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Trickster Rogue PvE Executioner Build.



  • nukainotasnukainotas Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hey, esteena, i want to thank you for your guide, it helped me a lot to undestand my TR.

    It's not completely clear to me what crit rating should a TR of this build aim for? As i understand now, the priority is this:

    1. Armor penetration (24%)
    2. Critical strike (?how much?)
    3. Recovery 2900 (or 1900 with 4/4 Swash)
    4. Then stack Power

    Is that correct?

    Some say the more crit rating is needed widh each higher Vorpal enchancement rank, so what crit rating should one aim for with Perfect Vorpal?

    Also would you mind updating your guide with new Dread Ring boons and other module 2 stuff?

    And since companions now have passive bonuses (or whatever it is called), what is best companion for a TR now? A Cat maybe? :)
  • esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited December 2013
    nukainotas wrote: »
    Hey, esteena, i want to thank you for your guide, it helped me a lot to undestand my TR.

    It's not completely clear to me what crit rating should a TR of this build aim for? As i understand now, the priority is this:

    1. Armor penetration (24%)
    2. Critical strike (?how much?)
    3. Recovery 2900 (or 1900 with 4/4 Swash)
    4. Then stack Power

    Is that correct?

    Some say the more crit rating is needed widh each higher Vorpal enchancement rank, so what crit rating should one aim for with Perfect Vorpal?

    Also would you mind updating your guide with new Dread Ring boons and other module 2 stuff?

    And since companions now have passive bonuses (or whatever it is called), what is best companion for a TR now? A Cat maybe? :)

    Hello nukainotas,

    Yes the stats are correct :). You don't need to worry about crit stat since you will get more than enough from your swash. You really dont need to slot any azure on offense slots.

    I still didn't manage to go deep with Dread ring boons, i want to test them all first before i update the guide with them. However, i would go with whatever keep my stats balanced and not above the soft cap.

    For example, since my armor pen is capped i would go with the power boon instead of the armor pen boon etc. So for boons that add stats, you should first check if you stats are capped or not and choose your boons accordingly :).

    About companions, Stone gives more stats thats why i went with it for the augment.

    For the active bonuses, i would go with the ones that gives more damage and crit severity. Check that thread started by dardove and choose what you like :


    I will try to update the thread when i get most of the boons and know their internal CDs and mechanism.
  • ximaeximae Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    They made a delay on casting Dazing Strike. For an unknown reason lol.

    its not a delay, coz if ur not doing anything it shoots off fine, they have disabled it being able to interrupt other animations like DF so u got to wait for it to finish and then click it coz it has also lost the buffer where u could hit the button while something else was in animation and it would fire off just as it finished.... So yeah it requires more babysitting now.

    For example, since my armor pen is capped i would go with the power boon instead of the armor pen boon etc. So for boons that add stats, you should first check if you stats are capped or not and choose your boons accordingly .

    sound advice, but here is a little twist to it for stuff ur capping with more expensive enchants (darks). U can max out ur lantern artifact (+300 arp) and get the arpen boon (+250) = +550arp and switch out 3 r7 darks (-555 arp) for r7 radiants (+555 power).

    so u stay at the cap, gain 550 power and gain some ad from the dark to radiant transition.
  • esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited December 2013
    ximae wrote: »
    its not a delay, coz if ur not doing anything it shoots off fine, they have disabled it being able to interrupt other animations like DF so u got to wait for it to finish and then click it coz it has also lost the buffer where u could hit the button while something else was in animation and it would fire off just as it finished.... So yeah it requires more babysitting now.

    I hate it. Can't make quick rotations with it anymore. I got 180~200 ms latency so that makes it even worse for me.

    ximae wrote: »
    sound advice, but here is a little twist to it for stuff ur capping with more expensive enchants (darks). U can max out ur lantern artifact (+300 arp) and get the arpen boon (+250) = +550arp and switch out 3 r7 darks (-555 arp) for r7 radiants (+555 power).

    so u stay at the cap, gain 550 power and gain some ad from the dark to radiant transition.

    Well cost wise, maxing out lantern is soooo much more expensive than slotting darks...but stat wise, yeah it is better.
  • ximaeximae Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    I hate it. Can't make quick rotations with it anymore. I got 180~200 ms latency so that makes it even worse for me.

    I can feel u, specially if u play with higher latency. its rather annoying not being sure if it fired off until u see it go on cooldown specially when ur in the middle of a bunched up group of mobs.
    Well cost wise, maxing out lantern is soooo much more expensive than slotting darks...but stat wise, yeah it is better.

    well yeah the example is taken to the max, getting any artifact to legendary is gona be very expensive but its something to work to once uve gotten ur perfect and r7-8s. specially considering it is a much better investment than upgrading ur enchants further, which will be even more expensive if ur doing them all.

    But u can get the idea, take the 250 arp boon (inexpensive) + lantern to a blue level that gives u 120 arp ( not too expensive either) and its 2 r7 darks u can remove from the stone to change to radiants.

    Dunno maybe its me, but the 3% deflect severity alternative to the arp boon doesnt sound very appealing (75% dr to 78% dr) specially when i dont stack practically any deflect. Honestly if u want to take a defensive boon there ur probably better off taking the arp and switching it for pure defense as those 250 defense is something around 3% dr.... all the time, including after the deflect severity damage reduction.

    edit: anyways im still working on it 2 lvls to epic lantern (when i get another **** mark of power) and still plenty of days till i can get my 3rd boon. But my stats right now are looking pretty sweet.

    5k power
    3.5k crit
    2.57k arp
    1.95k rec

    1250 ls
    1850 defense
  • esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited December 2013
    ximae wrote: »
    I can feel u, specially if u play with higher latency. its rather annoying not being sure if it fired off until u see it go on cooldown specially when ur in the middle of a bunched up group of mobs.

    well yeah the example is taken to the max, getting any artifact to legendary is gona be very expensive but its something to work to once uve gotten ur perfect and r7-8s. specially considering it is a much better investment than upgrading ur enchants further, which will be even more expensive if ur doing them all.

    But u can get the idea, take the 250 arp boon (inexpensive) + lantern to a blue level that gives u 120 arp ( not too expensive either) and its 2 r7 darks u can remove from the stone to change to radiants.

    Dunno maybe its me, but the 3% deflect severity alternative to the arp boon doesnt sound very appealing (75% dr to 78% dr) specially when i dont stack practically any deflect. Honestly if u want to take a defensive boon there ur probably better off taking the arp and switching it for pure defense as those 250 defense is something around 3% dr.... all the time, including after the deflect severity damage reduction.

    edit: anyways im still working on it 2 lvls to epic lantern (when i get another **** mark of power) and still plenty of days till i can get my 3rd boon. But my stats right now are looking pretty sweet.

    5k power
    3.5k crit
    2.57k arp
    1.95k rec

    1250 ls
    1850 defense

    Ohh you mean it like that. Yah i was thinking about swapping out 1 rank 8 dark from my char and take the 250 armor pen boon. Perhaps i can swap my cleaving ring too on the stone to keep the armor pen @ the soft cap.

    That's a good idea thanks :).
  • notbizzynotbizzy Member Posts: 170 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    esteena wrote: »
    Ohh you mean it like that. Yah i was thinking about swapping out 1 rank 8 dark from my char and take the 250 armor pen boon. Perhaps i can swap my cleaving ring too on the stone to keep the armor pen @ the soft cap.

    That's a good idea thanks :).

    ^ Being soooooooooo lazy with TR.
    PvE Perfects CW - NotBizzy
    PvP GWF - BizzyBedBug
    PvE GF (salvaged)
    PvE TR (salvaged)
    GWF PvP/CW PvE @ http://www.twitch.tv/bizzyplusplus/
  • esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited December 2013
    I have added your suggestion on the OP Ximae, keep up the good ideas mate :).

    @bizzy, you can thank cryptic for that :P
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5XliNcu9SQ and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30Nq7uJSe1k.....Let me know about your opinion or have u seen any tr can still do like that since module 2 came out..if yes i would nt think anyone can live long in pvp..or mayb im just a newbie so this is my opinion only..so pls anyone can let me know
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    And can anyone point out what race is that curse guy using..i know kalkyom rogue is using wood elf race but what about that curse?it seem to me that his race is hafling or am i wrong? Does anyone know?
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    And i am curious why tr need to up dex/str and not dex/cha? Sorry for too many question asking can someone experience ansser all my above qustion? I will be very appreciated...thank
  • esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited December 2013
    Hello ottoarc,

    this build/thread is about PvE executioner TRs.

    The builds you are seeing in the videos are PvP ones at which i have minimal experience about since i mainly played PvE on my TR. I suggest for you heading to one of the threads discussing theory crafting about PvP TRs and you may find the best answers there concerning that matter.

    About your question concerning STR /DEX it is because STR gives as a % increase to our total damage and DEX gives us a direct % to our crit chance.

    The bonus damage you get from CHA when you deal Combat advantage damage is not additive, hence why it is useless for PvE.

    According to this post:
    freehugs9 wrote: »
    Sorry I should have written Combat Advantage Damage there, Flanking is what the combat log calls it. Fixed!

    Combat Advantage Damage = AbilitiesDamage*(1+0.15*StatBonus)

    I have 21 Charisma and I'm getting maybe 1% extra DPS from that supposed 11% bonus to Combat Advantage damage. Disappointing isn't it? CA is not useless, it's about 15% more damage, but the CA boost from Charisma sucks e.g. 15% x 11% = 16.65%
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Dont really understand the math
  • ironfist82ironfist82 Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2013
    ottoarc you may want to know those video are out of date and they were TRs b4 tons of nerf, in the present TR cant hunt down ppl like that easy due to new model offers various way to boost HP in instance (Soulforge, artifact, etc.), my opinion is TR should focus more on keep in stealth, in other words survival and keep harass enemy's base, and kill your opponent in 1v1 or 1v2 situation. Kalkyon's video is not a good guide for new TR, and I'm really sure with those powers gear set and feats he carries, even he can kill one or two opponent like that, he DIE a lot.

    BTW, BL mis**** target A LOT, don't count on it to finish your opponent.
  • ximaeximae Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    I finally got my 250 arp boon and managed to tweak my gear/enchants/artifacts to hit exactly the 24% reduction with 2535 arp allowing me to drop 2 dark r7s (for 2 r7 radiants) and a 154 arp roll ( for a 154 recovery roll) in the companions ammy.

    I basically am using for arp,

    on myself: 2 r7 darks + 1 r8 dark with ancient exorcists neck, ancient berserkers x2 rings and ancient belt with crit and arp (cant remember the name). + gemmed exquisite clothes ofc.

    on stone: 2 r7 eldritch runes on offensive slots + 1 r7 dark and the ancient berserker ring.

    that paired with the 250 arp boon + the lantern levels up to lvl 71 (216 arp) makes me reach exactly the 2535 arp cap.

    So now im sitting at:

    5370 power
    3500 crit
    2535 arp
    1950 recovery

    so now i just have left to get my third artifact either one with defense as the first roll ( to switch up sharandars first boon to power) or directly valindras shard to push up the power past 5.6k.
  • esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited December 2013
    ximae wrote: »
    I finally got my 250 arp boon and managed to tweak my gear/enchants/artifacts to hit exactly the 24% reduction with 2535 arp allowing me to drop 2 dark r7s (for 2 r7 radiants) and a 154 arp roll ( for a 154 recovery roll) in the companions ammy.

    I basically am using for arp,

    on myself: 2 r7 darks + 1 r8 dark with ancient exorcists neck, ancient berserkers x2 rings and ancient belt with crit and arp (cant remember the name). + gemmed exquisite clothes ofc.

    on stone: 2 r7 eldritch runes on offensive slots + 1 r7 dark and the ancient berserker ring.

    that paired with the 250 arp boon + the lantern levels up to lvl 71 (216 arp) makes me reach exactly the 2535 arp cap.

    So now im sitting at:

    5370 power
    3500 crit
    2535 arp
    1950 recovery

    so now i just have left to get my third artifact either one with defense as the first roll ( to switch up sharandars first boon to power) or directly valindras shard to push up the power past 5.6k.

    Great stats ximae!

    I would personally focus picking ones with defensive stats on the other 2 artifacts slots, i think it would be better than having the extra power from valindra's crown ( the control bonus isn't useful for TR either anyways).
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Ok basicaly im using a hafling ..and i hope that at end game(mostly pvp and sometime pve) i want to at least have 35% deflect and when i crit my lashing blade in stealth i hope to have at least minimum 20k crit (in pvp) can anyone teach me how? Was running a con/dex build..snd left my str at it usual when i rolled. Do we need to have very high str to gey 20k crit or abovr at end game?
  • esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited December 2013
    ottoarc wrote: »
    Ok basicaly im using a hafling ..and i hope that at end game(mostly pvp and sometime pve) i want to at least have 35% deflect and when i crit my lashing blade in stealth i hope to have at least minimum 20k crit (in pvp) can anyone teach me how? Was running a con/dex build..snd left my str at it usual when i rolled. Do we need to have very high str to gey 20k crit or abovr at end game?

    Your hits depends on many parameters :

    1- The amount of resistance ignore you have ( armor pen).

    2- The amount of Damage resistance your target have.

    3- If you hit your attack from Combat advantage or not.'

    4- The amount of Power you have.

    5- The amount of crit severity you have.

    So i suggest, for PvE, to have your armor pen capped ( 2530) to be able to penetrate through entire mobs/bosses defense and make sure you do most of your attacks from stealth, to benefit from the extra crit severity from brutal back stab feat + Combat advantage effects.

    Use Vorpal enchantment for the extra crit severity and make sure to pick the feats that gives you extra crit severity aswell.

    As for PvP, that's another story. This thread is about PvE only so perhaps you can go ahead and ask in other theory crafting PvP threads on the forums.
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    esteena wrote: »
    Your hits depends on many parameters :

    1- The amount of resistance ignore you have ( armor pen).

    2- The amount of Damage resistance your target have.

    3- If you hit your attack from Combat advantage or not.'

    4- The amount of Power you have.

    5- The amount of crit severity you have.

    So i suggest, for PvE, to have your armor pen capped ( 2530) to be able to penetrate through entire mobs/bosses defense and make sure you do most of your attacks from stealth, to benefit from the extra crit severity from brutal back stab feat + Combat advantage effects.

    Use Vorpal enchantment for the extra crit severity and make sure to pick the feats that gives you extra crit severity aswell.

    As for PvP, that's another story. This thread is about PvE only so perhaps you can go ahead and ask in other theory crafting PvP threads on the forums.

    Ok sorry esteena..ok so how about str..does str also determine how powerful can i crit? And how do i stack more crit severity can i get it from my gear? Ok 2nd qustion is i just reach level 30 and took skillful infiltrator..but i also saw whispering knife paragon looks awsome..can snyone tell me about it..does whispering knife paragon give u more crit or what..and i also found out that itc is not really good at all because it only last nt more than 4 second lol.i rather put dazing or path of the blade..hehe
  • telatsutelatsu Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hey, I'm just trying to clarify from the first page. So in my gear equipment, should I be looking for Crit over Armor Pen. for base stats? Or should I go more for crit in my gears base stats.
  • esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited December 2013
    telatsu wrote: »
    Hey, I'm just trying to clarify from the first page. So in my gear equipment, should I be looking for Crit over Armor Pen. for base stats? Or should I go more for crit in my gears base stats.

    Hello telatsu,

    If you are going to use Swash set then you wont need to worry about your crit stat as the swash will put you way above the crit stat soft cap. Not to mention the weapon set gives extra +450 crit anyways.

    So your main focus, on offensive stats, should be capping your armor pen (2530) and then get some recovery (1900 prefered) and power.
  • telatsutelatsu Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    esteena wrote: »
    Hello telatsu,

    If you are going to use Swash set then you wont need to worry about your crit stat as the swash will put you way above the crit stat soft cap. Not to mention the weapon set gives extra +450 crit anyways.

    So your main focus, on offensive stats, should be capping your armor pen (2530) and then get some recovery (1900 prefered) and power.

    I should clarify, this is actually my first character and time in the game. So I guess until I get to the "class sets" level (Currently 26) what should I be going for to maximize PvE effectiveness?
  • ximaeximae Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013

    To get big 20k lashing crits in pvp basically u need good offensive stats, meaning good arp decent power besides the crit but if its a stealthed lashing diesnt matter as it crits 100% of the time, taking the dps feats (like disciple of str, endless assualt, brutal backstab and critical overun), having some decent str and a vorpal (lesser could do)and comboing critical overrun with one of our class features which is pretty much only usefull in pvp "first strike".

    basically what u do is throw some cloud of steel till u get a crit to get the critical overun buff and then wait like 3 seconds before
    engaging with the stealthed lashing blade to also get the first strike bonus. That was u get 55 crit severity + ur vorpals form brutal backstab and critical overrun and u also multiply the damage by 15% from first strike and whatever much u get from combat advantage... besides the str bonus and other feats u always get.

    whisperknife actually makes u loose crit as u loose skillfull infiltrator class feature. and no the only way to get crit severity is through vorpal, some consumables and companion bonuses and feats... well aslo u get 5% bonus if ur half orc.

    Btw itc is one of the best skill u have, u will learn that sooner or later when u learn how to use it, trust me put the 3 points there if u go master infiltrator as u will end up using it alot.


    dont worry about gear choices till ur l60, u will be changing gear just too often to bother being picky about what u use, just use what ever is recomended or higher lvl and if u get to choose stats amongs that then well yeah get crit but dont forgo defensive stats as they probably will help u even more.
  • nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Action Advantage - gain 10% more AP when dealing CA damage.

    I note that every class has a very similar feat and every build these days ignores this feat.

    After debating a somewhat unrelated topic in guild the other day, my question is how this differs from the boons and active companion bonuses that grant you "+2% faster AP gain".

    Would +10% AP not be as good as (or rather 5x as good) the 2% faster AP gain?

    I verified on GWF at least that it works exactly the same way as the faster AP gain (feat Unstoppable Action, go Unstoppable, check character sheet AP gain). Of course on GWF that's a useless feat because you don't really want to be using encounters whilst Unstoppable (or at least not till the last bit), but for TR, given that throughout your guide you claim that you are in CA pretty much all the time, why did you then skip it but pick up 2% AP via boon (as opposed to 700 HP)? Is this not the same as picking 1 Action Advantage and only 2 in Toughness?
  • antonolinantonolin Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Can you please attach a picture of your gear to the guide? Would be great
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    ximae wrote: »

    To get big 20k lashing crits in pvp basically u need good offensive stats, meaning good arp decent power besides the crit but if its a stealthed lashing diesnt matter as it crits 100% of the time, taking the dps feats (like disciple of str, endless assualt, brutal backstab and critical overun), having some decent str and a vorpal (lesser could do)and comboing critical overrun with one of our class features which is pretty much only usefull in pvp "first strike".

    basically what u do is throw some cloud of steel till u get a crit to get the critical overun buff and then wait like 3 seconds before
    engaging with the stealthed lashing blade to also get the first strike bonus. That was u get 55 crit severity + ur vorpals form brutal backstab and critical overrun and u also multiply the damage by 15% from first strike and whatever much u get from combat advantage... besides the str bonus and other feats u always get.

    whisperknife actually makes u loose crit as u loose skillfull infiltrator class feature. and no the only way to get crit severity is through vorpal, some consumables and companion bonuses and feats... well aslo u get 5% bonus if ur half orc.

    Btw itc is one of the best skill u have, u will learn that sooner or later when u learn how to use it, trust me put the 3 points there if u go master infiltrator as u will end up using it alot.


    dont worry about gear choices till ur l60, u will be changing gear just too often to bother being picky about what u use, just use what ever is recomended or higher lvl and if u get to choose stats amongs that then well yeah get crit but dont forgo defensive stats as they probably will help u even more.

    thx alot ximae its been a great help to me
  • esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited December 2013
    nwnghost wrote: »
    Action Advantage - gain 10% more AP when dealing CA damage.

    I note that every class has a very similar feat and every build these days ignores this feat.

    After debating a somewhat unrelated topic in guild the other day, my question is how this differs from the boons and active companion bonuses that grant you "+2% faster AP gain".

    Would +10% AP not be as good as (or rather 5x as good) the 2% faster AP gain?

    I verified on GWF at least that it works exactly the same way as the faster AP gain (feat Unstoppable Action, go Unstoppable, check character sheet AP gain). Of course on GWF that's a useless feat because you don't really want to be using encounters whilst Unstoppable (or at least not till the last bit), but for TR, given that throughout your guide you claim that you are in CA pretty much all the time, why did you then skip it but pick up 2% AP via boon (as opposed to 700 HP)? Is this not the same as picking 1 Action Advantage and only 2 in Toughness?

    The Action advantage feat bonus isn't additive, the bonus it gives is 15% AP gain out of your total AP gain % which will make you end up like 1% bonus AP gain while you are in CA..so points there aren't worth it. The boon is additive bonus, it is +2% to your total AP % which is obviously better than adding 700 HP and it is a permanent additive bonus, not just while you are in CA.
    antonolin wrote: »
    Can you please attach a picture of your gear to the guide? Would be great

    You can check me on gateway. I have already posted what i use on OP, but i didn't want to go into all my gears details because my itemization could be uncomfortable for others to afford/use.

    For example, Ximae got the same stats as me but he has different itemization and stats allocation.
  • greenflake2greenflake2 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    esteena wrote: »
    The Action advantage feat bonus isn't additive, the bonus it gives is 15% AP gain out of your total AP gain % which will make you end up like 1% bonus AP gain while you are in CA..so points there aren't worth it. The boon is additive bonus, it is +2% to your total AP % which is obviously better than adding 700 HP and it is a permanent additive bonus, not just while you are in CA.

    Hey I got a question, i saw a bunch of guides and Im trying to go my own path, but there some things im not sure:
    How do u know if a bonus is additive or multiplicative?

    On my feats I was thinking about getting the Action Advantage feat and the Cunning Stalker feat, are they both multiplicative? Whats the difference between them?

    Is the feats that reduce the cost of stamina for dodges or the one that u get 10% stealth each dodge actually usefull? i hv them but dont really see a difference on my stealth with them.

    If i dont get Cunning Stalker, is Speed Swindle any good?
    Tyvm guys
  • nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013

    While this is speculation, why would the GWF feat change the character sheet's AP gain by the full amount of Unstoppable Action when you go Unstoppable with the feat? I don't imagine Action Advantage working differently at all.

    Of course the bonus isn't additive, it is multiplicative, but that applies to the 2% Boon as well. The 2% Boon doesn't give you 2% AP whenever you get any AP. It gives you x1.02 AP you would have gotten from using a particular encounter, just as Action Advantage would (but x1.15). Both together would give you x1.17
  • greenflake2greenflake2 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    nwnghost wrote: »

    While this is speculation, why would the GWF feat change the character sheet's AP gain by the full amount of Unstoppable Action when you go Unstoppable with the feat? I don't imagine Action Advantage working differently at all.

    Of course the bonus isn't additive, it is multiplicative, but that applies to the 2% Boon as well. The 2% Boon doesn't give you 2% AP whenever you get any AP. It gives you x1.02 AP you would have gotten from using a particular encounter, just as Action Advantage would (but x1.15). Both together would give you x1.17

    Someone actually said that the Action Advantage feat gives 10% of ur bonus AP gain, not of AP gain
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