I still don't see why the current fix requires any improvement.
The current fix only makes it that people of the same class as the item can need on it, all the others cant.
Or am I wrong?
Then how can you still not see what's wrong with this?
If a mage item drops, and only mages can need on it, the item can still be stolen, yes by fewer people (only the mage) but it can STILL BE STOLEN.
-3 Mages in a group, 2 mages decked out in the best gear and 1 mage with greenies (exaggerated example, but a valid one nonetheless)
-All 3 of them can roll need on the mage item without anything holding them back
-The item will not be bound, so if one of the two decked out mages gets the item he can STILL sell it on the AH for AD
See the problem now?
With this fix:
-3 Mages in a group, 2 mages decked out in the best gear and 1 mage with greenies (exaggerated example, but a valid one nonetheless)
-All 3 of them can roll need on the mage item with something holding them back, the fact it will be bound if needed.
-The 2 decked out mages won't need on it (less incentive, they can only vendor it for a few silver/gold)
-The greenie mage needs on it, it's bound to him, doesn't matter because he wasn't planning on selling it anyway.
Nope, need ADs. Sorry, roll need too and sell stuff you got.
All this change will do will make people like me needing for the vendor, which isn't the purpose of such a change. You don't want more expensive and rarer items do you? After all, gold still has some value.
Honestly if i'm not mistaken you are saying, that people can do bad things no matter the system (my perception of needing to deny other people to get the item)
I agree that people can do bad things no matter the system.
However the less incentive to do such bad things exist, the less people will be tempted to make it.
This is incorrect. An individualized loot system can not be abused. There is no option to abuse it. People have been removed from the system, thereby removing all sources of problems.
This is incorrect. An individualized loot system can not be abused. There is no option to abuse it. People have been removed from the system, thereby removing all sources of problems.
So what you're saying is that if people can only roll Need on items of their class, there is no way there could ever be a problem?
So what you're saying is that if people can only roll Need on items of their class, there is no way there could ever be a problem?
No, you are still thinking of rolling. Im suggesting something different. No need, no greed, no pass. A system like CoH where the game simply awards loot to you, personally. You get your loot, they get theirs. No rolling, no pop ups, no frustration, no jealousy..simply because folks wont even know what you got.
It cant be abused, it cant be gamed, and everyone ends up getting something for their efforts. Simplicity...why would anyone want to muck that up with rolling?
No, you are still thinking of rolling. Im suggesting something different. No need, no greed, no pass. A system like CoH where the game simply awards loot to you, personally. You get your loot, they get theirs. No rolling, no pop ups, no frustration, no jealousy..simply because folks wont even know what you got.
It cant be abused, it cant be gamed, and everyone ends up getting something for their efforts. Simplicity...why would anyone want to muck that up with rolling?
Would this gear be BoP or BoE then?
And wouldn't people gear up way too fast if everyone in the group got a piece of gear everytime?
Or wouldn't everyone get too rich if everyone gets a piece of loot and it's not BoP?
Now redirecting this a bit more to the thread starting point
I've read many people complainin ghtat the fix implemented to the need system isn't enough (which i agree) and so i think this is the easiest way to achieve an improvement considering, the launch of the game is nearby and i can't really ask realisticly) more then this in such a short period.
In the other hand, i've seen people saying no to this idea but mostly with 2 points... just No without a reason (cause they don't want to say that they like it the way it is to get greedy) or because they admit beeing greedy.
So i honestly keep believing this is actually a good idea since people who said to agree have been more 8not just on this thread but in many others)
So once again if you agree keep this thread rolling and bring more ideas!
Let's remove the law, because I want to rob a bank without getting in trouble because I need money.
That's how stupid you sound right now.
That's not robbery, it's a part of the game mechanics and every player has a chance to get the item. It's just fairness. I'm a good player and did a lot of T2, i have almost all i need. If i can't earn ADs with what i get from dungeons then there's no point for me to run one, except enchants, and then the foundry has better droprates.
So... No, people with no gear have no superior rights. They can have a chance to get what they want, i want mine to get ADs.
That's not robbery, it's a part of the game mechanics and every player has a chance to get the item. It's just fairness. I'm a good player and did a lot of T2, i have almost all i need. If i can't earn ADs with what i get from dungeons then there's no point for me to run one, except enchants, and then the foundry has better droprates.
So... No, people with no gear have no superior rights. They can have a chance to get what they want, i want mine to get ADs.
You can still profit from dungeon runs if you're full T2. Get equally geared friends and farm dungeons where nobody needs gear.
Everyone greeds, nothing is bound, you still make money.
This system is to prevent money hungry people joining the dungeon queue to steal items of off people who actually want to WEAR it. And that, is robbery in my eyes.
No, you are still thinking of rolling. Im suggesting something different. No need, no greed, no pass. A system like CoH where the game simply awards loot to you, personally. You get your loot, they get theirs. No rolling, no pop ups, no frustration, no jealousy..simply because folks wont even know what you got.
It cant be abused, it cant be gamed, and everyone ends up getting something for their efforts. Simplicity...why would anyone want to muck that up with rolling?
Well your idea got some points in terms of beeing fair for everyone.
however everyone getting loot means 2 things:
1 if the loot is not for their class and so on they can still get frustrated ( "****! i only get someone else's HAMSTER") or they would get geared very very fast
2. if the items were not bound, the AH would be filled with them quickly and it would remove some profit for thos who get items and such or, if they were bound... then there would be no items on AH i believe.
In any case i'm not disagreeing with your idea. I think it has a fair point.
Biggest issue is... game is lauched in a few days.. and it's much easier to implement my suggestion in that time then yours (i think but not sure ofc)
Would this gear be BoP or BoE then?
And wouldn't people gear up way too fast if everyone in the group got a piece of gear everytime?
Or wouldn't everyone get too rich if everyone gets a piece of loot and it's not BoP?
BOE isnt going to change. The entire AH was set up with gear trading in mind. BOE will stay a cornerstone of this game until it shuts down. And really doesnt matter if it does or not. You get your gear, they get theirs. What you do with it is no ones business but yours.
As far as the rest, id rather everyone get rich equally then a few who abuse broken loot system get rich at the expense of others. As far as too much gear. Not everyone needs to get a purple drop every time. The drop rate does not need to change. Not everyone wins a drop with the current system. Not sure why you expect another system would change that. The difference is if you don't see what the other player got. You really have no reason to be upset about it. And the game can be made to be far more fairer and impartial on dividing everything else so that at least others get similar value if not similar items.
Just to add, that the game already does this. This is not some new thing that needs to be programmed. When you kill a boss. Only you can get your seals. Scrolls and potions are also set aside for you. Other players cant even see them or pick them up. Im simply saying the system needs to be expanded.
That's not robbery, it's a part of the game mechanics and every player has a chance to get the item. It's just fairness. I'm a good player and did a lot of T2, i have almost all i need. If i can't earn ADs with what i get from dungeons then there's no point for me to run one, except enchants, and then the foundry has better droprates.
So... No, people with no gear have no superior rights. They can have a chance to get what they want, i want mine to get ADs.
Sorry to say but you are wrong.
You can group up with people gearead like you and everyone will Greed and tehrefor you will still get your AD.
But if you get paired with other people who need things more then you do, yes they should have it and not you who already have it unless you both greed it. You need the AD not the item mate.
WoW's system makes it so needing a Rare and above binds the item to the winner of the need roll. While yes, some "slow" folks will not even notice that they can't sell their ninja roll, or even care... it seriously did and does help with ninja rollers. I've had entire LFR (25 man pugs) groups GREED roll boe epic drops. It also helps that disenchanting is not a "thing" in Neverwinter.
I seriously think changing the system to react like this would do a lot of good. It will not end the issue 100%, but it will definately help.
Another issue would probably arise though: gearing could become more difficult, as less geared groups would be running with people that actually need gear. You'll have more "farm" groups and segregation between the geared, and not geared.
Sorry but from that sort of comment i only see that you want free stuff without working for them. I'm not beeing generous, i'm beeing fair.
Nope. But i admit it i play for myself, even and especially in pugs. If people have inferior gear, then too bad. Currently, i need all the items i can wear (and not something not for my class, just to avoid drama), there's no issue. If ungeared people want gear they can run more dungeons too.
I don't do dungeons to help rerolls, bad players or people with fewer free time. That's just another way to see things.
WoW's system makes it so needing a Rare and above binds the item to the winner of the need roll. While yes, some "slow" folks will not even notice that they can't sell their ninja roll, or even care... it seriously did and does help with ninja rollers. I've had entire LFR (25 man pugs) groups GREED roll boe epic drops. It also helps that disenchanting is not a "thing" in Neverwinter.
I seriously think changing the system to react like this would do a lot of good. It will not end the issue 100%, but it will definately help.
True i know what you mean
Stilla little more then 10 days to the launch of the game and big changes are not possible i think.
Just making them BoA would be a easy step to make since it's an existing mechanic of the game and would improve the loot system.
Then implement the mechanic that WoW uses should honest mistakes happen. Make the item tradable with the 4 other players in your group for a short period of time. Problem solved.
And without this idea, folks can also roll simply to roll, to deny folks items. Only with this idea they'll be 'punished' as in they won't be able to profit loads from the AH, and only get a few coins from vendoring the item. The incentive is gone for ninjaing, unless a few gold coins is a lot to you.
Lemme make it more clear with an example.
5 Man dungeon group with the suggestion in this thread implemented (and the update as well where only the class of the item can roll need on it):
-1 healer, 1 tank, 1 rogue, 2 mages
-mage item drops, vendors for 1g, BoP if needed
-mage A has a greenie, mage B has a better item
-mage A needs, mage B passes as all he would get is 1g, the item is now bound to mage A and he's wearing it happily.
5 Man dungeon group without the suggestion in this thread implemented (and the update as well where only the class of the item can roll need on it):
-1 healer, 1 tank, 1 rogue, 2 mages
-mage item drops, vendors for 1g, not BoP if needed
-mage A has a greenie, mage B has a better item
-mage A needs, mage B needs too because it's 500K AD on the AH.
-mage B wins, profits 500K AD, mage A is still stuck with his greenie.
I can list every single possible scenario here and everything will be better with this suggestion. But that would be a huge wall of text and i'll let you guys go over all the scenarios in your head. Please point me out any disadvantages that this system might bring (that without this system wouldn't be) and i'll worship you
You're just being biased toward this idea, in your scenario the person with the better stuff is still going to need even if all he is getting is gold. So no this would not benefit the person with less in any way shape or form. This just reduces the amount of AD farmers make and less gear for people who buy to purchase. If you want a true fix then you have to find people you enjoy partying with and sharing.
You can still profit from dungeon runs if you're full T2. Get equally geared friends and farm dungeons where nobody needs gear.
Everyone greeds, nothing is bound, you still make money.
This system is to prevent money hungry people joining the dungeon queue to steal items of off people who actually want to WEAR it. And that, is robbery in my eyes.
Won't money hungry people just need it for the 1.6 gold?
You're just being biased toward this idea, in your scenario the person with the better stuff is still going to need even if all he is getting is gold. So no this would not benefit the person with less in any way shape or form. This just reduces the amount of AD farmers make and less gear for people who buy to purchase. If you want a true fix then you have to find people you enjoy partying with and sharing.
Getting gold is long and tedious. 1.5 gold for a free need on a bound item is also a very good option anyway. Gear will be more expensive for everyone, but since there are DD chests, it will only be an incentive to play more during the event. All in all, makes no difference if you want to farm, but you get some free gold when you have something bound.
Nope. But i admit it i play for myself, even and especially in pugs. If people have inferior gear, then too bad. Currently, i need all the items i can wear (and not something not for my class, just to avoid drama), there's no issue. If ungeared people want gear they can run more dungeons too.
I don't do dungeons to help rerolls, bad players or people with fewer free time. That's just another way to see things.
I have to agree when you say that your way to see things is one of the many ways possible to see it.
Now i won't point anything regarding free time or bad players and such, i think thats too individualized to discuss here and it's not much for this thread i think
In any case i have to agree that this solution helps more the people who don't have gear, then those who want AD. (And that is the point of the solution) (regardless of beeing bad players or having more or less time)
my way to see it is basicly this.
Many items are very rare and hard to get. You can try it many times and for some reason you have a good chance to be placed in a dungeon with people who already have loot from it. Now that rare item drops, you don't have it and the other guy does have it. In my perspective, i would prefer that the guy who needs the item to be able to need it and get it rather then the other one who already has it.
2 reasons for this: one is because my way to see this things, considers this argument to be more fair (and im a good guy which doesn't force me to be over generous)
second reasy is... if you need it for money... so does the other guy... but you ALSO need it to use it, so you need it for 2 reasons he needs it for 1 reason. that reason is named greed and for such a reason there is a button for that.
Also if you don't want the item, there is sill a button to pass it. And thats a way to be generous.
You're just being biased toward this idea, in your scenario the person with the better stuff is still going to need even if all he is getting is gold. So no this would not benefit the person with less in any way shape or form. This just reduces the amount of AD farmers make and less gear for people who buy to purchase. If you want a true fix then you have to find people you enjoy partying with and sharing.
Well i still think that with this idea, means less incentive to need just to get vendor reward and be named in the game as ninja.
One thing is to be considered ninja for hundres of thounsands or even millions of AD or beeing called ninja for... coppers :P
Getting gold is long and tedious. 1.5 gold for a free need on a bound item is also a very good option anyway. Gear will be more expensive for everyone, but since there are DD chests, it will only be an incentive to play more during the event. All in all, makes no difference if you want to farm, but you get some free gold when you have something bound.
The thing is, even if it had 0 value, people are going to need to prevent the others from profiting/using it. This suggestion has more down sides over any positives it brings.
~Self entitled player gets a chance at what he wants (not needs)
~Time taken from important issues to put this in
~Less gear on market
~Less of a reason to actually do dungeons, which then spirals into more problems down the road
Well i still think that with this idea, means less incentive to need just to get vendor reward and be named in the game as ninja.
One thing is to be considered ninja for hundres of thounsands or even millions of AD or beeing called ninja for... coppers :P
Not many people care for reputation, as I said above this won't guarantee the one and only positive this idea is meant to bring, compared to all the down sides it is bringing. This will not solve any of the fighting, this will not help the person who needs equips at getting it, and it hurts people who actually farm. People farming for profit is just as important player as that guy who is only trying to do the dungeon a couple times for his equipment.I am curious as to where this whole idea that the guy that claims to need something is more important than the person putting effort into profit?
I have to agree when you say that your way to see things is one of the many ways possible to see it.
Now i won't point anything regarding free time or bad players and such, i think thats too individualized to discuss here and it's not much for this thread i think
In any case i have to agree that this solution helps more the people who don't have gear, then those who want AD. (And that is the point of the solution) (regardless of beeing bad players or having more or less time)
my way to see it is basicly this.
Many items are very rare and hard to get. You can try it many times and for some reason you have a good chance to be placed in a dungeon with people who already have loot from it. Now that rare item drops, you don't have it and the other guy does have it. In my perspective, i would prefer that the guy who needs the item to be able to need it and get it rather then the other one who already has it.
2 reasons for this: one is because my way to see this things, considers this argument to be more fair (and im a good guy which doesn't force me to be over generous)
second reasy is... if you need it for money... so does the other guy... but you ALSO need it to use it, so you need it for 2 reasons he needs it for 1 reason. that reason is named greed and for such a reason there is a button for that.
Also if you don't want the item, there is sill a button to pass it. And thats a way to be generous.
I willingly admit that i don't play to help the needy, and that i think my time is at least as valuable as the time of my teammates. Like normal people do. Call that selfishness if you want, but i see no reason to reward people with inferior gear. Life isn't fair, work isn't fair, love isn't fair, why would games be fair?
The thing is, even if it had 0 value, people are going to need to prevent the others from profiting/using it. This suggestion has more down sides over any positives it brings.
~Self entitled player gets a chance at what he wants (not needs)
~Time taken from important issues to put this in
~Less gear on market
~Less of a reason to actually do dungeons, which then spirals into more problems down the road
The less value the item has, the less incentive people have to steal it.
and that is a "pros"
your "Pros" has nothing to do with this idea cause what you say is a positive thing, is something that already happens, and will happen according to your statment.
The negative sides you present are basicly not true.
Time taken? the systems this involves are already in game... no need to create anything this is a simple solution with what exists in the game.
Less gear on market? thats a good thing for 2 reasons. Less gear means higher prices for those who want to sell it. those who want the gear have a bigger chance (since less people will need just for stealing it since there is less incentive to do so) therefor they have a solution regarding the overpriced items in the market
Less reason to do dungeons? quite the opposite, if people stand a better chance of getting the items they need... they hare more willing to go there then they would if they expected to be ninjaed.
So... every thing can be seen differently from different people.
And i still think my idea has an easy way to be implemented, still think it won't fix all problems (actualy i think that impossible) and the results of this idea are still an improvement possible under the time left for the game launch.
The current fix only makes it that people of the same class as the item can need on it, all the others cant.
Or am I wrong?
Then how can you still not see what's wrong with this?
If a mage item drops, and only mages can need on it, the item can still be stolen, yes by fewer people (only the mage) but it can STILL BE STOLEN.
-3 Mages in a group, 2 mages decked out in the best gear and 1 mage with greenies (exaggerated example, but a valid one nonetheless)
-All 3 of them can roll need on the mage item without anything holding them back
-The item will not be bound, so if one of the two decked out mages gets the item he can STILL sell it on the AH for AD
See the problem now?
With this fix:
-3 Mages in a group, 2 mages decked out in the best gear and 1 mage with greenies (exaggerated example, but a valid one nonetheless)
-All 3 of them can roll need on the mage item with something holding them back, the fact it will be bound if needed.
-The 2 decked out mages won't need on it (less incentive, they can only vendor it for a few silver/gold)
-The greenie mage needs on it, it's bound to him, doesn't matter because he wasn't planning on selling it anyway.
I can still move.
I can still fight.
I will never give up!
All this change will do will make people like me needing for the vendor, which isn't the purpose of such a change. You don't want more expensive and rarer items do you? After all, gold still has some value.
This is incorrect. An individualized loot system can not be abused. There is no option to abuse it. People have been removed from the system, thereby removing all sources of problems.
That's how stupid you sound right now.
So what you're saying is that if people can only roll Need on items of their class, there is no way there could ever be a problem?
tottaly agree with what you said anout the other greedy guy
No, you are still thinking of rolling. Im suggesting something different. No need, no greed, no pass. A system like CoH where the game simply awards loot to you, personally. You get your loot, they get theirs. No rolling, no pop ups, no frustration, no jealousy..simply because folks wont even know what you got.
It cant be abused, it cant be gamed, and everyone ends up getting something for their efforts. Simplicity...why would anyone want to muck that up with rolling?
Would this gear be BoP or BoE then?
And wouldn't people gear up way too fast if everyone in the group got a piece of gear everytime?
Or wouldn't everyone get too rich if everyone gets a piece of loot and it's not BoP?
I've read many people complainin ghtat the fix implemented to the need system isn't enough (which i agree) and so i think this is the easiest way to achieve an improvement considering, the launch of the game is nearby and i can't really ask realisticly) more then this in such a short period.
In the other hand, i've seen people saying no to this idea but mostly with 2 points... just No without a reason (cause they don't want to say that they like it the way it is to get greedy) or because they admit beeing greedy.
So i honestly keep believing this is actually a good idea since people who said to agree have been more 8not just on this thread but in many others)
So once again if you agree keep this thread rolling and bring more ideas!
That's not robbery, it's a part of the game mechanics and every player has a chance to get the item. It's just fairness. I'm a good player and did a lot of T2, i have almost all i need. If i can't earn ADs with what i get from dungeons then there's no point for me to run one, except enchants, and then the foundry has better droprates.
So... No, people with no gear have no superior rights. They can have a chance to get what they want, i want mine to get ADs.
You can still profit from dungeon runs if you're full T2. Get equally geared friends and farm dungeons where nobody needs gear.
Everyone greeds, nothing is bound, you still make money.
This system is to prevent money hungry people joining the dungeon queue to steal items of off people who actually want to WEAR it. And that, is robbery in my eyes.
Hey mate, don't be greedy, come on, send me 6 greater tenebrous enchants and a perfect vorpal one. You seem so generous with the poor!
Or just let me roll need on what i can need and sell it. Works too and i'm ok with that.
Again, people with no gear have no superior right, I don't get why they would have to run less T2 than i did to get what i have.
Well your idea got some points in terms of beeing fair for everyone.
however everyone getting loot means 2 things:
1 if the loot is not for their class and so on they can still get frustrated ( "****! i only get someone else's HAMSTER") or they would get geared very very fast
2. if the items were not bound, the AH would be filled with them quickly and it would remove some profit for thos who get items and such or, if they were bound... then there would be no items on AH i believe.
In any case i'm not disagreeing with your idea. I think it has a fair point.
Biggest issue is... game is lauched in a few days.. and it's much easier to implement my suggestion in that time then yours (i think but not sure ofc)
BOE isnt going to change. The entire AH was set up with gear trading in mind. BOE will stay a cornerstone of this game until it shuts down. And really doesnt matter if it does or not. You get your gear, they get theirs. What you do with it is no ones business but yours.
As far as the rest, id rather everyone get rich equally then a few who abuse broken loot system get rich at the expense of others. As far as too much gear. Not everyone needs to get a purple drop every time. The drop rate does not need to change. Not everyone wins a drop with the current system. Not sure why you expect another system would change that. The difference is if you don't see what the other player got. You really have no reason to be upset about it. And the game can be made to be far more fairer and impartial on dividing everything else so that at least others get similar value if not similar items.
Just to add, that the game already does this. This is not some new thing that needs to be programmed. When you kill a boss. Only you can get your seals. Scrolls and potions are also set aside for you. Other players cant even see them or pick them up. Im simply saying the system needs to be expanded.
Sorry to say but you are wrong.
You can group up with people gearead like you and everyone will Greed and tehrefor you will still get your AD.
But if you get paired with other people who need things more then you do, yes they should have it and not you who already have it unless you both greed it. You need the AD not the item mate.
Sorry but from that sort of comment i only see that you want free stuff without working for them. I'm not beeing generous, i'm beeing fair.
I seriously think changing the system to react like this would do a lot of good. It will not end the issue 100%, but it will definately help.
Another issue would probably arise though: gearing could become more difficult, as less geared groups would be running with people that actually need gear. You'll have more "farm" groups and segregation between the geared, and not geared.
I'll check back tomorrow so keep it alive.
Nope. But i admit it i play for myself, even and especially in pugs. If people have inferior gear, then too bad. Currently, i need all the items i can wear (and not something not for my class, just to avoid drama), there's no issue. If ungeared people want gear they can run more dungeons too.
I don't do dungeons to help rerolls, bad players or people with fewer free time. That's just another way to see things.
True i know what you mean
Stilla little more then 10 days to the launch of the game and big changes are not possible i think.
Just making them BoA would be a easy step to make since it's an existing mechanic of the game and would improve the loot system.
Won't money hungry people just need it for the 1.6 gold?
Getting gold is long and tedious. 1.5 gold for a free need on a bound item is also a very good option anyway. Gear will be more expensive for everyone, but since there are DD chests, it will only be an incentive to play more during the event. All in all, makes no difference if you want to farm, but you get some free gold when you have something bound.
I have to agree when you say that your way to see things is one of the many ways possible to see it.
Now i won't point anything regarding free time or bad players and such, i think thats too individualized to discuss here
In any case i have to agree that this solution helps more the people who don't have gear, then those who want AD. (And that is the point of the solution) (regardless of beeing bad players or having more or less time)
my way to see it is basicly this.
Many items are very rare and hard to get. You can try it many times and for some reason you have a good chance to be placed in a dungeon with people who already have loot from it. Now that rare item drops, you don't have it and the other guy does have it. In my perspective, i would prefer that the guy who needs the item to be able to need it and get it rather then the other one who already has it.
2 reasons for this: one is because my way to see this things, considers this argument to be more fair (and im a good guy which doesn't force me to be over generous)
second reasy is... if you need it for money... so does the other guy... but you ALSO need it to use it, so you need it for 2 reasons he needs it for 1 reason. that reason is named greed and for such a reason there is a button for that.
Also if you don't want the item, there is sill a button to pass it. And thats a way to be generous.
Well i still think that with this idea, means less incentive to need just to get vendor reward and be named in the game as ninja.
One thing is to be considered ninja for hundres of thounsands or even millions of AD or beeing called ninja for... coppers :P
~Self entitled player gets a chance at what he wants (not needs)
~Time taken from important issues to put this in
~Less gear on market
~Less of a reason to actually do dungeons, which then spirals into more problems down the road
Not many people care for reputation, as I said above this won't guarantee the one and only positive this idea is meant to bring, compared to all the down sides it is bringing. This will not solve any of the fighting, this will not help the person who needs equips at getting it, and it hurts people who actually farm. People farming for profit is just as important player as that guy who is only trying to do the dungeon a couple times for his equipment. I am curious as to where this whole idea that the guy that claims to need something is more important than the person putting effort into profit?
I willingly admit that i don't play to help the needy, and that i think my time is at least as valuable as the time of my teammates. Like normal people do. Call that selfishness if you want, but i see no reason to reward people with inferior gear. Life isn't fair, work isn't fair, love isn't fair, why would games be fair?
The less value the item has, the less incentive people have to steal it.
and that is a "pros"
your "Pros" has nothing to do with this idea cause what you say is a positive thing, is something that already happens, and will happen according to your statment.
The negative sides you present are basicly not true.
Time taken? the systems this involves are already in game... no need to create anything this is a simple solution with what exists in the game.
Less gear on market? thats a good thing for 2 reasons. Less gear means higher prices for those who want to sell it. those who want the gear have a bigger chance (since less people will need just for stealing it since there is less incentive to do so) therefor they have a solution regarding the overpriced items in the market
Less reason to do dungeons? quite the opposite, if people stand a better chance of getting the items they need... they hare more willing to go there then they would if they expected to be ninjaed.
So... every thing can be seen differently from different people.
And i still think my idea has an easy way to be implemented, still think it won't fix all problems (actualy i think that impossible) and the results of this idea are still an improvement possible under the time left for the game launch.