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Vote Kicking Feedback Thread (XBOX)



  • blueberry1973blueberry1973 Member Posts: 58
    edited May 2015
    The devs need to allow players to invite friends to the epic dungeon prior to queing. Also, groups should specify the class they are queing for. Finally, a new player to a group should be unable to kick for 10 minutes after joining.
  • xnxn7xxnxn7x Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The issue is some epic dungeons require a certain team to be able to beat. The way the vote kicking should be setup is where no one can be kicked after you have reached the end boss. This way people are helping you get through the dungeons and then booting them out at the end. That is rude and outright not the way Neverwinter should be running. If you are going to kick someone be sure to get the right team you need from the start. This way people are wasting there time and yours running through dungeons just to get booted out at the last minute. Kicking people out of dungeons based on gearscore shouldn't be allowed either. There is simple mathematics that come into play and logic that a player can beat and have no problem getting through hard dungeons without a high gearscore. I know ive done it. It's about skill and how well you know your character and if and when the rest of the team is willing to communicate with you and have a solid plan to beat a dungeon or boss. Also kicking players I personally think is a bad idea but because of some dungeons being hard to beat without the right team it is needed ina game like this one. This topic wouldn't be a issue if people had the right mind set aswell. Ask yourself how is someone with a low gearscore ever going to get a higher gearscore or armor if your booting them out left and right? Makes no sense right? Exactly. Take the advice. Make sure you know the right team and characters needed in that particular dungeon before you make decisions to beat it or not. Make sure all players are in party and have a mic sense the lag issue has not been fixed yet in the dungeons where all team mates cannot hear one another and thus saying every other word understood. people got to understand this game is new, still fresh, take your time trying to get a solid plan running dungeons. Specially the epics. Have fun and remember its just a game :)

    Name: Maleficent
    Guild: Odinborn - Valkarie
    Class: 60 Cleric - GS 12k+

  • danny3421danny3421 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The Dev's have said they are looking into this. It's better to give them time to look into this. And this is a big issue for the game, but they need to be reoported if you know who they are report them. By opening a ticket. That is what I would do. As prior to the pc version you are able to report in game, on the Xbox you will have to open a ticket okay ;)
  • burnsrallyburnsrally Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    jjb828 wrote: »
    Sorry to inform you all but Kicking has to be done sometimes. I am always kicking low GS DPS who are JUST at the 8300 gear score level, or even lower when trying 8300! they can't get the DPS out that 9300+ get (especially on the Spider Queen one)

    It's part of the game, they have to get through T1 stuff, and work on enchantments for that gear. Sorry but a lot of people try going right to T2 at 8000 and cannot make it with us.
    OMG. I just kicked and decided to start reading this thread and read this qoute. What a load of rubbish. I started with a group on the spider den epic dungeon got all the way through and then bang i get kicked before the final boss. I never died and i have a gs of 11300 why did i get kicked because for some unknown reason i was winning all the loot claims.....you should have heard them....whining like babies ....i dont know why i was winning the loot. I just was but to get kicked for it.......some of you are just complete jokes. Babies.....
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    See... I told you.

    You don't represent most players; YOU are the vocal minority. The majority know VTK isn't needed, at least as long it's doing more harm than good like the current system does, and we sensibly want see big changes to the VTK system -- up to and including removal. You've been wrong on this issue all along. Now, not only do you have the endless chorus of voices of decent people decrying the system, you also have word from the devs that they agree the system needs a lot of work. Are you convinced yet, or will you stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the truth and continue insisting your now-disproven assertions are correct?
    Completely untrue. Nothing here disproves anything. These forums are dead compared to the millions of players that play the game. There are a few very vocal individuals like yourself that are trying to make this sound like it's a major issue. If so many people felt it wasn't needed it wouldn't be an issue - use some logic - the reason people are upset is because they are getting kicked. If it's not an important system people wouldn't use it so much... I can't believe the resounding ignorance of a few people like you that have gotten it into their head it's not needed. I find it hard to believe you even play the game, because I can't imagine anyone who plays it being so idiotic about the vote to kick system. If they removed it I find it unlikely anyone would ever complete certain tricky content. Do you even queue for things with randoms? Do you even understand the situation within the game?

    It's not even hard logic. Use your brain for 2 seconds. They just announced MILLIONS OF PLAYERS. THOUSANDS at max level. The people thinking vote to kick should be removed are maybe half a dozen? A dozen? It's hard to count since they represent 75% of the posts on this forum. This is what I mean by the vocal minority. I realize I am a minority here because I don't come on these forums to complain, but within the player-base the people that actually use these forums are a statistically insignificant minority, and I would argue a poor sample for any sort of analysis because most people who bother to even log in to the game's forums do so because of a complaint.

    I mean it really blows my mind because I don't hold my opinions about the vote to kick system for any nefarious reason. I just ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME. I queue for things. I play Castle Never. It's so BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS that the game would be broken and un-playable without the ability to vote-to-kick that I don't even know how to make a case for it. Coming on here... it's like seeing a bunch of people arguing that they don't need water to live. Vehemently so. Begging that someone take away the water. Claiming the water is the cause of all their problems. Lying and claiming they never drink water anyway. I get in the game and see everyone drinking their water. Maybe some people are filling balloons with it and hurling them at innocent bystanders for laughs... but then the whiny kids that don't find that very funny come on here and act like water needs to go entirely. That's seriously how illogical and idiotic the arguments from your faction sound to me.

    The only theory I have is that those arguing to remove the system belong to guilds they always run with and then have the occasional bad experience with randoms, or that they are not yet attempting end-game content like Castle Never, because those are the ONLY WAYS anyone could possibly think the game would survive without it. Anyone who queues for endgame content with randoms on a daily basis knows they would no longer be able to play that content if they removed the Vote to Kick system. ANYONE. EVERYONE. Seriously just... go into game, queue for Castle Never, and invite the random sampling of players into an Xbox Live party. Ask them if they think the VTK system should be removed entirely. See what they say. I'd bet money they laugh. I'm sure most of them will agree it needs to be changed due to the trolls who kick during boss fights, but I GUARANTEE most of them will inform you that they wouldn't be able to use the matchmaking system anymore if it were removed entirely.

    Heck... just read this thread. Even among the few that have wandered onto these forums to complain about something, you're still not any kind of overwhelming majority on this issue. There are plenty of people explaining here and in other threads why removing the system entirely is not an option.
  • danny3421danny3421 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    burnsrally wrote: »
    OMG. I just kicked and decided to start reading this thread and read this qoute. What a load of rubbish. I started with a group on the spider den epic dungeon got all the way through and then bang i get kicked before the final boss. I never died and i have a gs of 11300 why did i get kicked because for some unknown reason i was winning all the loot claims.....you should have heard them....whining like babies ....i dont know why i was winning the loot. I just was but to get kicked for it.......some of you are just complete jokes. Babies.....

    Hey, do you remember the leader of the group? If so. Let a CM or a mod know. That this is still happaning, because otherwise loads of people will not want to Cary on playing this game, witch will be a big shame because of people kicking people for no good reason.
  • the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1
    edited May 2015
    krad777 wrote: »
    Kicking is gonna happen until there's enough tanks/healers.

    Actually what's happening is there are loads of groups who want DPS only because they are under the false notion that dps rules dungeon settings because they think it's somehow faster. So they kick anyone who isn't speced DPS.

    It's happened several times to my husband who's playing a healer Cleric.

    It's happened a couple of times to myself while playing melee/debuff/buff spec on my HR.

    It's a real problem but trust me it's definitely not about finding the trinity it's happening on both sides of the aisle.
  • orpheo2207orpheo2207 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Yes this thread is about people like you grieving because you think its funny and calling someone a piece of **** well i wonder what that makes you. this system is broken how it is atm and needs to be adressed nobody is asking for it to get removed it needs to get fixed
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The only thing that would be more frustrating than getting kicked last minute from dungeons and getting kicked for no reason by tools. Would be to have to deal with tools that are so terrible they make completing the dungeon impossible. When you walk into spider temple and both your melee DPS wind up dead within minutes from standing in explosions vote to kick is needed. I am all for people learning bosses and there being a learning curve, but the sad truth is some people don't learn. They do the same thing over n over and inadvertently grief their whole party with their ignorance. Vote to kick was implemented to improve the gameplay experience of the majority of players who do learn and to avoid having them grieved by ignorant players. That being said it obviously needs work due to the way it has been abused repeatedly, but acting as though the system is unneeded because it is flawed and presuming you represent a majority of players(the vast majority of whom do not use this forum at all) is flawed thinking.
    Amen brother. Well said.
  • draven165draven165 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    jfuk420 wrote: »
    Also, draven165...1) you can't see why you're getting kicked so don't even pretend you've seen what's been written in the vote and 2) I don't need to put anything in there because I'm on xbox live telling the other people in the party why I'm putting up the vote to kick.

    You must not be as clued in as you claim - Not once did I say I was the one being kicked, I said I see people initiating kicks with those typed in when a second of their same class joins in. That sentence in itself eludes to I am not talking about me. Try and lose some of your anger when typing so you can actually read and comprehend what you are reading prior to replying. Sorry no pretending was taking place here but thanks for your input.
  • monktoastymonktoasty Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    This frightens the hell out of me. The forums are dominated by a very vocal faction that DOES NOT represent the player-base at large. Most players realize how necessary the ability to vote-kick is, despite it being an upsetting experience for some people. Please tread very carefully as you consider revising the current system. It certainly needs work... but whatever you do, leave the ability to use it intact.

    A Concerned Customer

    How do you know what represents what?

    No, we dont need a kick system, at all. If you dont like the group then leave

    All thats needed is Auto idle kick, auto disconn kick.

    Plus the queue itself should tell you who is in the party to see if you want to join

    All the advice to get in a guild works both ways
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Inane babble.
    OK... that's nice.

    You don't know me, so don't pretend to know anything about my intelligence, my education, how often I play, or even how I play. And really... with "logic" and "thinking" like you've demonstrated here, you shouldn't be throwing stones.

    The fact remains you're still wrong -- provably so, as has happened numerous times in numerous threads -- and despite your objections, the developers are going to address the problem. It's reasonable to assume they're going to fix it because the negative feedback has been overwhelming. If not, why bother? If everyone were happy and the system worked most of the time with only a few complaints, it wouldn't be worth fixing. The ROI would be way too low to justify the cost. If you knew anything about software development, you'd know that. And if you knew anything at all about customer relations or customer support, which you clearly don't, you'd know that one complaint counts for numerous unspoken complaints. Only a few customers will ever take the time to actually call or email support or use a forum, so the volume of complaints here (which is just one resource for voicing complaints) is quite significant to public relations folks and project managers.

    ...but I digress...

    I tell you what, I'll leave you and your unfounded assumptions and disproven claims alone from here on out. After all, it's clear no amount of logic, evidence, or even rhetoric will change your oh-so-closed mind. So... truce.

    I'll just be over here playing NW (a lot) and hoping I don't come across you or someone who "thinks" like you in the queue before the developers fix or disable the broken and abused VTK system.
  • respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    bottom line is they need it so 5 different classes are always queued this preventing less kicking if u have 2 or more of a class in a group of friends u are required to find the other 3 members of ur choice not allowing u to start it/giving u power to kick/ there should always be a gf/cleric and the other 3 spots could randomize between gwf/tr/wlk/cw
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    OK... that's nice.

    You don't know me, so don't pretend to know anything about my intelligence, my education, how often I play, or even how I play. And really... with "logic" and "thinking" like you've demonstrated here, you shouldn't be throwing stones.

    The fact remains you're still wrong -- provably so, as has happened numerous times in numerous threads -- and despite your objections, the developers are going to address the problem. It's reasonable to assume they're going to fix it because the negative feedback has been overwhelming. If not, why bother? If everyone were happy and the system worked most of the time with only a few complaints, it wouldn't be worth fixing. The ROI would be way too low to justify the cost. If you knew anything about software development, you'd know that. And if you knew anything at all about customer relations or customer support, which you clearly don't, you'd know that one complaint counts for numerous unspoken complaints. Only a few customers will ever take the time to actually call or email support or use a forum, so the volume of complaints here (which is just one resource for voicing complaints) is quite significant to public relations folks and project managers.

    ...but I digress...

    I tell you what, I'll leave you and your unfounded assumptions and disproven claims alone from here on out. After all, it's clear no amount of logic, evidence, or even rhetoric will change your oh-so-closed mind. So... truce.

    I'll just be over here playing NW (a lot) and hoping I don't come across you or someone who "thinks" like you in the queue before the developers fix or disable the broken and abused VTK system.
    You've never written anything on these forums but condescension and lies. You use superlatives to make it seem like you're stating facts when you're just talking out your rear. Statements like "you're wrong - provably so" are exactly what I'm talking about, because the flawed logic that follows is so ridiculous. "If you knew anything..." Your method of debate is infuriating. I'm not sure if it's intentional, but that kind of language shows your close-mindedness like a spotlight. Stop acting like a vague message about them looking into revising the current system is proof it is broken and needs to go. How would you phrase this let me see...

    If you knew anything about public relations, you'd realize this is just an acknowledgement that there are some upset customers, not an admittance of fault. If you knew anything about simple math, or statistics, or scientific method you'd realize that the few complaining here on forums do not represent any sort of majority or even an appropriate sample representing the community as a whole. I'll tell you what... you go ahead and continue shouting from the rooftops that the sky is clearly green, and I'll continue burying my face in my palms and wondering how you could be so ignorant.

    Never made any assumptions or claims... I simply asked you to actually ask some players in game what they thought of this debate and you reacted with such vitriol. I'm sorry you have such a limited view on this game. I feel bad for you, that you're so passionate about things you don't understand.

    It seems to have been lost somewhere in this discussion that I agree wholeheartedly the Vote to Kick system is problematic as is, and desperately needs to be modified. It's abused in terrible ways that clearly ruin the gaming experience for multiple people, and I have certainly been on the wrong end of a malicious Vote myself. I just very strongly disagree, and am confident that, if asked, most players would agree with me, that despite it's problems, removing the option altogether would be a disastrous idea.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I don't like that idea. My favorite party composition is two TRs, two CWs, and any other random class, which would be impossible if no duplicate classes were allowed. I get what you're trying to do, but the problem isn't that two of the same class are in the party. The problem is people will kick for that reason alone, which extrapolated further leads us to the real problem: the VTK system itself.
  • rj32srj32s Member Posts: 10
    edited May 2015
    mrkreepz wrote: »
    The option is there for idiots that cannot play and need to be removed from the group.
    It is also there is case somebody disconnects and does not come back.
    This option will not be removed as it is an essential part of doing dungeons.

    FYI, it takes 3 yes votes to be removed, so more likely than not you are doing something wrong.

    No chance that's the case. 99% of people are being kicked 5 seconds after they're put in the game.
  • waffennachtwaffennacht Member Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    They just cycle people until they get a healer pretty much has nothing to do with your char, your ability or anything else.
    I do work in market research and it would seem to me most complaints just go into a pile... with many many companies. Some do react to a few complaints but that is rare.
    Id say the best solution ive read would be a limited amount of kicks per hour, you can still kick but not to the ridiculousness of the current situation
  • waffennachtwaffennacht Member Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    Oh and if someone gets disconnected? You mean WHEN lol i cant go a whole day without it disconnecting me
  • ericterminatorericterminator Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I was in lostmauth going to the secomd boss and for no reason i was kick before got to the boss. Now this really <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> me of we add 3 dps a healer and a thank i'm sick and tire of this kicking group need to be remove from the game and also i was kick from the group after we got the last boss down happend a couple of time thank you i hope you guys will do something about this
  • greatg1gintheskygreatg1ginthesky Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    After seeing the way people are constantly kicked on this game, it just convinces me even more that we're probably better off just completely getting rid of the 'Vote to Kick' option.

    I understand it's there for ppl that go AFK, or disconnect or whatever, but let's face it.. give kids a bit of power, it will always be abused. The pro's for getting rid of it far outway the pro's for keeping it, it's as simple as that.

    Look at it this way, without the vote to kick everyone can play comfortably knowing they havn't got to worry about putting time and effort into a long dungeon, just to get kicked at the end. (ppl are even getting kicked AFTER the last boss, but BEFORE they can open their chest. That's simply ridiculous).

    Reach the boss and keep dying? Tough, keep trying until you do it. It will force people to get better, it will force people to play as a team, it will force people to not give up the first time things look slightly too hard for them. More importantly, it will STOP people kicking 1 of their team mates that have been with them since the start of the dungeon.

    At the end of the day, it's not costing you anything to enter these dungeons, so you're losing nothing other than a bit of time spent if you find out you can't do it. At least next time you enter you'll have learned a lesson and you'll go in better equipped.
    It's certainly better than dying once at the last boss, and just kicking someone that's been in the dungeon with you from the start. Let's face it, it happens all the time to people. Why do they deserve to be there any less than you?

    Get rid of it.. make people play together, make people learn and conquer as a team and let's get some team spirit into this community, instead of the poison that is in the community right now.
  • dime43dime43 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    A lot of people need to understand to why they got kicked. Yes some are for no reason in particular but most are for very good reason. Plus make sure you run dungeons with atleast 3 so you have majority vote at all times. Now those who need to be schooled on why you may be kicked, frankly class reasons not playing your role effectively and picking things up while there are adds everywhere. That's the worst. And about checkpoint stealing on CN, Get over it or beat it, I farm it with my guild all day, play with a group not by yourself its about impossible to beat with randoms anyway i have no idea why you would waste your time. It all boils down to more strength in numbers because honestly we will steal your checkpoint and do what you cannot
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    xnxn7x wrote: »
    The issue is some epic dungeons require a certain team to be able to beat.

    Nope. nope they don't.
    Just for you, a clip of pure DPS plowing through spider-queen. No tank. No healer. No worries.
    And this wasn't a perfect team: One was barely eligible for the dungeon, and two were at or under 9.5k.

    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • greatg1gintheskygreatg1ginthesky Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    dime43 wrote: »
    A lot of people need to understand to why they got kicked. Yes some are for no reason in particular but most are for very good reason.

    There is NO good reason. You should not have the power to decide what is a good reason to kick me, likewise I should not have the power to decide what is a good reason to kick you.
    dime43 wrote: »
    Plus make sure you run dungeons with atleast 3 so you have majority vote at all times.

    Shouldn't have to, if you want majority then do a guild only run. Randoms have as much rights as any other randoms in the same group. Simple as that. This is exactly why we are having problems.
    dime43 wrote: »
    class reasons not playing your role effectively

    You don't get to choose what class other people play, and you don't get to choose HOW they play it.
    dime43 wrote: »
    And about checkpoint stealing on CN, Get over it or beat it. It all boils down to more strength in numbers because honestly we will steal your checkpoint and do what you cannot

    YOU are exactly what is wrong with this game, and are exactly the reason why vote to kick will never work. You're like a disease to the community. Your whole post is horrible, your mentality is vile, and all you do is highlight why vote to kick is a bad idea. The funny thing is, you accomplish this by actually trying to do the opposite.

    If you don't want to run with randoms for fear of them not being up to your standards, then run with your guild. If not, accept who you're put with and get on with it. The vote to kick was/is a bad idea in public games with randoms, and if you need anymore convincing then read through the posts of the ppl that want it to stay. This fools last statement about stealing checkpoints in CN with his strength in numbers pretty much sums it up.
  • bytor30bytor30 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    draven165 wrote: »
    This may be a viable fix. Disable vote kicking. if someone is idle for more than a minute they get auto booted. (my thoughts have always been do not Queue up if you cant stay the entire time. Dishes and trash can wait LOL OR dont queue up)

    Instead of vote kicking, if you dont like your group, YOU can leave instead of kicking others. Sounds good to me!

    amen to that. i have 3 kids 18,18,17 and they just do dailies and get off. i cant get them to play with me because of kicking.
  • ddosuksddosuks Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The vote kick and any kicking at all is Bull---t. Just today I was in kessells and voted no to kick a TR after just one loss encountering the boss the first time, I was then kicked and sent a tell that I should have accepted the kick because he accepted kicking me, and then told he was kicked anyway so now he's gone too. No idea if that last part was to comfort me or rub it in but to make matters worse I was the lead with the most damage dealt and the second highest person didn't even have half my damage score. I was in a ***-in rage. and again, another furious complaint ticket sent.
    There was nothing wrong with the class or the way that TR played, and I had damage lead way beyond everyone, and always do nearly every time, and still get randomly kicked. And it seems like as soon as there's one or two team wipes from a boss, A-holes want to start kicking people, so all these reasons mentioned for kicking people in most cases are Bull--t. If your good you can definitely carry a weaker player and should. Give the guy a ***-in chance to get some gear and get the hang of the quest. Don't be a D--K and make excuses or blame someone else for your own poor playing.
    Now that I'm done ranting, for a fairly simple solution, have separate Q's. A kickable and a no kick one. In the no kick one no one can be removed, if you don't like who your with, simply leave the group.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    dime43 wrote: »
    And about checkpoint stealing on CN, Get over it or beat it, I farm it with my guild all day, play with a group not by yourself its about impossible to beat with randoms anyway i have no idea why you would waste your time. It all boils down to more strength in numbers because honestly we will steal your checkpoint and do what you cannot

    That is so inexplicably evil I don't even have the words to address it.
    I can only assume that you have a long, thin mustache that you're fond of twirling.

    And I'm rescinding my guild's 'no kick' policy for you specifically.
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • drexcidrexci Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I just got kicked after end boss on pirate lair... Words can not express the sadness. I was looking forward to my drake coins and collecting my millionth icon from the chest. But alas, it was not to be.

    If people are kicking after final boss on pirate lair...
  • gaanjaa81gaanjaa81 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    ddosuks wrote: »
    Now that I'm done ranting, for a fairly simple solution, have separate Q's. A kickable and a no kick one. In the no kick one no one can be removed, if you don't like who your with, simply leave the group.

    now THAT is a dam good solid idea!!! best of both worlds, everyone happy.. this should be done.
    Devoted cleric rule number one = We cant cure stupidity so no heals for fools ^.^
  • draven165draven165 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I just literally laughed with a vision of most players selecting the No kick and finishing dungeons while all these kick happy people getting forced to group together and never getting passed the first campfire BAHAHAAHAHA!!!
  • wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    ddosuks wrote: »
    Now that I'm done ranting, for a fairly simple solution, have separate Q's. A kickable and a no kick one. In the no kick one no one can be removed, if you don't like who your with, simply leave the group.

    THIS is genius. Everybody would be happy. Someone get the Neverwinter Devs in here. Solution found.
This discussion has been closed.