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Can someone explain the "greed" mentaily?



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    kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    diogene0 wrote: »


    When you need an item you're basically saying "my character's progression is more important than yours", and that's very rude.


    I've never heard it put this way before, but I think perhaps this is the best description of the issue that I've heard to date. Bravo!
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    epclipseingmoonepclipseingmoon Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    If you pug and need without offering compensation to the other 4 party members you should be kicked and reported as ninjas.

    the idea is to join a guild rather than pug stuff for different rules such as need if you need the gear.
    Princess Amber - DC
    Shieldmaiden Amber - GF
    Valkyrie Amber - GWF
    Huntress Amber - HR
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    gerbilhurdlergerbilhurdler Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 418 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    styley177 wrote: »
    Or another option, easier this time, remove greed altogether, just have Need and Pass, you want it for whatever your reasons or you dont.

    This is ignorant.
    So you can't even get equip now if it isn't for your class?

    If anything it should be set to GREED for the whole party, that gives everyone an EQUAL chance to get the item and it isn't up to the game to decide which one drops.

    Simple equation for all the forum supporters of "need".

    NEED= You are greedy and feel entitled to that piece regardless of the rest of your parties work in the dungeon.

    GREED= You feel like everyone is deserving of a chance for a payoff after helping you through that dungeon you just ran.

    NO, the party (if pug) isn't grinding the dungeon to get you that last piece, they are doing it for game progression. Frankly those who hit need on greed runs or in pugs are the most GREEDY individuals in the game.
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    vadimt83vadimt83 Member Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    kaedennn wrote: »
    I had the same question when i started this game , but , once you have all your gear and want to make some AD , let us know if you'll not do the same "greed mentality "

    wich i agree with a 100% ; enless im with guildies and want to gear up someone , and even in this case , the final chest is what they are supposed to count on , not the drop !
    Here is a shocker: I don't run dungeons that don't drop gear I need. Unless I'm helping someone and in this case everything i get is bonus. Right now I'm only running SoT, LoL and kessells.
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    This is ignorant.
    So you can't even get equip now if it isn't for your class?

    No, the suggestion is that there are only two options, you opt to roll for the item (need) or you don't (pass). Wouldn't even have to call it "need", just "roll". And there would be zero drama with regard to enforced greed rolls, because everyone would always have the same chance on everything. There just also wouldn't be a way of prioritizing people who might want to equip the thing, though in a trusted group that wouldn't penalize someone for a need-roll now, they'd probably either pass or hand it over.

    It would basically be a reversion to the days when everyone could roll need on everything regardless of class.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    styley177styley177 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    No it is not ignorant at all, everyone can need on everything or pass on everything, everyone gets a 1/5 chance or better guaranteed. And to clarify i have 8 char, 2 "mains" all very well geared so i dont actually need anything anymore :p But i do get irritated by all the issues the need/greed thing causes (and being ninja'd byt those greedy ppl out there is pretty annoying too)
    This is ignorant.
    So you can't even get equip now if it isn't for your class?

    If anything it should be set to GREED for the whole party, that gives everyone an EQUAL chance to get the item and it isn't up to the game to decide which one drops.

    Simple equation for all the forum supporters of "need".

    NEED= You are greedy and feel entitled to that piece regardless of the rest of your parties work in the dungeon.

    GREED= You feel like everyone is deserving of a chance for a payoff after helping you through that dungeon you just ran.

    NO, the party (if pug) isn't grinding the dungeon to get you that last piece, they are doing it for game progression. Frankly those who hit need on greed runs or in pugs are the most GREEDY individuals in the game.
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    chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    You know, we have a schism in my second guild over this very issue. We had been splitting most of the big BoE drops, for most of the characters in the guild, that were geared. If you wanted to take the item, fine, but you had to buy out the rest of the team's shares so they got compensated for their effort. The point of running dungeons was of course, to make AD an have fun. We were absolutely a for-profit enterprise.

    We switched to greed everything - even enchants, greens, blues, shards, whatever, because when groups have "greed this, need that" rules, people make all sorts of errors and it's confusing.

    There was this guy in our guild, who basically never played his main, and he wanted to need on his CN loot. Meanwhile he would sell everything else to gear out a LV 19 twink, yet use 0 enchantments on his 60s (no joke).

    The rest of the guild felt strongly the purpose of running CN was to make AD. So the sentiment was. "Ok, we are doing something relatively difficult. My time is limited, and I am doing this for the purpose of making some AD so I can get whatever XYZ items i want. Now someone who doesn't play that much, wants us to carry him, do most of the work, and then at the end, take out the reward for our efforts?"

    It was the sentiment here that the person who would "need" on his gear was the selfish one, in that the rest of the team would work hard for the loot and then have it snatched away from them. The rest of us had all paid out our teams or bought our items, and now he wants it for free? So the guild broke up over this point. I formed Crescendo's Tyranny, and we said explicitly at the beginning. We will greed everything, we will split expensive boss drops, if you don't like it, this isn't the guild for you.

    As guild leader, personally, I didn't care THAT much. I was running 5-15 CN runs a day, i had a good income and I really could care less about one item. The point was, if I didn't make a call on the issue we would have fought about it, so there had to be a rule. I honestly can see both sides of the story.

    After splitting 1500 items and doing a ton of bookwork, I have no desire to split things at all. So just roll greed on everything. If you have to roll need on something, i will mess up. Personally i wish to have autoloot app that just rolls shift 2 on everything for me because too many idiots loot during combat like they want me to die.

    An honestly, right now I am only running eLOL. People are in there with 16k+. You don't NEED anything. You need items the way i need 6000 lesser resonance stones to refine artifact weapons and belts.

    Now if need items were BOP i wouldn't mind but I have honestly seen people need items they don't need for 10k salvage rather than let the team roll on it.

    In other words - set clear fair rules that are fair to everyone. If you have someone who wants to need on an item that is worth half a million AD and defeat half the reason you went to the dungeon anyway, well GG. That's a good way to not make friends, because it isn't fair to the team.
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    gerbilhurdlergerbilhurdler Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 418 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    No, the suggestion is that there are only two options, you opt to roll for the item (need) or you don't (pass). Wouldn't even have to call it "need", just "roll". And there would be zero drama with regard to enforced greed rolls, because everyone would always have the same chance on everything. There just also wouldn't be a way of prioritizing people who might want to equip the thing, though in a trusted group that wouldn't penalize someone for a need-roll now, they'd probably either pass or hand it over.

    It would basically be a reversion to the days when everyone could roll need on everything regardless of class.
    Ah I C...
    the ignorance of your point was mine.
    If NEED=GREED(as it is now) then that would be acceptable.
    Or they could do an option like the "round robin" type loot setting in which all players had a random chance at ALL drops...instead of taking turns at drops, which is how i understand it to be now.
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    epclipseingmoonepclipseingmoon Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    So true chem :) If you want the item offer the other 4 something worth its salvage value if its bop that is. its not a bad loss if you run with nice people unlike some pugs in lfg channel...
    Princess Amber - DC
    Shieldmaiden Amber - GF
    Valkyrie Amber - GWF
    Huntress Amber - HR
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    jasonbhoy7jasonbhoy7 Member Posts: 53
    edited October 2014
    Open chest to get your gear, sell boss drops. Boss drops are rarer.
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    demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Sometimes people play dungeons and collect items for their other character or their guild bank.
    In greed mode it is fair for all to collect items.
    If you do not want the item in a greed run, you can always just pass.
    Consider too now people need items to feed into their artifact weapons and artifact belts so need on junk will be common.
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
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    xginocidexxginocidex Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I prefer greed runs. Not every player in the quest with you needs gear.

    Myself i am working on upgrading stones and getting the occasional good boss drop is a great way to get AD. And when everyone greeds it gives all a fair chance at something valuble and make the trip through the dungeon worth while.

    I try to run only with my guild and a lot of times we are trying to make some AD to either upgrade or buy something we need. But if we have a person who needs the gear that drops it's stated before we start the dungeon and we help that player gear up.

    Anything can happen in a pug group but 95% of the time people are going to greed and if you need you'll probably be kicked before the loot rolls are finished.

    I have been playing for almost year and that's how i remember any dungeon i have been in "Greed run", Usually it's easier to get the gear from the chest anyhow but my best advice if your trying to gear up is to join a guild or at least make some friends you enjoy playing with and at least that way your all on the same page as for what to do with loot and no one gets mad or kicked..

    And far as GS or gear i don't hide it. I have 18.5k GWF with rank 8 enchants and a perfect vorpal and i still do normal T2's because it's fun. And as a player you have the right to need or greed anytime you choose just some of us do it certain way to try to make the trip more rewarding and fun at the same time..
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    frishter wrote: »
    Oh you'd still get issues such as someone wanting their fomorian/dragon off hand and "hey you needed my bound item".

    *facepalm* You're right.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    matiagronxmatiagronx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »
    What do you need AD for except for a respec every now and then after a visit from the nerfbat? Mounts? I have 3 account wide mounts and never farmed AD in my time playing. Also, I have only 4 characters around 13-14k,

    Lol sure if u wanna stay around 13-14k u dont need ad, u actually dont need nothing, just log out once and for all and ur toons will stay 13-14+ forever...seriously now..

    Do you know how many ad u need to bring an arti or belt/weapon up to epic and then start getting it towards legendary? Do you know we have 5 of these on our character? I need over 20 mil of ad for refining these 5 at a good close to Legend level.
    Do you know we have 5 companion slots? You wanna put all your free companions in these slots just to fill them up, thats fine. I wanna have the ones i prefer with my playstyle, i need approx 1.5 mil ad to get each of them. Thats around 7.5 mil more
    Do you know we have more than 15 slots for enchantmens, including augment stone's. That's over 15 mil for lvl 9's.
    Weapon Enchantment? Perfect Vorpal usually? a few millions here too, 4-5 dont remember current price.

    I dont need so much AD RIGHT NOW but eventually this is your goal, to progress your character using aqcuired ad from playing the game.
    If u are an active player u know u need ad to progress, even making an artifact epic or legendary is progression and personal satisfaction. We need AD for this. People who think that because they need gear they must "need" on a roll are just ignorant of the game or clueless to say the least. You DO NOT equip an item worth 1 million ad if u can get it for free by playing the darn game, unless you are in hurry to gear up ofc, hence u pay for it dearly.
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    styley177styley177 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    *facepalm* You're right.

    LOL true, but it'd be a much smaller and less wide ranging irritation than the system we have now :cool:
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    galahad01galahad01 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    So true chem :) If you want the item offer the other 4 something worth its salvage value if its bop that is. its not a bad loss if you run with nice people unlike some pugs in lfg channel...

    Hello Again,

    Offer equivalent salvage value????? That's just absurd..... Suppose the item is worth a substantial amount on the A.H. so the person just gave the rest of the party salvage costs, what's that 10K max ( LMAO ) for an item that may be worth 1m ++++ on the A.H.

    Lets face it people, everyone is saying they want the item for their character, which more than likely is true for the first time they get the item, but, what about all the subsequent runs after, ergo.... farming runs. Now I haven't got that many A.D. anyways but if I can get a 1.5mil +++ A.D. item for only salvage cost , <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> I'll do it!!!! NOT!!!!! This will be a very bad habit to get into...

    Then Again, " A FOol And His Money ( A.D. ) Are Soon Parted "

    Cheers !

    " May The Wind be Always At Your Back "
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    cybercyanidecybercyanide Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 66
    edited October 2014
    I have to agree with the Roll/Don't Roll option. But in absence of another loot roll system change, "Greed" works well in an MMO; i.e. you aren't the only player there. Guaranteed loot from the chest is yours already so drops should be something everyone in that team has a shot at winning. Let's face it, "Need" is rarely a truthful roll.
    Also, it reinforces the "multiplayer" part. It's not a stand alone game where you get the all the loot from everything. It's a great big, wide world and not everyone will agree on different aspects of the game. You should be seeking out like-minded friends/guilds to run with. (Not expecting everyone/Neverwinter to change to suit your playstyle/wants.)
    Happy hunting :)
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    epclipseingmoonepclipseingmoon Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    galahad01 wrote: »
    Hello Again,

    Offer equivalent salvage value????? That's just absurd..... Suppose the item is worth a substantial amount on the A.H. so the person just gave the rest of the party salvage costs, what's that 10K max ( LMAO ) for an item that may be worth 1m ++++ on the A.H.

    Lets face it people, everyone is saying they want the item for their character, which more than likely is true for the first time they get the item, but, what about all the subsequent runs after, ergo.... farming runs. Now I haven't got that many A.D. anyways but if I can get a 1.5mil +++ A.D. item for only salvage cost , <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> I'll do it!!!! NOT!!!!! This will be a very bad habit to get into...

    Then Again, " A FOol And His Money ( A.D. ) Are Soon Parted "

    Cheers !

    Note I did mention BOP items not BOE.
    Princess Amber - DC
    Shieldmaiden Amber - GF
    Valkyrie Amber - GWF
    Huntress Amber - HR
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    beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    galahad01 wrote: »
    Offer equivalent salvage value????? That's just absurd.....

    I believe that was put up as a suggestion applying *only* to the BoP off-hand items (Fomorian/Fallen Dragon) which are pretty much useless if it's not for your class (maybe icon for a stone). A greed run might still fall apart here if someone rolls need unless compensation is offered. Most people would probably be satisfied by the offer of an equivalent value in raw AD.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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    iamfungasiamfungas Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    vadimt83 wrote: »
    Why would someone expect me to "greed" on it?

    The whole point is that everyone gets a fair share of the loot, whether it's for sale, or use.
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    vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The point of greed run is: Armor for GF costs like 30k while armor for CW or SW may cost around 500k, why should GF bother with the dungeons at all if the classes do not have equal right for all loot huh?
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    geekheinzgeekheinz Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    A simple solution would be not letting people choose "need" on the item if it is already in the collection.
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    diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »
    And that's where we differ in opinion, which I can live with. What do you need AD for except for a respec every now and then after a visit from the nerfbat? Mounts? I have 3 account wide mounts and never farmed AD in my time playing. Also, I have only 4 characters around 13-14k, of which only 3 have lvl20 leadership. I can't be bothered on my DC. The thing is, people play this game for AD, which is, in my opinion, defeating the purpose of the game. I haven't bought as much as a CWard from the AH. The road to power is more rewarding than having that power.

    Here is a list of what's on my main character:
    - a perfect vorpal
    - a 110% mount
    - 4 epic pets + a ioun stone
    - a greater thunderhead (for pve), a greater barkshield
    - some rank 8s, some rank 9s
    - a +CON belt (blue atm)

    And probably a couple of overly expensive things i don't remember. We're looking at more than 20M ADs, and i'm far from being done with my character's progression. Sure it's a bit above average, but nowhere near the top. Ioun stone has to go purple, i have to change a pet for another one, barkshield will have to be perfect at some point and so on. I also have a CW with similar gear. That makes another 20M. Without greed runs I wouldn't play my DC at all and I would probably not have all this shiny stuff considering I got quite a lot of overly expensive GWF loots when it was the FOTM class in mod 2.
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    kabinoleskabinoles Member Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    greed is for greedy ppl,they want something that aint for them
    when I am the leader if something is for you you need it and I passed on it even if it is a purple
    I never use the greed,I pass or need
    you want something for the toon in your garage you run with it or you buy his things in the AH
    forcing ppl to greed because you have a toon in your garage that need the item is a s-hole move,and greed is never good
    what are you teaching the new generation putting greed in a game,nothing good
    thats why most players think that greed is normal
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    rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    Are you doing a guild run or a PUG run?

    Guild runs are made to help each other progress. It that is the case, you need on the final item if you really need it.

    PUG runs are with a group of strangers who you probably will never see again. In most cases, it is a greed run to give everyone a 20% chance of winning the loot. Even if you can't use it, you can sell it on the auction house to buy stuff that you can use.
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    xginocidexxginocidex Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    So from what i see from some people here is that greed is bad and means the person greeding is selfish. I think it's more selfish not giving every player in your party a fair chance at loot.
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    chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    MY CW probably has 70M + AD worth of items on her, and i'm not done either. I desperately "NEED" AD for resonance stones because my artifact weapon is "only" LV 58, and I don't have a INT belt yet, so let me "need" on that HV helm at the aboleth, because I "need" a higher GS. 18.3k is too weak to solo TOS. I'm so depressed.


    Screw you guys, i'm going home.
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    prayosticprayostic Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Kicking people who clicked NEED on items that they will use defeats the whole NBG process. If you're running a dungeon for loot, that's your deal. If I'm running it for gear, thats mine. You can't be upset if you don't get it. Seriously. And the fact that I can't roll NEED on an item my class can't use is completely ridiculous. What if one of my other characters needs it, but I ran this one cause it was requested? I can't roll NEED on it cause the game prevents it.

    So, for all of you upset cause someone in a PUG chose NEED on an item, get wrecked. Those of you upset cause you agreed to choose GREED, and you missed out on that armor drop you really needed, get wrecked. This type of system is in every other MMO ever, and NO OTHER game has this problem. Not by a long shot. You choose NEED on the items you need, GREED on items you don't. It's a very simple system. And you're (and I mean about 90% of the ppl in this game) are using it wrong if you just GREED every single effing thing.
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