the other enchants.

    And CW storm spell mechanic, i'd rather see damage back to shard, so TRs don't feel like they got toned down while the rivals are still in the cheesy godlike tier.
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    zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    pando83 wrote: »
    I find mirrorballz post reasonable apart for the potality part...

    When someone agrees something must be fixed, it means you just have to talk about what and why, examining the mechanics.

    I think making CC undeflectable, make piercing damage respect tenacity in PvP (piercing damage pierces through armor, tenacity is "something else" imho, a separate layer of defense that should affect EVERYTHING in PvP. Every power, every feat. To be fair), and just fixing where needed the specific things that make the "chicken dance" too powerful.

    From my own point of view, imho it is also a bit cheap the fact that dodge rolls now are close to being spammable. Dodge should be something to use carefully and time...not spam.

    For that, i'd just tone down stamina regeneration. So if you spam dodge rolls, you have to wait before dodging again. And 4 long rolls are enough as a defensive mechanism, i think we can agree on this.
    No problem in leaving stealth the way it is if ITC and dodge rolls spam are fixed.

    Damage i think would see the problem solved if piercing damage was changed to respect tenacity. Since, as i stated above, everything respects tenacity in PvP and TR damage is not special in that way. Piercing through armor is enough and tenacity would provide enough damage mitigation to imho solve the issue. If then we see the damage is too low, i'd rather buff specific encounters that can be dodged/ mitigated.

    Negation also needs a fix, since it's a long shot above all the other enchants.

    And CW storm spell mechanic, i'd rather see damage back to shard, so TRs don't feel like they got toned down while the rivals are still in the cheesy godlike tier.

    I think you're onto something about dodges. What if all classes had 2s delay after dodge before stamina regeneration kicks in? Like, you know, GWFs have it.
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    pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    zvieris wrote: »
    I think you're onto something about dodges. What if all classes had 2s delay after dodge before stamina regeneration kicks in? Like, you know, GWFs have it.

    I have no problems with it.
    GWFs already have the lowest stamina regeneration, you need to carefully use your sprint or you don't have it when you need. And if that's happens, vs CWs for example, it means repel-CC-IK--->bye bye.
    I also play DC and HR and they have dodges. DC feels ok about dodges.
    HR feels like their dodges are too short and you usally need to chain 2 dodges to have enough immunity frame to really "dodge". Or a VERY LOW ping and very good reflexes to dodge something with the less-than-1-second HR dodge.

    TRs i see in PvP don't need any control about their dodges. They just almost spam their rolls. Does not require any skill, tactic or knowledge for the simple reason that it's coupled with stealth, so by the time your rolls are over, you are invisible and moving at high speed due to movement buff, and then in few seconds voilà...your rolls are ready.

    May be i didn't say it enough but i don't like cheesy mechanics. Much like Storm Spell damage...pretty much the same.
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    jobsalotofworkjobsalotofwork Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    zvieris wrote: »
    I think you're onto something about dodges. What if all classes had 2s delay after dodge before stamina regeneration kicks in? Like, you know, GWFs have it.

    That would be fair. Alternately remove the delay from GWF and SW.
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    pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    rustlord wrote: »
    We're smarter than your average forum trolls.

    Then you should not need to play broken builds. Just sayin'...
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    ryoshinetteryoshinette Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I know, that its a bit off topic. But I think some good TR's should read it. It's not mine screenshot, but it was made yestarday. Can you explain this? (power)
    Ryoshin GF (4.2k)
    .Suicide Squad.

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    mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    I'd rather see it they implement a slightly longer delay time between each dodge activation. I've been practicing since mod5 in timing my ranged attacks so the when it activates and impacts, it does so when the target TR is running away in consecutive dodges... and I've had some amount of success with it.

    I've also been practicing the "counting method" (..and no, it isn't the Lamaze breathing technique :rolleyes:) where I count how many dodges the TR running away from me used. Since my one, trusted method of catching enemy TRs in stealth is using the VP-teleport tracking, it pays off to see how many dodges the opponent used while visible -- and then, he would go into stealth, and in all likeliness he'll use what's left of his dodge to earn more distance.. so starting counting the seconds until I'm sure the TR would have used up all dodges, and then use VP to track so he cannot dodge it in stealth.

    The thing is, as much as practicing such methods pays off, it still isn't reliable enough to be of comfort despite the long time I've been practicing it. The window of opportunity between dodges is like maybe a less than second or so (feels like around 0.7?), very short. This actually goes for all classes that use dodges except the HRs.

    I'd also actually prefer to have shorter dodges, and then perhaps a feat like the CW has so when you invest in it, it gives you a short burst of running speed. Because, personally my style of combat is to be aggressive, and there are so many opportunities I'd prefer to have the dodge end quicker so I can immediately retaliate after dodging an attack, except I can't do that because the dodge is too long.

    So, in terms of dodging, my personal wish would be:

    (1) a slightly longer delay between dodges for ALL classes that have dodge as SHIFT mechanic

    (2) immediate regeneration of stamina for GWFs after use of sprint, because yes, I also have a GWF, and I think its bullshi* when my main TR can start regenerating stamina right after the dodge, and my GWF has this weird delay/'waiting time for it to regenerate after sprint is finished. It's just <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> reasoning.

    (3) shorter dodge distances, compensated by a "speed burst" feat as in how the Oppressor feat works for CWs after teleport (this would ensure the TR has quick enough speed to further its distance while running away, but since it's just running, it can still be caught with a timely CC... on the flip side, this would actually reward aggressive TR players so that with a shorter dodge, a well timed activation will avoid the incoming attack, but will end quickly enough to immediately capitalize on the missed attack of the opponent to retaliate -- in which case a speed burst would also help offensively.
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    blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I know, that its a bit off topic. But I think some good TR's should read it. It's not mine screenshot, but it was made yestarday. Can you explain this? (power)

    bug or exploit for sure.
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    ryoshinetteryoshinette Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm not blaming anyone. Just asking for explanation. Really.
    Ryoshin GF (4.2k)
    .Suicide Squad.

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    mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    bug or exploit for sure.

    1. If he's an Executioner, it will gain a 100% buff right as soon as it enters stealth.
    2. If he uses Whirlwind of Blades, it will buff up his power 20% per hit, for a max 5 targets for 100%

    So technically speaking if he has 22k power, he can first activate WoD against 5 targets to have it buffed up to 44k for 10 seconds, and during that time, he can enter stealth and activate Shadowborn so that the 44k is again, doubled up to 88k.

    Theoretically speaking, it's not a bug. It's also a terribly cumbersome and not-too-effective way of fighting in PvP.. it's harder than it sounds to have 5 targets for WoB at the same time unless it's one of those NPC-infested nodes in GG, and 10 seconds is a shorter window than one might think.

    Ofcourse, this is theoretical possibility. Better try it out if it works like that, but I don't see any reason why it will not work in the exact manner I think it would.

    In this case the best use would be in PvE, against 4~5 target mob group, with a Whisperknife... in which case WoB, enter stealth, and throw Disheartening Strike for a massive DoT/bleed against the strongest target. (having 4 x normal Power level would probably deal higher damage than First Strike assist)
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