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What do you expect from module 6 : Elemental Evil

nathanmehew2435nathanmehew2435 Member Posts: 140 Arc User
edited January 2015 in General Discussion (PC)
In the past modules in Neverwinter they have messed up the Modules with releasing thing's that were a little to Overpowered ( Artifact Gear ), Bad balancing and to many dailies.

My hope for this Module is to make is not so overpowered. With raising the level cap there will be allot of balancing so my hope is to NOT make 1 class overpowered like we have seen in the past. Every class should be equals and none should be top. What is it you would like to see in this module ? What would you like to see at lv70 and what would you like to see left behind ?

For me i hope to get rid of the whole artifact gear thing ( or change the refinement system ), See a new class, See the current classes properly balanced and good content that doesn't consist of only dailies at end game.

Please don't go heavy on the campaigns because with multiple char's it is a huge strain doing them and if you miss out on 1 char your stuck behind the crowed and that's not a pretty site. So in hopes of seeing this next module ( Module 6: Elemental Evil ) go well I personally will be cheering you on the side lines. In hopes to see what lies ahead.

So tell me the community what would you like to see in this up coming module ?
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  • miomans0miomans0 Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    New zones that are not campaigns and new pvp maps i hope
  • iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Completely overhauled RP system , leveling up my current gear from 59 to 60 was hellish I can't even imagine how much RP would be needed to go from 60 to 70 using the current system ,and also the ability to upgrade existing artifact gear to have a lvl 70 cap on it so our existing gear isn't just rendered obsolete the second the new mod arrives.
  • ryoshinetteryoshinette Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I expect nothing.
    I was expecting when mod 2/3/4/5 was coming out. Always fail.
    So now, I expect nothing. 100% of success.
    Ryoshin GF (4.2k)
    .Suicide Squad.

  • hercules125hercules125 Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    - With 10 new levels, I would expect at least 2 new zones. Hopefully large, INTERESTING zones with brand new mobs and not just reused factions as they've done in the past. And not scaled up assuming everyone is at 18k+ gear-score. Normally geared players ( T1 ) should be able to play without being plastered.

    - At least one new set of campaign boons.

    - No more artifacts, PLEASE.

    - Several new T3 dungeons with new mobs. Hopefully with better AI and less reliance on zerg zerg zerg.
    I'd like new features - like hidden traps that will actually kill you. Trap doors. Hidden doorways that need to be pick locked.

    - If they do add a new tier of armor, not sure how I feel about that. Maybe new sets of T3 armor comparable to black ice would be better.

    - New skirmishes

    - BUG FIXES for things that have been ignored for a long time
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I expect the temple of elemental evil.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited January 2015
    Major foundry updates in many ways, mechanically and in community friendly aspects. In short, massive bug fixes to the plethora of outstanding foundry bugs and quality of life improvements to make playing foundry missions rewarding. Anything else is just icing on the cake.
  • nathanmehew2435nathanmehew2435 Member Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Sounds like people have high hopes as do i . Just don't release it in a hurry like Mod 5 was that'd be nice
  • shirfshirf Banned Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Sounds like people have high hopes as do i . Just don't release it in a hurry like Mod 5 was that'd be nice

    They don't usually have much say, plus the raid was delayed anyway and had issues.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    the best thing is to not expect anything.
    expectation creates disillusion.
    we will enjoy what we will get... 0 bugs would be already enough
  • vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I expect huge unbalance with 10 more paragon feats. Oh and yeah, tons of QQ if artifact becomes obsolete and tbh I will be one of those :P
  • rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    charononus wrote: »
    I expect the temple of elemental evil.

    That would be excellent. I think a Zuggtmoy boss fight would be fantastic. :)
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

  • cloud990plcloud990pl Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    RP system, boss fights, campaign dungeons unlocks (mods 3-5), some weapon&armor enchantments
    useful profession tasks (other than kits), epic destinites, weaknesses and resistances for enemies and bosses (something that wouldn't make only few enchantments useful), dungeons worth farming, dungeons that have to be completed using brains not GS, legendary dungeons that would drop something awesome (without knowing exactly what they're planning, I can't give any example).
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,462 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    charononus wrote: »
    I expect the temple of elemental evil.

    This is a must, I think. ToEE is so enormous that I'm skeptical, though, both in their ability to create it in time or in players' ability to run it. Maybe we'll se it in stages as part of a campaign tree?

    I also expect three leveling zones, and FINALLY some substantial Foundry updates and QoL improvements.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • khimera906khimera906 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    - I want PVP to be separated from PVE. This "all classes need to be equal" business makes sens in PVP, but in PVE its ridiculous. Obviously making classes viable in PVE brakes PVP, and balancing PVP kills certain classes in PVE. This needs to stop.
    - Foundry update - pretty much what zeb said. This would add so much more content to the game. Just give the means to the creators and the incentive to the players. Well I know it's easier said than done, but we're getting close to two years now. It's about time it receives some attention.
    - More character, mount, companion customization. Character customization will happen sooner or later. Companion and mount I guess never, but I can dream. They can add a few free ones like they did before and put some character creation assets in the Zen Market in bundles of maybe 5 - like 5 hair styles/ facial hair/ scars or whatever. Add new kinds of customization like earrings and piercings and body tattoos. The Dragoborn has such little customization.
    This is what I want. I'm sure everyone's gonna ask for gear, dungeons, new RP system and quests, so I won't bother with that.
    I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    My mod 6 expectations:
    1/2 new dungeons/"raid."
    Some work on the foundry.
    Stat deflation due to raised level cap.
    Some class or another unbalanced due to exponential damage curves, similar to the SoD bug in early mod 5, this will not be fixed until a week after release of coarse although players will pick up on the bug a month before release.
    A strong sense of disappointment.

    My mod 6 hopes:
    Artifact gear becomes obsolete, new blue gear is even better then it, let alone epic.
    No new artifact gear.
    6-10 more dungeons, comparable in quality to CN, as CN was in the base game. These dungeons need to be farm able and have reliable drops.
    DIFFICULT content.
    New BiS gear gated behind the new tough dungeons, meaning only the best players can access it, thus creating a niche for F2P players to grind reliably for AD.
    New enchantment ranks, 11-15. This Provides Cryptic with a new way to get people to buy zen, I am not against people spending on the game, I am only against it being the only viable way to make a perfectly geared character.
    New companion levels 30-40, along with legendary companions (which are not refined) as another way for cryptic to get players to part with money.
    150% speed mounts, again, same reason.
    An extra bag for keys because I have a large number of them taking up bag space. Again, another zen item.
    A foundry overhaul.
    Some new PVP content, things like capture the flag, deathmatch and other PVP type maps. This is not because I personally PVP, but I feel that the people who do enjoy that aspect of the game should have as much new content as us PVE players get.
    A removal on the maximum number of seals, as I *ALWAYS* accidentally hit it :p
  • lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I expect a class that would hardcounter TRs so much that we wouldn't see every single domination with at least 4 of them.

    One can dream thou...

    Also, would LOVE to see something to prevent gear inflation. I don't mind the enchantments, but perhaps content with high GS players in mind?
  • g0dfr3yg0dfr3y Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I'm excited about the new OP class. That is, Oathbound Paladin, not overpowered. I expect it will be the standard sword-and-board paladin type, but does anyone know any details? Is my dream of a polearm specialist paladin still alive?
  • w00trandomsnoobiw00trandomsnoobi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 387 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I don't expect much, there's not enough time for them to create loads of new dungeons and content. There'll probably be one new leveling zone, one new dungeon, maybe legendary versions of old dungeons (now with even more adds), if we're lucky.

    What I'd like to see:
    * power presets (switchable power combinations). Or at least easier power switching, like clicking on a power slot brings up a list of powers suitable for that slot.
    * added profession tasks that are actually useful. Let us craft level 60 gear that can be fed into artifact gear, or refinement stones (account bound to deter botters). Or anything remotely useful even.
    * less dailies. Though that's not gonna happen.
    * change to the artifact equipment refining. At the very least make it so that feeding artifact gear into another artifact equipment results in RP loss. At least it should give the same amount of RP that was fed into it. The current system isn't forgiving to users wanting to change their gear (I'm sitting on my purple belt of wisdom, because that was all I could afford before the double rp event, and now I can't switch to lathander's belt). And the double RP events should be more often, at least once a month.
    * separate fashion tab, separate mount tab.
  • imaginaerum1imaginaerum1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    charononus wrote: »
    I expect the temple of elemental evil.

    If they don't put it in, and they add enough resources to Foundry, I'll be adding it there.

    The first part, T1: The Village of Hommlet, is already done, except for one minor pathing glitch on one NPC, which doesn't affect game play. It's quest # NW-DBDB7A38M.

    The only reason I hadn't started in on the rest of TOEE (T1-4) was lack of available resources in the asset library. Hopefully a bunch come with this release, and I'll be able to make that. Again, if they don't.
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I'm expecting much forum entertianment. There will be rage, there will be teeth gnashing.

    Artifact gear gets retired = rage
    Artifact gear remains as is and still useful = rage
    New hard dungeon = rage
    New dungeon that's not overly hard = rage
    PVP changes = lots of rage
    No PVP changes = huge amount of rage
    Paladin becomes an effeive new class that complements existing classes without over shadowing them = rage because it won't be the new overpower I win class
    Paladin becomes the new over powered class = rage

    Yup it should be fun.

    We know the drill by now. It will have good points it will have bad points and bugs. But to me, it's free new content, it's a free new class. And that alone is enough for me to already be happy with it.
  • ebonyshadowebonyshadow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    There is a big difference between what I expect and what I would hope for.

    I hope that professions become more worthwhile with crafted gear being not far behind BIS but requiring items farmed from the top dungeons. And crafted gear that is good enough to get you through the new non-dungeon content without such items.

    I hope to see at least 4 or 5 dungeons difficult enough that zerging them is not going to work too well, where people have to actually THINK and use a degree of stratagy.

    I hope 60-70 will see the damage mitigation and threat production of the GF get enhanced even more, mitigation being the cornerstone of that style of tank and strategy being needed should make GF's more relevant again.

    I hope to see some if not all artifact equipment be bye-passed, not so much as to make it totally useless but a good way behind the new BiS and no more artifact equipment brought in.... It is short term good for business but bad for the customer and that in the long term is bad for business.

    I hope (In vain) to see the whole balancing for PvP kicked to the curb as it fubars any attempt to have the PvE classes balanced for their roles.

    Given that won't happen and PvP is still going to be a part of the game, I hope to see someone capable of programming the ladder correctly so that people face opponents they have a chance against... rather than my experience of 9/10 finding my 13k GS is the best equipped on my side and we face a premade the lowest of which is 20k on the other! If that where the case I might be tempted to do a bit more of it.

    I hope (Realistically) that once again the team do a good job with the new class and it plays distinctly different that either the HC or GF and is a good enjoyable class in its own right.

    I hope they realize we do not need a daily based campaign and having to plow through to earn a bunch of boons EVERY mod! Especially this one, I'd rather see that effort go the do justice to the content and areas, this time be about the jump to 70 not about another daily grind. Give us reasons to WANT to run the dungeons and skirmishes rather than herd us through another bunch of dailys.

    What I expect? No matter how well they do I expect a tsunami of QQ from chunks of this forum who never seem pleased regardless of the efforts they make.
  • yolohahahayolohahaha Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Hm isnt GF a Paladin?
  • ebonyshadowebonyshadow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    yolohahaha wrote: »
    Hm isnt GF a Paladin?

    No... next question?
  • rifter1969rifter1969 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    What I expect....

    An Iron golem with a sphere of annihilation in its mouth.... :)
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    yolohahaha wrote: »
    Hm isnt GF a Paladin?

    Yea because we all know warlock turned out exactly like wizard. Similar roles do not indicate similar play or party function
  • delbi11867delbi11867 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    i would love to see a rework of the old dungeons, making t1 be something like t2.5 and the old t2 being t3 or whatever tier we are at at lvl 70.

    if new artifact gear is coming at least give people the full rp from thier older artifacts to lvl the new ones.

    Some new powers. 10 more feats.

    2 lvls added to enchantments, 1 to armor and weapon enchants.

    4 new dungeons, one for each new tier item etc. or make one big one with 4 wings a bit like naxx in another mmo :) .

    can think of loads that would make this addon great, 20gb patch lol
  • deadshadows86deadshadows86 Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    No... next question?

    But GF should be tanking mob, Paladin will probably do it better, as big GS GWF already do so actually and DC will probably be useless because the paladin will tank mobs and he will probably heal himself enough to kill 2 classes ...

    Actually i don't understand why the paladin class ... For the actual class i can find them a role :
    GF : Tanking
    GWF : Melee aoe DPS
    TR : Melee 1 target DPS
    DC : Heal
    CW : AOE Control
    HR : Distance DPS Physical
    SW : Distance DPS Magical

    ... So Where will OP be ? Tank + Heal ? We have already 2 classes for this role ... and a party will have the choice between 1 GF and 1 DC vs 1 OP + 1 DPS ... what will they choose ? I already know the answer ... If they would have made a 3rd parangon path for most classes and give GF some heal it would become a paladin, and giving DC some taunt would also made them a paladin (as i know some DC who can take as much (or even more) than my GF ...)
    So i still don't understand ... Argh ... They said it was a high demand of player base so making the paladin calss being new and being op will make them sell lots more ZEN ... ok ...
  • kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    I hope to see some if not all artifact equipment be bye-passed, not so much as to make it totally useless but a good way behind the new BiS and no more artifact equipment brought in.... It is short term good for business but bad for the customer and that in the long term is bad for business.

    No it isn't. The economics of F2P mean that churn is the most profitable thing, and long term customers are actually a problem.
  • ebonyshadowebonyshadow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Paladin is a hybrid, so yes he should be able to tank but at the same level of gear he shouldn't be as good at it is the GF, better suited to the off-tank role. Yes he should be able to heal, just not at well as the healing specialist the cleric.... also in other games and in tabletop the Pally has some of the best buffs in the game, of benefit to every member of the party.

    Hopefully the changes in going from 60-70 will add to the threat generation and damage mitigation of the GF, improving his ability to do his job, also add to the healing ability's of the cleric (Que the wailing from the PVPers, awww didums, I'm discussing the PvE needs here).

    The pally should not have the same damage mitigation as the GF, making up the shortfall from buffs and healing in the rotation!

    Most games don't just have a single class to most roles, but a choice of different ways of doing it depending of your play style. Not everyone is a min-max aholic!

    That said, none of us have the first clue as to how they are going to approach it, they did a good job with making the last two new classes distinctive, leaving a good change they will do well with the pally too, but some people are too invested in QQing to deal with reality rather than chicken little style speculation.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    kattefjaes wrote: »
    No it isn't. The economics of F2P mean that churn is the most profitable thing, and long term customers are actually a problem.

    Short term, it's in general not sustainable though.
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