Really excited about the pvp changes. This is going to make neverwinter so much more competitive now.
zurtan111Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited May 2014
wtf is this a bad joke, when i read patchnotes about GWF, think he will be more stronger as now. GWF is absolutly OP class, they need a nerf for unstoppable and make them shorter. cause this is the most skill why he is so strong in pvp and as tank. would PW that all play GWF or what? ****ty balance got this game and TRs, GF and HRs are not need in endcontent.
and wtf they do?????? make GWF more stronger and nerf TR and HR more and cut they damage Oo
****ty balance got this game and if they dont became soon a good balance for pvp and pve i m out!!!
wtf is this a bad joke, when i read patchnotes about GWF, think he will be more stronger as now. GWF is absolutly OP class, they need a nerf for unstoppable and make them shorter. cause this is the most skill why he is so strong in pvp and as tank. would PW that all play GWF or what? ****ty balance got this game and TRs, GF and HRs are not need in endcontent.
and wtf they do?????? make GWF more stronger and nerf TR and HR more and cut they damage Oo
****ty balance got this game and if they dont became soon a good balance for pvp and pve i m out!!!
Even worse, they nerfed the CLERICS!!! WTF IS GOING ON???
EguaDoidOx - Rock'n'roll DC / EguaDoidOx - Dominion Champion CW
Ancient Warriors Guild
zurtan111Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
Even worse, they nerfed the CLERICS!!! WTF IS GOING ON???
yeah this is bad too, cause DC is hard 2 play solo and near all dungeons you can make without DC in a good group. with just GWFs (with alltime unstoppable cause most go for them with lot of recovery and waravatarset) who take no dmg and CWs who control all the time you can do all easy without DC or other classes. GF is not need 2 tank just 4 adds kite. Thats a **** bad balance 4 a MMORPG specialy with D&D license!
i was shocked when i read patchnotes, cause GWF became most skills more dmg and in unstoppable a buff wat make also more dmg. i mean GWF was the best tank and the most DD with right skilling and vorpal, near undestroyable in pvp and what they do......make them more stronger wtf Oo
theres really something going wrong in this game!!!
yes this is goood balance
why a F*** TR can kill others at 1 v 5 in PVP???
and HR has too many dps in pve???
i think u dont have GWF
u should taste this pain!
zurtan111Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
yes this is goood balance
why a F*** TR can kill others at 1 v 5 in PVP???
and HR has too many dps in pve???
i think u dont have GWF
u should taste this pain! think its a good balance when HR, TR and GF absolutly not needet and nobody really want them in group at endcontent??? Oo serious...
when a GWF can tank all easy with unstoppable all the time and make the most dmg too and ist near undestroyable in pvp with right equip and skilling? look at the game actually, most play GWF now and in lfg just search GWF, CW and DC, that sux!!!
pls nerf that unstappable it kill all balance in PVE and PVP cause its too long and most GWFs can use it near all the time!!! thats too much with this dmgmaschine, a GF with shield and much def. cant tank like a GWF and get more dmg as a full DPS-GWF, thats a very bad balance!!!
Death Forge is Bugged, how we are finish the boons
i love this game
Same here : the gate won't open after burning the 5 corpses. I try dropping quest, changin instance and even reinstall in vain.
I reported the bug, after trying to get GM help but getting automated response...
It doubled the frustration, basicly saying to me : "you don't get to enjoy the new content, you need to go through X time this quest ...that is currently bugged"
poli201Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 16Arc User
edited May 2014
Hopefully at some point, mounts would be added as a reward for PvP, since everyone can farm PvE, It'd be nice to have something different, like PvP Mounts.
I joined Neverwinter about a week back and I have a request. Can you stop releasing modules? I don't mind not having new content, because it's clear that the current dev team cannot handle the release of new modules. There are new issues arising every day. Emergency maintenances are planned and then cancelled. In fact, it's reached the point where i no longer find it fun to play this game. All i feel is frustration because i know i'll be online for a sum total of 15 minutes, no matter how much real time i spend getting dc'd or rubberbanding all over a zone. Not once have i transition to and from an instance without getting disconnected (usually after waiting 3+ minutes while the server tries to reconnect) in the past 24 hours.
I'm glad this game is free to play, because i can't imagine the frustration and embarassment the paying members must be feeling right now. I myself am thankful that i haven't yet spent anything on this game.
We wanted to measure reaction to them first to see if that might be wished. Nevertheless, I believe many of us prefer to create these people because opt-in jobs about Kuradal (such as aquanites, to get a little Slayer items expense). They will have Slayer requirements to check those of the search (76).Queen: Because most Older Items possess a second brand manufactured by mortals (Workers involving Armadyl, Closed fist involving Guthix/Eye of Saradomin, Crown Archival), what would function as Measure's 'mortal' identify?Mod Rowley: Due to the fact you are just deadly to get laid hands on this particular artefact, go ahead and brand this on your own! The Is through it's 'true' brand, as given to this with the parent gods (and you also realize it by means of proximity/touch, just like coming in contact with the Natural stone involving Jas).Queen: Should we still be going to a mission wherever we restoration the planet Door
<link removed>
garamel1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 20Arc User
edited May 2014
Really awesome update
fgmfanhaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2014
Module 3 Has a Good and a Horrible side:
Good side: the new content is really cool but has the downside of making your servers lag... died like 100 times because of server lag's me and my teammates...
Horrible side: You guys broke PVP it is just BAD now. Matchmaking is just stupidly working bad.. Matching 13k gs with 8k gs -.- omg.... I used to play a bit pvp to change airs between pve... with this module i am starting to play less and less pvp... it is just awefull... it is not fun anymore... i end up all the time trying to carry some guys with lower gs... it just takes the fun part away... not to be able of having good balenced fights...
plz refix the game!
elewyndylMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Hopefully at some point, mounts would be added as a reward for PvP, since everyone can farm PvE, It'd be nice to have something different, like PvP Mounts.
I don't agree on this at all. You can get mount as well from farming AD from PvP also and then buying ZEN.
It does not matter how you get mount using real money credit card or farming but PvP should not get some extra boost for mounts.
If you really would have a PvP mount then some Vanity like for cosmetics. With great effort I have got the fastest horse mount in this game and no better(in speed and durability) mounts should be released.
So Open World pvp? if so, that is AWESOME!!!! Love the pvp ranking, love the pvp campaign, really interested to see the new gear,
Does this mean new PVP sets as well? Because the new "black ice" sets seems pretty cool, but if no new pvp sets that would suck...
my only concern is...
Late Spring?! Man.... How far away is that OR when will this stuff hit the PTR so we can get a taste!
it says PvP PvP games dont run on market now...they die cuz no newbie will wanna waste time trying survive high lvls killing em repeatedly on maps
i want to refine my SIGIL of Greatweapon Fighter on other Artefact but it doesn't let me as the X mark is shown the next update will you fix this?
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
i want to refine my SIGIL of Greatweapon Fighter on other Artefact but it doesn't let me as the X mark is shown the next update will you fix this?
Class artifacts can't be used for refining other items. It says so right on them. Intentional design decision.
Class artifacts can't be used for refining other items. It says so right on them. Intentional design decision.
and why is that? is there any benefit from these? as i can use my other artefacts, why can't i use the sigils too ?
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited June 2014
Because you can claim the class artifacts infinitely if you're not holding one, so they made them unusable for refining to prevent infinite-RP exploits.
Because you can claim the class artifacts infinitely if you're not holding one, so they made them unusable for refining to prevent infinite-RP exploits.
no you cannot gain them infinitly , i can claim it once on my gwf , and once on my cw (the same artefact as gwf) , even thou, you can claim it infinitly from pvp 24k bloodcrystal , or 40k artefacts.. so .. it's only i nuisance having the sigils to not refine with other artefacts... atleast make the refinable when they are over 80-90 lvl ...
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited June 2014
Throw it away, claim another. Throw it away, claim another.
If you're not holding one, you can take it again. You don't need to do anything to earn it or pay for it like other artifacts. It would just be there.
And using it for refinement would amount to the same as throwing it away.
After the drop nerf, you have made it too hard to get the gauntlets, orbs etc. Now all I get from epic encounters are character bound weps for other classes that are completely unusable. It is absolutely ridiculously hard to get even one time gauntlet drop and not to mention if you would be doing it for multiple characters.
Please make all the weapon drops unbound so people can sell their unsusable equipment in AH and people can buy from there what they need. Also please make the epic encounters appear more commonly. Also make the instance change every time when you exit and re-enter DV or IWP like it was before. Currently the farming isn't feasible anymore when you are only seeing two places and then must wait 2 minutes and can't just swap between.
Also please make Black Ice domination more common and the Cockatrice to work right for Ice PvP, as well as try to clear out all the other exploits to make it fun again.
The people rates in IWP and DV have drastically dropped and soon there will be really few people bothering with Icewind Dale if some changes aren't done soon. Please keep it playable.
Also has the tolerance for opening profession boxes made smaller before you start to get craps? I could before grind for resources whole profession event without seeing the limit or seeing it at very end, but now it keeps constantly coming. Also the fewer resources on sale in AH would suggest this too. Please if you have adjusted the cap, please remove it completely during the professions event and increase it. Shouldn't the purpose of profession event be running for profession resources?
Give us 4 or more power/item bar profiles so we can change powers and items with one click that are suited for the situation.
and wtf they do?????? make GWF more stronger and nerf TR and HR more and cut they damage Oo
****ty balance got this game and if they dont became soon a good balance for pvp and pve i m out!!!
Even worse, they nerfed the CLERICS!!! WTF IS GOING ON???
Ancient Warriors Guild
yeah this is bad too, cause DC is hard 2 play solo and near all dungeons you can make without DC in a good group. with just GWFs (with alltime unstoppable cause most go for them with lot of recovery and waravatarset) who take no dmg and CWs who control all the time you can do all easy without DC or other classes. GF is not need 2 tank just 4 adds kite. Thats a **** bad balance 4 a MMORPG specialy with D&D license!
i was shocked when i read patchnotes, cause GWF became most skills more dmg and in unstoppable a buff wat make also more dmg. i mean GWF was the best tank and the most DD with right skilling and vorpal, near undestroyable in pvp and what they do......make them more stronger wtf Oo
theres really something going wrong in this game!!!
why a F*** TR can kill others at 1 v 5 in PVP???
and HR has too many dps in pve???
i think u dont have GWF
u should taste this pain! think its a good balance when HR, TR and GF absolutly not needet and nobody really want them in group at endcontent??? Oo serious...
when a GWF can tank all easy with unstoppable all the time and make the most dmg too and ist near undestroyable in pvp with right equip and skilling? look at the game actually, most play GWF now and in lfg just search GWF, CW and DC, that sux!!!
pls nerf that unstappable it kill all balance in PVE and PVP cause its too long and most GWFs can use it near all the time!!! thats too much with this dmgmaschine, a GF with shield and much def. cant tank like a GWF and get more dmg as a full DPS-GWF, thats a very bad balance!!!
i love this game
Same here : the gate won't open after burning the 5 corpses. I try dropping quest, changin instance and even reinstall in vain.
I reported the bug, after trying to get GM help but getting automated response...
It doubled the frustration, basicly saying to me : "you don't get to enjoy the new content, you need to go through X time this quest ...that is currently bugged"
I'm glad this game is free to play, because i can't imagine the frustration and embarassment the paying members must be feeling right now. I myself am thankful that i haven't yet spent anything on this game.
<link removed>
Good side: the new content is really cool but has the downside of making your servers lag... died like 100 times because of server lag's me and my teammates...
Horrible side: You guys broke PVP it is just BAD now. Matchmaking is just stupidly working bad.. Matching 13k gs with 8k gs -.- omg.... I used to play a bit pvp to change airs between pve... with this module i am starting to play less and less pvp... it is just awefull... it is not fun anymore... i end up all the time trying to carry some guys with lower gs... it just takes the fun part away... not to be able of having good balenced fights...
plz refix the game!
It does not matter how you get mount using real money credit card or farming but PvP should not get some extra boost for mounts.
If you really would have a PvP mount then some Vanity like for cosmetics. With great effort I have got the fastest horse mount in this game and no better(in speed and durability) mounts should be released.
PvP should be no shortcut to get easier mount.
And fix Open PVP Domi, bug still exists.............................
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
it says PvP PvP games dont run on market now...they die cuz no newbie will wanna waste time trying survive high lvls killing em repeatedly on maps
Class artifacts can't be used for refining other items. It says so right on them. Intentional design decision.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
no you cannot gain them infinitly , i can claim it once on my gwf , and once on my cw (the same artefact as gwf) , even thou, you can claim it infinitly from pvp 24k bloodcrystal , or 40k artefacts.. so .. it's only i nuisance having the sigils to not refine with other artefacts... atleast make the refinable when they are over 80-90 lvl ...
If you're not holding one, you can take it again. You don't need to do anything to earn it or pay for it like other artifacts. It would just be there.
And using it for refinement would amount to the same as throwing it away.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
i c ... but at least make it refinable at a level, like 80-90-100 ... cause investing in another artefact is a waste a time/AD at this point..
Please make all the weapon drops unbound so people can sell their unsusable equipment in AH and people can buy from there what they need. Also please make the epic encounters appear more commonly. Also make the instance change every time when you exit and re-enter DV or IWP like it was before. Currently the farming isn't feasible anymore when you are only seeing two places and then must wait 2 minutes and can't just swap between.
Also please make Black Ice domination more common and the Cockatrice to work right for Ice PvP, as well as try to clear out all the other exploits to make it fun again.
The people rates in IWP and DV have drastically dropped and soon there will be really few people bothering with Icewind Dale if some changes aren't done soon. Please keep it playable.
Also has the tolerance for opening profession boxes made smaller before you start to get craps? I could before grind for resources whole profession event without seeing the limit or seeing it at very end, but now it keeps constantly coming. Also the fewer resources on sale in AH would suggest this too. Please if you have adjusted the cap, please remove it completely during the professions event and increase it. Shouldn't the purpose of profession event be running for profession resources?
...And Ba'al - Lord of Murder shall rise again..