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Vote Kicking Feedback Thread (XBOX)



  • dlc88dlc88 Member Posts: 44
    edited May 2015
    This is so true
  • missymee283missymee283 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    goetzymama wrote: »
    With that said, there absolutely SHOULD be a kick system. Especially for PUGs. What if someone joins and goes to eat dinner? What if someone is in a storm, power goes out and they are there disc...What happens if someone joins in the group and then starts cussing, harassing, threatening the other group members?

    lol, I agree completely with your whole post and thank you. There are definitely many reasons to keep vote to kick. Such examples are great reasons why one would be kicked, it wouldn't be fair to be stuck with a player who isn't there or to be stuck with a bully. Plus, being stuck with someone who is constantly cursing and harassing other teammates would suck all the fun away. I feel some people take the game way too seriously.
  • blueberry1973blueberry1973 Member Posts: 58
    edited May 2015
    This is neither common sense, nor the popular opinion amongst players, nor the best course of action.

    It would be a terrible idea that would make the game un-playable to disable/remove VTK.

    It is only the popular opinion amongst whiners on these forums, not of the player-base, the majority of which probably realize how necessary, albeit in need of some minor changes, the VTK system is.

    Removing it would be the worst course of action, though I readily admit it is frequently abused and needs to be tweaked.

    Whatever man. Don't defend what is broken. The only time we kick is when trying to get a friend into an instance. They keep queing and we keep kicking until by chance the our friend gets In. This is very common.

    The devs need to add the ability to invite friends into groups prior to electing to que. Make it so new players are unable to kick for 10 minutes.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Make it so new players are unable to kick for 10 minutes.
    And also add weights to the votes so that the longer people have been in the dungeon (i.e. the more time they've invested into completing it), the more their vote counts. For example, the votes of people who joined at the final boss shouldn't count for much.
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    VTK system description

    LOL! There are so many reasons this is a terrible idea I don't know where to start. Any system that involves a percentage of available currency would just be avoided by any number of mechanics that allow you to transfer and/or store AD. It would cause the game to become pay-to-play because VTK is so necessary (despite what certain fools would claim). It would... well anyway, enough picking apart your idea because it actually gave me a great idea to solve the same problem.

    Just make it so people who have been removed from groups can report the kick as being abusive (a menu pops up - "you were removed from group for reason: 'yyy'. Report this as abuse? Y/N"). If it is reported as abuse, the player who initiated the vote is notified they were reported for abusing the VTK system. If a player is reported they get a mark against their account. These 'marks' reset every Tuesday during maintenance. If they are reported enough to get three marks against them to accumulate, they lose their ability to initiate VTKs for the week.

    I think some sort of system like this would be enough to discourage the rampant abuse.

    I also like your idea of two failed VTKs resulting in automatic removal from the dungeon group.
  • getphazedgetphazed Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    dlc88 wrote: »
    Yeah there is... op rogues 1 shot people... this game is one big joke elderscrolls will be out in 3 weeks so this game will die because of thst... If you say nope it won't the you are just lieing because you know it is and scared it will

    ESO is garbage compared to neverwinter. Played ESO on pc and gave up after two months because it sucked so much. Why do you think it went b2p with gated content? Wasn't because the release to console, it sucked so much they couldn't hold subscribers. Also you will have to pay sub fee every month if you want more than the base game.
  • sinibytesinibyte Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Since I was the last to fall every time

    I could not figure out for the life of me why I would be kicked at Garakas on epic every time we had a group wipe. I chalked it up to “kick the rogue”. But then I realized, I picked up, aggroed the drakes, burned them down, and then went for the boss – I would always be the last to fall. Always. Once, someone said “why didn’t you res us?”, then I saw a loading screen. All I could think of was “why were you standing in stupid?”. I dodge red circles, clerics get mad because they can’t drop a heal on me – but I don’t need it – because I don’t stand in stupid. And I won't stand in stupid for 5 seconds trying to res your flaming corpse so I can die too.

    But somehow - that's all my fault.
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    dlc88 wrote: »
    Typical how the griefers who vote kick abuse come here to defend and call others whiners.... grow up kid....
    Typical how the whiny brats who always get kicked because they're scrubs come here to whine and call others griefers.... grow up kid....

    On a serious note though, I never VTK without good reason, and never in the abusive ways people complain about here (like at the end of a boss fight, before loot can be collected, etc.)... I'm just intelligent enough to realize how broken the game would be without the ability to vote-kick when needed. I'm sorry this isn't true for you...
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    And also add weights to the votes so that the longer people have been in the dungeon (i.e. the more time they've invested into completing it), the more their vote counts. For example, the votes of people who joined at the final boss shouldn't count for much.

    This is a good idea.
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The problem is within pugging, from what I've gathered. They think they need more GS to take down a boss.

    My guild and I have come to the conclusion that, to be good at the game, you need AT LEAST 3 friends/guildies in a group in order to not get the boot. If you are looking for a friendly guild who like to run dungeons I urge you to check out our forums here >

    We are an 18+ mature casual guild who like to run dungeons and Shores. You won't get kicked running with any of us. We also are NOT a 200 player random guild. we have 105 members, probably a good 35 of them are alts. We do Purge (kicking of inactive members)

    We also use the KiK App to keep in touch easier with eachother, AND are taking the guild to ESO when it drops in June.

    We hope to hear from you.

    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • danny3421danny3421 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Well, they should have away on there side to look into who is doing this, at the certain time of day, or every day if they keep doing it they will get banned for one day if they don't learn from that mistake them they will end up with something worse on there account.
  • sinibytesinibyte Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    auto-vote-yes mentality

    I'm a vote-no guy myself - I've often noticed that courtesy isn't returned - usually after I vote no, I'll see a loading screen.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm just intelligent enough to realize how broken the game would be without the ability to vote-kick when needed.
    Oh please...

    Don't confuse your unsubstantiated belief that the VTK is needed with any sort of intelligent or reasoned justification. And do try to not pat yourself on the back too hard...
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    sinibyte wrote: »
    I'm a vote-no guy myself - I've often noticed that courtesy isn't returned - usually after I vote no, I'll see a loading screen.
    Same here...
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited May 2015
    Over thirteen threads have been merged here. Please keep the feedback on this here in one place for the devs. It does them no good to have to wade through multiple threads and just makes more work. Please continue to use this thread. Thanks!

    Safe travels,
    Archmage Zebular of Mystryl

    PWE Community Moderator
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  • sinibytesinibyte Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    zebular wrote: »
    Over thirteen threads have been merged here.

    There have been way more than that - and that should let you know the scale of the problem; and the response to solving it should be just as large.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    sinibyte wrote: »
    There have been way more than that - and that should let you know the scale of the problem; and the response to solving it should be just as large.
    Couldn't agree more.
  • trappy1026trappy1026 Member Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    At least it's acknowledged. They've got to have something in the works. Unless they just grew tired of the posts and this is their way of "cleaning up" the forum a little, because it was actually becoming pretty overwhelming (which is a good thing for us).

    All I know is it's gotta be 'difficult' (i'm at a loss of words for the feeling i'm trying to describe) to work at a gaming company these days, the feedback is so intense and harsh most of the time.
  • yetweallfalldownyetweallfalldown Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Hi everyone,

    Jumping in here quickly to say that we know the vote kicking situation needs some work. Our team is looking into it to see what we can do, but creating a solution will take some time. We appreciate the patience as we work through this.

    As a suggestion, we do have a forum sub-section that can be used to exchange gamertags and party up with others to tackle these dungeons and skirmishes. We'd recommend finding a like-minded group there to dig into the content together.

    Thanks for the continued feedback. Our team is reading through these forums to find ways to better your experience.


    Communications Manager - Perfect World Entertainment
  • mrdurvamrdurva Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    jjb828 wrote: »
    Sorry to inform you all but Kicking has to be done sometimes. I am always kicking low GS DPS who are JUST at the 8300 gear score level, or even lower when trying 8300! they can't get the DPS out that 9300+ get (especially on the Spider Queen one)

    It's part of the game, they have to get through T1 stuff, and work on enchantments for that gear. Sorry but a lot of people try going right to T2 at 8000 and cannot make it with us.

    Ok but what about the people that end up kicking a GWF who is at 13.2k GS in a 8300 GS dungeon? Better yet this GWF just happened to have been the only one to not go down on the first two bosses in Pirate King and solo both of these enemies? Also seems to be the only one able to survive at the final boss?
  • monktoastymonktoasty Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Getting out of hand, I cant even get my chest at the end

    Ive.wasted hours

    And yes ive tried many guilds none of them can get straight fast enough to do epics

    Id ask for it to be fixed but I know you dont care about your game enough, just the zen purchases, or you would have fixed it long ago
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    That sucks man. Sorry you had this experience but it is a valuable lesson.

    Protip: If you join a dungeon group and 3 members of the group are in a guild together, immediately leave group. I've mentioned this on other threads and I stick by this sage wisdom. Some of those groups maybe fine... but why risk it? Most groups with a guild majority will kick to hog loot or just be jerks, from my experience.

    Some guilds (like the Filthy Casuals and us) have strict "no booting" codes.
    If you get kicked by a Jade Warden they can be demoted or expelled for it - especially if they didn't message you to say why.
    Casual Gamers
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    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

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  • monktoastymonktoasty Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    They also kick soon as boss dies so they get the loot

    Its sickening that this is allowed

    I beat 4 bosses today got kicked after each one, couldnt get to open a single chest

    Why even play and waste so much time
  • monktoastymonktoasty Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Hi everyone,

    Jumping in here quickly to say that we know the vote kicking situation needs some work. Our team is looking into it to see what we can do, but creating a solution will take some time. We appreciate the patience as we work through this.

    As a suggestion, we do have a forum sub-section that can be used to exchange gamertags and party up with others to tackle these dungeons and skirmishes. We'd recommend finding a like-minded group there to dig into the content together.

    Thanks for the continued feedback. Our team is reading through these forums to find ways to better your experience.



    The only solution is to disable it until.it can be fixed...why force us to spend an.hour looking for a group to run a dungeon that takes an.hour

    Best to disable vote kicking until its fixed
  • monktoastymonktoasty Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Thanks for that thread, at least they are looking at it..but I wont hold my breath
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    telprydain wrote: »
    Some guilds (like the Filthy Casuals and us) have strict "no booting" codes.
    If you get kicked by a Jade Warden they can be demoted or expelled for it - especially if they didn't message you to say why.
    The Brotherhood of the Glorious Sun, my guild, has the same rule. If you see us, you can be relatively sure you won't be kicked. And if you are kicked by one of us for no reason, jot down the name and report that person to another Brotherhood member. We don't tolerate that <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.
  • respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    its sad when u have 14.5k gs and get kicked lolololol I average around 20m-30m dps on that dg. I wish they would show average statistics who the beter player is. so u can tell who lets the team down and who pulls them up. I have next to the best gs that I currently can get in the game. that is until time is my issue need the artifact weapons to be op. and a few more ad to rank up my few enchantments to 10 I already have my perfect vorpal which is extremely good if one is in ah buy it do not max it its like 3mil+ to make I bought one for 2.6m ad
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Gearscore isn't a great measure of a player. In some cases (like the DC), the lesser armor set is actually the better, by fair.
    Plus, add in play style, teamwork and ability - GS is perhaps the least important factor.
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    monktoasty wrote: »
    The only solution is to disable it until.it can be fixed...why force us to spend an.hour looking for a group to run a dungeon that takes an.hour

    Best to disable vote kicking until its fixed
    At which point AFKers, disconnections and griefers will make it equally unplayable.
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • ddosuksddosuks Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    rokkrwolf wrote: »
    See the major issue with that is the fact that they bring these people through the whole dungeon die at the boss then start kicking people. IMO if you do this you are a prick. I understand you need tanks or healers but if you're gonna kick people do it before you even leave the beginning of the dungeon. Saves people the time and headaches of playing for x amount of time.

    For example the other day, it put me in a epic, I was on my rogue, there was another rogue, 2 warlocks and hunter. We got to the end of the dungeon after about 40 mins, tried the boss a few times, the warlocks and hunters kept going down quick. So the leader decided we needed healer, which is fine but like I said this should be done earlier. Guess who he kicked first... that's right me, out of everyone. Which mind you I was always the last still up and fighting when they all went down. So needless to say I was more than pissed.

    Now this should honestly not be a big issue, healers have high priority in queues, the problem is the higher level people get the less people queue. Which is a problem in itself. Though I've seen more clerics lately so hopefully they start getting their butts in gear and joining up. Heck I even went ahead and made a cleric and leveled it to 60 already just so I can get in epic easier.

    So to sum up what would be easier, is either kick people at the start if there is no tank or healer or there is another option which would have to be on devs end but that's kind of a long stretch seeing the bugs ect... but when it pops up queue is ready it could show the symbols of the classes, so people know if there is a tank or healer prior to even joining, this would help greatly as well.

    Well said -
    You must have been playing with the same A--holes I have been encountering as of late. I been happening about once every other day, And to top it off, on both of my recent kicks I was the top damage dealer of the group, so you can imagine how enraged I was and even put in a complaint ticket. One guy actually answered my tell and told me they were all friends so it had to be me, a reason but my time was seriously wasted. After a certain point in the quest ( roughly 25% into it ) there should be no kick allowing at all, and if someone feels they cant beat the boss with the current team, they can feel free to sacrifice their time and leave.
This discussion has been closed.