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Banelorne's Stealth-Based Executioner Builds: Maximize Your TR's Solo Capabilities.



  • klixanklixan Member Posts: 447 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Hi guys, I've made it to level 40, but I'm starting to struggle a bit. I'm still using white regen gear (but it's getting harder and harder to find it on the AH). And I've been using the blue (seal vendor) daggers up till now, but I think it's time for an upgrade, what should I get next?

    I've maxed out Cunning Stalker and Sneaky Stabber, but I'm not sure if I should continue down the the Sab path and take Nimble Dodge next or Underhanded Tactics (that extra damage to Combat Advantage is very tempting).

    As for Gloaming Cut, which At-Will did you replace with it? I'm still using Sly Flourish and Duelist's Flurry (not sure which one I need to drop for Gloaming).
  • l0th4ri0l0th4ri0 Member Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hey klixan, you might read on the forums here and there that leveling a TR past 40 can be tricky, but it doesn't have to be. We get shadow strike at level 45, and then things get real interesting. :)

    As for gloaming cut, replace sly flourish and don't look back. You need duelist's flurry as one of your at-wills for the rest of PVE, as that is your main boss-killer skill. Remember that gloaming is for the trash that you can one-hit or two-hit and move on to the next while maintaining stealth for an extended duration. What you should be doing is prioritizing the trash mobs first, eliminating them from the tactical picture with stealthed gloaming cut, and after they are gone, then focus on the bigger tougher guys with duelist's flurry. Use bait and switch and/or lurkers to maintain your invisibility for long periods as you wipe out the mobs, and if you can't get them all with one stealth, then use dazing strike to stun whoever is left and pile on more DFs while time ticks away on your CDs.

    Gloaming Cut is for the easily killed, DF is for everybody else.

    As for the gear, if you are having problems with not enough defense or whatever, you don't have to stick it out like I do, because not everybody is a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> like me LOL. Start using greens and whatnot if you think it will help. Your daggers should be the highest damage that you can possibly get. If that means switching to a green dagger from a blue, then so be it. All that matters is getting the highest base damage that you can. :)

    For the feats, I kept going saboteur after sneaky stabber, but that doesn't mean that it was the smartest thing I could have done. If you want to put some into the other tree then I'm sure it will be fine.
  • rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    klixan wrote: »
    I've maxed out Cunning Stalker and Sneaky Stabber, but I'm not sure if I should continue down the the Sab path and take Nimble Dodge next or Underhanded Tactics (that extra damage to Combat Advantage is very tempting).

    This is really going to come down to how you enjoy playing. The Saboteur path involves a little more tactical gameplay than the Executioner path, which is easier when playing solo or with friends but can be tricky with a PUG when people are less likely to be communicating well.
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

  • fimcontefimconte Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lichlament wrote: »
    So because you say I'm wrong, I am supposed to be wrong ?
    No. You're wrong because:

    125 Power = 2,5-5.833dmg on At-Wills, ~13.333...-23,333...dmg on Encounters, depending on powers used.
    125 Armor Penetration = ~-1.1% DR = +1.1% Damage, until target has 0% DR.

    Let's look at At-Wills at 3k Power+Ancient Weapons :
    CoS (25 Pow = ~0,5 dmg): 499-591,
    Avg: 545 + 1.1% dmg = ~+5,995... dmg vs +2,5dmg

    DF (25 Pow = ~1,166...dmg): 1107-1303,
    Avg: 1205 + 1.1% dmg = +13,255 dmg vs ~+5,833... dmg

    SF (25 Pow = ~1,166...dmg): 1107-1303,
    Avg: 1205 + 1.1% dmg = +13,255 dmg vs ~+5,833... dmg

    Lashing Blade (25 Pow = ~4.66...dmg ratio): 5447-6446,
    Avg: 5946,5 + 1.1% = +65,4115 dmg vs ~+23,333...dmg

    Deft Strike (25 Pow = ~2.66...dmg ratio): 2950-3491,
    Avg: 3220,5 + 1.1% = +35,4255 dmg vs ~+13,333...dmg

    Dazing Strike (25 Pow = ~3,33...dmg ratio): 3858-4566,
    Avg: 4212 + 1.1% = +46,332 dmg vs ~+16,66...dmg

    Impact Shot (25 Pow = ~2.66...dmg ratio): 2950-3491,
    Avg: 3220,5 + 1.1% = +35,4255 dmg vs ~+13,333...dmg

    Wicked Reminder (25 Pow = ~3 dmg ratio): 1978-2311,
    Avg: 2144,5 + 1.1% = +23,5895 dmg vs ~+15 dmg

    As you can see, at 3k Power, there's not a single ability that would benefit more from Power than from ArP.
    In fact, the more Power you get, the more valuable ArP becomes, but with reasonable gear at lvl 60, there's almost no time where Power>ArP (before target dr% cap).
    lichlament wrote: »
    Sorry, your word is not law.
    Never said it was, but I base my arguments on facts founded on math, which tends to make them fairly credible.
    lichlament wrote: »
    I do significant amounts of damage with 5,000 power and 3,000 Crit Strike.

    I have run tests with Armor Pen / Crit Strike build and My DPS actually goes down by 2k.

    Power gives flat straight returns up until 5k, then the return slowly downgrades after.

    Power handles base damage, The higher your base damage, naturally the higher your critical strike. Raising Critical Strike, thus, raises the damage inflicted upon Critical Strikes giving each Crit even more bang for your buck.
    Except base damage increase from Power doesn't compare to the damage increase from ArP (until softcap).
    lichlament wrote: »
    If I am wrong, then tell that to the GWF i can one shot from Stealth with 30k plus, Lashing Blades...
    I can do this with 2.4k power, there are other variables than power that cause 30k Lashing Blades.
    lichlament wrote: »
    From Stealth I can even drop a Clerics health 50 % with one shot from Impact Shot.
    Not because of Power alone.
    lichlament wrote: »
    Before you make assumptions, do some tests on the Preview server, like some of us other math and mechanic people have.
    Except. I did. See above.
    lichlament wrote: »
    Thank you, have a nice day.

    Edit: who said anything about recovery ?
    Edit 2: I let my kill / death ratio from my matches speak for me on behalf of Power stat's significance.

    I think K/D has very little to do with the effectiveness of any one stat, but more with how competent the player and his opponents are.

    Case and Point, I sometimes equip full blue set on my GF for laughs and still get top K/D vs PuGs.
    Fans Glory to the Gladiators,
    Gods Glory to the Heroes.

    TR:Anirul Corrino@Fimconte
    GF:Irulan Corrino@Fimconte
  • liiiliiilililililiiiliiilililili Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    didn't read it... nice that the forum dont give a msg popup :rolleyes:
    don't stress then i know :)

    okay then i looking for vorpal enchantments

    when you are on mindflyer i offer some recovery enchants and share stats runestones for free, lvl 4 ;)
    one piece of the set costs arround 8-12g
    i had on the end of the lvl phase arround 50g
    okay bought some cheap lvl60 epic neck and icon with ad, was not my first char and this gave a nice boost.
    but you safe so much medikits and potions that you can sell them when the new lvl-range potions come from the box.
  • lichlamentlichlament Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    fimconte wrote: »
    No. You're wrong because:

    125 Power = 2,5-5.833dmg on At-Wills, ~13.333...-23,333...dmg on Encounters, depending on powers used.
    125 Armor Penetration = ~-1.1% DR = +1.1% Damage, until target has 0% DR.

    Let's look at At-Wills at 3k Power+Ancient Weapons :
    CoS (25 Pow = ~0,5 dmg): 499-591,
    Avg: 545 + 1.1% dmg = ~+5,995... dmg vs +2,5dmg

    DF (25 Pow = ~1,166...dmg): 1107-1303,
    Avg: 1205 + 1.1% dmg = +13,255 dmg vs ~+5,833... dmg

    SF (25 Pow = ~1,166...dmg): 1107-1303,
    Avg: 1205 + 1.1% dmg = +13,255 dmg vs ~+5,833... dmg

    Lashing Blade (25 Pow = ~4.66...dmg ratio): 5447-6446,
    Avg: 5946,5 + 1.1% = +65,4115 dmg vs ~+23,333...dmg

    Deft Strike (25 Pow = ~2.66...dmg ratio): 2950-3491,
    Avg: 3220,5 + 1.1% = +35,4255 dmg vs ~+13,333...dmg

    Dazing Strike (25 Pow = ~3,33...dmg ratio): 3858-4566,
    Avg: 4212 + 1.1% = +46,332 dmg vs ~+16,66...dmg

    Impact Shot (25 Pow = ~2.66...dmg ratio): 2950-3491,
    Avg: 3220,5 + 1.1% = +35,4255 dmg vs ~+13,333...dmg

    Wicked Reminder (25 Pow = ~3 dmg ratio): 1978-2311,
    Avg: 2144,5 + 1.1% = +23,5895 dmg vs ~+15 dmg

    As you can see, at 3k Power, there's not a single ability that would benefit more from Power than from ArP.
    In fact, the more Power you get, the more valuable ArP becomes, but with reasonable gear at lvl 60, there's almost no time where Power>ArP (before target dr% cap).

    Never said it was, but I base my arguments on facts founded on math, which tends to make them fairly credible.

    Except base damage increase from Power doesn't compare to the damage increase from ArP (until softcap).

    I can do this with 2.4k power, there are other variables than power that cause 30k Lashing Blades.

    Not because of Power alone.

    Except. I did. See above.

    I think K/D has very little to do with the effectiveness of any one stat, but more with how competent the player and his opponents are.

    Case and Point, I sometimes equip full blue set on my GF for laughs and still get top K/D vs PuGs.

    Excuse me for missing this thread past few days, Holiday and all...

    So I ask, where you come up with this equation ?
    I tend to look at raw data ...

    When I switch out to 3.7k power , 2.9k Crit strike and 2k armor pen, I see my damage take a significant dip on encounters and at wills...

    Practice dummy and in PvP....

    Also taking off a Vorpal you see crit severity drop significantly in damage to the point your doing very bland damage..

    I notice alot of people think they are doing great damage until they strip off the 50 % or whatnot from the Vorpal to see what damage they are actually doing as a base.

    I will run another round of tests tonight with Armor pen again.
  • fimcontefimconte Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lichlament wrote: »
    Excuse me for missing this thread past few days, Holiday and all...

    So I ask, where you come up with this equation ?
    I tend to look at raw data ...
    Tooltip changes / Level 1 Dagger + Dummy testing (to verify power:dmg ratios) and checking numbers in Logs/ACT.
    lichlament wrote: »
    When I switch out to 3.7k power , 2.9k Crit strike and 2k armor pen, I see my damage take a significant dip on encounters and at wills...

    Practice dummy and in PvP....
    Dummies have 0 DR = ArP has no effect.
    lichlament wrote: »
    Also taking off a Vorpal you see crit severity drop significantly in damage to the point your doing very bland damage..

    I notice alot of people think they are doing great damage until they strip off the 50 % or whatnot from the Vorpal to see what damage they are actually doing as a base.

    I will run another round of tests tonight with Armor pen again.

    I'm not sure where you're going with this, but if anything Vorpal would increase the advantage of ArP.
    Fans Glory to the Gladiators,
    Gods Glory to the Heroes.

    TR:Anirul Corrino@Fimconte
    GF:Irulan Corrino@Fimconte
  • ferraz01ferraz01 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Deadly Momentum (5/5)????

    screenshot is Critical Teamwork 5/5 -_-
  • lichlamentlichlament Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Ok, loaded ACT , and will run a few pvp matches and will post the screenshotted results of DPS, between Ar. Pen build and Power build and will see the difference... Will screenshot my attributes for both runs as well.
  • sirstoukassirstoukas Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    fimconte wrote: »
    And you'd be wrong.

    Armor Pen (until softcap) > Crit (until softcap) > Power.

    With 4pc Swash, one hits 3k Recovery when 4pc buff is up, so extra recovery isn't needed.

    Hi and ty for posting your results. Spending time testing and posting is maybe the more valuable thing one can make to tr community. One favor though, can you post these precise soft caps so we have an idea of a solid (with numbers) gear goal and we can compare to other tr feedback.
    Thanxs a ton. Cheers.
  • xpertzxxxxpertzxxx Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2013
    sirstoukas wrote: »
    Hi and ty for posting your results. Spending time testing and posting is maybe the more valuable thing one can make to tr community. One favor though, can you post these precise soft caps so we have an idea of a solid (with numbers) gear goal and we can compare to other tr feedback.
    Thanxs a ton. Cheers.

    Pretty sure I've seen the math and numbers on these forums somewhere, or maybe it was reddit. Do a little search, you'd be amazed what you can find. =)
    Wtf is a Molon Labe?

    - Tiduss -

  • mercurial257mercurial257 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Fought a few rogues using this since game launched;l Satin, behindyou, cantcme, (just to name a few). As a gwf/gf with around 13k gs, i can definitely say that this build is extremely hard to encounter 1 v 1 wise.

    Did a pug (yes i know pugs...) yesterday against cantcme..and LITERALLY saw him 1 time in the bg. We didnt have a dc so i just had to watch my "allies" randomly die. >_<

    Isnt this build going to get nerfed or something? Not complaining just wondering. And yes..gwf heals are wtfcrzy w/ ten enchants.
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hey guys. Sorry if I haven't been around for the past 2 days. I've been on a trip and just got back this morning. I'll reply to the posts which are in need of replies later! For now please feel free to raise any other questions or concerns regarding the build (or at least on the topic of stealth rogues) in a post so our community of TR's and myself can assist you with them. :)
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ferraz01 wrote: »
    Deadly Momentum (5/5)????

    screenshot is Critical Teamwork 5/5 -_-

    Whoops! I seem to have missed that. Thank you so much for notifying me about this!
    lichlament wrote: »
    Ok, loaded ACT , and will run a few pvp matches and will post the screenshotted results of DPS, between Ar. Pen build and Power build and will see the difference... Will screenshot my attributes for both runs as well.

    Hey, Lich. How's the testing going so far? I'm curious about how the results went. :) Keep up the good work!
    Fought a few rogues using this since game launched;l Satin, behindyou, cantcme, (just to name a few). As a gwf/gf with around 13k gs, i can definitely say that this build is extremely hard to encounter 1 v 1 wise.

    Did a pug (yes i know pugs...) yesterday against cantcme..and LITERALLY saw him 1 time in the bg. We didnt have a dc so i just had to watch my "allies" randomly die. >_<

    Isnt this build going to get nerfed or something? Not complaining just wondering. And yes..gwf heals are wtfcrzy w/ ten enchants.

    Hi, and thank you for your feedback! I have to agree with you. This build is effective for 1 vs. 1 scenarios in PVP as we can carefully whittle down the HP of certain opponents with low AC, particularly wizards, fellow non-stealth TR's, and DC's. It takes time, much more time as compared to a burst TR who specializes in killing a low AC target in one fell swoop. GF's and GWF's are on a different league and requires more time to kill, and we all know that time isn't something we have in PVP as people tend to assist their allies as soon as possible.

    Although the build can be effective in 1 vs. 1 play, the people in which you mentioned might have been really well-geared as gear tends to be what makes or breaks a Stealth-based TR, or practically any class build. We have horribly gimped DPS as compared to the real monsters in PVP, the burst TR's. If by any chance we are getting a nerf, I sure it's not too severe of a nerf due to the fact that it requires an awful lot of investment to create what makes this build (or any build) really OP, the enchants. Vorpal enchantment in particular gives any TR who uses the Executioner Paragon Path really OP DPS. The same applies to this build as it is using the Executioner Path. But it's something that can only be done after spending 10M+ AD's or more, and not a lot of people can afford that.

    I haven't seen a Stealth TR try a PF + Tene variant, but I doubt it'll be effective for us as we have an inherently low HP pool.
  • lichlamentlichlament Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Still working on using this ACT parser, so used to using Gamparse from everquest...

    As far as just a visual base, I have to say so far it's slightly even... I am seeing similar numbers with the Armor Pen build that I have seen with 5,000 power...

    But I want to be sure and have the numbers to back it up...

    Also been testing a new strat in PvP, where I havent been focusing on points so much but more on kills...
  • lichlamentlichlament Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    want to keep this near the top because of all the information available in this post
  • fabfestafabfesta Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hi guys,

    I specced into this last night and it was a lot of fun!! thx for the guide. I was just wondering if any of your really tried to solo T2 epic dungeons. Did someone collect a list of soloed dungeons with this spec?

  • aselia669aselia669 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So which is better?
    Critical Teamwork or Deadly Momentum, as I've noticed the inaccuracy of the screenshot to the build posted on 1st page.

    In my experience it's hard to stack on Deadly Momentum at the same time maintaining stealth in solo. I'm confused on what to actually take before I respec. Any opinions or suggestions would be appreciated fellow stealth rogues. :)
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lichlament wrote: »
    want to keep this near the top because of all the information available in this post

    Thanks for the support, man! Haven't had the chance to post much these days so this bump of yours the day it almost sank to page 2 is greatly appreciated.

    I really haven't been getting much free time lately, and I'm really sorry if my updates are lagging behind, everyone. I should get more time once the weekend hits.
    fabfesta wrote: »
    Hi guys,

    I specced into this last night and it was a lot of fun!! thx for the guide. I was just wondering if any of your really tried to solo T2 epic dungeons. Did someone collect a list of soloed dungeons with this spec?


    Hey, Fabfesta. Glad we had that chat a while back in the game. Can't wait for our dungeon delving session once the weekend hits.

    For all those who are interested in joining these few runs in Mindflayer please do not hesitate to volunteer! We only have 1 "requirement", and that is to be a Stealth TR. We'll be trying out a 5-man T1 run on the weekend, just to see how far 5 stealth TR's can go without any support from other classes.

    I hope one of my fellow guildies Edmund Guthrie can join us in this run. He's a fellow stealth TR, has beast gear and the skills to pull off solo PVE runs. :)
    aselia669 wrote: »
    So which is better?
    Critical Teamwork or Deadly Momentum, as I've noticed the inaccuracy of the screenshot to the build posted on 1st page.

    In my experience it's hard to stack on Deadly Momentum at the same time maintaining stealth in solo. I'm confused on what to actually take before I respec. Any opinions or suggestions would be appreciated fellow stealth rogues. :)

    Hi, and thank you for taking interest in this build of ours. I'm sorry if I haven't edited that portion of the guide yet as I haven't had the luxury of getting free time recently. As for your question, what I can tell you is that from testing in PVE and PVP, having Critical Teamwork benefits your teammates much more so that Deadly Momentum which is, as you mentioned, hard to maintain. Not to mention the +15% Critical Severity is pretty much a paltry amount compared to what players can get via Vorpal. The extra 15% is nice but it's something very, very situational from my experience. Which is why I took Critical Teamwork in place of Deadly Momentum.
  • fabfestafabfesta Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    so my first epic dungeon solo impression: Cragmire crypts.

    I had just a bit over on hour so I couldnt complete it. Up to first boss, slow but easy. First boss piece of cake. The only notable trash is the spiders that spit some unavoidable damage but not much of a prob.
    Second boss (competing adventurers or something like that). There are 4 members. 3 are easy because you can stealth lock them but the priest is a prob. He basically spams a huge AoE around him every couple of seconds (not targeted i.e. it goes off also when you are in stealth). So you have to force the other 3 to move so that you can single them out and then you have to deal with the priest. For this fight I had to switch DF for cloud of steel to get some ranged damage. Also on the way to the second boss (just before them) there isa commander battle wright that has the same prob. IF it is in combat with nothing to hit spam a self centered AoE. BaS and cloud of steel....slow but it goes down.

    My first dungeon and my first impressions.

    p.s.: note on the gear: not at all good like Banelorne said :) normally around 10k gs. Ioun stone of course helps a lot (but she is still lvl 19 so no icon). I switched enchants so that I could use the T1 PVP set and have 1.3k recovery. With this setup is very easy to just spam Gloaming and shadow strike indefinitely. LA+DF just to save time on big big guys.

    They are definitely doable with some practice and experience. Cant wait for a Stealth TR group :D:D
  • l0th4ri0l0th4ri0 Member Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hi fabfesta!

    I found with those self-AoE spammers that you can also use dazing strike to interrupt them long enough to work in a DF rotation. It might make the fight a little shorter if you can get a couple of bleeds going on them here and there. :)
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hey, Fabfesta. I'll try to see if I can catch you online tomorrow. :) Another guildie of mine will be going online tomorrow so let's hit a dungeon once we're all online. Hopefully another one of my Stealth TR guildies can go online during that time.

    And l0th4ri0, been a while bro! How's the Sab TR going for you? Give us an update sometime bro!

    And I'll be posting an updated screenie later for gear and editing specific parts of the guide which I should have already edited in the past. I just got my Battlefield Skulker set, burnt some spare AD's for R6 Enchants, and will eventually purchase new jewelry so I can slot some R6 silvery enchants on them. I'm still undergeared compared to most other competitive TR's out there but I'll get there one of these days and catch up. :)

    On a side note, for PVP, I'm currently less than 250 kills until I get my Bloodthirsty Title. So that's a little less than 25 PVP matches left. I'm so stoked!
  • l0th4ri0l0th4ri0 Member Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hi todes!

    LOL I got kinda rogued-out a couple of days ago and starting leveling an alt GWF for a change of pace. I'll be back to my Sab soon enough. :)
  • rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The T2 Gauntlgrym set makes an amazing difference for this build, considerably over and above the T1 PvP set. While I run permastealth less often in groups (Managed to finally score the Swashbuckling Captain's set), for soloing it is fantastic - especially once you fully socket it.

    More than any other build, this one is very gear dependent. But once you gear up, it's a lot of fun.
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

  • fabfestafabfesta Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    hi guys, still loving the spec :) a quick question for all of you: did you figure out the value of recovery that is mathematically needed to completely exclude Gloaming Cut?

    given +20% stealth bar due to talents and +20/25% due to gear , there should be a value of recovery that bring Shadow Strike CD below the duration of the normal stealth (i.e. making GC redundant)

    and thx so much for Dazing Strike tip ;)
  • tope1159tope1159 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 34
    edited July 2013
    I think you'll need well over 2.5k recovery for that.
    There's a reason the perma-stealth non-gloaming cut builds build Dex-Int. :)
  • fabfestafabfesta Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ok copying some info from the non-gloaming cut build:

    With the T1 pvp set we need +30% recharge speed to perma stealth without attacking (i.e. cycling only SS and BaS)
    With the T2 pvp set we need +24.5% recharge speed to perma stealth without attacking

    Of course high int helps tons but i feel that the 24.5% is achievable (as a reference 2375 recovery= 19.1% recharge speed)

    This is particular important for those phases when we cannot close in on a boss because it determines if we can wait indefinitely or not. Of course this can be cheated a bit with dodge rolling while we wait and of course using LA when up.

    Even if we dont have those numbers , another way to look at it is by saying "how many GC do i need to land in a rotation to make sure I never break stealth?"
  • sirstoukassirstoukas Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just a small addon.
    One really really helpfull thing you can do is to try to place your bait and switch illusion on a massive inc dmg.
    Even if it means you will loose your rotation, even if your stealth bar is full just do it. The chunk of action points it will give you is well worth the effort (and lurkers assault is the best freaking thing in the tr arsenal). I ve seen my action bar from near zero to full in a single moment. Probably a one shot if you were actually there.
  • fabfestafabfesta Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I agree with you but it is a bit fight dependent. If you dont actually hit the daily and you end up breaking stealth, you will be just dead in a couple of seconds in certain fights. But if SS is close to end of CD or there are some adds that we use to leech some GC recharges then it definitely a good idea.

  • lichlamentlichlament Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Not to steal your thunder Bane but I just wanted to address something.
    I was going to make a new post, but a forum troll here would just turn it into a drama fest.

    RE: Those asking me to post my build and PvE / PvP layouts.

    I will not be posting my build or PvP strats I use on here, because I think some things should remain open to the imagination and have some mystery to them. I do run a unique build that grants high stealth capability with very high dps and decent versatility.

    I will be happy to answer some questions regarding some stuff, but I think keeping options open for the class as a whole prevents specific builds becoming the cookie cutter form for every rogue on the server.
    It suppresses creativity and imagination of the player to find some things out on their own.

    As Bane has done, I am willing to help people out along the way and answer any questions they may have, without " Showing my hand " so to speak ;)
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