It's the American dating system. I know that EU uses DD/MM/YY. USA uses MM/DD/YY format.
I know that. I was trying to pour some irony in here.
Just a suggestion here: as the community is international (from all over the world) could you just STOP (YEAH PLS STOP!!!) using the American dating system and switch to something more universal like "May 23, 2014" or "23-May-2014"?
I'm saying this as I've read some old posts here that sometimes mention dd/mm/yyyy and sometimes mm/dd/yyyy and refering to 05/03/2013 makes it impossible to decipher.
shatteredspoonMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 13Arc User
edited August 2014
22.28(maybe) GMT (Sweden) I haven't finished my dailies yet. The bitter feelings of regret are eating at me. Why do I bother with a social life?
I could have been a god! I fear that Boredom has found my open window. I can feel its precense. This thread is the only thing that keeps me going.. But where am I heading? Will Boredom consume me before I get to slay another dragon? Will I ever get to upgrade my artifacts?
Another day will dawn and my dailies will be lost forever.
Add a drop of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange and pretend you're laughing at it~
I have always been wondering about that one. Mathematically or logically it doesn't just make any sense, although mathematically it should be YYYYMMDD, but for convenience I can understand the european way of faster changing numbers to be first, but the US system is just weird...
Usually it gets confusing when the date is less than 13th, in which case it is really hard to know which one is month and day if unsure of the standard. Sigh, when could the US join the global metric-system and get out of the Dark Ages...
As someone who grew up with the American system, I find it to be a lot easier to use...why doesn't the rest of the world use our MUCH better system instead?? "Tongue firmly in cheek, don't try taking me seriously"
krypwalkMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
12:30 pm PST (Moses Lake, WA, USA no luck logging into server. Outlook bleak. will check back soon. Should note, if this is found without me, i have died of boredom
12:35 pm PST (Moses Lake, WA, USA Still no luck. I fear i hear the empty howling of the Boredom circling outside. I don't know how much longer i can keep it at bay. It sounds huge. Terrifying when it runs it's massive appendages over my door. The only thing that will keep it at bay indefinitely is the message on my screen changing. The login server is what can save me from this terrifying beast. Will keep you updated if i can.
12:40 pm PST (Moses Lake, WA, USA The beast, Boredom, has managed to break a small shard of my sliding glass window. It keeps trying to thread one of its appendages through the hole it's made, but i have been forcing it back outside with a broom handle. It's starting to get smart though. I fear it's learning. It almost got the lock once, when i looked away to grab something to drink. Right now, its between me, and Boredom. I must win this one. Im cooking Pot Roast for dinner. Can't die without having Pot Roast. Will check back soon.
12:45 pm PST (Moses Lake, WA, USA I have placed the wooden rod from my closet in the door track. It broke the lock and was slowly forcing the door open. It doesn't appear to have any massive strength, more like a droplet of water bearing down on the same exact spot countless times. It seems to wear away at things. The rod should hold the door in place for a while, though i fear the hole in the glass has gotten larger. Someone, Anyone, if you find this, tell my Boyfriend i love him.
12:50 pm PST (Moses Lake, WA, USA) Boredom seems to have disappeared for the moment. I think it lays in wait, hoping i will go outside to check. I'm smarter than that. I will stay here and update my journal. For fun, i went and measured the hole in the glass. it has gotten bigger, didn't need to measure it to tell. Before i could barely fit my finger into the hole, now, my palm barely covers it. There's a decaying, fetid odor outside, coming on the breeze. I believe that's wafting off Boredom. If i press my face against the glass and look to the right, i can almost see it pressing against the side of the house, like it's trying to enter the living room through osmosis. Thank god Physics apply to it.
12:55 pm PST (Moses Lake, WA, USA) I keep an eye on the spare screen i hooked up. The message is unchanging. "Connecting to the login server. Please wait ..." Other than having to type my access code in, that is the constant. Boredom is worrying at the hole again. If i concentrate hard enough, i swear it has eyes and a mouth... or what could pass as a mouth. Perhaps its like those dementers i read about in those Potter books. Perhaps the Boredom sucks your soul out with its maw, leaving you alive, but devoid of happiness, cheer, and any thought process beyond basic life giving functions.
I can only play this game once or twice a week thanks to my girlfriend and every time there is either a maintenance or a server crush. I started to suspect she has something to do with this.
01:31 pm PST (Moses Lake, WA, USA) i can feel the effects more strongly now. My mind drifts for moments at a time. The only thing that brings me out of my daydream is the changing of the screen, requesting my access code. I'm beginning to wonder if it is in cahoots with the Boredom. I tried asking it if it would leave my house alone, but it merely faced my direction briefly before focusing its attention on the holes its making. my back door now resembles some kind of magical clear swiss cheese. There must be at least 15 holes in it, ranging from golfball sized, all the way to serving plate sized. But it's not coming inside yet. I think it needs a similarly sized hole for it to enter.
That's not pvp. That's some invisible d bag jacking people. Rogues are garbage. It aint skill to stay invis and wait for abilities to pop. Especially a geared one.
Someone could say that about GWF too or CW or just about any class. Still I have seen pretty many completely useless rogues and some incredibly good ones with low GS and some incredibly OHK ones with good GS and perma stealth. PvP is mostly about equipment anyways and with topped gear and blue dragon glyphs even the worst player could shine, where with crappy gear even the best player would be barely decent. How do you suppose to correct that without taking all the fun out of the game? Remeber that there are aleady enough XO servers and minesweeper servers where everybody has only advantage of their greater thinking capacity as edge.
PS. I thought GWF as pretty mindless class too until I made one...
Give us 4 or more power/item bar profiles so we can change powers and items with one click that are suited for the situation.
The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
Maybe, but then again they don't give it a spin with a drill either (BTW: it's a reference from a console RPG, "Tales of..." fans should get it easily)
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at
Well two thousand and fourteen is actually wrong as the "and" implies a decimal space, it would be proper to say it two thousand fourteen if we were to use words but by that point most sane people just use numbers
lawl...."and" implies a decimal space...
srly? and i thought that "and" implies a plus how could i be so wrong for such a long time...
just for a bit more absurd "and" interpretations...ask some french ppl how they say 99
not really, im still talking about the server's being offline and how it affects me, just not in so much of a whining please fix this rant. Im providing a refreshing ( apparently) form of entertainment while still keeping track of how long its been down
I can only play this game once or twice a week thanks to my girlfriend and every time there is either a maintenance or a server crush. I started to suspect she has something to do with this.
Girlfriend wants to play something else lol.
The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
And has always been used to express the decimal place in mathematics. I know that's what I learned in my 7th grade American math class. We use it wrong a LOT, but it means decimal. It could ALSO be used to suggest addition, but I believe that would be informal.
EDIT: That's why when you write a check you write it as "Yadda dollars AND yadda cents."
Hey I like the metric system but your date format is weird. The american date format just follows the same format as conversation. If someone was to ask you what the date was you might respond with say an August twenty-eighth, or September first. You don't respond with a twenty-eighth of August in modern casual language.
Well, there are other languages than english, many of them go dd/mm/yy. As far as I remember we learned 23rd ... 2014 as correct form. Cant say anything about casual language, bc I learned english as a foreign language. Native speakes claimed, that my english sounds 'bookish'.^^
Was gathering flowers, and low on life thanks to the kobolds. Last time I got booted off in a fight, my character was dead when I logged back on. I really hope that doesn't happen again.
01:40 pm PST (Moses Lake, WA, USA) I thought about offering the Boredom a game of Connect Four, considering my sliding glass is dual paned, but then i realized i dont own that game. It made me laugh and broke me of my drowsiness. The Boredom is winning. Slowly, but surely it will find a way to enter my house. Still no sign of the little one that broke off, perhaps my devotion to this digital log vanquished it. Not sure. Too worried about the large one to go in search for the little Boredom. I can only hope it has faded. Please, someone help. This is a battle im not sure i will win today. My neighbor can't see it. That much was affirmed when she was outside. She looked right towards the door. My venetian blinds hid me from her, but she didn't recoil in fear at the Boredom. So she can't see it.
22.28(maybe) GMT (Sweden) I haven't finished my dailies yet. The bitter feelings of regret are eating at me. Why do I bother with a social life?
I could have been a god! I fear that Boredom has found my open window. I can feel its precense. This thread is the only thing that keeps me going.. But where am I heading? Will Boredom consume me before I get to slay another dragon? Will I ever get to upgrade my artifacts?
Another day will dawn and my dailies will be lost forever.
my use of the log seems to keep it at bay, though only so much. My door looks like clear swiss cheese.
(Edit: I'm in the US)
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Thank you ^.^ its keeping me entertained... glad it is for you as well
I know that. I was trying to pour some irony in here.
Just a suggestion here: as the community is international (from all over the world) could you just STOP (YEAH PLS STOP!!!) using the American dating system and switch to something more universal like "May 23, 2014" or "23-May-2014"?
I'm saying this as I've read some old posts here that sometimes mention dd/mm/yyyy and sometimes mm/dd/yyyy and refering to 05/03/2013 makes it impossible to decipher.
I could have been a god! I fear that Boredom has found my open window. I can feel its precense. This thread is the only thing that keeps me going.. But where am I heading? Will Boredom consume me before I get to slay another dragon? Will I ever get to upgrade my artifacts?
Another day will dawn and my dailies will be lost forever.
As someone who grew up with the American system, I find it to be a lot easier to use...why doesn't the rest of the world use our MUCH better system instead?? "Tongue firmly in cheek, don't try taking me seriously"
~where's the 'LIKE' button when you need it
I know right!
i giggled.
Better harmless fun than an over engulfing flame war.
it is the song of idle hands
it is the music of the players who will not hit refresh again!
When the swinging of your sword
echoes the movements of your mouse
There is a life about to start when the shard reboots
Someone could say that about GWF too or CW or just about any class. Still I have seen pretty many completely useless rogues and some incredibly good ones with low GS and some incredibly OHK ones with good GS and perma stealth. PvP is mostly about equipment anyways and with topped gear and blue dragon glyphs even the worst player could shine, where with crappy gear even the best player would be barely decent. How do you suppose to correct that without taking all the fun out of the game? Remeber that there are aleady enough XO servers and minesweeper servers where everybody has only advantage of their greater thinking capacity as edge.
PS. I thought GWF as pretty mindless class too until I made one...
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
Maybe, but then again they don't give it a spin with a drill either (BTW: it's a reference from a console RPG, "Tales of..." fans should get it easily)
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at
lawl...."and" implies a decimal space...
srly? and i thought that "and" implies a plus
just for a bit more absurd "and" interpretations...ask some french ppl how they say 99
not really, im still talking about the server's being offline and how it affects me, just not in so much of a whining please fix this rant. Im providing a refreshing ( apparently) form of entertainment while still keeping track of how long its been down
Be on time.
Be single.
Girlfriend wants to play something else lol.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
Transliteration of 99 in french is something like: four-twenties-ten-nine iirc (the only thing having a french exgf contributed)
Any luck finding out when it's going to be up?
Don't want to loose 6 days of prayer on my 5 chars (
EDIT: That's why when you write a check you write it as "Yadda dollars AND yadda cents."
Well, there are other languages than english, many of them go dd/mm/yy. As far as I remember we learned 23rd ... 2014 as correct form. Cant say anything about casual language, bc I learned english as a foreign language. Native speakes claimed, that my english sounds 'bookish'.^^
my use of the log seems to keep it at bay, though only so much. My door looks like clear swiss cheese.
now longer does it attempt to connect to the login server repeatedly
is change a good thing?