Just curious about story, how did Kessell become undead? He never attempted to start the process of becoming a lich in the books and from the description they've given he's been undead since he was buried. Seems convoluted and I hope they are not just trying to use somewhat recognizable characters from long ago to create a story bit that has no logic to fit into canon. It's not like he was a chosen of any deity and would have been returned for the sundering events. The dale is a great setting with some amazing opportunities especially with some of the more recent books written; I just hope it's done its proper justice.
Again, any word on plans to fix up the regular crafting, or at least make a few changes here and there? It needs work.
Since there was no announcement, we can properly safely assume a major overhaul of the system is out of the question. If they did something more minor, then we probably won't know until the mod is on the preview server.
To those naysaying the warlock, the class was pretty far alog in development BEFORE HR came out. I have been waiting for this class since the game was in beta. My main character was a conversion of my tabletop 4e warlock and i wanna remake him as a warlock darn it! Yall wanting bards can wait til after warlock, then druid (cuz they mentioned it as the most likely next class after warlock).
I'm still waiting for the Module that fixes the Character models so that they don't look like they were run over by a steam-roller. So many of the games Characters (primarily humanoid models) look as if they are horizontally stretched out, and it's bugged me since day one.
Is this just Cryptic's style?
Also, the Screen artwork, like the actually Neverwinter font and the texture, is that ever going to get a make-over?. The resolution of the font's text/texture is really low when it's blown up on higher screen resolutions and is a bit of an eye-sore.
To those naysaying the warlock, the class was pretty far alog in development BEFORE HR came out. I have been waiting for this class since the game was in beta. My main character was a conversion of my tabletop 4e warlock and i wanna remake him as a warlock darn it! Yall wanting bards can wait til after warlock, then druid (cuz they mentioned it as the most likely next class after warlock).
I personally want the bard, but for crying out loud don't make the druid the next class! We already have a nature based class already. I could live with warlock being the next class but not druid.
but,,,,,,,,,then you add, GG, pvp centric, then pvp artifacts and gear, that are BETTER easier to get than pve gear.
I tend to agree with this part of your post. Why must we PvP to get the good stuff? It seems that the PvP crowd is getting more Cryptic love. Is that because they spend more on Zen/AD than us PvE customers? While I don't hate PvP, I also don't play it very much. When I do play PvP, it's only to get some of the better gear because the T2 PvE stuff is either lacking in something or has a horrendously poor drop rates for an HR even during DD.
If you want to keep the separation, at least stop making some of the PvE gear BoP. That would give some of us hope that we could get it in the AH after we've run ToS for the 58th time and getting another ring.
Just my $.02. I'm sure that others have their own opinions and concerns.
I have said it before, and I will say it here.. This game is great, but it's lack of high end content is going to lose it alot of customers with ESO, and EQ:N on the horizon. If it wants to compete there are 3 things that need to be added. #1. Consistant drop tables for end game dungeons. If I see one more blue item or T1 armor/weapon drop off Valindra I am going to scream. #2. A RAID! Grouping is nice, PvP is Ok, but where in the hell is the large scale force content 15 to 20 player co-op dungeons would be a HUGE addition(Can you say LEGENDARY LOOT anyone). #3. LARGE SCALE PvP... no more domination! Add a zone where each side has to fight bosses, and either team can choose to kill the bosses (WITH SPECIFIC LOOT TABLES) and do it faster than the other team or send out a couple of groups to harass the other side ect.. Make it fun, and rewarding all at once.
diabrandMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 11Arc User
edited March 2014
Warlock! Warlock! Warlock! <end of obligatory warlock cry>
All looks interesting so far. Will be nice to revisit Icewind Dale after more than a decade
"I am .. the storm that rains devastaton on our foes."
Yer kidding me.... the level cap is not being raised? wow. i thought for sure the new module would increase the cap to 65, and the companion cap to 35. A lot of people are leaving or have left this game, can't say as I blame them. Black Ice? Dungeon keys? PvP?.. sadly I was expecting a little more. rewards for lost experience? what... residium, kits that cost 1s to buy, greater health potions? as a fan who has really enjoyed this game, supported PW, and bought hundreds of dollars worth of cards, and this is all we get? nice to know how much they care for the people who are providing them with a paycheque.
I've read many of these posts in this thread and I am not one for PVP either..
Never have ever since the beginning of WoW when i started playing after 1 week of going live.
I am hoping that they will keep it separate and hopefully have or give Equal stat'd gear that pertains to the PVE and PVP side of the upcoming black Ice items. (To each his/her own, some like PVP, some like PVE only )
I have been an online gamer since the days of Air Warrior I -III (for those who know this game )so yeah I'm old school gaming veteran and I have seen and beta-played many MMO's since then and I see REAL Potential for this newborn MMO (not year old yet so yeah) and I cant wait to experience it even more 3 years to however long it goes. So here are my thoughts I would like to see happen hopefully soon after Module 3 is released. (BTW wish I could have gotten in on the Closed Beta while back )
1. Professions - Add PVP Tenacity gear that can be crafted (if this isn't already going to be implemented in Mod. 3)
2. The Events scroller by the mini-map - Please setup an actual schedule instead of randomizing it (Not fun when you get home and see that the next DD, GG, or Foundry isn't until 1 AM in the morning, and other similar events)
A. Yes i know they will be having keys for the DDs - question is how much are they gonna cost or how difficult are they going to make it to obtain?
3. AD pricing! - Many of the special items, upgrades and such REALLY REALLY need to be reduced
A. Pets/Companion upgrade 300K to 500K+ which only gets you like 5 levels??? I would ONLY pay this if the level amounts were increased for such a steep price. This goes for all other overly priced AD based game purchases, Retraining, Rush Companion training, etc.. set a flat rate or even at a lesser inflated price.
4. I don't know if this next one is even possible, but is there anything you can do about all the freaking 99 stack AH postings of enchant stones, potions, lock-boxes, etc??? for insanely priced amounts? their nothing more then a nuisance and lags the hell out of the AH. much less honestly, how many of you actually hop on the AH and buy 1 or more 99 stacks of Rank 8-9's stones, aquamarines, dragon eggs, etc.. for millions and millions of AD?
5. NPCS! - OMG so many useless annoying NPC's! its like a constant meandering Zombie walk fest in the Enclave. if you were to remove like 1/2 of them from all the map instance channels, that would help with the horrible latency at peek times. or at Least give them something useful to do LOL. Bad enough when I'm trying to mail something and they literally Push you away from the mailbox.
6. OK I know I'll probably hear some flak on this but... Dungeon Difficulties - I understand keeping the Boss fights and such challenging, but there is a point when there is an mob spawn overkill on boss encounter fights. Many of your Epic Dungeons Stat Ratings are set extremely way to low for what truly awaits for the groups at the First boss they face.
So I suggest one or any of the following options - Reasons why explained after. A. Set the stat requirements higher (especially the T2 Epic Dungeons) B. Adjust the difficulty based on the Average total stat score of the 5 players in the Epic Dungeon appropriately C. auto adjust lower GS scored players up to a higher average score to balance the party for even a possible chance of defeating the boss encounter (similar to the Auto level adjusting currently used in your skirmishes)
Now what I'm not saying is dumbing down the dungeons or the whole game to an easy win, or even to the point of giving players a large upper advantage like in other MMO's that practically handing the players everything without even being online soon or simple tank/spanks for an easy kill. (insert initials here ___ and rude comments as well becuz ya know what I'm talking about.. idc)
I'm only asking that for alot of players who shy away from the epic's due to the overkills of AoE's, Mobs, etc.. in many Epic dungeon Boss Encounters or players who meet the minimum, but get turned down or laughed at in the LFG Spamming channel because of this exact issue.,That this issue should be addressed, adjusted, and soon.
7. Mounts - Give us level appropriate mounts. It sucks to be stuck on a slow Mule Pony mount at level 60 for the F2P's. at 10% every 20 levels gained so at level 60 your mount is at 30% instead of a slow 10%.
I could probably think of many other things, just from experience I have seen many MMO's falter and lose 1000's of players because of being way too difficult to be worth the play or pay, or to Easy and becomes boring and no challenge, or way to pricey and not worth spending 100's of dollars on it because the chances of game progression is impossible without blowing your bank roll on it. I do however understand people must get paid and machinery has to be maintained, and its a difficult balance to keep.
I have Faith in this game and I cant wait to see how far it may go and expand across the Realms and future classes to come. Yes I am a Pay to play gamer. Yes I've already spent money on this game (not huge amounts yet) in small increments for my enjoyment of the game.
Now my questions for the new Module 3.
1. the Delving keys? Are they going to be overpiced, almost impossible to obtain, or going to require Zen? or will they be reasonably priced or moderately challenging to obtain?
2. new HR pathfinder? are we going to see more healing / nature style builds with this paragon? or will this new defense style build spawn a whole new Ranger tanking side?
3. Black Ice gear? PVP and / or PVE gear alike that can be crafted?
4. How is the alliances going to be setup? will it require the whole guild to be one side or the other? much like the GG's?
5. The new PVP black ice zone. Multiple instances which may extremely favor 1 side or the other? or will it be balanced across all of the map instances?
6. the XP bonus items and such after level 60? I can only wonder what we may get from this.. cant wait on that
I know this is a super long post, but I am only asking and suggesting this opinions after seeing many other MMO's plunge into the abyss because of similar situations that reveal themselves in Neverwinter at the current progression of this game.
Please head to the Neverwinter Preview forums down near the bottom. There are feedback topics setup for all the new stuff in Module 3. You will find them in the Feedback/General Discussion. There are also patch notes for the new module in Announcements/Release Notes for the Preview forum.
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
2. The Events scroller by the mini-map - Please setup an actual schedule instead of randomizing it (Not fun when you get home and see that the next DD, GG, or Foundry isn't until 1 AM in the morning, and other similar events)
A. Yes i know they will be having keys for the DDs - question is how much are they gonna cost or how difficult are they going to make it to obtain?
There is an actual schedule. It is not random at all. It is a 6 hour cycle and it is pushed forward 2 hours every morning (1 hour on Thursday and Friday morning) which makes it out to a weekly cycle. The events will happen at the same time every week (so every Friday at 6pm Eastern Dungeon Delves will start).
I havent had a proper look at the forum, and have only been scanning for new classes, but i can see that there is a lot of different opinions for the open PVP and the PVE.
I dont know if anybody has sugested this already, but why dont the devs do it like the second and third areas of Sharandar? Have the PVE area open to all, but have the PVP area surrounded by a barrier that you need a key (hopefully obtained through a short quest) to be able to enter the area with?
It should hopefully stop anyone that only wants to PVE from entering if they havent done the quest.
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I havent had a proper look at the forum, and have only been scanning for new classes, but i can see that there is a lot of different opinions for the open PVP and the PVE.
I dont know if anybody has sugested this already, but why dont the devs do it like the second and third areas of Sharandar? Have the PVE area open to all, but have the PVP area surrounded by a barrier that you need a key (hopefully obtained through a short quest) to be able to enter the area with?
It should hopefully stop anyone that only wants to PVE from entering if they havent done the quest.
If you want to give feedback about mod 3, I would suggest doing it on the preview server section of the forums. There are multiple threads to discuss things.
Yes everything in mod 3 seems cool...but for the love all that is holy. STOP the TR's from being able to be perma invis. It's becoming an epidemic on the live server. TR's with full tenacity running to towers and just sitting there invis the whole time. It's just crazy, it has to be the cheapest way to ensure a victory. You have no idea how frustrating pvp has become since the last pvp update.
I gotta admit, I hopped on the test server expecting it to be at least revamped, but my very first pvp encounter was against a TR that stayed invis. to my surprise I was about to kill him, then all of a sudden he vanishes, runs 50 feet and drinks a normal heal pot. He did this 3 times before I finally got fed up and logged of the test server...Fix it...Please
luktonMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited April 2014
It`s only one defending tool what TR`s have, wizzards are too way overpowered but no1 complain about them. If u want to see stealthed TR use the latern or other skills wich group should have, TR`s are nefred already over tencity. Look at GWFs those are killing machines no1 complain on that; group of GWFs is ruining the fun. Only cuz u can`t see ur opponent it doesnt mean that u can`t kill him. Get some more practice. IELANDHILL.
aliyah9Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited April 2014
Just wondering if they will being adding the option for guilds to have their own headquarters building, I think it would be a nice touch to the game.
Anyone have an idea what they mean with "that players will be [...] fighting over"?
It could be referring to the pvp campaign part of the module , nobody knows until they publish more info or release the module onto the test server.
You cant blame Cryptic for this. Its actual official D&D lore that turned Kessell into a wight. Its all detailed in this adventure https://www.wizards.com/dnd/Product.aspx?x=dnd/products/dndacc/sundering2
dont want a level cap to be honest ruins the game wish NW had went to 40 only and raised to 50 in module 3
Since there was no announcement, we can properly safely assume a major overhaul of the system is out of the question. If they did something more minor, then we probably won't know until the mod is on the preview server.
Further lore, as well as some, albeit not much, information as to the nature of Black Ice can be found here: http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Akar_Kessell
laughing my a** off. Now that is tempting!:D:D:);)
Is this just Cryptic's style?
Also, the Screen artwork, like the actually Neverwinter font and the texture, is that ever going to get a make-over?. The resolution of the font's text/texture is really low when it's blown up on higher screen resolutions and is a bit of an eye-sore.
I personally want the bard, but for crying out loud don't make the druid the next class! We already have a nature based class already. I could live with warlock being the next class but not druid.
I tend to agree with this part of your post. Why must we PvP to get the good stuff? It seems that the PvP crowd is getting more Cryptic love. Is that because they spend more on Zen/AD than us PvE customers? While I don't hate PvP, I also don't play it very much. When I do play PvP, it's only to get some of the better gear because the T2 PvE stuff is either lacking in something or has a horrendously poor drop rates for an HR even during DD.
If you want to keep the separation, at least stop making some of the PvE gear BoP. That would give some of us hope that we could get it in the AH after we've run ToS for the 58th time and getting another ring.
Just my $.02. I'm sure that others have their own opinions and concerns.
All looks interesting so far. Will be nice to revisit Icewind Dale after more than a decade
Dragon International
Never have ever since the beginning of WoW when i started playing after 1 week of going live.
I am hoping that they will keep it separate and hopefully have or give Equal stat'd gear that pertains to the PVE and PVP side of the upcoming black Ice items. (To each his/her own, some like PVP, some like PVE only
I have been an online gamer since the days of Air Warrior I -III (for those who know this game
1. Professions - Add PVP Tenacity gear that can be crafted (if this isn't already going to be implemented in Mod. 3)
2. The Events scroller by the mini-map - Please setup an actual schedule instead of randomizing it (Not fun when you get home and see that the next DD, GG, or Foundry isn't until 1 AM in the morning, and other similar events)
A. Yes i know they will be having keys for the DDs - question is how much are they gonna cost or how difficult are they going to make it to obtain?
3. AD pricing! - Many of the special items, upgrades and such REALLY REALLY need to be reduced
A. Pets/Companion upgrade 300K to 500K+ which only gets you like 5 levels??? I would ONLY pay this if the level amounts were increased for such a steep price. This goes for all other overly priced AD based game purchases, Retraining, Rush Companion training, etc.. set a flat rate or even at a lesser inflated price.
4. I don't know if this next one is even possible, but is there anything you can do about all the freaking 99 stack AH postings of enchant stones, potions, lock-boxes, etc??? for insanely priced amounts? their nothing more then a nuisance and lags the hell out of the AH. much less honestly, how many of you actually hop on the AH and buy 1 or more 99 stacks of Rank 8-9's stones, aquamarines, dragon eggs, etc.. for millions and millions of AD?
5. NPCS! - OMG so many useless annoying NPC's! its like a constant meandering Zombie walk fest in the Enclave. if you were to remove like 1/2 of them from all the map instance channels, that would help with the horrible latency at peek times. or at Least give them something useful to do LOL. Bad enough when I'm trying to mail something and they literally Push you away from the mailbox.
6. OK I know I'll probably hear some flak on this but... Dungeon Difficulties - I understand keeping the Boss fights and such challenging, but there is a point when there is an mob spawn overkill on boss encounter fights. Many of your Epic Dungeons Stat Ratings are set extremely way to low for what truly awaits for the groups at the First boss they face.
So I suggest one or any of the following options - Reasons why explained after.
A. Set the stat requirements higher (especially the T2 Epic Dungeons)
B. Adjust the difficulty based on the Average total stat score of the 5 players in the Epic Dungeon appropriately
C. auto adjust lower GS scored players up to a higher average score to balance the party for even a possible chance of defeating the boss encounter (similar to the Auto level adjusting currently used in your skirmishes)
Now what I'm not saying is dumbing down the dungeons or the whole game to an easy win, or even to the point of giving players a large upper advantage like in other MMO's that practically handing the players everything without even being online soon or simple tank/spanks for an easy kill. (insert initials here ___ and rude comments as well becuz ya know what I'm talking about.. idc)
I'm only asking that for alot of players who shy away from the epic's due to the overkills of AoE's, Mobs, etc.. in many Epic dungeon Boss Encounters or players who meet the minimum, but get turned down or laughed at in the LFG Spamming channel because of this exact issue.,That this issue should be addressed, adjusted, and soon.
7. Mounts - Give us level appropriate mounts. It sucks to be stuck on a slow Mule Pony mount at level 60 for the F2P's. at 10% every 20 levels gained so at level 60 your mount is at 30% instead of a slow 10%.
I could probably think of many other things, just from experience I have seen many MMO's falter and lose 1000's of players because of being way too difficult to be worth the play or pay, or to Easy and becomes boring and no challenge, or way to pricey and not worth spending 100's of dollars on it because the chances of game progression is impossible without blowing your bank roll on it. I do however understand people must get paid and machinery has to be maintained, and its a difficult balance to keep.
I have Faith in this game and I cant wait to see how far it may go and expand across the Realms and future classes to come. Yes I am a Pay to play gamer. Yes I've already spent money on this game (not huge amounts yet) in small increments for my enjoyment of the game.
Now my questions for the new Module 3.
1. the Delving keys? Are they going to be overpiced, almost impossible to obtain, or going to require Zen? or will they be reasonably priced or moderately challenging to obtain?
2. new HR pathfinder? are we going to see more healing / nature style builds with this paragon? or will this new defense style build spawn a whole new Ranger tanking side?
3. Black Ice gear? PVP and / or PVE gear alike that can be crafted?
4. How is the alliances going to be setup? will it require the whole guild to be one side or the other? much like the GG's?
5. The new PVP black ice zone. Multiple instances which may extremely favor 1 side or the other? or will it be balanced across all of the map instances?
6. the XP bonus items and such after level 60? I can only wonder what we may get from this.. cant wait on that
I know this is a super long post, but I am only asking and suggesting this opinions after seeing many other MMO's plunge into the abyss because of similar situations that reveal themselves in Neverwinter at the current progression of this game.
There is an actual schedule. It is not random at all. It is a 6 hour cycle and it is pushed forward 2 hours every morning (1 hour on Thursday and Friday morning) which makes it out to a weekly cycle. The events will happen at the same time every week (so every Friday at 6pm Eastern Dungeon Delves will start).
I dont know if anybody has sugested this already, but why dont the devs do it like the second and third areas of Sharandar? Have the PVE area open to all, but have the PVP area surrounded by a barrier that you need a key (hopefully obtained through a short quest) to be able to enter the area with?
It should hopefully stop anyone that only wants to PVE from entering if they havent done the quest.
If you want to give feedback about mod 3, I would suggest doing it on the preview server section of the forums. There are multiple threads to discuss things.
I gotta admit, I hopped on the test server expecting it to be at least revamped, but my very first pvp encounter was against a TR that stayed invis. to my surprise I was about to kill him, then all of a sudden he vanishes, runs 50 feet and drinks a normal heal pot. He did this 3 times before I finally got fed up and logged of the test server...Fix it...Please
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