Am sorry to be one of the long-time dedicated players who missed out on a chance to get something nice due to the actions of the exploiters. It seems kind of unfair that a nice reward is pulled away from the majority target recipients because of the actions of a minority group in the game. Again. That these folks are seemingly never caught or punished for their actions, and they are given the chance to do it again and again is very disappointing to those of us who have already seen it happen many times.
Thank you, Cryptic, for the thought. And for the nice game I generally like playing most of the time.
PS Why doesn't the Redeem Code feature ever work for me? I don't even get a dropdown menu for clicking on the ARC logo at the top left, and no Redeem Code link to even check out that the code is expired. I wouldn't even been able to try to redeem it if it was working. Why does it work for some and not for others?
Any income you are concerned about losing by getting rid of these idiots will be more than made up by those of us who appreciate having our loyalty rewarded.
Every mmo I've ever played has been plagued with morons who just can't be decent. Is this something the devs might have missed? Probably. But here's the bottom line, just play the freakin game. I know the difference between right and wrong. If you don't, then, well you shouldn't be playing here. Just because you can take advantage of something / someone doesn't mean you should. The devs shouldn't HAVE TO babysit all these idiots. Imagine all the game could have or would be if they didn't have to waste resources making sure some d-bag doesn't try to capitalize on a free gift.
Long story short.... PERMA-BAN THEM!
Problem solved:)
Shame on those of you who ruined this for everyone else. You're pathetic.
Unfortunately this makes too much sense and therefore probably won't happen.
The reoccurring theme I've seen in my time with Neverwinter (and this thread is a perfect example of that), is that the people that are for a strict punishment or ban of guilty players, are players with some sort of founder title under their username, while the few players that are saying "Let this be. It's not our fault we can't tell right from wrong." don't.
Now I'm not saying that all players that are not founders, are guilty or are not decent. Obviously lwyphan, doesn't appear to be a founder, but is for it. I'm simply just trying to point out that people that clearly support the game financially are for some punishment or ban, while only those that don't support the game are apposed. Coincidence, I think not. The majority of those that don't have any money invested in Neverwinter are obviously not going to be as invested in seeing this game thrive as those that are financially supporting this game.
Not sure why it is so difficult for Cryptic to see this and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
This HAMSTER has been going on for far too long and has happened repeatedly...far too often for my taste! Either Cryptic does something about it or they will eventually be swimming in nothing but HAMSTER, with all of the decent people that support this game having moved on!
If I didn't care about Neverwinter, I wouldn't even be wasting my time *****ing about this and would have just loaded up one of the other many MMO competitors currently available. It's because I care about this game that I feel the need to be vocal!
Enough is enough Cryptic! It's a buyer's market for MMOs right now, so keep that in mind.
Right thing was done in stopping the exploits. However the accounts that haven't benefitted and existed prior to launch should still get something. Surely it can't be that hard to implement. I look forward to hearing more, as I was also disappointed to see the code expire before I could use it.
The Epic/Mythic level of GREED from some of the community members here gives way to enlighten all as to the infinite limits of their need to consume everything in their path. I've never seen greed to a scale of this magnitude in other communities as I have with the Auction House busting types that permeate this game.
Seems like they are trying to make GREED a new Element. It's almost like a Single Player game with 100's of others playing it like a Single Player game sometimes. Very pathetic.
Yesterday, our team distributed an email commemorating the launch of Neverwinter: Elemental Evil. Within the email was a code redeemable for an in-game item titled The Trove of Elemental Evil, which offers players a chance to win several in-game items including elemental companions. At the time, we distributed one code, which would be redeemable by all players until May 1, 2015.
Once the code was distributed, we saw a larger amount of players redeem the code. Unfortunately, the code was easily exploitable as the in-game item did not bind to the account and were re-sold via the Auction House. In addition to re-selling the item, we saw several instances where players created additional Arc accounts to continuously redeem the code. With the entire situation in mind, our team decided to disable the codes.
Our team is actively investigating how we can either revive or replace this campaign. Our desire was to send a fun and compelling gift to our players going into the a weekend of Neverwinter adventures. We still want to do good by this as rewarding our dedicated fans is important to us. Stay tuned for more information as we investigate both of the situation and solutions.
First off, just as another person who posted on this issue said, I'd like to thank the devs for their heartfelt attempt to give us something. It shouldn't matter what we had been given, the amount, or how valuable. These devs took time (away from their families) to build a reward for simply playing the game. Being an older gamer you could say I've been around the block of mmorpg's and have taken something positive away from almost everyone I've played. I've done ridiculous things from spending a whole tax return on the in game shop to donating to old ultima online free to play servers to keep my house from ever decaying, but when horrible selfishness rears it's ugly head like this I feel obligated to put my two cents (whatever that's worth) in hoping someone, anyone will read this and learn something. That being said I'd like to think that most of us here are adults or at least legal in the eyes of the law. As adults, in the year 2015 it's not inconceivable to believe that most of us know using an exploit is wrong! You can justify it how ever you want but the bottom line is it's wrong. If you exploited your rules at your job and were caught you would lose your job, or worse. I truly hope these offenders are delt with quickly and severely. To not do so just breeds more problems in the future. You can't blame the devs for this! Just because an exploit is possible doesn't mean it's open season to do it! I could take a gun and go rob my local liquor store but that doesn't mean I should or that there won't be a price to pay after. Perma-ban is the only real way to fix this problem. So I hope those A. Diamonds were worth it guys. You better hope someone like myself isn't in charge of making this right. Do the right thing here people, be adults, play the game because it's fun.
Delete all intended items - thus removing them from game and punishing those who bought them in good faith from AH. Again, rewarding the scammers, gold farmers, and exploiters.
Roll back. All exploiters do not gain, all exploited buyers do not loose - well, do not loose more than anyone else who put time in over a weekend playing.
I'd go for the second option. Everyone looses a bit, the folks who exploited your obvious loophole get nothing, everyone is grumpy for a while but maybe you learned something.
Just my 2p.. I probably won't read the comments 'cos usually it's obnoxious flames.
Right thing was done in stopping the exploits. However the accounts that haven't benefitted and existed prior to launch should still get something. Surely it can't be that hard to implement. I look forward to hearing more, as I was also disappointed to see the code expire before I could use it.
Sadly, I received the code just today Cryptic style giveaway.
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
I agree that people who abuse the system should be banned from playing. I miss out on an item because other abuse the system. The truth is someone is always going to try to abuse the system. To keep people from trying or doing so, is to create a set of rules and abide by them when people abuse the system. Ban them, not allowed to play the game for 3 months to a year. Something to make people to think twice.
Any income you are concerned about losing by getting rid of these idiots will be more than made up by those of us who appreciate having our loyalty rewarded.
Every mmo I've ever played has been plagued with morons who just can't be decent. Is this something the devs might have missed? Probably. But here's the bottom line, just play the freakin game. I know the difference between right and wrong. If you don't, then, well you shouldn't be playing here. Just because you can take advantage of something / someone doesn't mean you should. The devs shouldn't HAVE TO babysit all these idiots. Imagine all the game could have or would be if they didn't have to waste resources making sure some d-bag doesn't try to capitalize on a free gift.
Long story short.... PERMA-BAN THEM!
Problem solved:)
Shame on those of you who ruined this for everyone else. You're pathetic.
so you are saying, we should perm,ban player, who did this, the question is then, how many that exploited it, did someone do it over 100 times? or what, and no perm ban is not a solution, i say maybe warn them, most of them are probably legit player, who didn't Think about the consequences,
I agree that people who abuse the system should be banned from playing. I miss out on an item because other abuse the system. The truth is someone is always going to try to abuse the system. To keep people from trying or doing so, is to create a set of rules and abide by them when people abuse the system. Ban them, not allowed to play the game for 3 months to a year. Something to make people to think twice.
so they should ban, players, only because you missed the code?
Find out who it was that was abusing the gift (by creating multiple accounts and so on, tracking them Via IP address) and Ban the Lot of them from ever playing again... Problem Solved.
Yesterday, our team distributed an email commemorating the launch of Neverwinter: Elemental Evil. Within the email was a code redeemable for an in-game item titled The Trove of Elemental Evil, which offers players a chance to win several in-game items including elemental companions. At the time, we distributed one code, which would be redeemable by all players until May 1, 2015.
Once the code was distributed, we saw a larger amount of players redeem the code. Unfortunately, the code was easily exploitable as the in-game item did not bind to the account and were re-sold via the Auction House. In addition to re-selling the item, we saw several instances where players created additional Arc accounts to continuously redeem the code. With the entire situation in mind, our team decided to disable the codes.
Our team is actively investigating how we can either revive or replace this campaign. Our desire was to send a fun and compelling gift to our players going into the a weekend of Neverwinter adventures. We still want to do good by this as rewarding our dedicated fans is important to us. Stay tuned for more information as we investigate both of the situation and solutions.
They (Cryptic/PWE) had to kill it because suckyheadjerkface players were exploiting the offer and the prizes.
I would't be too concerned; they'll find another way to send out new prizes (or the same prizes via a new way). Just be patient.
There is no mistake. It was intended as a one time gift, anyone who claimed it with different accounts to send it to their main account had to know they are doing something wrong. You aren't even supposed to have that many accounts, much less sending items or currency between them. And it should be easy to track, just this morning I still saw people who offered 5 or 10 of the troves on the auction house. These are not "legit players"...
Roll back. All exploiters do not gain, all exploited buyers do not loose - well, do not loose more than anyone else who put time in over a weekend playing.
I'd go for the second option. Everyone looses a bit, the folks who exploited your obvious loophole get nothing, everyone is grumpy for a while but maybe you learned something.
Just my 2p.. I probably won't read the comments 'cos usually it's obnoxious flames.
I agree that this is the best solution. Everyone only loses a little time put into the game and those that "exploited" would not benefit anything. As for exploiters, something someone said in the forum make a lot of sense. Not everyone involved in this are exploiters. If I got an unbound gift that is of no use to me, I probably would have sold it if not bound. Not for any malicious reasons, but to make a little AD to put towards upgrading enchantments etc... (Oghma only knows I could use the AD)
Jumping into this thread again after initially posting the update yesterday. We appreciate the level of feedback coming in from the community right now. Although we are still in the investigating phase, I wanted to say that your feedback is being listened to and we're planning on going through all this when we work on next steps.
Communications Manager - Perfect World Entertainment
Yesterday, our team distributed an email commemorating the launch of Neverwinter: Elemental Evil. Within the email was a code redeemable for an in-game item titled The Trove of Elemental Evil, which offers players a chance to win several in-game items including elemental companions. At the time, we distributed one code, which would be redeemable by all players until May 1, 2015.
Once the code was distributed, we saw a larger amount of players redeem the code. Unfortunately, the code was easily exploitable as the in-game item did not bind to the account and were re-sold via the Auction House. In addition to re-selling the item, we saw several instances where players created additional Arc accounts to continuously redeem the code. With the entire situation in mind, our team decided to disable the codes.
Our team is actively investigating how we can either revive or replace this campaign. Our desire was to send a fun and compelling gift to our players going into the a weekend of Neverwinter adventures. We still want to do good by this as rewarding our dedicated fans is important to us. Stay tuned for more information as we investigate both of the situation and solutions.
The few ruin it for all. That's sad, I was psyched to redeem the gift.
msrebel1972Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2015
I also got the code and was unable to redeem it. It sucks that the players continuously get punished for the action of the exploiters. However, I'm glad such swift action was taken to shut it down and I look forward to whatever solution you have to reward the players
I don't understand why they just don't make the code redeemable and that you have to collect it from the "Gift Vendor" in PE? Those are all BTA and it would be much easier to maintain on someone's account (and not duplicate and sell in the Auction House) versus this fiasco... Come on, the "Renegade Illusionist" redemption is awesome, please use the same method and then this crisis will be averted.
Just remove any box from the auctionhouse, since it's "unwanted", the box can be deleted as well.
Issue a new code with a gift for every character and keep the loot account bound.
Problem solved.
And while you're at it, it would be great, if we could get a editable spam filter, to have a working tool against the goldsellers flooding the chat every minutes with new accounts...
Thanks for the feedback. We're definitely looking into the discussions from the community and are looking for ways to remedy it.
Can you make it an account unlock and bound to character? This way, no one can trade it and the freebie can be claimed by all characters on an account.
I did receive the email, but did not see it until after the code was disabled.
Can you make it an account unlock and bound to character? This way, no one can trade it and the freebie can be claimed by all characters on an account.
best thing, i read all day,
its not really the players fault this was in the game, okay sure some people made some ´Quick AD, but still, not Worth banning people for, thats my personal opinion, rollback is the best solution, and a code that work just like Renegade Illusionist one
It is quite upsetting that a few selfish jerks ruined this for the rest of us. Since the codes no longer work, I have an idea. You know how during the Winter Festival, everyone got a free gift bag from the Zen Market with a voucher? Why not do something similar and make the gifts bound to the account? This way no one can sell the items, but they can move the items around to their different characters to find the best fit.
It's really too bad about the jerks that keep exploiting things in this game and ruining it for the rest of us. Looking forward to being able to claim this gift.
I was at work and had to wait til i got home to try it... i rushed home and ran to my computer... so disappointing... fix it up and you have my continued devotion.
And while you're at it, it would be great, if we could get a editable spam filter, to have a working tool against the goldsellers flooding the chat every minutes with new accounts...
I completely dont understand this, i could code a simple routine in almost any language (c++, perl, java, …) that would simply check the string on server-side before posting into channel and flag it appropriate. I'd let the spammer think his offer has been posted by just posting at his log and no one else would see it. i wouldnt even need regex for that, you just have to look for certain chars occuring in their special order with some certain nonalphas in between. Its a simple replace numbers and alpha-looking nonalphas with their alpha, remove whitespace and placeholders like _ and a table-check. And once a new site has been setup, you update the table. ITS SO SIMPLE!!
> Get email with code while out
> Not able to get on computer with Arc until next day, was not in hurry because May 1st is a ways away
> mfw expired: ಠ_ಠ
> Check forum
> Another exploit where some people got very rich and honest people who weren't lightning fast don't even get whatever the gift was for themselves.
> Shake head, sigh, typical
Thank you, Cryptic, for the thought. And for the nice game I generally like playing most of the time.
PS Why doesn't the Redeem Code feature ever work for me? I don't even get a dropdown menu for clicking on the ARC logo at the top left, and no Redeem Code link to even check out that the code is expired. I wouldn't even been able to try to redeem it if it was working. Why does it work for some and not for others?
Unfortunately this makes too much sense and therefore probably won't happen.
The reoccurring theme I've seen in my time with Neverwinter (and this thread is a perfect example of that), is that the people that are for a strict punishment or ban of guilty players, are players with some sort of founder title under their username, while the few players that are saying "Let this be. It's not our fault we can't tell right from wrong." don't.
Now I'm not saying that all players that are not founders, are guilty or are not decent. Obviously lwyphan, doesn't appear to be a founder, but is for it. I'm simply just trying to point out that people that clearly support the game financially are for some punishment or ban, while only those that don't support the game are apposed. Coincidence, I think not. The majority of those that don't have any money invested in Neverwinter are obviously not going to be as invested in seeing this game thrive as those that are financially supporting this game.
Not sure why it is so difficult for Cryptic to see this and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
This HAMSTER has been going on for far too long and has happened repeatedly...far too often for my taste! Either Cryptic does something about it or they will eventually be swimming in nothing but HAMSTER, with all of the decent people that support this game having moved on!
If I didn't care about Neverwinter, I wouldn't even be wasting my time *****ing about this and would have just loaded up one of the other many MMO competitors currently available. It's because I care about this game that I feel the need to be vocal!
Enough is enough Cryptic! It's a buyer's market for MMOs right now, so keep that in mind.
Seems like they are trying to make GREED a new Element. It's almost like a Single Player game with 100's of others playing it like a Single Player game sometimes. Very pathetic.
First off, just as another person who posted on this issue said, I'd like to thank the devs for their heartfelt attempt to give us something. It shouldn't matter what we had been given, the amount, or how valuable. These devs took time (away from their families) to build a reward for simply playing the game. Being an older gamer you could say I've been around the block of mmorpg's and have taken something positive away from almost everyone I've played. I've done ridiculous things from spending a whole tax return on the in game shop to donating to old ultima online free to play servers to keep my house from ever decaying, but when horrible selfishness rears it's ugly head like this I feel obligated to put my two cents (whatever that's worth) in hoping someone, anyone will read this and learn something. That being said I'd like to think that most of us here are adults or at least legal in the eyes of the law. As adults, in the year 2015 it's not inconceivable to believe that most of us know using an exploit is wrong! You can justify it how ever you want but the bottom line is it's wrong. If you exploited your rules at your job and were caught you would lose your job, or worse. I truly hope these offenders are delt with quickly and severely. To not do so just breeds more problems in the future. You can't blame the devs for this! Just because an exploit is possible doesn't mean it's open season to do it! I could take a gun and go rob my local liquor store but that doesn't mean I should or that there won't be a price to pay after. Perma-ban is the only real way to fix this problem. So I hope those A. Diamonds were worth it guys. You better hope someone like myself isn't in charge of making this right. Do the right thing here people, be adults, play the game because it's fun.
Delete all intended items - thus removing them from game and punishing those who bought them in good faith from AH. Again, rewarding the scammers, gold farmers, and exploiters.
Roll back. All exploiters do not gain, all exploited buyers do not loose - well, do not loose more than anyone else who put time in over a weekend playing.
I'd go for the second option. Everyone looses a bit, the folks who exploited your obvious loophole get nothing, everyone is grumpy for a while but maybe you learned something.
Just my 2p.. I probably won't read the comments 'cos usually it's obnoxious flames.
Sadly, I received the code just today
so you are saying, we should perm,ban player, who did this, the question is then, how many that exploited it, did someone do it over 100 times? or what, and no perm ban is not a solution, i say maybe warn them, most of them are probably legit player, who didn't Think about the consequences,
so they should ban, players, only because you missed the code?
I would't be too concerned; they'll find another way to send out new prizes (or the same prizes via a new way). Just be patient.
Best way is to create a system that's not obscure but public and can therefore prooven to be not abusable.
I agree that this is the best solution. Everyone only loses a little time put into the game and those that "exploited" would not benefit anything. As for exploiters, something someone said in the forum make a lot of sense. Not everyone involved in this are exploiters. If I got an unbound gift that is of no use to me, I probably would have sold it if not bound. Not for any malicious reasons, but to make a little AD to put towards upgrading enchantments etc... (Oghma only knows I could use the AD)
My 2 cents.
The few ruin it for all. That's sad, I was psyched to redeem the gift.
I don't understand why they just don't make the code redeemable and that you have to collect it from the "Gift Vendor" in PE? Those are all BTA and it would be much easier to maintain on someone's account (and not duplicate and sell in the Auction House) versus this fiasco... Come on, the "Renegade Illusionist" redemption is awesome, please use the same method and then this crisis will be averted.
Issue a new code with a gift for every character and keep the loot account bound.
Problem solved.
And while you're at it, it would be great, if we could get a editable spam filter, to have a working tool against the goldsellers flooding the chat every minutes with new accounts...
Can you make it an account unlock and bound to character? This way, no one can trade it and the freebie can be claimed by all characters on an account.
I did receive the email, but did not see it until after the code was disabled.
best thing, i read all day,
its not really the players fault this was in the game, okay sure some people made some ´Quick AD, but still, not Worth banning people for, thats my personal opinion, rollback is the best solution, and a code that work just like Renegade Illusionist one
I completely dont understand this, i could code a simple routine in almost any language (c++, perl, java, …) that would simply check the string on server-side before posting into channel and flag it appropriate. I'd let the spammer think his offer has been posted by just posting at his log and no one else would see it. i wouldnt even need regex for that, you just have to look for certain chars occuring in their special order with some certain nonalphas in between. Its a simple replace numbers and alpha-looking nonalphas with their alpha, remove whitespace and placeholders like _ and a table-check. And once a new site has been setup, you update the table. ITS SO SIMPLE!!
> Not able to get on computer with Arc until next day, was not in hurry because May 1st is a ways away
> mfw expired: ಠ_ಠ
> Check forum
> Another exploit where some people got very rich and honest people who weren't lightning fast don't even get whatever the gift was for themselves.
> Shake head, sigh, typical