The pvp zones are only for pvp , one of the developers already said that nobody will be forced into pvp , the 2 pvp zones are only for the pvp campaign .
if new zones are pvp so nothing for pve players then?
i do hope so we wont need to pvp for new gear or campaign if we will a lot of ppl would be unhappy and could left game think
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
if new zones are pvp so nothing for pve players then?
i do hope so we wont need to pvp for new gear or campaign if we will a lot of ppl would be unhappy and could left game think
Lol it has both a new pvp AND pve campaign ,it is basically the biggest module so far judging by what I have read.
Have you actually read any of the other news about the module?
It will offer new PvE content.
yes 2 new zones and todays blog says pvp will be open in both zones they might be some pve quest in it but no big point when pvp unlocked in whole zones
mutjinninjaMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 93Arc User
edited March 2014
This sounds...horrible. I truly hope that pve players can still obtain the best gear and all the boons without having to pve. I mean, you can be specced for pve or pvp in NW, there's no in between. So having new campaign areas that mix the two is just a bad choice. The pvp players will win out every time.
Being a pure pve player and despising pve, I'd hate to jump into mod 3 only to have a daily or several dailies repeatedly see me murdered by annoying pvp players. I like how the pvp is set up now, it does not interfere with my pve experience. That being said, if I can obtain all the gear and boons without pvping and just ignore it (a la, never accepting any pvp dailies from Neverember or Rhix) I don't mind.
Really looking forward to this. I like the general idea of mixing quests and PVP, you only should hope that you're not running into GWFs all the time .
Will also level a TR in advance, stealth could be very beneficial in such an environment to say the least. Beyond simply killing mercenaries of the other faction.
yes 2 new zones and todays blog says pvp will be open in both zones they might be some pve quest in it but no big point when pvp unlocked in whole zones
Maybe when you enter a zone you get an option to choose the pve or pvp version ,until we have more info we don't know , all we do know is the game's producer told us we don't have to pvp to make progress in the pve campaign . Here's what Panderus said when we asked him about pvp/pve in the new module :
We are well aware that some players would be hesitant to be forced to do PvP and is a major concern for some of our devs. I do not believe there are currently any quests in the open PvP areas that are required to make progress on the PvE campaign for the new zones.
"These battle zones allow for a more developed PvP progression path for players who are seeking an alternative to the standard PvE content in in Neverwinter. You will be offered the chance to constantly battle your rival faction over Black Ice, and be rewarded for taking out your enemy. This type of progression will involve PvPing in an open-world environment, meaning you will have to stay alert as you complete contracts for your faction."
i have yet to see a game anywhere inpliment anything like this and not attract hoards of griefers. Those guys that love to roflpwn pugs? How do you think they will react when they know those players have to enter the zone to progress?
I am concerned about the new factions and pvp/pve campaign.
Will it be like the GG fiasco or even worse, that is solo content where each individual player can choose a semi-permanent faction and go against his guildies/friends/allies. If the later is the case, it means more bad news for guilds and team players.
This game has been focused since the start in solo content and solo play. Max PvE content is for 5 players, PvP is 5v5, GG PvP 20v20 is a joke. Now it seems that instead of boosting Guild vs Guild and large scale team content in both PvE and PvP, they continue to focus on solo farming content. This makes the game boring and repeatable, takes away the skill element and boosts the farming element. If this is indeed the case, only very casual players will be left in the long run and new/returning players will always be the bulk of the playerbase.
If you want this game to carry on in the long run, we need solid guilds, solid end-game, solid content for team players. If one wants solo experience one can play any mainstream single player RPGs, much better than NW solo content...This is supposed to be an MMO (massive multiplayer online) game...don't forget it...and so far Cryptic didn't deliver in this area.
"Once you select a faction to work for, you will be taking on contracts from the leaders: Bowen Brant, leader of Ten-Towners, and Anara the Cerulean, leader of the Arcane Brotherhood. These contracts, which will differ depending on which faction you are in, will send you off to Icewind Pass and Dwarven Valley to collect Black Ice, fight vicious beasts, and more. It is here where you will encounter mercenaries of the rival faction and must fend off attacks while you complete your own mission." does rather sound like you have to enter greifer heaven to progress in the campaign.
obsiddiaMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,025Arc User
"Once you select a faction to work for, you will be taking on contracts from the leaders: Bowen Brant, leader of Ten-Towners, and Anara the Cerulean, leader of the Arcane Brotherhood. These contracts, which will differ depending on which faction you are in, will send you off to Icewind Pass and Dwarven Valley to collect Black Ice, fight vicious beasts, and more. It is here where you will encounter mercenaries of the rival faction and must fend off attacks while you complete your own mission." does rather sound like you have to enter greifer heaven to progress in the campaign.
Am a bit worried about that. I started with Ultima Online. Once you get beyond bunny
killing, a band of
stand at the choke-point and slaughter everyone. On the
upside, since they don't get to loot everything you own, maybe it'll be less of a
problem. Gonna guess I'll be shifting instances a lot to avoid the uber-lords of death.
Did you really think anyone could steal the power of the god of thieves?
This iconic region has been recreated in Neverwinter, after being the primary location of multiple R.A. Salvatore novels, as well as multiple other video games. (Read More...)
Having already fought off Akar Kessell's army once, the Ten-Towners now try to retain their grasp on the region by using the power of Black Ice. (Read more...)
This new zone is a small fishing town in Icewind Dale, a staging point for those seeking black ice, and the neutral ground in the growing conflict between the Ten-Towners and Arcane Brotherhood. It will serve as the main social hub for all Icewind Dale activities.
Icewind Pass
This treacherous pass is one of the two new zones that will offer both PvP and PvE content to players.
Dwarven Valley
This expansive valley is the second of the two new zones that will offer both PvP and PvE content to players.
Kessell's Retreat
Akar Kessell has returned and has fortified himself in a location high within Kelvin's Cairn, the mountain peak that overlooks all of Icewind Dale.
Black Ice - Lore
Black Ice is a new, extremely valuable resource, that players will be harvesting and fighting over within Icewind Dale. However, it has a dark history.
Black Ice - Harvesting
Black Ice is a new, extremely valuable resource that players will be harvesting and fighting over within Icewind Dale.
Black Ice - Shaping
With this new resource at hand, players will be utilizing a new profession in order to craft spectacular gear.
Black Ice - Gear
Unlike gear of old, Black Ice Gear will have unique properties that allow players to greatly increase their stats bonus, but only temporarily.
PvP Leaderboards & Matchmaking
The matchmaking system has undergone extensive revisions, and will now feature leaderboards so that you can climb the ranks to the most elite combatants in Neverwinter.
PvP Campaign
For the first time ever, Neverwinter will feature a PvP Campaign, which will have daily quests focused on slaying other players, or navigating through dangerous PvP areas for resources.
PvE Campaign
Explore the region with the Icewind Dale campaign by completing new repeatable quests, earning boons, and receiving gifts from the grateful people of Caer-Konig.
New Enemies
As with every update, there will be a new array of enemies to battle, which will require new combat strategies to defeat efficiently. This includes yeti, crag cats, dire bears, the corrupted Hammerstone Clan of dwarves, and the savage Bear Tribe of the Reghed Barbarians.
New Bosses
Along with Akar Kessell, players face the deadly black ice-corrupted beholder, undead giants, and the deadly remorhaz.
Heroic Encounters
Discover new quest encounters that appear as you adventure through Icewind Dale. They range in difficulty from minor encounters for 2 – 3 players to epic battles for a dozen or more!
Mercenary Contracts
There are two new factions being introduced that will serve as the basis of the conflict over Black Ice in Icewind Dale: the local council of Ten-Towners capitalizing on the black ice trade to grow their wealth, and the Arcane Brotherhood who seeks to unlock the mysteries behind the black ice. Each offer temporary contracts to adventurers to further their goals in Icewind Dale.
Arcane Brotherhood
An organization of wizards from Luskan, the Arcane Brotherhood seeks to harvest Black Ice under the claims of academic pursuit.
Hunter Ranger Paragon Path
To join the other classes, the Hunter Ranger will now have a new Paragon Path called the Pathfinder.
Itemization Changes
There will be many changes to items from levels 1 - 60, to make item progression more fun and interesting.
Post-60 Advancement
Once you hit 60, XP that you accumulate will start to provide you with rewards, rather than be lost in a void.
Dungeon Keys
We will be adding dungeons keys to go along with the time-based dungeon delve events, to allow for dungeon delving at your leisure.
so with some new pvp areas, it also will have plenty of pve opportunities... so there is no need to start spreading misinformation about the upcoming module. it should be on the preview shard in the near future for everyone to check out. if you're not sure how to log into the preview shard, check out this thread. :cool:
Maybe when you enter a zone you get an option to choose the pve or pvp version ,until we have more info we don't know , all we do know is the game's producer told us we don't have to pvp to make progress in the pve campaign . Here's what Panderus said when we asked him about pvp/pve in the new module :
We are well aware that some players would be hesitant to be forced to do PvP and is a major concern for some of our devs. I do not believe there are currently any quests in the open PvP areas that are required to make progress on the PvE campaign for the new zones.
Id just like to point out that Panda didn't give an iron clad answer. He clearly left the door a bit open with the whole "I do not believe." Rather then a more simple "No there will not." Granted, this could be a simply cause of covering ones tail and is fairly harmless. But the wording is not all that encouraging.
Those concerned about this have a legitimate worry. And one that should not be simply dismissed. Until we see more concrete info to go off of.
I see a lot of potential problems, depending on how this is handled. Like, if the zone is instanced as normal. What is to prevent players from ganking then switching instances when the odds change? Swapping instances could easily change this from competitive PVP to a game of hide and seek through the instances. Even with the two minute lockout, it could easily become frustrating.
That still reads very much like Black Ice is intended to be the new end game commodity. It also seems to say that it is obtained via missions in PVP areas. This is a dynamic I have seen implimented in many games over the years. And it is universally awful. If they intend to make all the content available without having to enter a combat zone that is fine. but this is the internet and the internet has a lot of ______s. They will exploit it.
I am concerned about the new factions and pvp/pve campaign.
Will it be like the GG fiasco or even worse, that is solo content where each individual player can choose a semi-permanent faction and go against his guildies/friends/allies. If the later is the case, it means more bad news for guilds and team players.
This game has been focused since the start in solo content and solo play. Max PvE content is for 5 players, PvP is 5v5, GG PvP 20v20 is a joke. Now it seems that instead of boosting Guild vs Guild and large scale team content in both PvE and PvP, they continue to focus on solo farming content. This makes the game boring and repeatable, takes away the skill element and boosts the farming element. If this is indeed the case, only very casual players will be left in the long run and new/returning players will always be the bulk of the playerbase.
If you want this game to carry on in the long run, we need solid guilds, solid end-game, solid content for team players. If one wants solo experience one can play any mainstream single player RPGs, much better than NW solo content...This is supposed to be an MMO (massive multiplayer online) game...don't forget it...and so far Cryptic didn't deliver in this area.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but your premise is incorrect. all research shows that the games with longevity are of 2 models.
1.E-Sport Types, with cross marketing and Youtube type broadcasting, this type of game requires a large investment in constant class balancing and large content sink. I.E. Devs are on a constant balance and new shinies! curve.
2. Small Grouping content. 1-3 players and slightly higher (guild type 5-8) content. End game content that requires large groups fades fast, both to disinterest and group gathering dynamics. You simply have a harder and harder time getting 10+ people in the same frame of mind for the same content at the same time of day. PvP only exasperates this due to rage quits, interclass imbalances etc.
Most games that have tried a Guild vs. Guild model have failed miserably (there are a few exceptions) due to 1 or the other guild will be overwhelmingly OP and fewer and fewer guilds will accept a challenge against the dominant guild. It always winds up with 1 guild being the server giant and everyone else not in the gigantoguild dispirited and quitting, shortly thereafter the gigantoguild starts crumbling due to inaction from credible opposition.
The biggest problem are MMO that try and be all to all. They work themselves schitzo trying to cater to the PvP while not peeving the PvEers off, but have enough that the PvPers won't abandon the game. This sometimes leads to VERY bad ideas were games try and meld the 2 together in a attempt to "incourage" the 2 to interact. They put resources that PvEers need into PvP zones, making PvEers grind their teeth and endure PvP HAMSTER, and eventually give it up. (think wintergrasp and other HAMSTER in WoW). They make PvP stuff have to be acquired through PvE content and tick off the PvPers. (think crafted gear and daily grinds etc.)
The single biggest death knell to ANY MMO is daily grinds, deliberate time spaced content to slow players into a time frame. With each expansion they introduce some hitherto unheard of faction, they you HAVE to gain the respect of, to get access to the new shinies. They add dailies to gain that respect, making it into a job, once the fan base has 3 or more game expansions of new grinds they start perceiving the game as a JOB and not a GAME to enjoy and they start wandering for a new MMO fix. Any new player coming into the MMO starts to realize the shear upward climb of grind they must wade through to "catch up" to the old guard, that they don't get invested in the MMO it's simply to daunting for them.
Anyway back to my main point. The most successful MMO are based not on the first M of MMO but on the options of the second M=multiplayer. It's not the "endgame" content that makes the game, nor the "solid guild content" (after all what's a guild other than a cliché? Remember your HS clichés? They were more about who WASN'T in the cliché than who WAS in )
It's the ENJOYABLE JOURNEY to endgame content that makes the MMO (all of which dailies, factions, and interguild drama aren't--enjoyable)
Looks great so far, I like it. I hope the pvp rewards are worth it, and truly hope the devs will give us a dual spec option, along with a pvp character sheet page (kinda sick of the 10g tax when i want to switch between pvp and pve gear using my rank 9s i will of course not buy twice).
LOL @ people complaining about griefing. There are two solutions to "griefing" issues. The first is: don't suck. If you're bad, yes, you may be griefed. The second is: trust the devs to limit that issue. Of course my favourite is the first option, but that doesn't mean the second one can't be worked on.
This looks pretty awesome, looking forward too it as the first Module successor (Mod 2 to Mod 1) showed the Developers learned/evolved their game plan to make it better then the last...
I expect the same for Mod 3, it will be better then Mod 2, as Mod to was better then Mod 1. :cool:
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited March 2014
If PvP and PvE will offer parallel lanes of advancing the campaign, then I will be happy - if I can run some daily quests and, should I so choose, also do some campaign-related PvP quests to speed things along, all the better. If, OTOH, there are certain things that one can only get in PvP or PvE, then I will be upset.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Looks great so far, I like it. I hope the pvp rewards are worth it, and truly hope the devs will give us a dual spec option, along with a pvp character sheet page (kinda sick of the 10g tax when i want to switch between pvp and pve gear using my rank 9s i will of course not buy twice).
LOL @ people complaining about griefing. There are two solutions to "griefing" issues. The first is: don't suck. If you're bad, yes, you may be griefed. The second is: trust the devs to limit that issue. Of course my favourite is the first option, but that doesn't mean the second one can't be worked on.
Due to the imbalance of PVP and the players (either experienced nolifers or new players), it is hard to take your first reasoning seriously.
By the way, I know people will reason that I am stretching the truth and there is a middle class, but guess who are the folks who have several hours a day with nothing to do but to play neverwinter to grief people?
looks like this mod will force a lot of ppl to quit since a lot of ppl do not like forced pvp in zones we need to do for daily quests and also this will mean a lot less new players since when they come to this zone and got owned by overgeard ppl they will just quit and spread the word how this is p2w since they will be just food for op geared trolls if they dont spend so this is very bad idea and will hurt player base a lot
Well said! Two Thumbs UP for you!! I hate PVP, I do it now so I can get the artifact and the companion and the AD quests, but I spend most of my time running off the edge to die in one or three hits by some toon that never becomes visible for me to hit till im dead.
Click banner for the Dragon Dogs Family guild page.
kidcriticusMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 13Arc User
Uh, uh, may want to think twice about that. I have yet to see a game where that works. At least, it seems that it is limited to Lv60, but still, the risk of alienating the vast majority of the playerbase is overwhelming.
Open world PvP - finaly!!! Im sick of 2 domination maps (not counting GG, queue not leting me in these days anyway...)... And for all PvE-only oriented ppl, dont worry , there will be PvE content for sure... And after 2 PvE-only moduls, i think PvPers deserve 1 module that thinks of them bit more, specialy since PvP as it is, is very very poor with diversity, while PvE has many things to do... And if you dont like it, dont play it, no one forcing you, dont use that childish "Ill stop playing" arguments...
There seems to be one new quest hub and 2 new adventure zones so I'm guessing that when you try to enter one of the new zones from the quest hub (Caer Konig) you will be prompted on whether you want to enter the pvp or pve version of the map , I doubt they are going to try to force players to run daily pve quests on a map where they can be hassled by players who want pvp , or maybe they are adding a way to disable pvp for players so on entering the zone you open a character menu and choose to opt out of open world pvp ,whatever it is it'll be interesting to see how they handle it.
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
There seems to be one new quest hub and 2 new adventure zones so I'm guessing that when you try to enter one of the new zones from the quest hub (Caer Konig) you will be prompted on whether you want to enter the pvp or pve version of the map , I doubt they are going to try to force players to run daily pve quests on a map where they can be hassled by players who want pvp , or maybe they are adding a way to disable pvp for players so on entering the zone you open a character menu and choose to opt out of open world pvp ,whatever it is it'll be interesting to see how they handle it.
I think the simpler and more likely method is that certain areas of the maps are the PvP portions. Go into those areas and you get a warning that you are about to be flagged for PvP.
I really hope PWE manages it to balance the rewards in the IWD expansion in regards to PvE and PvP environment.
The latest introduced rewards (artifacts) were in my option not very well balanced. To "earn" a second artifact you have to
* win 20 PvP matches during PvP hour
* loses 60 matches during PvP hour
* grind the daily gauntlet and hope for the best (which might never happen at all)
This setup, I think, lead to the current issue why penalties and a ranking system were introduced.
If in IWD you can also get
* certain object very attractive for PvE certainly after some PvP encounters
* same or comparable items from a PvE grind/marathon/luck encounter
many people will consider this as "forced PvP", which, in fact, it is not.
But it will lead to more ways to obtain certain PvP obtained currencies or tokens, which in turn will make the "real" PvP crowd totally mad at the PvE players, and the PvE players frustrated as well.
To illustrate what I mean:
Today I can buy and use 10000 gloves, run a thousand Lairs and still not have an Eye of Lathander artifact
I can capture 2 points in PvP and campfire sit with my 200 glory. after 100 matches I can CERTAINLY get the Blood Crystal Raven Skull.
(I know that you can today trade in grym coins for glory, this is just an illustration)
This is, at least in the opinion of some players, forced PvP, and what I mean with "unbalanced rewards".
I just ask for equal rewards from PvE and PvP, with approximately the same "work" used, be it PvE or PvP.
I understand that bots are a problem and might be a reason for hard PvE rewards, but please do not hit all manual PvE players just because it is hard to handle automated scripts.
Any thoughts on this?
ad grym coins/glory:
1 coin=50 glory, if you are good you can get in 4 runs in Fardelver Crypt, netting you ~20 coins or 1000 glory in 40 minutes.
whereas if you are lucky in PvP and you roflstomp your opponents or they just afk or quit you get 1000 glory within 5 minutes.
Thats what I also mean with "unbalanced rewards".
Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
I think the simpler and more likely method is that certain areas of the maps are the PvP portions. Go into those areas and you get a warning that you are about to be flagged for PvP.
i do hope so we wont need to pvp for new gear or campaign if we will a lot of ppl would be unhappy and could left game think
Have you actually read any of the other news about the module?
It will offer new PvE content.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Lol it has both a new pvp AND pve campaign ,it is basically the biggest module so far judging by what I have read.
yes 2 new zones and todays blog says pvp will be open in both zones they might be some pve quest in it but no big point when pvp unlocked in whole zones
Being a pure pve player and despising pve, I'd hate to jump into mod 3 only to have a daily or several dailies repeatedly see me murdered by annoying pvp players. I like how the pvp is set up now, it does not interfere with my pve experience. That being said, if I can obtain all the gear and boons without pvping and just ignore it (a la, never accepting any pvp dailies from Neverember or Rhix) I don't mind.
Will also level a TR in advance, stealth could be very beneficial in such an environment to say the least. Beyond simply killing mercenaries of the other faction.
Maybe when you enter a zone you get an option to choose the pve or pvp version ,until we have more info we don't know , all we do know is the game's producer told us we don't have to pvp to make progress in the pve campaign . Here's what Panderus said when we asked him about pvp/pve in the new module :
"These battle zones allow for a more developed PvP progression path for players who are seeking an alternative to the standard PvE content in in Neverwinter. You will be offered the chance to constantly battle your rival faction over Black Ice, and be rewarded for taking out your enemy. This type of progression will involve PvPing in an open-world environment, meaning you will have to stay alert as you complete contracts for your faction."
Will it be like the GG fiasco or even worse, that is solo content where each individual player can choose a semi-permanent faction and go against his guildies/friends/allies. If the later is the case, it means more bad news for guilds and team players.
This game has been focused since the start in solo content and solo play. Max PvE content is for 5 players, PvP is 5v5, GG PvP 20v20 is a joke. Now it seems that instead of boosting Guild vs Guild and large scale team content in both PvE and PvP, they continue to focus on solo farming content. This makes the game boring and repeatable, takes away the skill element and boosts the farming element. If this is indeed the case, only very casual players will be left in the long run and new/returning players will always be the bulk of the playerbase.
If you want this game to carry on in the long run, we need solid guilds, solid end-game, solid content for team players. If one wants solo experience one can play any mainstream single player RPGs, much better than NW solo content...This is supposed to be an MMO (massive multiplayer online) game...don't forget it...and so far Cryptic didn't deliver in this area.
Holy Resurrector and Grand Master of OPUS DEI
Am a bit worried about that. I started with Ultima Online. Once you get beyond bunny
killing, a band of
stand at the choke-point and slaughter everyone. On the
upside, since they don't get to loot everything you own, maybe it'll be less of a
problem. Gonna guess I'll be shifting instances a lot to avoid the uber-lords of death.
so with some new pvp areas, it also will have plenty of pve opportunities... so there is no need to start spreading misinformation about the upcoming module. it should be on the preview shard in the near future for everyone to check out. if you're not sure how to log into the preview shard, check out this thread. :cool:
Id just like to point out that Panda didn't give an iron clad answer. He clearly left the door a bit open with the whole "I do not believe." Rather then a more simple "No there will not." Granted, this could be a simply cause of covering ones tail and is fairly harmless. But the wording is not all that encouraging.
Those concerned about this have a legitimate worry. And one that should not be simply dismissed. Until we see more concrete info to go off of.
I see a lot of potential problems, depending on how this is handled. Like, if the zone is instanced as normal. What is to prevent players from ganking then switching instances when the odds change? Swapping instances could easily change this from competitive PVP to a game of hide and seek through the instances. Even with the two minute lockout, it could easily become frustrating.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but your premise is incorrect. all research shows that the games with longevity are of 2 models.
1.E-Sport Types, with cross marketing and Youtube type broadcasting, this type of game requires a large investment in constant class balancing and large content sink. I.E. Devs are on a constant balance and new shinies! curve.
2. Small Grouping content. 1-3 players and slightly higher (guild type 5-8) content. End game content that requires large groups fades fast, both to disinterest and group gathering dynamics. You simply have a harder and harder time getting 10+ people in the same frame of mind for the same content at the same time of day. PvP only exasperates this due to rage quits, interclass imbalances etc.
Most games that have tried a Guild vs. Guild model have failed miserably (there are a few exceptions) due to 1 or the other guild will be overwhelmingly OP and fewer and fewer guilds will accept a challenge against the dominant guild. It always winds up with 1 guild being the server giant and everyone else not in the gigantoguild dispirited and quitting, shortly thereafter the gigantoguild starts crumbling due to inaction from credible opposition.
The biggest problem are MMO that try and be all to all. They work themselves schitzo trying to cater to the PvP while not peeving the PvEers off, but have enough that the PvPers won't abandon the game. This sometimes leads to VERY bad ideas were games try and meld the 2 together in a attempt to "incourage" the 2 to interact. They put resources that PvEers need into PvP zones, making PvEers grind their teeth and endure PvP HAMSTER, and eventually give it up. (think wintergrasp and other HAMSTER in WoW). They make PvP stuff have to be acquired through PvE content and tick off the PvPers. (think crafted gear and daily grinds etc.)
The single biggest death knell to ANY MMO is daily grinds, deliberate time spaced content to slow players into a time frame. With each expansion they introduce some hitherto unheard of faction, they you HAVE to gain the respect of, to get access to the new shinies. They add dailies to gain that respect, making it into a job, once the fan base has 3 or more game expansions of new grinds they start perceiving the game as a JOB and not a GAME to enjoy and they start wandering for a new MMO fix. Any new player coming into the MMO starts to realize the shear upward climb of grind they must wade through to "catch up" to the old guard, that they don't get invested in the MMO it's simply to daunting for them.
Anyway back to my main point. The most successful MMO are based not on the first M of MMO but on the options of the second M=multiplayer. It's not the "endgame" content that makes the game, nor the "solid guild content" (after all what's a guild other than a cliché? Remember your HS clichés? They were more about who WASN'T in the cliché than who WAS in
It's the ENJOYABLE JOURNEY to endgame content that makes the MMO (all of which dailies, factions, and interguild drama aren't--enjoyable)
LOL @ people complaining about griefing. There are two solutions to "griefing" issues. The first is: don't suck. If you're bad, yes, you may be griefed. The second is: trust the devs to limit that issue. Of course my favourite is the first option, but that doesn't mean the second one can't be worked on.
I expect the same for Mod 3, it will be better then Mod 2, as Mod to was better then Mod 1. :cool:
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Due to the imbalance of PVP and the players (either experienced nolifers or new players), it is hard to take your first reasoning seriously.
By the way, I know people will reason that I am stretching the truth and there is a middle class, but guess who are the folks who have several hours a day with nothing to do but to play neverwinter to grief people?
Well said! Two Thumbs UP for you!! I hate PVP, I do it now so I can get the artifact and the companion and the AD quests, but I spend most of my time running off the edge to die in one or three hits by some toon that never becomes visible for me to hit till im dead.
Click banner for the Dragon Dogs Family guild page.
Uh, uh, may want to think twice about that. I have yet to see a game where that works. At least, it seems that it is limited to Lv60, but still, the risk of alienating the vast majority of the playerbase is overwhelming.
I think the simpler and more likely method is that certain areas of the maps are the PvP portions. Go into those areas and you get a warning that you are about to be flagged for PvP.
The latest introduced rewards (artifacts) were in my option not very well balanced. To "earn" a second artifact you have to
* win 20 PvP matches during PvP hour
* loses 60 matches during PvP hour
* grind the daily gauntlet and hope for the best (which might never happen at all)
This setup, I think, lead to the current issue why penalties and a ranking system were introduced.
If in IWD you can also get
* certain object very attractive for PvE certainly after some PvP encounters
* same or comparable items from a PvE grind/marathon/luck encounter
many people will consider this as "forced PvP", which, in fact, it is not.
But it will lead to more ways to obtain certain PvP obtained currencies or tokens, which in turn will make the "real" PvP crowd totally mad at the PvE players, and the PvE players frustrated as well.
To illustrate what I mean:
Today I can buy and use 10000 gloves, run a thousand Lairs and still not have an Eye of Lathander artifact
I can capture 2 points in PvP and campfire sit with my 200 glory. after 100 matches I can CERTAINLY get the Blood Crystal Raven Skull.
(I know that you can today trade in grym coins for glory, this is just an illustration)
This is, at least in the opinion of some players, forced PvP, and what I mean with "unbalanced rewards".
I just ask for equal rewards from PvE and PvP, with approximately the same "work" used, be it PvE or PvP.
I understand that bots are a problem and might be a reason for hard PvE rewards, but please do not hit all manual PvE players just because it is hard to handle automated scripts.
Any thoughts on this?
ad grym coins/glory:
1 coin=50 glory, if you are good you can get in 4 runs in Fardelver Crypt, netting you ~20 coins or 1000 glory in 40 minutes.
whereas if you are lucky in PvP and you roflstomp your opponents or they just afk or quit you get 1000 glory within 5 minutes.
Thats what I also mean with "unbalanced rewards".
Yeah that could work .