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Official Feedback Thread: Control Wizard Changes



  • reagenlionel1reagenlionel1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Storm Pillar
    Storm Pillar STILL doesnt crit correctly. The smaller bolts arent critting when the main large bolt crits.
  • relativityrelativity Member Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Maelstrom of Chaos: still not adjusted to new dodge mechanics, making it the only daily with 50% action point loss penalty if you try to cancel it. Either make AOE range 3x bigger or take away 50% AP loss.

    Blighting Power and Arcane Enhancement: what is the reasoning behind chill attacks damage being buffed two times more then Arcane ones? Oppressor and Thauma are chill based trees, with lots of buffs/debuffs to chilled targets. You have even dumped chilling advantage into renegade tree. With all this I really don't understand why arcane enhancement is only 1/2/3% and Blighting power 2/4/6%? Can we have both 2/4/6%?

    I don't get why you keep renegade tree so weak. Taking broken Spell Storm away from the picture, if you see cap-stone for thauma and oppressor you'll notice they all grant some kind of damage. Renegades on live have at least their MM buffed! In m4 it will be the most worthless capstone ever. Renegade has only 4 feats worth having. Now with EotS change you have added more damage to Oppressor (who has control, though I agree it needs more dmg) and Thauma (who already has damage through assailing), this will not make Renegade a bit appealing. You have ignored players who suggested lowering ICD on EotS through some renegade feat in order to save this tree. Instead you gave it to all trees, making MoFs unhappy and Thaumas even more powerful. Apparently you want all renegades go thauma.
    Bids he then the spruces to singer him an anthems!
    And the Woodsie Lord binders them fleshes to stone!
  • yperkeimenosyperkeimenos Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Feedback : Master of Flame / Spellstorm Mage

    Ok upon further testing i have come to the conclusion that Mof is as it should be,excluding FtF the cooldown of which needs to be reduce from 22 secs to 16 secs, and Spellstorm is a bit overpowered. I would suggest for the Proc rate of Storm spell to be set at 25%, or its damage reduced by 35%. That will balance it to more normal levels and will make Cw one of the most balanced and versatile class,excluding the Renegade tree which still needs some love and Shard of Endless Avalanche that needs a buff in damage.
    It's BUGS bunny i tell you.
  • hamletswordshamletswords Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,320 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    Just want to post this here in this thread so the Devs see it:
    xmousepadx wrote: »
    You can kill everyone in 2-4sec with ray of frost in icewind dale. The highest ''doubleprocc'' that i had was 19k on my cw against an fully pvp geared/r10 hr. He died in 2sec cuz me pressing an at-will.
    Even when they fix the doubleproccs, each single stormspell procc will do as much dmg as an iceknife, on average (8-10k).

    This needs to be fixed before going live, and there's not much time left.
    My Harem: Dawn HR, Erin CW, Piper TR, Zoe GWF
  • meldan3nmeldan3n Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    RoF seems to double-proc Storm Spell. That's definitely not intended.
  • charkanramoncharkanramon Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Storm is 100% stronger than MoF in pvp. Fix this please.
  • meldan3nmeldan3n Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Fix for Storm Spell: Should only proc on base Encounter/At-Will/Daily damage, not on Chill stacks/DoTs. This is the main reason why it procs so often. Once the new changes have been tested, should it still provide too much damage, the next step would be to only let Encounters and Dailies proc Storm Spell. But I don't think it would be necessary. The "one-shotting" comes from the Chill stacks.
  • abaddon523abaddon523 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Feedback: CW play style

    I definitely feel that the CW class overall is less fun to play on preview than on live. It's not because of the reduced damage, it's because of how we inflict damage. Pushing a giant exploding ball into a mob and knocking them flat is fun. It's satisfying. It feels like you're a powerful mage laying waste to foes. The new style of play that CW's have to conform to is damage over time and procing random effects. The goal is to cast a low damage DoT spell then sit back and watch as random effects (Storm Spell, Assailant, Creeping Frost, Warped Magics, et al) eat them alive. It doesn't feel like you're actually doing anything. We're no longer the source of damage, we're passive observers where all we have to do is light a fuse then find some place to hide while we wait for the damage to happen on its own. It's just not as satisfying. It's probably too late to change anything about that now, but please keep in mind for future changes that indirect damage is a lot less fun than direct damage.
  • charkanramoncharkanramon Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I'll be honest. I Love "Master of Flame" and I think that changes of "Spell Storm" are very powerful. Why "Eye of Storm" have to give 100% critical during the first 6 seconds? This removes the need for critical rate for that paragorn what I think incorrect. I would recommend debase the value of 100% to 30%, and is only activated when the CW uses control skills (no matter if the target is immune). Thus damage compensates if you choose to use more control skills.

    I want to see people invest more in critical and armor penetration.
  • charkanramoncharkanramon Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    A fight between a Master of Flame and Storm is unfair. Smolder does not reach the feet of the absurd damage from the Storm. I ask equality between the two Paragorns. As I see developers only like Storm.

    I do not want to be forced to change Paragorn to participate in pvp.
  • relativityrelativity Member Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Arcane enhancement: considering all buffs to chill attacks and chill-focused changes to CWs, arcane enhancement should be reworked. Give it 3/6/9% (up from 1/2/3%) more damage to arcane powers. It would help Renegade tree, but also give a bit more damage to overkilled Shard we all care for very much.
    Bids he then the spruces to singer him an anthems!
    And the Woodsie Lord binders them fleshes to stone!
  • magiquepursemagiquepurse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Feedback: 1vs1s

    Traditionally, there were always good classes at 1vs1 and bad classes for that. CW was one of the weakest for 1vs1s.

    Well, things change. Now CW is strong in 1vs1 against other classes. Just like an HR is these days.

    Also, the game is 5vs5. There's no need to make all classes equal so 1vs1s are balanced. It is rock, paper... shotgun.


    Other classes should probably get used to playing support and avoid 1vs1s with CWs. You should bring a second player to clear the CW. Such a thing is nothing special and is a common tactic in PvP against stronger classes. Such as HRs and GWFs for example.
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Feedback: Storm Spell.
    - I love it as it is and I think it'll further make single-target damage viable. However I feel like it should only proc on one enemy when used in conjunction with an AoE, similar to Assailing Force. As it is right now, Storm Spell feel more powerful than the Thaumaturge Capstone. Would it be possible to make it so that Storm Spell does not benefit from damage buffs and debuffs, as well as to remove its ability to crit? It'll cut down the damage to reasonable, yet still competitive levels, without completely destroying the now-beautiful class feature. The proc chance is what makes this skill very good. It'll synergize well with weapon enchantments such as Lightning and Bilethorn that does not have stack limits.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    This feedback ISNT coming from me, but (in my opinion) one of the best CWs in the game:

    Storm Spell is fine on LIVE - it was already very good and didnt need ANY changes.

    He rarely posts AT ALL on the forums so I am just passing this along.

    Also - IMO Assailing Force would be much better I think for all if it provided a straight damage boost to targets after being affected by a control power.

    The old "capstone" purely reduced the DR of targets affected by COI by 15%. Why not bring this back but say:

    "You deal 25-30% more damage to targets affected by your control for 6-8 seconds"

    Now this would mean ANY control power would proc this, it gives CWs an actual "Skill" to the class . Having this lame "proc" that deals damage that bypasses DR - Its just silly guys.... Its really silly....

    If that damage isnt enough, beef it up.
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I say, tone down Assailant damage so that its DoT effect is on par with MoF Rimefire/Smolder DoT damage.

    But allow CW's some ability to bypass DR. Why? Because we deal in magic. You GWFs don't.
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Actually I think Assailant is just fine the way it is on preview.

    Thaum is supposed to be the damage-dealing path. Assailant "has a chance to proc" whenever the CW deals damage, which could be with an at-will. That's fine. A chance is a chance. When Assailant procs it deals damage to the next thing that the CW damages, which in PVE could be a low-HP minion or it could be a high-HP elite. Can't really control what Assailant will proc on so it won't suddenly turn CWs into *reliable* single-target nukers. Which they aren't supposed to be. And no Assailant shouldn't be a party buff. That is what live Assailing Force is now, and for better or for worse, that is what the Mod 4 Renegade tree is supposed to be. According to loboguild's tests, it does about 10% of total CW DPS, which is a low-enough proc rate to not make it OP but still high-enough proc rate to make it worth taking. Maybe the proc chance could be tweaked or something to make it have a lower probability with low-damaging at-wills and a higher probability with high-damaging encounters and dailies, but the basic idea of the new Assailant is fine I think.

    Of course this is for PVE. For PVP I don't care. The CW is wearing cloth robes for heaven's sake, just use your big swords and hit 'em. Maybe it could be adjusted to work differently on players, that would be fine I guess. But don't change the essential mechanic of Assailant just because of over-represented PVP GWFs crying on CW feedback forums.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited August 2014
    Reminder: The Official Feedback Stickies are not for one's opinions of others' opinions nor the discussion there-of. The Sticky Feedback threads are for YOUR feedback from YOUR testing of the pertinent topics on the PREVIEW server. They are not for the discussion of one's own or others' opinions. Instead, such belongs in the provided Discussion threads.

    Please see:
    Sticky: [ List ] Community Feedback Discussion Threads! :) (Read Before Posting)
  • isuuck2isuuck2 Member Posts: 491 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    infinite repel
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    i still hope last spellstorm buffs wont get to live or we will have again broken op cw in pve and all this balance changes were for nothing when ppl will again stack 3 or 4 cw in teams
  • theosymphanytheosymphany Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Bug: Combustive Action buff still ends early after Furious Immolation and Oppressive Force

    As reported previously, the debuff from Combustive Action (and Twisting immolation feat) still drops off prematurely on targets when my daily ends and I'm unable to take advantage of the debuff with other abilities.


    Feedback: Fanning the Flame and Drifting Embers feat far too weak after 'balance'

    Drifting embers is a borderline useless feat in its current state. Firstly, with the duration nerf of FtF, the uptime of Fanning the Flames is rather low, like 5 out of 22 seconds or less than 25%. Multiply that by the 40% chance at rank 5 you get ~10% chance overall.
    A 2nd tier feat in the DPS tree that only grants +10% chance of spreading smolder to targets is of serious questionable worth in the MoF's arsenal given that
    1. we can already place smolder with Scorching Burst at will/ Daily with combustive action and / crits with Critical Conflagration
    2. Multiple applications of smolder doesn't stack
    3. smolder DPS is not all that significant on its own

    Basically this feat does nothing to help a MoF with DPS or utility because it is redundant and vastly inferior to Spellstorm mage's Destructive wizardry, which is basically a 5% perma DPS increase.

    My suggestion:
    Drifting Embers extends the duration of FtF ticks by 20/40/60/80/100%, and FtF now places smolder on 1/2/3/4/5 additional targets when cast.

    I like the dot components of FtF, and this change will not upset the DPS of FtF, however makes it properly useful and extends FtF's utility of creating smolder and extending DoTs on targets. Sudden storm has a 64% shorter duration than FtF and is one of the CW's highest damaging uncapped AoE. The recent change to FtF's duration seriously disadvantaged the MoF's competitiveness of creating and keeping up smoulder on multiple targets. Keep in mind also FtF has very low AP gain per cast compared to all other CW abilities (including Sudden storm) and the long cooldown has made it fare worse than before.

    Finally it is my personal feeling that FtF should be a small AoE skill with the area significantly increased on mastery just like CoI. Right now it loses a lot of effectiveness off tab as a single target skill and is not truly competitive with the other options.
    Kaelac Symphony LaggyGamerz Community
    Guild and guide info

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  • duhbreothadhduhbreothadh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    panderus wrote: »
    Classes and Balance
    • General: Burning Guidance: No longer improperly triggers on Life Steal and Soul Bonding Healing.
    • Control Wizard
      • Combustive Action: Damage Debuff applied by Combustive action is no longer just Fire damage, but all damage. Debuff is now 6% per rank (up from 3% per rank).
      • Focused Wizardry: Now increases single target damage by 10/20/30% but reduces AoE damage by 30/20/10%.
      • Magic Missile: Damage increased by about 15%.
      • Storm Fury: Damage increased by 200%.
      • Storm Spell: Activation Chance increased to 35%. Damage increased by roughly 100%.
      • Swath of Destruction: Damage Debuff increased to 5% per rank and Smolder Damage is increased by 15% per rank (up from 2% and 8% respectively).
    • Guardian Fighter: Blocking will no longer set your Deflect Chance to 0 while active.
    • Hunter Ranger
      • Fox Shift now requires a target to be used.
      • Storm Warden: Cold Steel Combat: Hurricane: This power now correctly benefits from Armor Penetration.
    • Scourge Warlock: Primary Stat changed to Charisma.
    • Spellstorm Mage
      • Eye of the Storm: Activation chance is now 100% from any power while off cooldown.
      • Eye of the Storm: ICD has been reduced to 20 seconds.
      • Storm Spell: Chance to activate reduced to 20% (down from 35%).
      • Storm Spell: This effect will no longer incorrectly trigger on Chill stacks.

    Items and Economy
    • Kessel's Sphere of Annihiliation: This artifact no longer improperly gains damage bonuses from the caster. It now does the damage stated in the tooltip at all ranks.
    • Loot drops for level 60 players again.
    • Professions: Only tier 3 profession resources drop off enemies level 45+.

    User Interface
    • Auction House uncatagorized items should now go to the Miscellaneous category by default.
    • Store buyback works properly again.
    panderus wrote: »
    This will be going to preview around 3pm PST.
    panderus wrote: »
    This is likley the final build. Some of these changes were in the .4-.6 that was on Preview over the weekend. The Spellstorm Mage changes will be in the new version going out.

    Just the latest form the battlefront :)
    Note the much needed adjustment to Spell Storm ^
    Azran Graves, lvl 70 SW | Lochavar, CW | Cain, TR | Panthe, HR | Karis Copperleaf, DC
    Axios Guild Officer,
  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Just the latest form the battlefront :)
    Note the much needed adjustment to Spell Storm ^

    eye needs nerf to
  • sygfried94sygfried94 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 264 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    warpet wrote: »
    eye needs nerf to

    warpet need nerf too
  • izidiusizidius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 40
    edited August 2014
    sygfried94 wrote: »
    warpet need nerf too

    agreed... :)
  • kieranmtornkieranmtorn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Feedback: Storm Spell is still OP, after latest patch.
    Doing a quick ACT parse of a test against the Dread Ring dummies, it's now only 40% of my damage (25.3k EncDps), instead of 53%. Skills were: passives(Storm Spell, EotS), Mastery(CoI), Skills (Steal Time, Icy Terrain, Sudden Storm - feated), using a bad Renegade build. So it's now ~10k of my damage. This is still reasonably close to my mod3 damage totals. Damage per for Storm Spell is 2.6k -> 13.2k (7.9k average), though this will have been affected by EotS, Nightmare Wizardy, Phantasm Destruction, & Greater Vorpal. Storm Spell is proc'ing on each mob per damage tick from Icy Terrain & CoI, so it will have lots of checks, chill just keeps them from moving while they cook.

    In mod3, Storm Spell would have been between 6-10% of my EncDps.
  • charkanramoncharkanramon Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    Allow smolder accumulate points and get stronger. This is true in any fire, more fire, the stronger it gets.
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    I mite roll a dragonborn CW on Live sense the dmg is still
    this ridicoulouse
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • meldan3nmeldan3n Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    sygfried94 wrote: »
    warpet need nerf too

    +1 on this one


    With the current changes, CWs have no dynamics anymore. It has become a skillless class. With the fix of the Storm Spell procs from Chill, CW is in an acceptable place. Further nerfs would kill the class, because there would be no room for personal skill. Is it viable as it is now? Probably. Do I want to play this class? No. Playing CW was a fun experience that required skill: skillless players got punished, while skilled players had an advantage. Now it's not about skills anymore. It's like tabletop DnD. This is not why people play MMOs.

    As to the current balance, experienced HRs, TRs and GWFs still kill CWs easily (especially the GWFs, since certain builds practically 2-shoot CWs). CW is definitely not the top PvP class. Practically, it's where it was before, just with more survivability and new, very beginner-friendly mechanics that require no skill to use.
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Feedback: Storm Spell changes. The Class Feature definitely feels less burst-y on single-target damage as an Oppressor, which makes it seem more balanced. However it would be great if Storm Spell received a mechanic where it can only activate against 1 target when used in AoEs, just like Assailing Force. This way AoE damage will not be off the charts again just like it used to pre-mod 4.
  • tempopktempopk Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Stormspell procs being fixed on chillstacks is good but taking the proc change u gave us is mean :( ya'll took like half of it away idk if i can complain tho x.x
    - [Tempzy]
This discussion has been closed.