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Stealth Build Now Dead....



  • abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    neyph69 wrote: »
    I feel the same way sir. Pretty sure hes avoiding my examples cause he cant answer the questions since his only arguements are "i cant beat it, its broken" or "it balances the game" without any explanation and wants to say thats his opinion but cant elaborate on why he feels that way.

    it is my OPINION that his opinion is born from hate and bias which is why he cant explain it. And until he elaborates on his then mine is factual.

    What exactly do you want a explanation of?
    I have stated many times what I feel is bugged or OP.
    Just cause you a rogue doesn't feel that way doesn't matter.

    It really all comes down to numbers and numbers don't lie. Lurker's needed a adjustment to much damage being done and to much from stealth that is for sure. Now for stealth they went with at wills will deplete stealth meter. If it was up to me I think any damage should break stealth on the first hit but that is me. So I think there adjustment is a little more fair I guess for your class.

    I think 8 charges on Cos is a nice adjustment from 12 and is OP.

    I also think all these changes were mainly for PvE not PvP but some don't see it that way. I hope that class balance for PvE is much better now.
  • neyph69neyph69 Banned Users Posts: 150 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Rage quiting would imply that one I am angry and that I get soooo frustrated I rage and quit. I never have done that. But if it helps you sleep at night I guess say what you want. I counter the perma stealth in a protest by /leave it owns them all the time every time and gives them no glory. I started doing this and told everyone how to counter them till they get fixed and well it has worked. Now some exploits are getting corrected and that is my opinion. If you don't like how I handle a exploited bugged class why don't you rage about it. :)

    What your not understanding is that you are not just hurting the rogue in your matches, you are hurting everyone in that match. Using /leave as a "counter" is not a counter, its simply stamping your feet and running away(ragequiting). You have still not explained why you feel this way nor have you explained why Ice Knife, Perma knockdown, and tanking a 5v1 with insane amounts of regen are not in your sense of the words "bugged" or "exploits". Stealth was never bugged and using it is not an exploit regardless of how YOU feel. Stop using words you dont understand the meaning of.
  • wurzilwurzil Member Posts: 42
    edited July 2013
    Sadly you once again show your ignorance, perma stealth is still very much alive post nerf.

    I also look forward to your tears when you see the new paragon for rogue and his full ranged abilities.

    This will be the last time I ever reply to and post by you and I would suggest all others do the same, in protest for his trolling.
  • neyph69neyph69 Banned Users Posts: 150 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    What exactly do you want a explanation of?
    I have stated many times what I feel is bugged or OP.
    Just cause you a rogue doesn't feel that way doesn't matter.

    It really all comes down to numbers and numbers don't lie. Lurker's needed a adjustment to much damage being done and to much from stealth that is for sure. Now for stealth they went with at wills will deplete stealth meter. If it was up to me I think any damage should break stealth on the first hit but that is me. So I think there adjustment is a little more fair I guess for your class.

    I think 8 charges on Cos is a nice adjustment from 12 and is OP.

    I also think all these changes were mainly for PvE not PvP but some don't see it that way. I hope that class balance for PvE is much better now.

    An explanation on WHY you feel this way not WHAT you feel. It seems like you have no idea WHY you feel the way you do just that it is the bandwagon of players you are jumping on screaming "nerf TRs". These nerfs have completely changed the way a rogue can be played. They've basicly ruined the unique class mechanic of rogues. And your saying that these changes are mostly for pve?...wtf Im pretty sure in your previous posts in other threads you've stated that you cant wait to get back to an even PvPing ground. Well ill tell you this, you will not change. You will still be /leaving any and all PVP matches with rogues because these changes dont really effect them there as stated before. You will still get facerolled by rogues since your view of them is that they are OP in PvP and are therefore terrified of them and run to mommy screaming "he hit me and i couldnt see him!".

    Edit: I too, am done with this guy. Its like talking to a brick wall, except the brick wall knows why its there...
  • abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    huckafour wrote: »
    you are still avoiding my question though

    why will you have more fun PvPing when that what you complain about doesnt get changed at all

    cause as it stands, you dont give a **** about pvp or whatever, you just want the rogue to be nerfed, period

    and since that is my opinion, youll have to respect that and answer the question truthfully

    I will have more fun PvPing because players that left the game because of bugged exploited rogue just might come back. Having some balance in PvP will draw more players to PvP so more matches and different comp which is nice. The CW, DC of the world will also be pretty happy with the changes since they were affected most by bugged rogues. So now more of them will engage in PvP overall just makes for a better PvP environment on the whole with some balance.
  • abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    neyph69 wrote: »
    An explanation on WHY you feel this way not WHAT you feel. It seems like you have no idea WHY you feel the way you do just that it is the bandwagon of players you are jumping on screaming "nerf TRs". These nerfs have completely changed the way a rogue can be played. They've basicly ruined the unique class mechanic of rogues. And your saying that these changes are mostly for pve?...wtf Im pretty sure in your previous posts in other threads you've stated that you cant wait to get back to an even PvPing ground. Well ill tell you this, you will not change. You will still be /leaving any and all PVP matches with rogues because these changes dont really effect them there as stated before. You will still get facerolled by rogues since your view of them is that they are OP in PvP and are therefore terrified of them and run to mommy screaming "he hit me and i couldnt see him!".

    Edit: I too, am done with this guy. Its like talking to a brick wall, except the brick wall knows why its there...

    I agree its like talking to a brick wall with trying to get you to understand how these rogues changes make the game better. I keep trying to explain over and over but you only see your way which is fine. Rogues now will be a better class for the game and that's what is important.
  • cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    I will have more fun PvPing because players that left the game because of bugged exploited rogue just might come back. Having some balance in PvP will draw more players to PvP so more matches and different comp which is nice. The CW, DC of the world will also be pretty happy with the changes since they were affected most by bugged rogues. So now more of them will engage in PvP overall just makes for a better PvP environment on the whole with some balance.

    I am a CW and am not looking forward to these nerfs at all. Only the insanely geared TR's can kill a competent player with stealth + CoS (About 1-2% with full BiS + greater tene) and now those same TR's with incredible gear will do just as well post nerf. However the 98% of other TR's will now kill bosses 38%+ slower (that number gotten from someone that did extensive testing on live and preview shards)

    Any class with BiS + greater tene + perfect enchants is going to be insanely overpowered in PvP because only 5% or less of the population can get that stuff. It's stupid to say nerf rogue b/c an insane geared rogue can 1 shot. so can an insane gear CW or GF, and insane geared GWF can live forever... This nerf is just stupid imo
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
  • lichlamentlichlament Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    I am a CW and am not looking forward to these nerfs at all. Only the insanely geared TR's can kill a competent player with stealth + CoS (About 1-2% with full BiS + greater tene) and now those same TR's with incredible gear will do just as well post nerf. However the 98% of other TR's will now kill bosses 38%+ slower (that number gotten from someone that did extensive testing on live and preview shards)

    Any class with BiS + greater tene + perfect enchants is going to be insanely overpowered in PvP because only 5% or less of the population can get that stuff. It's stupid to say nerf rogue b/c an insane geared rogue can 1 shot. so can an insane gear CW or GF, and insane geared GWF can live forever... This nerf is just stupid imo

    it's give or take 30 % roughly... but in the grand scope of things..30/38 % is such a huge rip off the DPS.. the only thing a rogue will be good for ANYWHERE is keeping the seats warm back in PE for the guildmates.
  • xiphenonxiphenon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    IThe CW, DC of the world will also be pretty happy with the changes since they were affected most by bugged rogues.

    Sorry to say, but as a DC I would be much more happy with fixing buggy fighters that kick me out of my astral shield, dealing tons of damage, while they are self virtually untouchable if not the whole group assist on them.
  • cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    lichlament wrote: »
    it's give or take 30 % roughly... but in the grand scope of things..30/38 % is such a huge rip off the DPS.. the only thing a rogue will be good for ANYWHERE is keeping the seats warm back in PE for the guildmates.

    I think they will still come to CN. The run to first and draco fires cut quite a bit of dungeon time out lol. But thats really going to be the only time they need to be taken sadly =/. Like I said I am CW but I have been wanting to level a TR for a while now just because I find the ability to attack from the shadows and not break stealth to be a really cool and unique game mechanic. Is that mechanic overpowered in PvP? maybe so, so just fix it in PvP and let the PvE players still use and enjoy the unique take on a stealth class.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
  • nichivonichivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 83
    edited July 2013
    uri92 wrote: »
    Nice try but I got a rogue myself.
    Lurker Assault is what make rogue able to OS people, if they got vorpal. So of course the LA nerf will have an impact on pvp.
    As a cleric I'm used to nerfs you know. Adapt.
    Rogue can no longer solo boss in 10mins ? Yeah well now it will take 20mins or a second dps on boss. Not a big deal.
    Don't try to pretend that you are worried about PVE, that's too funny. It's clear that you are whining because your PVP experience will go from OS to struggling like others.

    Filled with misinformation. The facts are lurkers in pvp did not happen often enough for that change to make a **** bit of difference. Rogues were and still are easy to see and kill. No amount of nerfing will stop cry babies from whining about pvp. Oh how cute you assume I'm TR.

    Pick a class, any class, come to beholder and I will be more than happy to kill you with it!

    3 facts in all games that have PVP

    1.) No amount of nerfs will stop bads from whining.
    2.) Bads rarely change into non bads cause they spend to much time whining instead of playing.
    3.) Even if everyone in pvp has the exact same everything, there will still be whining bads.
    I am excited for these changes to the Rogue class for PvP and PvE. I think fixing a bugged exploited class can be a good thing for the game.

    Great good to know I will expect my GF and GWF to be nerfed. Not to worry I still have a CW and DC to fall back on... Err wait you just said you want all the classes nerfed. Please see the 3 facts of all games with pvp.
  • abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    huckafour wrote: »
    so you agree that the rogue is currently balanced for PVP and only needs a PVE adjustment

    you really sure you dont want to rethink your answer?
    cause that goes against everyting you said so far

    I didn't say that. /sigh
  • meeggtoastmeeggtoast Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 159 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    I think they will still come to CN. The run to first and draco fires cut quite a bit of dungeon time out lol. But thats really going to be the only time they need to be taken sadly =/. Like I said I am CW but I have been wanting to level a TR for a while now just because I find the ability to attack from the shadows and not break stealth to be a really cool and unique game mechanic. Is that mechanic overpowered in PvP? maybe so, so just fix it in PvP and let the PvE players still use and enjoy the unique take on a stealth class.

    No you dont need tr for CN. The run to first and to draco can be done with gwf, the latter only requires ur cw's moveing their butts. Latter can also be done by a DC tank regen build. The run is actually faster, but you really have to have a knowledgable party.

    First run for gwf:
    Passives: Steel Grace, Bravery
    Encounters: Battlefury, Punishing charge, Restoring Strike.

    Have fun sprinting.

    Second run u can do it without GWF doing the same above or reach it by running together and CW knock off adds, only goo monster will eat up 1 min of your time.

    This run is faster. than a standard 5 man TR + 2 CW + 1 DC + 1 Whatever. Also faster than 1TR 2 CW 1 DC 4 man run. Simply because the fact is rogues cant debuff the boss as much as the gwf and gwf can actually take a crit bite from draco.

    Have fun CN without a rogue!
    Nevermore@meeggtoast 12.2 BiS TR
    Lanaya@meeggtoast 13.4 BiS GWF
    Shendelzare@meeggtoast 11.2k CN mule CW

    Server: Dragon
    Stream: meeggtoast
    Guide: Meeggtoast's Destroyer Dps Guide
  • roguenerfbatmanroguenerfbatman Banned Users Posts: 111 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    lichlament wrote: »
    it's give or take 30 % roughly... but in the grand scope of things..30/38 % is such a huge rip off the DPS.. the only thing a rogue will be good for ANYWHERE is keeping the seats warm back in PE for the guildmates.

    I dont why you guys are worried as CW have been given a new bug to do 1m damage on an encounter. You wont need that rogue at all.

    Working as intended.
  • roguenerfbatmanroguenerfbatman Banned Users Posts: 111 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    huckafour wrote: »
    yes, you did say that

    you said that after the patch pvp will be more fun cause of balance
    since the pvp aspect of rogues arent changed at all, it means those are currently balanced for pvp

    it also shows why some people say youre a troll...you contradict yourself so much, that you dont even see it yourself

    ill even quote you from another thread that is PURELY ABOUT PVP

    another example of why your opinion is nothing someone should base anything on cause your view of the things is just plain wrong

    Yes we should take your completely one eyed lrn2play viewpoint into account. Lol you kid yourself.
  • anothersorrowanothersorrow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 171 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
  • eillowyeillowy Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Ok so... With int/Cha being worthless for TR... Why is it called TRICKSTER Rogue? If I recall from 4e It tends to favor Dex/Cha for many abilities.... Petition for Class name change?
  • sreredrumsreredrum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    so basically rogues are going to be the constant nerfbatted warlocks of occasionallywinter
    How about you do something different from every other company and change the abils that are LEAST used to make different builds sprout naturally? ..instead of knee-jerk, flat out LAZY alterations to builds people actually use since the rest of your plans sucked to begin with.
  • abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    huckafour wrote: »
    yes, you did say that

    you said that after the patch pvp will be more fun cause of balance
    since the pvp aspect of rogues arent changed at all, it means those are currently balanced for pvp

    it also shows why some people say youre a troll...you contradict yourself so much, that you dont even see it yourself

    ill even quote you from another thread that is PURELY ABOUT PVP

    another example of why your opinion is nothing someone should base anything on cause your view of the things is just plain wrong

    I don't contradict myself. Rogues are mainly being fixed from being bugged I feel for PvE. These changes will also help balance PvP because they need to come down and be in balance with the other classes right now currently they are not. Just glad they are attempting to fix there exploits they use and PvP should be more balanced as well and more fun for most classes.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited July 2013
    Moderator Notice:
    . . . . .
    That is quite enough of the "Learn2Play" trolls/personal attacks. I'll give anyone who used or quoted it a little bit of time tonight for you to go in and edit it out of your post(s). I'll be removing any posts that contain it, whether in quote form or in actual usage, in a couple hours. If I have to remove them, I may issue warnings as needed, depending on severity of usage.

    . . . . . So, please read the Rules of Conduct and please show some respect. Keep the Smack-Talk in the Game an Off the Forums, please. Thanks!

    I merged a couple well-written replies into here from another user (shall not name who), alas we cannot allow rule discussions on the forums, yet I feel they are written in a way that it should be seen. Thanks anonymous user! (please stay anonymous & don't reply to this, thanks again!)
    You should keep within forum policies honestly. If you have nothing constructive or great to say then you don't have to. Even if someone is obviously trolling just let them do it and they won't be able to post eventually. Lets keep this to discussion instead of personal battles doesn't do well for the forums and this should be a place of learning and discussion not a flame fest.

    Great minds think alike as I just posted that a Mod chimed in. Thanks I would like to keep this forum for discussion.
  • imathilimathil Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Tested out the new patch and somewhat appalled at what it is going to do the to the TR. I don't do PvP EVER - absolutely no interest in it - my interest is in PvE and this patch is really going to put the hurt on both solo playing and dungeon groups. I am primarily a solo player; I was definitely not happy with the Gauntlgrym area begin guild only. I have been playing D&D since it was called Chainmail and in all that time the Rogue lived in the shadows and fought from the shadows. I leveled my TR without doing a single dungeon since most people's idea of doing a dungeon is run down the sparkly path to the end as fast as they can instead of really exploring the dungeon. I have gone back and started soloing the non-epic dungeons after leveling - Throne of Idris was a stone cold PITA but actually was fun even if the final boss battle took literally 1.5 hrs of dodging in and out of stealth and heck of lot of pots. So with this new patch that is basically dead.

    I started doing Epic Dungeons with the TR for the gear and not really a lot of fun running down the silvery line. I have done dungeons with my CW and DC (both leveled) in groups because those classes just don't have the survivability in solo play and when the TR in group isn't really pulling their weight (happening a lot lately where they just coast and are afraid of getting dinged and just stand back and throw daggers and bounce in place until CoS comes off cooldown) it becomes a nightmare for the rest of the group and lead to one of my first DNFs on CoK. Not saying the TR is the lynch pin of the group but rather that when one of your members isn't or can't fulfill their function then the system starts to break down. If the issue is that TRs are one-shotting players in PvP then fix it in PvP but don't gimp the TR in PvE. I haven't heard a single player in any dungeon I have played complain that the TR was overpowered and spoiling their fun. Especially since rewards are not (as far as I know) based on damage dealt or taken or enemies killed. Since pretty much everything goes into the pot for rolls. The only slight advantage might be in being able to get to the skill nodes quicker (something I have seen lately is TRs guarding skill nodes while the rest of the party is fighting) with the speed boost in stealth.

    What would really go a long way with patches (not just this one but all patches) is an explanation of the reasoning behind why the changes are being made, what they are trying to fix (other than the blanket "game balance" explanation) and how they arrived at the solution. Would save a lot of wear and tear on the keyboard and supposition and maybe even force the devs to really sit down and outline and think about what they are trying to achieve.

    Just my thoughts on it. I bought the Founder's Pack ( not that it gives me any more credence than anyone else) mostly for early access to the Foundry and budgeted a set amount of money for online gaming (**** addictive Nightmare boxes) which has been going to NW and debated about buying the new expansion but based on this proposed patch I don't see sinking anymore money into the game. I will still play most likely play but don't see myself putting any cash into the ecosystem if this patch plays out the way I think it will. I am willing to pay if it is fun ( and that doesn't mean easy - I like a challenge) and if it isn't...

    Feel free to eviscerate me if my thoughts don't match your world view.

    Imathil (TR60)
    Udorain Ringsmith(DC60)

    BTW if you want to nerf something nerf the spitting spiders with the 60ft range - I hate those things and swarms of them have killed me more than any other single creature.
  • abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    So I have a question when changes are made to classes are there specific answers given as to why ? I see a lot of theories to why changes happen but wouldn't it just be easier if we got a post saying these upcoming changes were made because of XYZ. Also we have a future of NW we are looking toward something like that.
  • iirciirc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    TR is dead go re-reroll to GWF/GF or find a new game. I suggest find a new game. Cryptic will be nerfing classes every 1-2 months= you buy more zen to re-roll stats/power or make a new toon= nothing but heartache for the players. I myself spent quite a bit of money since I started playing this game, not the 1st game I'm leaving due to the game having crappy devs, IT FEELS GOOD TO LEAVE A GAME.

    RIP my DC and TR
  • roguenerfbatmanroguenerfbatman Banned Users Posts: 111 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    zebular wrote: »
    Moderator Notice:
    . . . . .
    That is quite enough of the "Learn2Play" trolls/personal attacks. I'll give anyone who used or quoted it a little bit of time tonight for you to go in and edit it out of your post(s). I'll be removing any posts that contain it, whether in quote form or in actual usage, in a couple hours. If I have to remove them, I may issue warnings as needed, depending on severity of usage.

    . . . . . So, please read the Rules of Conduct and please show some respect. Keep the Smack-Talk in the Game an Off the Forums, please. Thanks!

    I merged a couple well-written replies into here from another user (shall not name who), alas we cannot allow rule discussions on the forums, yet I feel they are written in a way that it should be seen. Thanks anonymous user! (please stay anonymous & don't reply to this, thanks again!)

    If you remove my LRN2Play posts then equally and fairly you should go through every rogues post and remove theirs as well.

    Do you realise how many times prominent rogues on these forums have told other classes that they just need to "learn to play"

    Or is this another case of your company placating the majority of players who rolled the OP class.

    And as for listening to Pinkfonts complaining and reporting go back and read his posts to the other classes when they were nerfed. I could well be wrong but considering he told me he would be reporting i believe it is a fair assumption.

    Your policies should be policies for all.

    Or is this another case of your company placating the majority of players who rolled the OP class
  • roguenerfbatmanroguenerfbatman Banned Users Posts: 111 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    huckafour wrote: »
    so youve switched to your troll account again....

    well, considering that i didnt phrase my own viewpoint, but the one of abomb aka you is bringing to these boards, you just flamed yourself

    way to go

    Huck you have told by me time and time again that this account has nothing to do with abom. I feel no desire to prove anything to you.

    But let me tell you again that there is more than one person in this game who is sick to death of your lrn2play comments.

    Honestly wake the hell up.
  • nichivonichivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 83
    edited July 2013

    Or is this another case of your company placating the majority of players who rolled the OP class.

    Please leave my GF and GWF out of this discussion.... K thanks!
  • yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Do you realise how many times prominent rogues on these forums have told other classes that they just need to "learn to play"

    Allright, than what do you suggest 'prominent rogues' reply to posters who say stealth gives immunity to damage, have unlimited daggers, can have their Daily up as much as any other class and have three damage encounters slotted next to Bait&Switch, ShadowStrike and ItC?
  • abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    huckafour wrote: »
    you say that after the patch there will be more balance in pvp
    the patch doesnt affact pvp at all
    which means there already is everything balanced in pvp

    which then cant be cause then there wouldnt be MORE balance after the patch

    contradiction right there

    and oyu still havent answer my question

    Well then I guess you don't understand answers. You just are trying to make riddles and not discussion. If you would like to talk about the changes then go for it. I think you believe this is a personal debate between you and me and I am here to discuss the positive changes to the rogue class. That is the reason why you are not finding answers maybe. So back to talking about the great changes instead of a personal debate on opinions.
  • roguenerfbatmanroguenerfbatman Banned Users Posts: 111 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    yerune wrote: »
    Allright, than what do you suggest 'prominent rogues' reply to posters who say stealth gives immunity to damage, have unlimited daggers, can have their Daily up as much as any other class and have three damage encounters slotted next to Bait&Switch, ShadowStrike and ItC?

    I dont believe those posters exist. To be nice.

    I feel that you have used some very very unrealistic examples.

    Unlimited COS ?

    More than three encounters ?

    Stealth gives immunity to damage? (Maybe after you pop ITC)

    I see lots of people on the forums posting about rogues and their abilities. Generally they are reasonable posts. But then rogues come back with these wild unrealistic retorts.

    For example Pinkfont stated that the only way to be successful with X3lades build was to have dream gear "far beyond the normal person to achieve" . X3lade had to actually state that in the videos he posted he was wearing standard PVP gear with level 6 enchants.
    (recalling from memory)

    You did the same thing above. Just unrealistic statements IMO.
  • yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I see lots of people on the forums posting about rogues and their abilities. Generally they are reasonable posts. But then rogues come back with these wild unrealistic retorts.

    You did the same thing above. Just unrealistic statements IMO.

    Yes, except for the three extra slots, which was more or less only referred, I've seen all those statements. There are a lot of misconceptions about the class. Which is normal when people only focus on, and play, one class.

    If you search stealth threads where I posted in, I think you'll find some posts that state those things.

    No need to make this a us vs them btw.
This discussion has been closed.