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Official Feedback Thread: Control Wizard Changes



  • k9revostik9revosti Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014


    Because Sudden Storm has been nerfed hard, it now hits lower than Steal Time which doesn't need any skill to execute. Sudden Storm hit's pretty low and you have to line it up to make sure you hit and not only that, doesn't work on singularity, etc. Either boost up the damage of Sudden Storm or widened the area of effect and allow it to hit while prone or while singularity is active to compensate the lost of damage.

  • yperkeimenosyperkeimenos Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Feedback : Teleport

    The teleport ability of Cws has been in need of some changes for a long time now,but the introduction of the Warlock class reminded me how useful these changes would be.So could you make it so that after teleporting, movement isn't paused? This is happening now and for a brief moment Cws are immobile. If you were to fix this, movement would be smoother,just like the Warlocks Shadow Sprinting which is smooth and lovely. Mod 4s Cw overhaul is a Great opportunity to fix these issues.
    It's BUGS bunny i tell you.
  • reagenlionel1reagenlionel1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    There is no reason for Sudden Storm to have any sort of damage decrease, as its the hardest to land spell in the Control Wizards arsenal. And its ONLY function is to deal damage. No direct side effects to it like every other encounter for the control wizard in the game. It has a narrow zone of effect and takes a bit of time to execute it. Often times during execution enemies can literally just walk out of the area of effect.

    Storm Pillar STILL doesnt crit correctly. The smaller bolts are supposed to crit when the larger bolt crits.

    Focused Wizardry -I am personally fine about the feat that increases area damage but lowers single target damage. I think the concept is nice. But I think the way it works is a bit backwards. Focus Wizardry probably should focus on giving more single target damage in turn however, lowering all area damage spells. In its name it would make more sense.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    That's how it works. Focused Wizardry increases single target damage by 10/20/30% but reduces AoE damage by 30/20/10%.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,259 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Feedback : Eye of the storm

    Eye of the storm affects the way I play. I must use encounters or dailies at start of the combat, or I will lose the bonus. I like the proc rate and duration is on live. An internal cooldown is bad, and in pvp having 6 seconds full of crits at the start of each mini-combat means 1 enemy dead in 1 rotation. (not full geared pvp toons but whatever). I suggest that a proc rate and duration like we have on live now, but a different bonus (We still want burst damage): +20/+30/+40 crit chance while is active. This means that CWs cant forget crit stat and you wont have guaranted crits even with EoTS active, but a good uptime. This is good for renegades too.

    Feedback : Focused Wizardry

    I think this is bad design. If the objetive is to focus single target damage, remove the penalty. Maybe lower the bonus a bit. I can take the feat or not, but I must use 3 feat points. It already has a cost: 3 feat points. With the penalty some CWs who play pve and pvp cant pick it. When you spend points on feats you gain something, spending feat points to lose +10% AoE dmg is just bad design.

    Feedback: Renegade

    I think renegade is still underpowered in his "teambuff" role. Feats and capstone need a bit more love. Suggestion: change (Chaotic Growth - Heal yourself for 200% weapon damage every second for 10 seconds) for you gain 15% aditional power for 15 seconds. The effect must be offensive. Phantasmal Destruction: Change it to 100% or make it party buff.

    Feedback: Shard of Endless avalanche

    I dont know what to do with this spell at this moment. The changes seems bad for everybody! pvp, pve, solo play, and has lots of bugs. I think the best solution is to remove the spell and replace it with Meteor Swarm (like the spell of those arcanists in IWD. Moderate Dmg + Prone in an area. Bigger area in tab. Easy way yes :( .

    Feedback: Sudden Storm

    Increase the area of effect or the damage, at last in the tab version. This power only makes dmg, 0 control or debuffs
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
    Caturday Survivor
    Elemental Evil Survivor
    Undermontain Survivor
    Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
    Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
  • yperkeimenosyperkeimenos Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Feedback : Steal Time / Sudden Storm

    Since Steal time seems to be one of the few spells to actually receive a buff, why not take it all the way and add 1 more second of increased speed when it is tabbed. The current time of increased movement seems too little and has been so since the start. As for Sudden Storm, like others have said before me, it needs a wider Area of effect to be useful. Not necessarily Longer but certainly Wider, so that even Oppressors can use it,with Chilling Cold feat,to freeze things.It is a spell difficult to aim and cast so with the recent damage and other nerfs it needs something to make it more competitive and attractive to Spell storm mages.
    It's BUGS bunny i tell you.
  • sygfried94sygfried94 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 264 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    i must admit that actually sudden storm damage decrease are making ask some question
    If you take little time to think of it he have actually many point against him.
    1 small range. if you want to keep distant you canno't use it (not useable in pvp)
    2 small area of effect and quite long incant time and this give this spell only useable when the target come in straight line(second reason for not using it in PVP).
    3 he doN,t have any side effect
    4 he put your arcane stack to 0(= up to -15% damage for your other spell depending of situation)
    5 some other spell effect make it do 0 damage.

    With all new change done on CW I'm not sure it still have a reason to exist. Maybe the only reason he will remain in some config is for complet an empty slot since it,s become hard to choose 4 spell to goes in a way of play.
    How ever, i'm on pending mod to test the new last annouced change to see what can be done with it

    If you want some math to understand let take 4 spell of 4k damage + daily at the end (10k)
    case one no sudden storm mean arcance stack is on max. you get 4mean it give 26 k damage *1.15=29.9

    in second case you use sudden strom in you rotation mean most of case your arcane lvl goes up and down and never pass lvl 2 i'm giving i a lvl 1 medium for 3 first spell
    total damage= (4*3+7)*1.03+10=29.57.

    So due to all point i'm started with. with the miss chance and the fact that you need to be near target and canno,t play from distant with it. By my experience this spell actually hit one target or less in around 50% of the case because of point 1 and 2.

    What was making it interresting was is low time to be available again but that not exist anymore

  • obsydian666obsydian666 Member Posts: 329 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Feedback tab ability :When some skill is on Tab- it should ignore emeny's cc immunity
  • jayrad8jayrad8 Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Bug: Shard

    The shard itself is not visible until a few seconds after hitting the ground. On live players can see the shard dropping from the air, but on preview players are proned before the shard is visible.
    Ezra@jayrad8 | M4 CW Class Advocate
    twitch.tv/ezracw | absolutegaming.guildportal.com
    #BringBackShard | M5 CW Bug List | My M3 PvP Gameplay

  • faerbotfaerbot Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Awesome, I finally know I dont have to spend anymore money on NW. Thanks for the update.
  • veryunstableveryunstable Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    My questions is... are the bots in PvE going to have reduced damage and defenses as well, or is this only affecting PvP? I can hold my own for the most part PvE... but if I am now weaker... I may have to only use my GWF and delete my CW.
  • sygfried94sygfried94 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 264 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014

    Test done on pve and pvp on the server with the new shield switching in tab and non tab
    both tab and non tab seems to provide the same damage absorption when unstable. how ever the log in pve in live seems to give false info and and always give 1/2 damage(full damage) when unstable on pve i fought around 20 different oponen mixing tab and non tab for shield always same value.

    CW construct: master of flamme thauma way, spell used fanning the flamm, ice conduct,icy terrain and shield (changing ice conduct and shield on tab)
    PVP part.
    Shield on tab: no use: the lost of the tab power is too strong to make enough damage or control: i lost each match with this config + look like it providing same amount of damage resist as the non tab version.
    non tab version of shield here i was able to do some things.
    CW VS GWF i 1 for CW 2 for GWF. the presence of shield is giving the little extra needed to not be killed in 10 second and permit to have some control mixing ice conduct on tab and icy terrain

    CW VS GF(no pvp set 18.5k) here we get evenly matched 2/2. as GWF i was able to get some control mixing icy terrain and ice conduct. how ever if GF is able to push out of icy terrain CW is done for.

    CW Vs CW (with control spell) here i have no chance control time are too long and because this config damage is based on proc assaillant no chance to stand that long with short range control

    CW vs HR. here again i have no chance i'm killed in 6-7 second if i'm not able to dodge the first row 10-11 second with first row dodge.

    To resume PVP part as long as melee player play with brain in there harm and stay inside icy terrain we still have a chance to control and last enough time to make kill and i would even say shield is not necessarly required and i would say only against GWF. Again CW playing with shield is a hudge disavantage and the non shield will always win.
    HR case no matter how i'm triing to think i canno't see a single way to kill them my time on the field is simply too short to do a thing (3 shot with shield tabbed or not, 2 without shield).
    Playing with assaillant require a good amount of time to kill other and unfortunatly the feat required to make it proc enough are fanning the flame excepted all aoe dammage and like icy terrain AOE melee and it cannOt be efficient if you are facing some high striker (GWF/gf damage orriented and more HR since your loosing the ranged advantage). Shield is back to garbadge at this lvl on tab and wonderable but usable in non tab. edit:control immun gain on tab version is not noticable something like 0.2-0.3 second against entrengling force

  • ahsherahsher Member Posts: 208 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    v1rus89 wrote: »
    I'm not gonna reply to any post, i'm tired of this thread.
    Been posting here for over than a month, trying to give feedback in a decent way, anyone who played with me knows i don't want an op class, i enjoy playing a class like cw on live server where i have to earn everything good i get in pvp.

    The only important thing i was asking was to at least keep the actual 3 pvp builds viable after all the changes they had in mind for toning down the pve side of the class, and sadly the devs failed miserably at this.

    The high dmg in pve problem could've been fixed in several other ways without reworking the whole class and making it so skilless it has to rely on a feat to autoproc 3k dmg.

    I'm out.

    Same here, I've given feedback. I've provided substantial suggestions that would improve Heroic Feats, Oppressor, Renegade, And Thaumurgist tree, improve ss mage and mof mage.
    NONE have been replied to. This is a waste of time, and I'll retire before it wastes any more time.
  • magiquepursemagiquepurse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Feedback: thoughts about some preview PvP

    - CW seems in a slightly better off position, overall
    - the damage from Thaum spec is decent and adequate; the DoTs roll off each other and proccing stuff on your targets is pretty fun
    - survivability has increased new Shield to the point where it's (almost) adequate for a robe-wearing class
    - CC is decent even outside Oppressor, Orb of Imposition is working quite fine

    These are pretty much the good points. As for the bad points... they were expressed by other CWs before me:

    - Assailant requires NO SKILL to land. Guaranteed 4K+ hit.
    - Shield requires NO SKILL to use. Guaranteed tankyness.
    - Shard, oh my god, shard. You completely, utterly destroyed it. I got hit for less that 2K on my HR. This is RIDICULOUS. Shard is a high risk, high reward encounter. BUFF IT UP to where it was (pvp only), nothing less.

    So what you did is basically take the skill out of PvP CW. Now you shoot stuff at the opponent and stuff will proc other stuff that hurts. Same is true for Shield. Can you please give CW better ACTIVE protections?!? Not passive absorption/mitigation, we're not tanks?
    Feat: Frost Shield. After a successful dodge of an enemy encounter or daily, you become encased in ice for 0.5 secs absorbing 33/66/100% incoming damage.

    To be honest, this is quite a lazy move when it comes to CWs. You have made it easy even for inexperienced people to perform adequately. This is not OK.


    Please reward SKILLFUL PLAY by bringing Shard/Mastery where it is today: a hard hitting CC - if it lands. What am I talking about, shard only hits really hard on squishies, if you spec for it and if you're geared
  • hefisdohefisdo Member Posts: 709 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    Stop trying to bring the SotEA damage back. They said it's not going to happen and pointed their reasons, it's a dead topic.
    (´・ ω ・`)
  • krevgkrevg Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I'm a bit confused by the need to make such serious changes to the CW damage output. Quite frankly, CWs SHOULD have much higher damage output than other characters. I played D&D for many years, and playing a wizard was similar to how it had been in Neverwinter with the current CW setups. You have a really had time at lower levels, and once you have a fully geared and upgraded wizard, things drop easily. My D&D wizards could ALWAYS kill things much easier than the other classes, that why parties would focus on keeping the wizard alive.

    After putting 7 months into my CW and getting her to 16.3k GS, and finally getting to a point where I have a strong DSP, I was so disheartened by playing on the preview server I almost outright quit Neverwinter. My rotation (CoI tab, SoEA, ST, and SS) is no longer viable on the preview server. Quite frankly, this is insulting and ridiculous. My character is better named of enchants and companions in Mod 3 that fully geared in Mod 4. That is NOT balancing.....It's a disaster.

    Your proposed changes with such drastic reductions in damage and control are making it so the CW has less flexibility in builds, and is going to force many of us with great characters to completely rework what has become fun to play. As such, it will be significantly less fun. And that means I will spend fewer dollars, or maybe even quit. Also, by changing so many things after I have invested so much time into my character reflects very poorly on how PerfectWorld treats their customers. Believe me when I say that this will influence what games I choose to play in the future.

    Regarding the degree of "nerf" to my personal CW, I issue an open invitation to all developers to come and do a few runs with me in both Mod 3, and on the preview and see exactly what the changes do. You're taking the fun out of Neverwinter, and as such will end up with a decreased customer base.

    Kreg (16.3k CW)
  • magiquepursemagiquepurse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    macjae wrote: »
    Finally, Orb of Imposition may be a little too good right now, but in the sense that it will become something CWs rely very much on. This will just reduce the number of viable options. So either give CWs a control bonus for their Intelligence score (i.e. 1% per point of Intelligence above 10) or double the bonus for Wisdom, while toning down Orb of Imposition to 20% per rank. This would make this power slightly less necessary, and reinforce the CW control role at a more basic level in the same fashion that the GF double hit point bonus from Constitution reinforced their role as tanks.

    Actually, this reminded me:

    BUG: Orb of Imposition seems to be not affecting SotEA prone duration. Even Entangle lasts longer. This is pretty much rendering SotEA completely useless in PvP (and PvE of course), since other CCs are better ans extremely easy to land, i.e. point and click vs careful timing and performing the shard rotation.
  • krevgkrevg Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I still think that these HUGE reductions completely kill of certain skills, such as SoEA. Large explosion damage has been a trademark of wizards since the first dungeon master's guide. How many people played a wizard without fireballs that could level entire groups. Answer, almost no one. SoEA is the cold equivalent of fireballs.

    You claim that a HR should be balanced in power with a CW. I believe that is downright wrong. Wizards have ALWAYS been more powerful at higher levels. Wanting them to be the same just so more people will party with HRs is just wrong and completely inconsistent with the spirit and rules of D&D.

    Also, for a playability and game standpoint, how is it fair to take someone's character that they have invested tons of time in, and reduce the damage output by over 1/3 to 1/2? I've never played any other game that did that to someone. When I started playing Neverwinter, I didn't even think about which class to play, I went straight to the CW, full knowing that if the game was based on D&D it would be the highest powered class at end game stage. I didn't know a ting about how the mechanics of Neverwinter workd at the time, just that the wizard class SHOULD be the most powerful, once I struggled to get to a high levels. Any that was the case. The game did exactly what it should. Now there is a push to change that, which is just wrong on so many levels.

    Real D&D classes have NEVER been balanced in damage at higher levels. Wizards have ALWAYS poured out way more damage. The proposed changes are a drastic departure form both the mechanics and spirit of D&D. Quite frankly, your counter argument make no sense in the world of D&D.

  • abaddon523abaddon523 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    BUG: Shard of the Endless Avalanche

    Enemies who are knocked over by the shard (shard slam) are immune to the prone from the exploding shard.

    This makes an already mostly useless spell completely useless. I was attempting the Dwarf Invasion HE in Dwarven Valley and decided to try and control the Dwarf Arcanists better (Freeze, steal time, and orb of imposition just wasn't cutting it) so I added Shard to my rotation thinking that it would give me an extra few seconds of control so I wouldn't have fireballs raining down on my head constantly. So freeze wears off, I stun them with Steal Time, then summon and push SotEA into them...and the arcanists immediately pop back up and continue raining down fireballs while the rest of the enemies lay prone. Because I pushed the shard into them and knocked them over with it they were immune to the prone from the explosion. This makes SotEA completely UNRELIABLE. It is useless for incapacitating a group of enemies because several of them will immediately pop back up and pummel you while they should be proned. Comically, it is the enemies you WANT proned (the ones you aim the shard at) that will be the ones who will be immune to it.

    Also, Shard should be reclassified to be a control spell instead of an arcane spell. With the damage nerf and the control buff its only real use is for control.
  • gildriadorgildriador Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Hi everyone,

    I want to know if the most recent change announced below are currently effective on preview server.
    (I'm back from 3 weeks summer vacancy, a lot of things have changed in 3 weeks, I will need to test all this changes)

    Control Wizard: Eye of the Storm: ICD has been reduced to 20 seconds.
    Control WIzard: Eye of the Storm: Activation chance is now 100% from any power while off cooldown.
    Control Wizard: Storm Spell: Activation Chance increased to 35%. Damage increased by roughly 100%.
    Control Wizard: Storm Fury: Damage increased by 200%.
    Control Wizard: Swath of Destruction: Damage Debuff increased to 5% per rank and Smolder Damage is increased by 15% per rank (up from 2% and 8% respectively).
    Control Wizard: Combustive Action: Damage Debuff applied by Combustive action is no longer just Fire damage, but all damage. Debuff is now 6% per rank (up from 3% per rank).
    “He raised his staff. There was a roll of thunder. The sunlight was blotted out from the eastern windows; the whole hall became suddenly dark as night. The fire faded to sullen embers. Only Gandalf could be seen, standing white and tall before the blackened hearth.”
    ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
  • iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    gildriador wrote: »
    Hi everyone,

    I want to know if the most recent change announced above are currently effective on preview server.
    (I'm back from 3 weeks summer vacancy, a lot of things have changed in 3 weeks, I will need to test all this changes)


    The ones you listed aren't on preview yet , probably this week.
  • sygfried94sygfried94 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 264 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014

    BUG alacrity doesn't provide any time reduce to icy terrain

  • nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Control Wizard: Storm Spell: Activation Chance increased to 35%. Damage increased by roughly 100%.

    I find it rather ridiculous that Storm Spell is getting a 100% damage buff when it is already the best performing Spellstorm Mage Paragon Feature, given that Conduit of Ice, Steal Time, Icy Terrain and Oppressive Force trigger it every tick on every hit enemy, leading to Storm Spell word spam all over my screen.

    Storm Spell doesn't need a buff and was fine exactly where it was and was already contributing a large % of my overall total damage in instances.

    It also is the ONLY class feature that can actually critical, unlike any other class feature of any other class.
  • kozi001kozi001 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Control Wizard: Eye of the Storm: ICD has been reduced to 20 seconds.
    Control WIzard: Eye of the Storm: Activation chance is now 100% from any power while off cooldown.
    Control Wizard: Storm Spell: Activation Chance increased to 35%. Damage increased by roughly 100%.
    Control Wizard: Storm Fury: Damage increased by 200%.
    Control Wizard: Swath of Destruction: Damage Debuff increased to 5% per rank and Smolder Damage is increased by 15% per rank (up from 2% and 8% respectively).
    Control Wizard: Combustive Action: Damage Debuff applied by Combustive action is no longer just Fire damage, but all damage. Debuff is now 6% per rank (up from 3% per rank).

    Thank you very much! :)
    Awesome passive and MOF changes. They will be pretty viable against Spellstorm form now on.

    I can't wait to start mod4 and respec to Firemage!
  • kozi001kozi001 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I just love it , people complain non stop for page after page that single target dps needs to be buffed back up , GC finally buffs control wizard back up to a reasonable place and now people complain it is buffed too much , you have got to be kidding me .... GC has said no matter what happens shard is not getting any further adjustments so we got these class feature buffs and the other couple of minor MoF buffs , I'm happy with that and thank GC for at least giving us some damage back and I'm sure newer players leveling CW's will thank him too.

    I found it funny too!

    With the constans HR/SW buffs and basically no real GWF damage or DR nerf (That DR nerf hurts them only in pvp. Destroyer would do the same big dmg and easily achieve the previous DR with artifact+more def...), CW need to be somewhat competitive!
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    pls rethink planned changes to eots crush this will make mof useless and spellstorm broken op again
  • gildriadorgildriador Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    iambecks1 wrote: »
    The ones you listed aren't on preview yet , probably this week.

    Thanks for the answer.
    “He raised his staff. There was a roll of thunder. The sunlight was blotted out from the eastern windows; the whole hall became suddenly dark as night. The fire faded to sullen embers. Only Gandalf could be seen, standing white and tall before the blackened hearth.”
    ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
  • gildriadorgildriador Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Control Wizard: Eye of the Storm: ICD has been reduced to 20 seconds.
    Control WIzard: Eye of the Storm: Activation chance is now 100% from any power while off cooldown.
    Control Wizard: Storm Spell: Activation Chance increased to 35%. Damage increased by roughly 100%.
    Control Wizard: Storm Fury: Damage increased by 200%.
    Control Wizard: Swath of Destruction: Damage Debuff increased to 5% per rank and Smolder Damage is increased by 15% per rank (up from 2% and 8% respectively).
    Control Wizard: Combustive Action: Damage Debuff applied by Combustive action is no longer just Fire damage, but all damage. Debuff is now 6% per rank (up from 3% per rank).

    These changes should make all of these class features more attractive to Wizards of all trees and improve the usage of them in most cases.

    When I'm looking much closer to the change I only have one comment about Master of Flame Path.

    Critical Conflagration will need an increase in damages to keep it an attractive choice.

    Combustive action = 18% increase in damages.

    Swath of destruction = 15% increase in damages for the party.

    Critical Conflagration = With 33,3% critical chance = Only 1/3 hits have the 15% increase in damages.

    I think an increase to 8% by rank could be good for a total of 24%.

    For the spell storm wizard, I will need to test the changes before commenting it.

    To finish the class feature work you could change Arcane Presence to be an attractive choice too.

    A possibility could be this:

    Apply it to all single target powers instead of cold powers. Increase the damage buff enough to return Focused Wizardry to its original state (suppress the penalty to AoE powers damages).
    I think it's will be better to choose a Class Feature power when we need more damages from our single target powers than a feat that you cannot change without a respec.

    An other change that could be good for PVE, its make our Paragon path dailies more powerful and useful.
    As the most higher level dailies, our paragon path dailies are supposed to be the most powerful and useful powers of the Wizard.

    Maelstrom of chaos:
    Increase AoE radius
    Increase the maximum target affected (to compensate the change of Arcane Singularity)
    Increase the prone time
    Suppress the 50% Action Point loss when you cancel your casting.

    Furious Immolation: Increase the maximum target affected (to compensate the change of Arcane Singularity)

    For the damages at least apply the Evocation AoE 15% damages increase to our paragon path dailies.

    For Feats changes:

    Far Spell:

    You can add AoE radius increase by 2/4/6/8/10 ft. to all your AoE powers.

    If you want to give access to the feat to all paragon path exchange its place with Tempest Magic or Malvolent Surge and increase the damages bonus to the feat that you choose to be much deeper in the Thaumaturge tree.

    Chaos Magic:

    Replace the most useless bonus with this (Renegades players can tell you which one to choose):
    All encounters on cool down are reduce by a number of seconds.

    It could make renegade to be the path for those who like to be quick, to have burst damage, to play strategic (You will need to cast your encounters at the right time ...)

    it's just some idea that can help...

    Thank you
    “He raised his staff. There was a roll of thunder. The sunlight was blotted out from the eastern windows; the whole hall became suddenly dark as night. The fire faded to sullen embers. Only Gandalf could be seen, standing white and tall before the blackened hearth.”
    ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
  • magiquepursemagiquepurse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    BUG: Shard of the Endless Avalanche

    Shard animation is incomplete; it never shows when it is cast from Mastery, you directly see the enemy proned by it if you aimed correctly, making it impossible to use/push in the correct direction. This makes it unusable in PvP.

    Shard PRONE duration - too short to be WAI according to the changes that were done on it. It lasts less that Entangle/Orb of Imposition.


    Shard is too nerfed as it is now. It is also bugged. It hits for less that 2K Shardplosion crit. This is INTOLERABLE for a HIGH SKILL encounter. Please RETHINK it. Shard needs to hit on players for about 10K on crit to make it usable. I am talking about proper specc CWs/rank 10s/Perfect Vorpal. Imagine shard being used by a rank 7/lesser vorpal CW these days - it will hit less than an at will!!!
  • jabsolumjabsolum Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    crazymikee wrote: »
    Bug Report: Repel still doesn't push people (deflected AND non-deflected)

    Not much else to say to what the cause would be, but still about 20% of the time Repel does NOT push people away, even if the hit wasn't deflected, (it glitches and doesn't push on deflected hits aswell)

    I can confirm this as well from multiple PVP tests on the test server. Please address this.

    Thank you in advance.
This discussion has been closed.