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what do you think of mod 6? (player feedback)



  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    One thing I don't mind... too much... is the injuries from traps. What I do mind about traps and injuries is that enemies and companions do not receive injuries from them and many enemy types instinctively know where traps are located even if they should seemingly be unable to do so (blind, mindless undead like skeletons or zombies, etc.).
    The fox said, "lock and load"

    glassdoor.com - Cryptic Studios Review
  • moradinallfathermoradinallfather Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Just a wee bit of POSITIVE feedback.

    As a Rogue, I appreciate the minor change to traps. It makes the remove traps skill a tiny bit more relevent to gameplay. Still is better 99% of the time to just side step or jump over them. But they are now enough of a hemorrhoid to make it worthwhile to take the time to remove a few now and then. If you would go a bit further and actually make them of value to remove, IE reuseable resource or EXP that benefits groups, then maybe a party would wait for a rogue to take care of them.
  • tomiotartomiotar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Im not sure if its fun or sad that as the votes and time since launch increase the % of people that dont like the mod also increase. With this tendency we can have a 90% of people that didnt like this Mod by the end of the month yay.
  • lowenduslowendus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    tomiotar wrote: »
    Im not sure if its fun or sad that as the votes and time since launch increase the % of people that dont like the mod also increase. With this tendency we can have a 90% of people that didnt like this Mod by the end of the month yay.

    It accounts for the participants of this poll fortunately.

    If the numbers where about a % of the total playerbase the game would have shut down already.

    So it's moving towards the 90% of participants, ye.

    Nevertheless it's a clear indicator that 8 out of 10 people don't like it and a clear indicator of a growing trend.

    Still hoping they will set things straight and that the game survives...
  • paragar1paragar1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Well other than being aggravated that there isn't really any new storyline, aggravated that i die 5 times more often than i used too, aggravated that the game is moving more towards a pay to win game, aggravated that the game is doing away with the solo play and enforcing group play, aggravated that the game is forcing PVP to get decent gear, and aggravated that there are now level caps for areas. Mod 5 was very decent.
  • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    lowendus wrote: »
    It accounts for the participants of this poll fortunately.

    If the numbers where about a % of the total playerbase the game would have shut down already.

    So it's moving towards the 90% of participants, ye.

    Nevertheless it's a clear indicator that 8 out of 10 people don't like it and a clear indicator of a growing trend.

    Still hoping they will set things straight and that the game survives...

    A lot of the people who voted they love it were doing so on good faith that it would improve fairly quickly, bugs would be fixed so on. Time goes on, nothing noticeable is fixed and in fact subsequent "fixes" actually make things worse and those same people have run out of patience and now hate it. While those who have hated it originally have now bottomed out and are facing the reality that they wasted so much time and money here. The characters you have invested time and money in are now worthless unless you put more time and money into them to do the same things which you had already earned the privilege to do previously, you can no longer do the same areas you had once enjoyed doing, friends you have made have left the game....I mean really, there is a point where people face that it is the end of their time here. The game has ruined its self and it is time to move on.

    So ya, people hate it with a passion. The more they loved it before, the more committed they were to their characters, to the game its self, is how much they hate it now.

    Dark dark days and what we get as a silver lining or light at the end of the tunnel is that the bound status of bags has changed, and a bunch of talk. "Oh hey we know you hate our game now and feel utterly betrayed by our actions as a company, but hey, a playable game didn't make it into this weeks patch. But we are working on it! Maybe it will make it into next weeks patch! Who knows lol."
  • dewwhiskersdewwhiskers Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2015
    pwcross2 wrote: »
    Voted "can't stand mod 6"

    Reason: there is more to dislike than like about it.

    TL;DR: boring, repetitive, time consuming tasks with no decent progress rate or rewards. level 60 T2 gear still better than anything dropped up to 65 so far. changes to augment companions (removal of base stats) not welcome. recycled zones & missions are super-lazy design. I like the attempt to raise difficulty, but as it stands... difficulty change is either nonexistent (sub 60) or too far over the top (60+). new powers (at least for SW) are lackluster. progress on all campaigns halted until we grind out another 10 levels and completely re-gear, just to get back to the same daily grind we were doing before mod6... only harder and even more time consuming. laziest.module.ever.

    Specifics: The "new content" is recycled trash, enemy models are new, there are new contacts with new text and there are a few new cut scenes. that's about it. The repeatable daily quests in the "new" zones are extremely boring, time consuming, and have garbage rewards. XP is virtually nonexistent in the "new" areas and missions... double xp brings it -close- to being an almost normal xp rate, rather than "double". In about the same amount of time it took me to bring my paladin from level 35-ish to level 60, I got my SW from 60 to 64-1/2 doing the two "new" zones during 2xp.

    The new missions themselves are horrible, kill x amount of these guys, gather x amount of this item (which requires killing x amount of the same guys), gather x amount of this plant (which indirectly requires killing x amount of random enemies), explore a mine, explore another mine that looks exactly the same, explore yet another mine that looks exactly the same as the first two, oh and one of my personal favorites... seal the sarcophagus inside the 5 tombs in helms hold... it's like, the exact same mission as the one you get at level 30-something with a different object to interact with and different enemies. could this mod have actually been more lazily designed? I doubt it.

    Now, at level 64-1/2, I STILL haven't found a decent piece of gear to replace my "old" level 60 T2 stuff, let alone a decent weapon, offhand, belt, ring or necklace/cloak. I've gotten a few drops that ranged from level 61-65, but their ilvl was, at best, 1 ilvl above my current equipment... and god knows why, because I would've LOST stats by equipping them.

    at the same time, I'm seeing a few others that are my level, running around with the new artifact main hand, at legendary no less... where are these coming from!? I haven't received a mission or any kind of indication on how to acquire them. the collections page just says "acquired during the elemental evil campaign" or something like that... well hell, I've done every mission I've been able to find, about 10x each... but apparently I'm missing something here.

    additionally, it looks like the black dragon ioun stones I purchased (and every other augment companion for that matter) no longer have stats of their own, without gear/runes equipped. half of the entire reason they were purchased was because of the specific set of stats they provided. which was an absolutely moronic, idiotic change if it was intended. No doubt it was part of the obvious push to make non-augment companions more valuable, IMO.

    Difficulty: this deserves its own little section, because it was both severely underdone, and severely overdone at the same time, depending on where you are playing. the standard 1-60 missions and areas still feel like a cakewalk to me. whereas the level 60+ areas thus far feel overly difficult and therefore severely time consuming and un-fun... and that's just 1 mission. Now grind and repeat said mission umpteen thousand times between 60-70. No thanks.

    Standard trash mobs in 60+ content have seemingly been elevated to the difficulty of mod5's standard dungeon mobs, and though I haven't had the.... pleasure... of running any of the current 60+ dungeons, I gather from other posters that their difficulty is somewhere far, far beyond that. the past 4-1/2 levels on my SW have been... how do I put it... fruitless? I've enjoyed the combat, it's quite engaging (and unforgiving) now. one small slipup and you might be running back from a campfire.. (sarcasm) oooh, that's fun... I just love running back from campfires (/sarcasm). but at the end of the day, looking back on what I've accomplished... after a full day of double xp yesterday... I accomplished getting 4-1/2 levels. that's it.

    I didn't get any cool new gear. didn't really get any cool new powers. I mean, I got a new power... and a new class feature, both of which are rather... uninspiring. The new power, grasp of hadar or something... is just a darker version of one of the CW's tier 2 powers.. in fact, I think it's the third CW encounter in their list. not horrible, but nothing to write home about. and it's a single target control that only lasts about 2 seconds for my SW, and that's with using it on a cursed target to double the duration of the hold... talk about useless.

    my new class feature only works when i'm below 50% health... increases damage resist up to 10% or so and I think 3% lifesteal... did I mention it's only when I'm below 50% health?? ... well, with my measly 28k hp, I often dip below 50% health within the first second or so of battle with any regular trash mob. of course, warlocks bargain shaves 15% off the top, if it activates. not sure if it's just lag or what.. but most of my powers seem to have a bit of trouble activating since mod6, I've been having to hit them 2-3 times before they fire. I used to be able to hold down the at-will button and it would auto cast too, but now it seems I've got to keep clicking the mouse repeatedly... and even then it doesn't work sometimes.

    I've gotten to the point now that I can evaporate 2-3 minions and a LT within 1 activation period of blades of vanquished armies. I've even been able to solo a few of the new heroic encounters. would have been able to complete some of the others solo if not for the timer running out. of course, I got completely pwned by a few too... the crab one on the other side of drowned shore comes to mind.

    Here is how to get the artifact mainhand weapon. I assume you already have and know how to get the offhand:

    There are 4 new level up zones, one for each of the four elements. The Air zone is called Spinward Rise and this is the final level up zone. This is the only zone you need to complete to gain the artifact main hand weapon. The other elemental zones(for fire, earth, and water) are just to level you up so you can survive Spinward Rise. In spinward rise, there are 3 sub zones. you will need to complete 16 vigilance tasks per sub zone (3x16) to unlock the mission that gives you your artifact main hand weapon. You will get a yellow colored quest for each sub zone you unlock that requires you to do 16 vigilance tasks(repeatable missions marked in blue that aren't daily quests). Once you do those 16 vigilance tasks, you will unlock the next sub zone. This second subzone will also have a yellow quest where you have to do 16 vigilance tasks. Once you complete this mission, you will unlock the 3rd sub zone and its 16 vigilance task quest. Once you turn in the 16 vigilance task missions for all 3 sub zones, you will get a mission called Seed of Air. This mission is really easy and is the mission that grants you your artifact main hand weapon.
  • dashierdashier Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    My Main Character is a HR and he has made it to Level 70, he has Gold Level Artifact Equipment, Main, Neck and Belt, and 4 Purple Artifacts and a Purple off-hand Artifact equipment a Gold level Ioun Stone companion and all of his Enchants are at least rank 8. and he uses the Jewel-crafting double slot rings, He also has the dragon templar set. I used to breeze through Well of dragons, Dread Ring ect, I figured i had earned it throguh time and effort, and now I get Stomped.. hard. One-hit kills ect. Being the highest level of the game with (Hard earned, farmed ect.) gear The game should not be kicking me so hard, I can imagine the difficulty people who have new characters or less advanced characters are having with the release of Mod 6. The chance of even getting the items which helped me get to this point is almost impossible with the loss of the dungeons.
    1. The forced level adjustments for PVE Areas. If you have earned a higher level, you should be able to use it, and if you have not earned a high enough level to play there you should not be able to survive there. The level Adjustment weakens strong characters and (I believe is supposed to strengthen weak characters) but I have been to those areas with my Alts and if a level 65 increased to level 68 is not strong enough to survive why weaken a level 70 to a 68 in order to reduce his survivability? the logic is missing from this.
    2. Reducing Content: The daily dungeon grinding was a pain but at least it was a way to get gear, or sell the gear you get to buy the gear you need. as I said it was a pain but at least it was an option. This is an option that is not available to the new Paladin Class.
    3. I was frustrated over new artifact equipments when I spent so much time and energy refining my existing equipment to Gold level. But i understand the need for new equipment, just wish there was a way to used my currently refined Artifact equipment to level up the new equipment to the same level (10's of millions of RP down the drain per artifact equipment).

    Just to be clear I do put some money into the game, I enjoy it greatly, even when I am cursing over getting beaten by an impossibly hard hourly dungeon that I am getting a level penalty on top of... My main is having a hell of a time so I know my alts which were having difficulty in the old dungeons will not even be able to compete with regular content let alone the dungeons. Thank you for your time.
  • abrianaoverlordabrianaoverlord Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Mod 6 itself could be ok, One of the primary issues is balance, which I think will come in time, however for the moment except for getting to L70 (which face it is all the new areas are about as no real storyline / quest path behind them) if anything has restricted the amount of content one could interact with successfully post mod 6 -vs pre mod 6 (Tiamat, other heroics, certain quests for some lower geared people)

    Significant number of bugs which do need to be worked through (I am aware that it is being addressed, although not sure how)

    The thing that gets me is the lack of attention to detail regarding player experience. It is the little things that make difference. A significant collection of little things drives the irritation factor up and people then say "not fun anymore"

    Personal examples
    • Now have stuff bound to character, bound to account, not bound. When collecting stuff for refining that is pain, now means more bank space used which is limited.
    • Got armor kit and action point jewels unable apply them to the new equipement although they meet the minimum req (bug report filed)
    • Feels like a farming game now, without meaningful content is all about improving the character by getting better gear. Now we have to farm the same epics over and over, gets boring. So go to the well and farm stuff there, gets boring.Now this will always be part of the game as have to put the effort in if one want to earn the top gear so fair enough, However with elemental evil there is an opportunity to create a whole new campaign trail
    • Domination in dwarven valley broken most the time, Love doing that for fun, good basic capture the flag pvp which is broken most the time. As I write this right now it is not working.
    • Patch days are just not managed well simple as that, real frustrating and now plan to play at all on those days

      For me personally I would like to have a view of the priority focus areas, whether they are balance on tiamat, sorting out bugs etc. A couple scrum groups focussing on the minor bugs with weekly or bi-weekly sprints to scheduled release periods as an example could kill off a large number whilst some of the more significant issues are addressed. I see someone new has come in to helm the recovery, what is lacking is an approach to how this will be addressed. As a consumer and to retain my confidence I would like to have an understanding of how you are going to go about it. I recognise that it takes time to assess and then action. However there are some quick wins you can do to rebuild confidence.

      I worked in apps dev field (Programme Mgmt) so understand your challenges. But ultimately you are not managing your stakeholders effectively which has resulted in the level of frustration you have been witnessing.

      So I guess in summary
      • Communicate with us better
      • Focus on quality rather than quantity for the moment
      • Give us a clearer picture of what you are doing to address the situation
    • urlord283urlord283 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,084 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      Oddly enough I don't fall into any of the three choices

      I believe they should have mad new content harder and level 70

      Any content which is now greater than level 70 is a mistake

      I believe they made some serious mistakes but all can be fixed

    • edited May 2015
      This content has been removed.
    • rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      jimmyhar wrote: »
      Yes, it can all be fixed but only if the will is there.

      but why fix when a new game (or same game on a different console) can be the new starting point and they can just "beta test" stuff on PC :P
      People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

      Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
    • lowenduslowendus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 322 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      rversant wrote: »
      but why fix when a new game (or same game on a different console) can be the new starting point and they can just "beta test" stuff on PC :P

      Thumbs up bro.

      Makes perfect sense
    • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      Halloooo! Is there anybody in there????

      Overall difficulty
      XP rewards in the new zones and campaign zones
      Hourly quests
      Zone re-use
      Removed dungeons
      Campaign zone levels
      Items missing slots/stats
      And more...
    • matthiasthehun76matthiasthehun76 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      rversant wrote: »
      but why fix when a new game (or same game on a different console) can be the new starting point and they can just "beta test" stuff on PC :P

      Yeah, matches my thoughts too, either they have a Plan B game, they are working on (actually they have, according to their own statements in the past) or as i said a few times, the PC platform was just a cheap PR bridge to Xbox and a free testing community.
      The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
      Robert E. Lee

      I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
      Winston Churchill

      The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
      David Icke

    • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      Halloooo! Is there anybody in there????

      Overall difficulty
      XP rewards in the new zones and campaign zones
      Hourly quests
      Zone re-use
      Removed dungeons
      Campaign zone levels
      Items missing slots/stats
      And more...
    • whitesonic1whitesonic1 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      ya know when i heard of the new mod especially minsc and boo i was soooo pumped but then i logged in and... vigilance quests? I mean i will defend some aspects... but the mod is terrible as is. Bugs rampant, lag and disconnects, areas that should be soloable are requiring TOPNOTCH (not even just regular people, a group with legendary arti equips to actually survive most encounters in IWD or Well) parties to just get dailies done... i mean i get it you want it to be more group oriented well then make new dungeons? I was so pumped for new areas to explore not just rehashes of the old areas ive already seen... new dungeons to fight more epic bosses and we get.. harder difficulty dungeons that have nothing changed about them except them being impossible..? and then the story.. i was seeing misnc and boo and automatically though "YEAH!! we got a good story!!" and then logged on to be.. extremely dissapointed. those vigilance quests turned me off the game i mean i finished spineward rise and now i dont wanna level any other toon because i know what awaits me at the lvl 60 mark... my poor TR and CW are 60 and i only get on them to lvl their professions... when i first got to the drowned shore i was so pumped for a nice area that i can actually get immersed in and then to see a rehash? well i guess thats fine to an extent and i can tolerate it but then... vigilance... i was so angry at this and we have to do 16 of them to move on? Its repetitive... there is no reward big enough to complete them... i mean i could see if it was giving me 4-6k exp each time i compelted a vigialnce hourly but i was getting 2k exp and barely enough gold to even afford an injury kit for the amount of times i died doing it...

      Here is my conclusion: I voted for not being able to stand it.. Cryptic if you care for your user base you will scrap this mod, and even if you have to turn off the servers for a few weeks to give us something substantial at least show us your willing to keep your players... as is right now i stopped playing even my main and only use the gateway to continue my proffessions and thats it... im not putting more money into the game... im not playing it.. all im doing is getting on for 10 mintues to start up new professions and then going off to league of legends or even WoW (which is sadly better as is...) so please.. listen to your fans, your users, your players... fix this.. it wasnt completed in launch and it wont be completed for a while... just fix all those bugs... give us something that we want to play... the end game in mod 5 was fine, mod 6 i just dont care to because i know i have to crawl through barbed wire to get to it... i want to solo my dailies again... i dont wanna group for em... i want to be able to do Tiamat again to get to my end game... i want to be able to go through the dungeons again without having to use some kind of bug or glitch to get thru it... listen to your players and just fix this please...
    • overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      ya know when i heard of the new mod especially minsc and boo i was soooo pumped but then i logged in and... vigilance quests? I mean i will defend some aspects... but the mod is terrible as is. Bugs rampant, lag and disconnects, areas that should be soloable are requiring TOPNOTCH (not even just regular people, a group with legendary arti equips to actually survive most encounters in IWD or Well) parties to just get dailies done... i mean i get it you want it to be more group oriented well then make new dungeons? I was so pumped for new areas to explore not just rehashes of the old areas ive already seen... new dungeons to fight more epic bosses and we get.. harder difficulty dungeons that have nothing changed about them except them being impossible..? and then the story.. i was seeing misnc and boo and automatically though "YEAH!! we got a good story!!" and then logged on to be.. extremely dissapointed. those vigilance quests turned me off the game i mean i finished spineward rise and now i dont wanna level any other toon because i know what awaits me at the lvl 60 mark... my poor TR and CW are 60 and i only get on them to lvl their professions... when i first got to the drowned shore i was so pumped for a nice area that i can actually get immersed in and then to see a rehash? well i guess thats fine to an extent and i can tolerate it but then... vigilance... i was so angry at this and we have to do 16 of them to move on? Its repetitive... there is no reward big enough to complete them... i mean i could see if it was giving me 4-6k exp each time i compelted a vigialnce hourly but i was getting 2k exp and barely enough gold to even afford an injury kit for the amount of times i died doing it...

      Here is my conclusion: I voted for not being able to stand it.. Cryptic if you care for your user base you will scrap this mod, and even if you have to turn off the servers for a few weeks to give us something substantial at least show us your willing to keep your players... as is right now i stopped playing even my main and only use the gateway to continue my proffessions and thats it... im not putting more money into the game... im not playing it.. all im doing is getting on for 10 mintues to start up new professions and then going off to league of legends or even WoW (which is sadly better as is...) so please.. listen to your fans, your users, your players... fix this.. it wasnt completed in launch and it wont be completed for a while... just fix all those bugs... give us something that we want to play... the end game in mod 5 was fine, mod 6 i just dont care to because i know i have to crawl through barbed wire to get to it... i want to solo my dailies again... i dont wanna group for em... i want to be able to do Tiamat again to get to my end game... i want to be able to go through the dungeons again without having to use some kind of bug or glitch to get thru it... listen to your players and just fix this please...

      Haha..yes shutting the servers down for a few weeks and giving all the players who return two free rank twelves would do the trick I think. As long as the game was actually fixed. As things are now I do not think a free full set of bis gear would keep the players around if nothing changes.
    • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      Haha..yes shutting the servers down for a few weeks and giving all the players who return two free rank twelves would do the trick I think. As long as the game was actually fixed. As things are now I do not think a free full set of bis gear would keep the players around if nothing changes.

      A BiS gear set won't help in the current state. My HR has the gods' own defense short of T2 gear: a smidge over 18,500. I could probably push it over 20k by swapping out brutals and radiants for azures, but only at the cost of maybe 10k HP -- not worth it. Current DR is allegedly 54.9%. Even with all that, one T2 dungeon minion can take 90k HP off (out of a total of 100k) with one hit. Been there, seen it, got the T-shirt with my toon's blood on it. You can chase defense, but with whatever ungodly armorpen that enemies have, it won't get you through to the end.
      Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
      Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
      Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
      Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
      The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
      My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
    • str8slayerstr8slayer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 715 Bounty Hunter
      edited May 2015
      hustin1 wrote: »
      A BiS gear set won't help in the current state. My HR has the gods' own defense short of T2 gear: a smidge over 18,500. I could probably push it over 20k by swapping out brutals and radiants for azures, but only at the cost of maybe 10k HP -- not worth it. Current DR is allegedly 54.9%. Even with all that, one T2 dungeon minion can take 90k HP off (out of a total of 100k) with one hit. Been there, seen it, got the T-shirt with my toon's blood on it. You can chase defense, but with whatever ungodly armorpen that enemies have, it won't get you through to the end.

      I could've told you that stacking defense was a bad idea even before mod 6... You gotta build your characters the same as before, HP comes from the new gear. A good balance of DPS, control, healing and buffs are needed to beat all epics now. People are stacking offensive stats just like before and are more reliant on others to survive in dungeons.

      In the solo areas I can certainly see how some classes will have MUCH more trouble than others, I'm just thankful I'm done with all that because I'd be pitching a ***** too if I were leveling a DC or a HR or GWF and trying to do campaigns...
    • nwmorolnwmorol Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      Along with not being able to come even CLOSE to what I was able to do before, (solo the Sharandar and Dread ring lairs), I don't see a new gear progression path. The purples I had were useless. Completing all the new zone quests would just barely get me to 1600 IL, which is nowhere near adequate for the "1600" dungeons. So how is one supposed to get adequate gear to progress? I have no idea how people that hadn't already finished the Sharandar and Dread campaigns could even start on the new quest zones. A new 60 character has no way to work thru either campaign or the new zones. If the plan was to farm dragons in WOD for gear, that is not gonna happen either.
    • bishqueenagainbishqueenagain Member Posts: 2 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      So, I've been playing this mod since release, and I have to say I want to curl up into a ball and cry. I miss having fun in the game with my guildmates in dungeons, well I miss having fun in the game in a whole. The leveling from 60 to 70 is absolute and utter garbage, so boring. And now I'm gonna adress my biggest reason for hating playing the game right now. The dungeons. I dont see the point in making harder enemies, and making us get atleast 50-60k more HP to just try to survive. My favorite class is the HR, I love the class, it's awesome to play. But now I feel utter useless, cause this mod its all about survivability and DPS, not for what you want to play. I wish the dev's would actually listen to players, and do something about it. Getting geared now is a big pain. Now, dont take me the wrong way, I quite enjoy that you now need to have a healer and a tank in your team, but I still feel its way to hard to actually manage to win the dungeon. I were a 19k trapper HR last mod, and had a blast playing. Now im a lvl 70 hr that cant even carry itself in dungeons, and there is really nothing i can do about it, cause I have all my artifactgear in purple, and all my artifacts. So I should tecnically be able to manage ELOL with my team, right?

      I'm sorry for the lack of consistency in the post, I just miss my game. This is not fun anymore.
    • umt1982umt1982 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      I have been saying it since this mod released on preview.

      Copy and Paste. All it is. Now, don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a very small amount about this mod but most of it is, well, just meh. I like the dificulty but don't understand the lack of rewards. The harder the content the better the rewards.... Well, in just about every other game but this one that is. Epics give you 50 seals for the first run and 10 for every subsequent run after. Everything from these duneons is BOP. VT, MC, eLOL and KR are easier and give chances at better rewards, What? But I have done each of the latter thousands of times each before this mod, why would I want to do them thousands of times again? In previous mods when something got boring there were more choices to at the least sway the boredom, even if only temporarily. I.E. Heroic Encounters in IWD/DV or WOD, Joining a PUG (queueing alone) to help groups that would normally have a hard time beating the dungeons, doing a different dungeon from time to time cause at least the choice was there, help run guildies or friends through dungeons they were too low for to get in a group through LFG chat, etc.

      I have all 4 Elemental Elven pieces, 4 mythic artifacts, new rings (companion ones included), new shirt and new pants. Literally, all I have left is to refine my artifact gear (spand from 48 to 52 atm) and enchants (2 rank 11's and the rest are still 9). So, I get to run the same content I have been running since I first started playing this game a million mroe times..... Mind you, now that there are no mroe free chests, we have to spend 5k AD every run for the final chest. 10k a key for VT, MC and KR with eLOL key costing 20k PLUS the campaign resources and gold required to make those keys. With the lack of AD making and lack of rewards in general there is nothing worth making these key for. I have got the same stuff from each of the previously mentioned dungeons "special" chests 3-4 runs in a row. 2,500 to 10,000 refine points and the exact same stones. 15k AD to 25k ad a run just for keys (not including campaign resources or gold here) and with the refining amount still at 24k we can do one run a day.......every 2 days technically for eLOL with the 24k limit.

      I don't share the same issues regarding the old campaigns since I have finished all of them (100% and all boons) but I can, to a point, understand where these people are coming from. I first started a couple months before mod 4 release and back then there was no option for DPS as a DC. Doing IWD/DV as a low geared DC wasn't very appealing lol. Now it is ALL classes it doesn't appeal to. Even at maxed gear the content is just boring. I find myself playing other games cause the RP farm is even more boring than the same 3 dungeon choices to get protector seals. Now that I have all 4 elemental elven pieces I only do the 3 epics if a friend or guildie asks for my help. If I am not asked for help I will not go near them. Now I am stuck doing one of the t1's to give myself anything to do. Just an example, from the time I unlocked elol until a couple weeks after Tiamat release I did 8000 eLOL runs. Obviously Tiamat killed any reason to do any other content.

      The game doesn't need a rollback. It just needs more. More content and not old content copy and pasted with level scaling. More rewards and better rewards for harder content. When I first started doing Epics in this mod I assumed the Elven gear or even the alliance gear had a very small chance to drop from the final bosses (like the t2 gear in previous mods had chances too) and would not be bound. I was a bit wrong yea? That would have, IMO, saved some peoples aggravation even if only for a little while. Now it would be pointless to implement this as most have the alliance gear already.

      A suggestion would be to add CN or epic DV and give a .0000001% chance at elven gear drops THAT AREN'T BOUND. Add more refine point rewards to chest/heroic encounters. Increase the drop rate of hoard enchants <---- this I don't see as a problem since these ones would be bound. I don't have an issue with the old campaigns as they are now but without any other area worth going to something needs to give. A suggestion for this would be to make, lets say, Drowned Shore, Reclamation Rock, Fiery Pit and Spinward Rise Heroics a bit easier.

      PVP in this game is a bigger joke than it has ever been. Before this mod it was who had the most TR's now it is who has the most CW's and who can spam the same rotation the most. Still no matchmaking so most of us play against the same 1-3 premade teams (all of which are full BIS). No one wants to play PVP cause lets face it, doing the same 3 dungeons is more appealing......
    • adent086adent086 Member Posts: 108 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      1. Difficulty is off the chart compared to all of the nerfs that you stacked on the characters. Yes, level 70 characters are WEAKER than the old level 60 characters were. By a lot. Even when properly built and geared. This is just wrong. Needs to be fixed ASAP if the game is going to survive.

      2. Because of issue 1, you removed virtually all solo-ability from the game. Having to group to do dailies? Really? I have seen much smaller issues than this kill bigger titles than this. The game WAS very solo friendly PRE mod 6, but then all of the sudden, in mod 6 it is like you declared war on solo play. Instead, the devs seem like they are DEPENDING on people being FORCED into groups to keep them in game. Well, guess what? The strategy isn't working at all. All three of the guilds I am involved with have had their numbers crash. Almost no one logs in any more to play. Needs to be fixed ASAP if the game is going to survive.

      3. The "auto-leveling" feature needs to be gone, like yesterday. It should have never been added. I mean, if whenever I go into a zone YOU the developer are going to "adjust" my character and stats to whatever YOU want no matter how hard I have worked to build them up with progression, gear, build, and hard work; then what is the point? Why am I playing this game if MY character is going to behave with stats the way YOU want whenever YOU want? Again, what is the point of playing at all with this system in place? Needs to be GONE ASAP if the game is going to survive.

      4. A big part of a game being "fun" is meaningful rewards. There are none in the game anymore. Even the ones that you can build, through effort and play (i.e. Dragon Hoard Enchantments) remain "broken" with complete silence from the dev team on them getting fixed. Leading everyone to (rightfully in my opinion) believe that they aren't "broken" at all; they are just being "throttled" by the devs in a bold faced attempt to get people to PAY for their progress instead of PLAY for their progress. Also, the HP and Heath Stone scheme is another OBVIOUS money grab attempt, steering the game dangerously straight towards a "pay to win" model. Another case of this is the insane levels of refinement point requirements to advance that are being heaped on the players coupled with the complete invalidation of refinement points they had already worked so hard to gather. Simply put, because of all of these cheap, money grabbing tactics, the game isn't "fun" to play anymore. Needs to be fixed ASAP if the game is going to survive.

      Lots of these have already been covered by others, just adding my .02 AD. I could go on, but honestly, I am growing tiered of having to spend so much extra amounts of my time to help the devs do and keep their jobs. You guys want to stay employed: fix these and the thousands of bugs that you introduced with mod 6. Oh, and you might want to look into the game breaking lag and frequent random disconnects too. Basically, get to redesigning your entire game because you messed it up so bad with mod 6.

      Oh, and so I am directly on topic; voted: I can't stand it. Obviously.

      Peace out.
      Telling us about upcoming content updates, and getting those updates out the door BUG-FREE, is *AWESOME*!! Know what's even *MORE* awesome? Fixing game breaking bugs (and/or undocumented "features") that have been in EXISTING content for months/years!!! Guess which one makes me want to spend money on a game much more than the other? Hint: It's the "more awesome" one.
    • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      I think the poll just about says it all.
      Out of 604 respondents:
      • 31 people say; "I dont notice a difference or I dont care."
      • 66 people say; "I love mod 6!!!"
      • 507 people say; "I cant stand mod 6!!!!"

      And this is just a straw poll of people who visited this thread...

      I wonder what the response would be it the ARC games people or the people at Perfect World Entertainment would put a poll like this on their sign in page where everyone who has an account had the opportunity to submit a vote?
    • phoenix1021phoenix1021 Member Posts: 532 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      dionchi wrote: »
      I think the poll just about says it all.
      Out of 604 respondents:
      • 31 people say; "I dont notice a difference or I dont care."
      • 66 people say; "I love mod 6!!!"
      • 507 people say; "I cant stand mod 6!!!!"

      And this is just a straw poll of people who visited this thread...

      I wonder what the response would be it the ARC games people or the people at Perfect World Entertainment would put a poll like this on their sign in page where everyone who has an account had the opportunity to submit a vote?

      Probably a lot better because people generally come to these forums to complain not to tell everyone how great everything is...
    • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      Is that why you are here "to complain"?

      I can't speak for other people only myself, but I visit the forums in an attempt to be informed, to find out what other people are saying about things relevant to activities I'm involved in.

      For instance among the things I learned, I discovered the next CTA event will be delayed for a week and discovered that of the people who visited this thread and voted, an overwhelming number of people have expressed their dislike of the module 6 update.

      Personally I haven't met anyone other than new players who have no experience for what things used to be or folks I suspect of being corporate shills who hasn't had a complaint about the game. Especially if they have spent substantial real world currency to purhase in game items that with the advent of Module 6 and the player level cap increase saw their purchased items become essentually worthless, or no longer able to be used for the purpose they purchased the item for.

      At any rate we are both just speculating on how a public poll would turn out... but I still think it would be interesting to see how an actual poll of respondent account holderw would turn out.

      Then neither of us would have to speculate.
    • phoenix1021phoenix1021 Member Posts: 532 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      Man, people are on edge here! I was just stating what I think such a poll would say, not saying I have no complaints.
    • linaduinlinaduin Member Posts: 187 Arc User
      edited May 2015
      Probably a lot better because people generally come to these forums to complain not to tell everyone how great everything is...

      I would normally agree with you but those people who have left the game presumably weren't happy and from what I read in zone chat those that hung around aren't too impressed either. I think the discontent is genuinely widespread.
    • edited May 2015
      This content has been removed.
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