Hello. I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I'll go for it lest that I don't need to open a new topic for it. I played Neverwinter Nights, and I had pretty substantial module in it, though I never managed to make it online. There were some tasks which needed pretty decent scripting, making quests, treasure tables etc. I have come to realize that in Foundry these things have been made alot easier which is amazing. Though, I must say, that the 2D-map in Foundry and the 3D-editing capabilities in the game client are somewhat counter-intuitive. Do you have any future plans to integrate the 3D-editing possibility to Foundry? I am using here as a reference the Aurora Toolset. And I know that this game is made by completely different company than the one which made Neverwinter Nights, but I would assume that people who were active builders on Neverwinter Nights, hearkens back to the Aurora Toolset upon finding out that this game also comes with toolset. And is there going to be a more open possibilities to create items, and monsters? Or was it never even the goal. It seems that Foundry is geared towards creating quests, not content creation.
ootyfastMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 20Arc User
edited October 2013
I have posted several times about several bugs and here we are weeks later and still no
fixes or even updates on known issues about them. I'm a sad little Vegemite.
My last post is only 1 post up from this one so I will just post some screens to show you
One of the bugs that was fixed just before summer festival and has been broken again since then
and this bug is affecting a lot of quests that use the mine type landscape
In the distance is a monster and broken landscape, now you see me,
Now you don't
This bug happens in various shapes and sizes throughout this quest The Trouble With Trolls and
several others including one of mine.
This screeny is right at the start of the quest and is supposed to be the entrance to a tunnel.
So there is the problem showin in screenies for you and is obvious to see if you go and play
the quest. Please please please please get a fix in for this.
I've been having this issue when I go to play my mission after editing it, this "Internal error when trying to play map" message keeps coming up and wont let me pass.
I've tried,
- Closing and reopening the project
- Restarting the game
- Trying to run a separate mission (they worked yet I didn't stay long to see if that message would start showing up on it)
- I even tried duplicating the mission which seemed to work until about 5 minutes later when that message would come back on the new mission.
What can I do to fix this? Is it the game glitching?
I've been having this issue when I go to play my mission after editing it, this "Internal error when trying to play map" message keeps coming up and wont let me pass.
I've tried,
- Closing and reopening the project
- Restarting the game
- Trying to run a separate mission (they worked yet I didn't stay long to see if that message would start showing up on it)
- I even tried duplicating the mission which seemed to work until about 5 minutes later when that message would come back on the new mission.
What can I do to fix this? Is it the game glitching?
This might be because you have gone beyond the resource budget. There is an undocumented limit on resource use across all maps, I am not sure what it is.
I have 30 completed achievements showing in my foundry authoring achievements tab:
1)Astral Sea I: publish a quest which receives above a 3-star rating with more than 25 reviews
2)Astral Sea II: publish 5 quests which receives above a 3-star rating with more than 25 reviews
3)Astral Sea III: publish 10 quests which have all received a 3-star rating and each have more than 25 reviews
4)Celestial: get a total of 100,000 stars across all of your quests
5)Fan Powered I: receive your first tip of any value
6)Fan Powered II: receive 10 separate tip transactions
7)Fan Powered III: receive 100 tips of the maximum allowed for Astral Diamonds
8)Featured I: Own a quest which becomes 'Featured'
9)Featured II: Own 2 quests that have been 'Featured'
10)First Time: publish your first quest
11)Foundry Apprentice: dungeon master rank 2
12)Foundry Artifex: dungeon master rank 6
13)Foundry Expert I: publish 3 quests which have all recieved a 4-star average and each have more than 25 reviews
14)Foundry Expert II: publish 5 quests which have all received a 4-start average and each have more than 25 reviews
15)Foundry Graduate: dungeon master rank 3
16)Foundry Grand Master: dungeon master rank 8
17)Foundry Journeyman: dungeon master rank 5
18)Foundry Master: dungeon master rank 7
19)Foundry Master I: publish 2 quests that each have more than 75 total stars
20)Foundry Master II: publish 3 quests that each have more than 150 total stars
21)Foundry Master III: publish 5 quests that each have more than 250 total stars
22)Foundry Master IV: publish 10 quests that each have over 250 total stars
23)Foundry Neophyte: dungeon master rank 1
24)Foundry Stalwart: dungeon master rank 4
25)Going the Distance: publish a quest that gets 20 non-beta reviews
26)Heavenly: get a total of 25,000 stars across all of your quests
27)Moonstar: dungeon master rank 10
28)Moonstar Agent:dungeon master rank 9
29)Starred: get a total of 2,500 stars across all of your quests
30)Too Big to Fail: earn more than 1,000,000 astral diamonds in tips
In order to get all these you must also do every foundry community achievement.
I suppose you could say the getting 'Featured II' is the hardest part, since it requires Cryptic to feature a quest of yours two times. I accomplished this by entering the foundry contests. I encourage you to do this, as it is lots of fun.
The next hardest part (for me) was "Reviewer IV" where you have to review 250 beta quests. This was an unbelievable grind. You can only get credit for 4 (i think) a day, so get crackin', and tip the max for each one!
Finally, you have to get "Its a Habit" which entails reviewing at least one quest every day consecutively for something like eternity.
Ok, wth? I left until Shadowmantle was introduced in hope that they will fix the search/tab system. They didn't. Fine. They added the assets I wanted for a very long time - the dome roof, so yay, I get back to working on my foundry.
And then I notice the missing assets.
With foundry being ignored as it is, what are the chances that we will have that fixed any time soon?
Ok, wth? I left until Shadowmantle was introduced in hope that they will fix the search/tab system. They didn't. Fine. They added the assets I wanted for a very long time - the dome roof, so yay, I get back to working on my foundry.
And then I notice the missing assets.
With foundry being ignored as it is, what are the chances that we will have that fixed any time soon?
I'm also wondering if they fixed the <sound> bugs cause I know I have put some in and even when I go into play testing it I hear nothing. I get all the default sounds like fighting and stuff but like environmental sounds I get nothing. It feels like watching a silent movie or something. And lately it seems like you see no new reports about what's going on with The Foundry. I'm really thankful for all the newer content like the kits which does help populating your maps so much easier and faster but lets get the other stuff fixed as well or at least a report that they are still aware of this and they are working on it. Once a week would be nice if it's twice a month. I know they are busy but just one or two sentences telling us they know about it and they are STILL working on it.
I am having an issue in the foundry on 2 of my 3 PCs. (I cant even log on to NWR with the desktop. The game crashes right after the launcher is done and it switches to the Cryptic Studios load page, so thats a whole other issue. STO plays just fine on it.) When I am editing a story dialog and try to give a particular response a condition (objective complete, objective in progress), instead of the choose objective button and a map like what it had been, now all the sudden something blinks on the screen, way too fast to read, I get a task notification saying I need to fulfill the requirements of said condition like normal, but the pop up window for that dialog doesnt allow me to add the condition anymore. I have the "enable when", the four condition types (Never, Immediately, Objective Complet, Objective in Progress) with an "Add Objective" button below that. I can hit that button all day long and all I get are more tasks instead of the window to pick my objective. There is no longer the "Click to choose objective" button. It used to be there and worked just fine.
I got this plus an additional issue on my gaming pc on the same day. I have uninstalled arc, STO, and NWR, then reinstalled everything just to try. Sometimes logging off and back on helps and its ok for a few minutes then goes back to this issue. Sometimes rebooting helps but also not for long. It always goes back to the pick a component spot missing and no window to pick components from. I have two test quests and it works just the same on both.
If i am in editing a regular contact NPC dialog, someone not in the story, I can always set any condition I want and it works just fine. It is only story dialog related. Did something change I didnt know about? Is there a simple setting? Or am I just totally hosed and not gonna ever be able to make a foundry quest?
The other issue besides this one that I am having on my gaming PC is new pop up windows not covering old pop up windows. If I am adding a marker for a trigger for example, on top of my map where I am trying to pick the marker is the previous window that led me to the map. I end up with several overlapping windows all in the way of each other and its a bit frustrating. Any cure for this besides dont make foundry quests?
Update to my last post, I forgot that I get the overlapping window issue on the laptop but only with a condition setting in the dialog editor. What happens is, i click on a condition for the text to happen, i do get the options but that drop down menu where the options are is actually behind the main pop up window. So I have to guess where the option is and click on a blank spot. Its not a huge issue but sure is frustrating.
I cannot create a new topic due to probationary period after creating my account, so I decided to post here. Hopefully I will get a response.
Every time I try to play test my map, it says Error testing map. I am well within the resource limits and it didnt start doing this till about 4 days ago. It is quite annoying. Every so often I get a disconnect from server message afterwards also. I am not sure what is going on here. Could someone please point me in the right direction about what to do? Thank you in advance.
really need some help withthis. it is seriously pissing me off... i am ready to give up.
EDIT: created a new map, left it blank with just a spawn point. still the same thing. causes error and doesnt load, and disconnects me.
EDIT 2: deleted all of the doors, NPCs, and details. everything worked smooth. So i decided to test exactly which ones were making it crash. NPCs are fine. Doors are fine also. I deleted certain sections of details until i narrowed it down to a few rooms. now I get to see which ones are exactly doing it. Nobody knows how tedious this is considering i have to wait forever for it to error out, then disconnect, then relog on, reopen map and test other details...
will pin point it soon and maybe this will help anyone who is having the same problems in the future.
is it possibly too many details in one room that your pc cant handle? i am by no means a pc expert but i do know the more detail the graphics card has to handle, the slower they get till they crash. i have never had that issue within the foundry so i cant be of much help. the fact that you had a blank map and it did it sure is odd however. that would be one for the tech team i think.
I just downloaded CEP 2.4 and I can't believe all the new content. NWN is BETTER than any role playing game on the markey today. Hard to believe after twelve years no one has made a better...
is it possibly too many details in one room that your pc cant handle? i am by no means a pc expert but i do know the more detail the graphics card has to handle, the slower they get till they crash. i have never had that issue within the foundry so i cant be of much help. the fact that you had a blank map and it did it sure is odd however. that would be one for the tech team i think.
I have it figured out but it puzzles me to no end. I removed 3 blank room builder rooms and replaced them with dungeon builder ones of the same size (3x3) and even used the same amount & type of doors. It worked. I put the room builder rooms back, and had the errors. I dont understand this because I have other room builder rooms in the map. Is there a limit to how many you can place? This also seemed to completely screw up the entire quest and the other maps I had in the quest, even if the others were blank.
Glad ya figured it out more or less but that is odd for sure. I had made a foundry quest where I took 4 of the large room builder rooms and made one extremely large room out of them. I then used dungeon builder kits for the walls, floor, and ceiling all with no issues. That makes me wonder if someone will have issues playing the quest. I dont believe it is a max room builder limitation. I know that doesnt help but its somewhat of an answer at least.
Hello, A little new here, but not to level design, game assets or game design.
question: this whole forum thread looking for more information about the bug with cave entrances.
Could anyone point me in the right direction?
I have an issue when trying to place them that multiple ones appear. That was weird but I was thinking it was an an entrance and exit sort of set up. I can place each one independently, but when I run the level they jump to the same spot somewhere between the two and up in the air. Very strange.
It seems to be a known bug, but I haven't been able to find any solutions for it.
Any help would be appreciated.
ladysakotaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2014
Just dropping in to add to bug reports, I encountered the room builder bug myself. I had a map of 13 of the rooms, I needed to test a idea so duplicated the map, after that all my maps refused to load, and disconnected me. Upon removing the extra map, I can get it now, but still with extreme load times (I assume the 13 rooms still causing problems). This problem really messed with the quest I was working on now since I can't switch to dungeon builder rooms with my idea ;/ Guess I gotta use my brain again!
Edit: Just removed all builder rooms but 1, load times are normal now. Gotta test the "Max" in little
Update: In my personal test, anything above 10 slows down loading exponentially, managed to get to 23 but load times gone up to point I was sure the game had given up. So I'm going to set my personal max at 13 that being fully used only if I feel like making the players learn a little patience.
I did submit this on bug report forum, but there has been no reply, so I'll try my luck here.
I do have two quests published - "A wayward child" and "The absence of light". The thing is, unless I search for the specific title, "Absence" does not show up in my author's tag. If I search by my handle, I only see "Wayward child". "Absence" is kinda gone, no one can see it unless they look for the specific title.
I can see the "Showing 1 of 2 results" message on the bottom of the window pop-up (and yes, I don't have "Hide played" checked). Clicking "more by this author" also doesn't do anything.
I understand that quests go into the 'void' after they leave 'new' tab, but they should still be searchable by my user handle.
Is there a way to submit a ticket or something, to get this fixed? It's really annoying me - I will be posting second part to that quest soon and it will be weird if the second part lists okay and the first is still gone.
I did submit this on bug report forum, but there has been no reply, so I'll try my luck here.
. . . Bug reports do not get responses as they do not go to Support, they go to the Developers. The Bug Reporting forum is just an extension for players to submit Bug Reports. This doesn't mean that you'll get a response. If you want a response from Support, you'll need to file a Support Ticket (or "GM Help" in game) instead of submitting it as a Bug Report. "Report" = a report, while "Ticket" = something that needs a response.
how long is the probationary period? I've made the account like 2 weeks before.
. . . New Forum User probation on making new threads? It's approximately 1-2 weeks. If you mean foundry access in-game, then all you need to do is get a character to level 15 on your account to unlock the Foundry.
Q: I have 2 maps in my quest, the quest ends on the 2nd map, however, when it ends the dialog comes up "Press F to leave <Name of Map 1>"
Is there a way to make the name of the map you are actually on appear there properly?
A: To answer my own question, the text lives in the final map transition at the end of the story tab.
. . . If you have the map's name set up correctly, it should show there. It might not show up while in the Foundry Editor though, you may need to publish it and play-test it live to see if it works correctly.
Just dropping in to add to bug reports, I encountered the room builder bug myself. I had a map of 13 of the rooms, I needed to test a idea so duplicated the map, after that all my maps refused to load, and disconnected me. Upon removing the extra map, I can get it now, but still with extreme load times (I assume the 13 rooms still causing problems). This problem really messed with the quest I was working on now since I can't switch to dungeon builder rooms with my idea ;/ Guess I gotta use my brain again!
Edit: Just removed all builder rooms but 1, load times are normal now. Gotta test the "Max" in little
Update: In my personal test, anything above 10 slows down loading exponentially, managed to get to 23 but load times gone up to point I was sure the game had given up. So I'm going to set my personal max at 13 that being fully used only if I feel like making the players learn a little patience.
. . . Please submit this as an actual bug report, this thread isn't for bug reports and any posted here may not be seen by the Developers.
I'm not totally sure if this is the right place for this, so if it is not, I would appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction:
In the Foundry Editor, when I am placing assets in 2d mode it does not place them in the spot I drag them to, but rather a few spaces down and to the right. This doesn't stop me from using it, but it is an annoyance, and makes it take longer, as I have to guess what spot will put it in the "right" place.
Not entierly sure this is the right place (maybe I should post to bug forum or submit a ticket) but I would like to know if it's a common bug or not. Wasn't 100% sure before I got featured but now I am - I do not seem to get any progress on the 'get max tip 100 times' achievement. It's stuck on 12/100. I even tested it out on my alt account to know for sure and nope, it doesn't add. Tips are not really important, but it kind of sucks it takes away a relatievly easy authoring achievement.
We can create events when character reaches a map spot but is it possible to create events when an NPC does?
Mi intention is to create a sort of race against time. If the npc is faster then you in completing the path, you lose and loads of mobs appear.
We can create events when character reaches a map spot but is it possible to create events when an NPC does?
Mi intention is to create a sort of race against time. If the npc is faster then you in completing the path, you lose and loads of mobs appear.
There is probably some kind of workaround with a timer. Is this an NPC who would be side by side with you, like in a footrace along a track, or an enemy taking an alternate path to the same end-point?
I know you can have an NPC or encounter set to patrol a certain route at a certain speed, and you can have friendly encounters, and enemy encounters fight each other. The death of one or the other can be used as a "component complete" trigger for events. I you might be able to jury-rig something up that works.
The in-game foundry catalog is bugged. It often does not display the reviews left by people who have played through the quest (instead saying "no reviews" when it's received 5 or 6) and at least once it has displayed reviews that did not belong to it at all.
It showed 3 reviews on my quest "The Dragon has 3 Heads...or 5..." before I had a single play. And while the content of these reviews were vaguely similar (references to dragonlings), they offered no specifics to prove that they were actually about MY quest. They disappeared after a couple days, and haven't been seen since, but my issues with unreliably displaying the REAL reviews persist.
I noticed a new bug after the latest patch. My NPCs set to follow stop doing so after moving about 20' in the 3D editor (haven't tried publishing it to see if it happens live). This didn't occur before the v11195 release, so I submitted a bug report. Is this happening to anyone else? Anyone know a work around?
What changed at that 20' point, if anything? I noticed in the 3D editor that there was a room he (a friendly encounter, not technically an NPC) would not enter with me, and also he would not enter a water-pool with me, or pass over a trap (it covered the whole span of the passage, so that was where his journey ended for the quest).
What changed at that 20' point, if anything? I noticed in the 3D editor that there was a room he (a friendly encounter, not technically an NPC) would not enter with me, and also he would not enter a water-pool with me, or pass over a trap (it covered the whole span of the passage, so that was where his journey ended for the quest).
Nothing, it's the same encounters since before the patch (when they last worked). 3 different NPCs at different locations/situations with follows and all stop after walking 20'. None of them have anything preventing them from following. I noticed encounters past 20' also don't attack when they used to. Maybe their vision range changed?
Resolved a few cases where enemies could not find a path to players ins some rare cases.
Yay! Looks like this resolved the problem of NPCs not following in the Foundry as well, and enemies not attacking. The fix is not 100% (there's still some places they won't follow though no obstruction is present between the PC and NPC and there's a small lag time before they see the player again if he/she returns to them), but it's better than not following at all after 20'.
I have posted several times about several bugs and here we are weeks later and still no
fixes or even updates on known issues about them.
My last post is only 1 post up from this one so I will just post some screens to show you
One of the bugs that was fixed just before summer festival and has been broken again since then
and this bug is affecting a lot of quests that use the mine type landscape
In the distance is a monster and broken landscape, now you see me,
Now you don't
This bug happens in various shapes and sizes throughout this quest The Trouble With Trolls and
several others including one of mine.
This screeny is right at the start of the quest and is supposed to be the entrance to a tunnel.
So there is the problem showin in screenies for you and is obvious to see if you go and play
the quest. Please please please please get a fix in for this.
Ootyfast Tearaway
I've tried,
- Closing and reopening the project
- Restarting the game
- Trying to run a separate mission (they worked yet I didn't stay long to see if that message would start showing up on it)
- I even tried duplicating the mission which seemed to work until about 5 minutes later when that message would come back on the new mission.
What can I do to fix this? Is it the game glitching?
1)Astral Sea I: publish a quest which receives above a 3-star rating with more than 25 reviews
2)Astral Sea II: publish 5 quests which receives above a 3-star rating with more than 25 reviews
3)Astral Sea III: publish 10 quests which have all received a 3-star rating and each have more than 25 reviews
4)Celestial: get a total of 100,000 stars across all of your quests
5)Fan Powered I: receive your first tip of any value
6)Fan Powered II: receive 10 separate tip transactions
7)Fan Powered III: receive 100 tips of the maximum allowed for Astral Diamonds
8)Featured I: Own a quest which becomes 'Featured'
9)Featured II: Own 2 quests that have been 'Featured'
10)First Time: publish your first quest
11)Foundry Apprentice: dungeon master rank 2
12)Foundry Artifex: dungeon master rank 6
13)Foundry Expert I: publish 3 quests which have all recieved a 4-star average and each have more than 25 reviews
14)Foundry Expert II: publish 5 quests which have all received a 4-start average and each have more than 25 reviews
15)Foundry Graduate: dungeon master rank 3
16)Foundry Grand Master: dungeon master rank 8
17)Foundry Journeyman: dungeon master rank 5
18)Foundry Master: dungeon master rank 7
19)Foundry Master I: publish 2 quests that each have more than 75 total stars
20)Foundry Master II: publish 3 quests that each have more than 150 total stars
21)Foundry Master III: publish 5 quests that each have more than 250 total stars
22)Foundry Master IV: publish 10 quests that each have over 250 total stars
23)Foundry Neophyte: dungeon master rank 1
24)Foundry Stalwart: dungeon master rank 4
25)Going the Distance: publish a quest that gets 20 non-beta reviews
26)Heavenly: get a total of 25,000 stars across all of your quests
27)Moonstar: dungeon master rank 10
28)Moonstar Agent:dungeon master rank 9
29)Starred: get a total of 2,500 stars across all of your quests
30)Too Big to Fail: earn more than 1,000,000 astral diamonds in tips
In order to get all these you must also do every foundry community achievement.
I suppose you could say the getting 'Featured II' is the hardest part, since it requires Cryptic to feature a quest of yours two times. I accomplished this by entering the foundry contests. I encourage you to do this, as it is lots of fun.
The next hardest part (for me) was "Reviewer IV" where you have to review 250 beta quests. This was an unbelievable grind. You can only get credit for 4 (i think) a day, so get crackin', and tip the max for each one!
Finally, you have to get "Its a Habit" which entails reviewing at least one quest every day consecutively for something like eternity.
And then I notice the missing assets.
With foundry being ignored as it is, what are the chances that we will have that fixed any time soon?
Now featured!
'A wayward child' is currently taken down for upgrades
I'm also wondering if they fixed the <sound> bugs cause I know I have put some in and even when I go into play testing it I hear nothing. I get all the default sounds like fighting and stuff but like environmental sounds I get nothing. It feels like watching a silent movie or something. And lately it seems like you see no new reports about what's going on with The Foundry. I'm really thankful for all the newer content like the kits which does help populating your maps so much easier and faster but lets get the other stuff fixed as well or at least a report that they are still aware of this and they are working on it. Once a week would be nice if it's twice a month. I know they are busy but just one or two sentences telling us they know about it and they are STILL working on it.
I got this plus an additional issue on my gaming pc on the same day. I have uninstalled arc, STO, and NWR, then reinstalled everything just to try. Sometimes logging off and back on helps and its ok for a few minutes then goes back to this issue. Sometimes rebooting helps but also not for long. It always goes back to the pick a component spot missing and no window to pick components from. I have two test quests and it works just the same on both.
If i am in editing a regular contact NPC dialog, someone not in the story, I can always set any condition I want and it works just fine. It is only story dialog related. Did something change I didnt know about? Is there a simple setting? Or am I just totally hosed and not gonna ever be able to make a foundry quest?
The other issue besides this one that I am having on my gaming PC is new pop up windows not covering old pop up windows. If I am adding a marker for a trigger for example, on top of my map where I am trying to pick the marker is the previous window that led me to the map. I end up with several overlapping windows all in the way of each other and its a bit frustrating. Any cure for this besides dont make foundry quests?
Thanks for the help!
Every time I try to play test my map, it says Error testing map. I am well within the resource limits and it didnt start doing this till about 4 days ago. It is quite annoying. Every so often I get a disconnect from server message afterwards also. I am not sure what is going on here. Could someone please point me in the right direction about what to do? Thank you in advance.
EDIT: created a new map, left it blank with just a spawn point. still the same thing. causes error and doesnt load, and disconnects me.
EDIT 2: deleted all of the doors, NPCs, and details. everything worked smooth. So i decided to test exactly which ones were making it crash. NPCs are fine. Doors are fine also. I deleted certain sections of details until i narrowed it down to a few rooms. now I get to see which ones are exactly doing it. Nobody knows how tedious this is considering i have to wait forever for it to error out, then disconnect, then relog on, reopen map and test other details...
will pin point it soon and maybe this will help anyone who is having the same problems in the future.
Ooops, wrong forums, cya!
question: this whole forum thread looking for more information about the bug with cave entrances.
Could anyone point me in the right direction?
I have an issue when trying to place them that multiple ones appear. That was weird but I was thinking it was an an entrance and exit sort of set up. I can place each one independently, but when I run the level they jump to the same spot somewhere between the two and up in the air. Very strange.
It seems to be a known bug, but I haven't been able to find any solutions for it.
Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: Just removed all builder rooms but 1, load times are normal now. Gotta test the "Max" in little
Update: In my personal test, anything above 10 slows down loading exponentially, managed to get to 23 but load times gone up to point I was sure the game had given up. So I'm going to set my personal max at 13 that being fully used only if I feel like making the players learn a little patience.
Is there a way to make the name of the map you are actually on appear there properly?
A: To answer my own question, the text lives in the final map transition at the end of the story tab.
Now featured!
'A wayward child' is currently taken down for upgrades
. . . I'd strongly suggest to resubmit your posted issue as a GM Help ticket in game or through the Support Site (or by email at customerservice@perfectworld.com).
. . . New Forum User probation on making new threads? It's approximately 1-2 weeks. If you mean foundry access in-game, then all you need to do is get a character to level 15 on your account to unlock the Foundry.
. . . If you have the map's name set up correctly, it should show there. It might not show up while in the Foundry Editor though, you may need to publish it and play-test it live to see if it works correctly.
. . . Please submit this as an actual bug report, this thread isn't for bug reports and any posted here may not be seen by the Developers.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
In the Foundry Editor, when I am placing assets in 2d mode it does not place them in the spot I drag them to, but rather a few spaces down and to the right. This doesn't stop me from using it, but it is an annoyance, and makes it take longer, as I have to guess what spot will put it in the "right" place.
Now featured!
'A wayward child' is currently taken down for upgrades
Mi intention is to create a sort of race against time. If the npc is faster then you in completing the path, you lose and loads of mobs appear.
I know you can have an NPC or encounter set to patrol a certain route at a certain speed, and you can have friendly encounters, and enemy encounters fight each other. The death of one or the other can be used as a "component complete" trigger for events. I you might be able to jury-rig something up that works.
It showed 3 reviews on my quest "The Dragon has 3 Heads...or 5..." before I had a single play. And while the content of these reviews were vaguely similar (references to dragonlings), they offered no specifics to prove that they were actually about MY quest. They disappeared after a couple days, and haven't been seen since, but my issues with unreliably displaying the REAL reviews persist.
Also be sure to check out my DeviantArt page!
Nothing, it's the same encounters since before the patch (when they last worked). 3 different NPCs at different locations/situations with follows and all stop after walking 20'. None of them have anything preventing them from following. I noticed encounters past 20' also don't attack when they used to. Maybe their vision range changed?
Also be sure to check out my DeviantArt page!
Yay! Looks like this resolved the problem of NPCs not following in the Foundry as well, and enemies not attacking. The fix is not 100% (there's still some places they won't follow though no obstruction is present between the PC and NPC and there's a small lag time before they see the player again if he/she returns to them), but it's better than not following at all after 20'.
Also be sure to check out my DeviantArt page!