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We clairification ON whats an exploit and whats not.



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    lostmarblesherelostmarbleshere Banned Users Posts: 654 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    axis40 wrote: »
    that is very far from the truth. can you say honestly that not one from exploiters would done different if there was some some action other that approval.which led to the atmosfere of: hey i can do what i want....if some a getting free horse sure i can get a free quest lol.

    Thats one thing totally i agree about. People are going to do more and more exploiting because of the nightmare exploit. They seen well they let those ones getaway with exploiting maybe this one they will let slide.

    The piont is all exploiting should be delt the same way perma ban.... No slaps on the wrist. No whos got zen coins or who spends more money on the game. It should just be equal accross the board perma ban. This checking to see who has zen coins and spends money on the game getting lighter bans then someone who doesnt spend money on the game should stop totally. It should be equal pentalty for all whom exploit. No first or second chances one time and your out.

    That would cut down the people even trying exploits in the first place. If this was the case before nightmare thursday then I really dont think it would of even been as large as it was. It wouldnt be a blip on everyones radar. Would of been like it never happened.
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    axis40axis40 Member Posts: 125 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    "There might not have been so many people intending to do it but there still would have been people doing it and complaining on the forums about it after being banned. "

    first you say :

    "the bans would have happened if they had done a rollback on Thursday anyway"

    then you say:

    "There might not have been so many people intending to do it"

    so you are making up as you writig lol.
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    bluedarkybluedarky Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    axis40 wrote: »
    on what criteria can you say someone is quilty for couple of days or for perma bann. then you cant possibly say there are inocent people in the game.coz to perma ban couple of days seems inocent lol.

    That logic would only work if they had temp banned everyone, as I haven't been banned and their are other people ingame now I can only assume that there are innocent people. I also never supplied criteria for a difference in bans, my point was that Cryptic decided this was the best course of action and acted accordingly.
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    lostmarblesherelostmarbleshere Banned Users Posts: 654 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    bluedarky wrote: »
    And what else should they have done, gone through and deleted each Nightmare mount that dropped in the 30-40 minutes? Banned the accounts that opened more than X lockboxes in the time it was up? Performed character specific rollbacks?

    Cryptic isn't the first MMO company to attempt to pass of a bug like this, the fact is that the bug was too fast in coming up for a rollback to be worth the additional downtime, any other course of action would have resulted in more downtime and/or targeted innocent people who just brought a few keys or stocked up on keys intending to buy lockboxes from the exchange whilst the price would be at it's lowest. (Don't forget that not everyone who stocked up on keys would have been intending to abuse the enhanced drop rate).

    All in all Cryptic did the analysis and decided to just leave things as they were, yes there is a possibility that they could have worded things better, but the decision was a sound one and done with the best intent towards the players and the game.

    It's not as far as you'd think, I've seen people do stupider things in MMOs including continuing to rename their character and reload their costume in CO blatantly ripping a trademarked character despite it being changed to the generic model and generichero##### several times and complaining on the forums about it.

    There might not have been so many people intending to do it but there still would have been people doing it and complaining on the forums about it after being banned.

    God another point we are trying to make is they KNEW about the nightmare lockbox before the launch. They could of patched it before launch but they didnt. It only took them what few hours to fix this issue. Why didnt they fix it before launch it was reported before launch.
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    lostmarblesherelostmarbleshere Banned Users Posts: 654 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    axis40 wrote: »
    "There might not have been so many people intending to do it but there still would have been people doing it and complaining on the forums about it after being banned. "

    first you say :

    "the bans would have happened if they had done a rollback on Thursday anyway"

    then you say:

    "There might not have been so many people intending to do it"

    so you are making up as you writig lol.

    Yes well that sucks to be them and there is a thing called customer service. I know its slow but i am sure if they looked your issue over and deemed it was a simple mistake and let you back in after they had time to review your case.

    Perma ban for any exploit is the only true and FAIR way of dealing with these issues.

    If your banned from the game you should also be banned from the forum which thats how i thought it worked anyway.
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    freedumb4evafreedumb4eva Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 342
    edited August 2013
    Yes well that sucks to be them and there is a thing called customer service. I know its slow but i am sure if they looked your issue over and deemed it was a simple mistake and let you back in after they had time to review your case.

    Perma ban for any exploit is the only true and FAIR way of dealing with these issues.

    If your banned from the game you should also be banned from the forum which thats how i thought it worked anyway.

    That is absurd. No player should be banned for a failure of the dev or QA team.
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    axis40axis40 Member Posts: 125 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    bluedarky wrote: »
    That logic would only work if they had temp banned everyone, as I haven't been banned and their are other people ingame now I can only assume that there are innocent people. I also never supplied criteria for a difference in bans, my point was that Cryptic decided this was the best course of action and acted accordingly.

    its their game but they will answer to the gamers anyway sooner or later.my logic was if there are huge difference between exploiters then someone is beeing treated unfair.and if someone is treated unfair all can expect to be treated unfair.if all can expect to be trated unfair non are inocent.....lol
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    axis40axis40 Member Posts: 125 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Yes well that sucks to be them and there is a thing called customer service. I know its slow but i am sure if they looked your issue over and deemed it was a simple mistake and let you back in after they had time to review your case.

    Perma ban for any exploit is the only true and FAIR way of dealing with these issues.

    If your banned from the game you should also be banned from the forum which thats how i thought it worked anyway.

    "a simple mistake" is still an exploit in this case and as you say"Perma ban for any exploit is the only true and FAIR". you are not making any sence...why would they let anybody back then
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    lostmarblesherelostmarbleshere Banned Users Posts: 654 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    axis40 wrote: »
    "a simple mistake" is still an exploit in this case and as you say"Perma ban for any exploit is the only true and FAIR". you are not making any sence...why would they let anybody back then

    Oh maybe they made a mistake. For example the quest share exploit. If you excepted it once let them go with no ban since maybe they truly didnt know it was an exploit. Same with nightmare lock box you opened one box during the first few minutes let them keep it. If you did more then once or after it was known to the general public it was an exploit banned perma. NOw if your exploiting a dungeon by /killme exploit or map exploit then not even one use of those type of exploits should give you any grace.

    Or how about this instead of instant perma ban. They insta temp ban for 4 weeks or until they figure out if you knew it was an exploit then perma ban. Like as i said before if the only way to do an exploit was you to know it was an exploit then your banned perma. If it was a simple onetime thing and you didnt do it again they let you back in but also reset what you gained. Not based on if you have zen coins or spend money on the game. Just right from wrong Justice for all. Equal justice firm justice. If people knew they will get perma ban if they exploit the less exploits people would be doing.
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    axis40axis40 Member Posts: 125 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Oh maybe they made a mistake. For example the quest share exploit. If you excepted it once let them go with no ban since maybe they truly didnt know it was an exploit. Same with nightmare lock box you opened one box during the first few minutes let them keep it. If you did more then once or after it was known to the general public it was an exploit banned perma. NOw if your exploiting a dungeon by /killme exploit or map exploit then not even one use of those type of exploits should give you any grace.

    Or how about this instead of instant perma ban. They insta temp ban for 4 weeks or until they figure out if you knew it was an exploit then perma ban. Like as i say before you if the only was to do an exploit was you to know it was an exploit then your banned perma. If it was a simple onetime thing and you didnt do it again they let you back in. Not based on if you have zen coins or spend money on the game. Just right from wrong Justice for all. Equal justice firm justice. If people knew they will get perma ban if they exploit the less exploits people would be doing.

    once you wrote "temp ban for 4 weeks or until they figure out..."i figured you are just talking noncence.whos gonna wait a week and you say 4 lol good one.3 day bann for serious gamer is far to much.
    Equal justice firm justice. not in this game tho.
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    veramis1veramis1 Banned Users Posts: 191 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Why didn't they just spam admin messages telling people not to share arcane dungeon quest? Or just remove all the sparks and exploit gained boons? The way the game is, it's difficult to tell the silver lining between exploit and non-exploit, and people are just being haphazardly punished when many of them thought that this was acceptable behavior. If you join a pub game that advertised going to earn sparks, you don't necessarily know that the quest they are doing is only supposed to be weekly. If you don't talk to the lady by the tree, you don't know that there's a 1 week timer. It's easy to make the mistake of thinking you're just sharing a daily quest, and that you are getting several days of extra sparks. You have to talk to the lady and pay attention to the text to realize you are getting months instead of days of feywild progress from the farming.
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    lostmarblesherelostmarbleshere Banned Users Posts: 654 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    axis40 wrote: »
    once you wrote "temp ban for 4 weeks or until they figure out..."i figured you are just talking noncence.whos gonna wait a week and you say 4 lol good one.3 day bann for serious gamer is far to much.
    Equal justice firm justice. not in this game tho.

    Really i said 4 weeks or until they firgure out .... Yes your right. It might only take a day or 2 to figure that out. Its not that hard really. this game uses something like a database searching that is pretty easy for a programer to do. Its not like some one person reviewing each case like a detective.
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    axis40axis40 Member Posts: 125 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    veramis1 wrote: »
    Why didn't they just spam admin messages telling people not to share arcane dungeon quest? Or just remove all the sparks and exploit gained boons? The way the game is, it's difficult to tell the silver lining between exploit and non-exploit, and people are just being haphazardly punished when many of them thought that this was acceptable behavior. If you join a pub game that advertised going to earn sparks, you don't necessarily know that the quest they are doing is only supposed to be weekly. If you don't talk to the lady by the tree, you don't know that there's a 1 week timer. It's easy to make the mistake of thinking you're just sharing a daily quest, and that you are getting several days of extra sparks. You have to talk to the lady and pay attention to the text to realize you are getting months instead of days of feywild progress from the farming.

    you see i didnt even know it was a weekly quest i though it was daily lol.but i personaly never bothered to read any of the quest and never done single quest i didnt have to do ....i just did pvp.so yes it is a silver lining
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    lostmarblesherelostmarbleshere Banned Users Posts: 654 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    axis40 wrote: »
    you see i didnt even know it was a weekly quest i though it was daily lol.but i personaly never bothered to read any of the quest and never done single quest i didnt have to do ....i just did pvp.so yes it is a silver lining

    even if you did a daily quest more then once you know or must suspect that its wrong. and yes i dont read quest stuff either, but i know if people are posting in chat about it and people are selling share requests and doing them same quest over and over again its pretty easy to figure out after doing it once somethings wrong and should report it and just say the truth i took this quest share and then i found out it was an exploit didnt know that. Just report it as a bug/exploit as normal. People that make a simple mistake once will be easy to sort out.
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    spudviciousspudvicious Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    darkjeff wrote: »
    Right now the movement of virtual goods is unregulated and untaxed, but that only works if they have no value. The IRS study I read was talking about how to valuate these supposedly valueless virtual goods, especially in light of the fact that annual revenues involving virtual goods and property is over $5 billion worldwide.Aside from the Dutch supreme court ruling, there's been two lawsuits in the Us over these things. One lawsuit against the operator of Second Life was settled out of court, and another is seeking to define the rights of purchasers of property in Second Life.

    Just a side note about the Second Life suits. Second Life in particular is a special case among online "worlds." Second Life maintains an actual exchange rate between their virtual currency and real world currencies, and that is part of what has opened them up to this type of scrutiny. They have already given real world value to their virtual goods, which are often created and traded/sold by the users themselves in a free market system.

    I've no doubt that eventually, other online games with similar systems will be at least looked at, but I have a feeling it's going to be a while before laws catch up to that.
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    axis40axis40 Member Posts: 125 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    even if you did a daily quest more then once you know or must suspect that its wrong. and yes i dont read quest stuff either, but i know if people are posting in chat about it and people are selling share requests and doing them same quest over and over again its pretty easy to figure out after doing it once somethings wrong and should report it and just say the truth i took this quest share and then i found out it was an exploit didnt know that. Just report it as a bug/exploit as normal. People that make a simple mistake once will be easy to sort out.

    only thing people was thinking while doing it is better hurry they will patch it tomorow.sure didnt seem like one for warning not the bann was just way to easy.i dont know one player who didnt do it but some a still playing some not lol...nothing to do with the count of spaks tho.
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    galahad01galahad01 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hello Everyone,

    WOW!!! This thread is still up amazing, everybody must be playing well together. Only glanced over a few of the recent posts, have to say I am not surprised how the topic shifted when common sense seems to be prevailing. Holy <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> it seemed to go from people finally realizing that the box issue had been reported a week or so earlier from the test shard, to second year law school and IRS, virtual goods. LOL!!!! Holy <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> people get a grip......

    Then the other thing that made my eyebrows raise ( Concerning the Perma Ban inconsistency ) but it seemed to be people on here who admitted taking a share for quest ( Which was bugged ) and this got them banned that in itself really sucks.

    On a side note:

    How does one that is in a Guild ( That gets all banned in some way) NOT Know they are taking advantage of something that is on a timer. Do you not actually talk to anyone from this Guild? I say, if you are in a Guild and anyone ( Especially the Leader ) violates anything then everyone in the Guild ( under that persons Leadership ) are suspect, until things get sorted out. Kind of sucks to say it like this but I would take the " Guilty by Association " path until it got straightened out.

    I am sure if you grouped with anyone from a guild there has been plenty of opportunity to see how groups ran things, and if they exploited other stuff along the way, so this " I didn't know I was taking a timed quest, From my Guild mate " doesn't wash.

    And even say, you thought it was a daily....How many dailies did you take from Rhix that you were able to do the same thing...........Even if you completed said daily, you have to go back and get your reward, to get other stuff to do the boons etc, so even at that point you should have read or seen the timer???? And if you didn't then SOMEONE IN YOUR GUILD Should have, 10 eyes are better then 1 or 2 or one would think so???????

    I have to say I am glad I was never part of any Guild sense I started, because if these are the types of people that are in them.........

    Give up your integrity ( basically Sell your soul to the D man ) just because everyone else is doing it ) The behavior I am reading about from players here in these forums is shockingly funny. There are people in here that would go through a drive thru and be told by the person " Be careful It's Hot " then speed off and it spills on them from their stupidity and then complain to management after.

    " If your helping your buddy clean his stables out, that's a good thing, but don't take a hissy fit, if you slip and fall in the $hit "

    People aren't really stupid, they know what they are getting into, they just hate it when they get caught with their pants down.


    " May The Wind be Always At Your Back "
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    djarkaandjarkaan Member Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Exploit or bannable offense means you are gaining an advantage while PWE has not made any money off of you gaining that advantage.
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    galahad01galahad01 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hello Again,

    Geje120 I absolutely know and understand what you are saying, and looking at your last post I am going to be somewhat sarcastic here and Obtuse,

    Please read my second Paragraph again and pay particular attention to my punctuations, I see you used them in your post so you seem to understand the reason of them ( I know this sounds mean but I really mean no insult to you) you have to have mis- interpreted that paragraph, cause I thought it was short and clear in my support of your issue.

    For your bann issue and others like you it comes down to using C.S. to rectify it. If you and people like you in your position feel they are wronged or treated differently then someone else, I can't help you with that.


    " May The Wind be Always At Your Back "
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    nichivonichivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 83
    edited August 2013
    galahad01 wrote: »
    How does one that is in a Guild ( That gets all banned in some way) NOT Know they are taking advantage of something that is on a timer. Do you not actually talk to anyone from this Guild? I say, if you are in a Guild and anyone ( Especially the Leader ) violates anything then everyone in the Guild ( under that persons Leadership ) are suspect, until things get sorted out. Kind of sucks to say it like this but I would take the " Guilty by Association " path until it got straightened out.

    I am sure if you grouped with anyone from a guild there has been plenty of opportunity to see how groups ran things, and if they exploited other stuff along the way, so this " I didn't know I was taking a timed quest, From my Guild mate " doesn't wash.

    I have to say I am glad I was never part of any Guild sense I started, because if these are the types of people that are in them.........

    Give up your integrity ( basically Sell your soul to the D man ) just because everyone else is doing it ) The behavior I am reading about from players here in these forums is shockingly funny. There are people in here that would go through a drive thru and be told by the person " Be careful It's Hot " then speed off and it spills on them from their stupidity and then complain to management after.

    " If your helping your buddy clean his stables out, that's a good thing, but don't take a hissy fit, if you slip and fall in the $hit "

    People aren't really stupid, they know what they are getting into, they just hate it when they get caught with their pants down.


    I only quoted the relevant part. Your post had a lot of fine points in it, but you completely lost my support when you said "Guilt by Association" the person either did it or did not. Simply being in the same guild as someone foolish enough to exploit should not be reason enough to get banned under any circumstance.
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited August 2013
    hendy74000 wrote: »
    I want to have a discussion with an admin! is closed all my ticket to duplicate and meet with my first ticket .. but band head of trool I'm banned I have not access to my account!!

    The forum staff have no authority on the matter. We have no control over C.S. Tickets or Responses.

    You have to take up those disputes with C.S.
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    djfloppydjfloppy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The thing that is so ridiculous about the entire ban is that those that "exploited" gained no advantage whatsoever over other players and the impact to the game and economy was zero. The sparks players obtained cannot even be used until they complete further steps in the campaign that are impossible to access at this time due to the daily quests and requirements. By the time they can use the alleged "exploited" sparks you would have been able to acquire that many by simply doing the quest/campaign normally. All those players that shared the quest simply bought themselves "time" as they got the sparks in a lump sum instead of getting 50 a week.

    PWE has effectively killed the game for many players that did not share the quest like myself. My entire guild and friends list are banned which is the case with many other players. It seems like 50% of the population is gone now and many of those players aren't going to return even after the one week ban is up. I really liked this game but I fear PWE killed it with the handling of this situation or at least this is the beginning of its demise.
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    galahad01galahad01 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hello Nichivo,

    Yes I see The comment of " Guilty By Association " could be seen as very harsh and subjective, so I would like to put you and me in the position of being in a Guild together.

    Now we played with said imaginary guild and we are leveling and grouping normally, we would have to, regardless of our level Know what the play style(s) are of people in this guild, so if we as friends ( Beer Buddies ) know they are using exploits, A.H Bugs to gain astral diamonds, using quest timer bugs, etc. and we are not those types of players to take part in such activity then we would just say, this isn't the play style we like lets look for another guild. ( To Each Their Own )

    Now if we know this but decide to stay ( We may still not group with said individuals ) but if " the powers that be " decided to drop the Ban hammer on the whole clan then it would be up to you and me to contact whoever we had to, to rectify the issue. From our end it really sucks to be lumped in with all the exploiters but from yours and my view, until it got sorted out we would have to write it off as being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    However I think I read in this thread some where that these things are handled on a case by case bases.. Not sure on that, and as I said I have not been in any Guild yet so my knowledge is vague at best.

    I just find it hard to fathom that if your a person who doesn't believe in the exploit Philosophy, and are in a Guild, that it doesn't come out somewhere along the course of leveling your character that there are people in it that does ( very frequently or as much as they can ) why you wouldn't just up and leave that Guild. I'm starting to ramble now so I'll end this here.

    I hope.... This cleared the GBA comment. ( " Nip it in The Bud " may have been more appropriate )


    " May The Wind be Always At Your Back "
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    kalltorkalltor Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    djfloppy wrote: »
    The thing that is so ridiculous about the entire ban is that those that "exploited" gained no advantage whatsoever over other players and the impact to the game and economy was zero. The sparks players obtained cannot even be used until they complete further steps in the campaign that are impossible to access at this time due to the daily quests and requirements. By the time they can use the alleged "exploited" sparks you would have been able to acquire that many by simply doing the quest/campaign normally. All those players that shared the quest simply bought themselves "time" as they got the sparks in a lump sum instead of getting 50 a week.

    PWE has effectively killed the game for many players that did not share the quest like myself. My entire guild and friends list are banned which is the case with many other players. It seems like 50% of the population is gone now and many of those players aren't going to return even after the one week ban is up. I really liked this game but I fear PWE killed it with the handling of this situation or at least this is the beginning of its demise.

    You miss the point! You need to mindlessly log in daily to grind sparks, more and more "daily" quests to hook you up and brain wash you away. Soon it will be called Daily Neverwinter...
    Of course "ban hammer" , the community doesn't want brainless daily quests for next four months to unlock some feats. Proof was the mass exploit of that quest.

    Maybe would be time to think about other things to hook up players, eh?
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    bubba1966bubba1966 Member Posts: 174 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I have a question to all of you who support banning for exploits.

    How do feel about a company that allows widely exploited content to remain on Live for months on end?

    Because this is the case. Many exploits have been in game since day one, and 95% of everyone exploits them, and the developers are aware of it.
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    postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It should be fairly obvious if it's an exploit if you glitch the fight in some way to make it easier.

    Honestly I find it pretty pathetic when people are demanding high gearscores (a broken system anyway) and then despite being over geared they still have to cheat in order to beat a boss.

    I was informed earlier today that in order to beat the end boss pair in malabog's castle you needed a GS of 13k or more will full enchants and full t2 gear. Otherwise it's impossible to get done without cheating. The person giving this information upon inspection was sat just over 10k with lass than half their kit enchanted and lvl30 green shirt and trousers so I'll let you draw conclusions there.

    Myself I would question their logic based on the 9.2k entry fee for the place coupled with the fact that the fight was pretty much the same as every other fight in the game where adds come at set %'s with the boss flying about because it's a dragon and thats what they do.

    Yes it was a pug but up to that point we'd had no issues for any of the boss fights and while there had been a few deaths there'd been no wipes.
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    lostmarblesherelostmarbleshere Banned Users Posts: 654 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    bubba1966 wrote: »
    I have a question to all of you who support banning for exploits.

    How do feel about a company that allows widely exploited content to remain on Live for months on end?

    Because this is the case. Many exploits have been in game since day one, and 95% of everyone exploits them, and the developers are aware of it.

    This is the huge problem as to one reason I started this thread. We have many exploits in the game yet nothing gets done to stop them or punish those exploits. Then we had the nightmare exploit and they told everyone those people were just lucky ones. Then we got this quest share exploit which didnt harm the economy and they ban hammer that one.

    This game has become "Exploit to Win" plain and simple. They need to change if you exploit at all you will be banned perma. This would make people think twice before doing an exploit and lower the number of people exploiting alot.
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    postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The nightmare exploit was a cokcup on their part like the caturday event. The main difference being they spotted it earlier and actually decided to go into maintenance to fix it rather than running about like headless chickens while allowing the problem to grow.

    Instances where exploits happen as a regular occurence is a result of bad testing and worse monitoring of their setups. 15 mins in enclave could easily flag up what places are abused on any given day and they could be watching random groups as they run places. If a place is abused too often put a hold on it and fix the problems.

    Although again if they actually tested places before putting them out into the live game then they'd find issues and remove them.

    But on the other hand some their players are being exploited with the gambleboxes so maybe they allow the game to be broken and abused as compensation.
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    stoxbox2stoxbox2 Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I love how most of the players are still banned, yet the gold spammers don't seem to have taken a hit at all.
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    smittyfrankosmittyfranko Member Posts: 86
    edited August 2013
    The nightmare exploit was a cokcup on their part like the caturday event. The main difference being they spotted it earlier and actually decided to go into maintenance to fix it rather than running about like headless chickens while allowing the problem to grow.

    From what I've read, the nightmare lockbox issue was reported while all the content/changes were still on test server. So their early detection warning system seems to be flawed among so many other things, if this is the case. At least one thing is consistent... incompetence.
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