Here are the upcoming class changes.
as per this
Great Weapon Fighter
Avalanche of Steel no longer removes DoTs and CC effects applied before leaping offscreen.
Battle Fury: The cooldown of this power has been decreased.
Come and Get It: The cooldown of this power has been decreased.
Crescendo: The estimated damage of this power is now more accurate.
Daring Shout: This power no longer sometimes grants more defense than expected.
Mighty Leap: The jump distance of this power has increased.
Mighty Leap: While jumping, the player is now considered dodging for hit detection.
Not So Fast: The cooldown of this power has been decreased.
Not So Fast: The damage dealt by this power has been increased, particularly so when it hits a single target.
Restoring Strike: The cooldown of this power has been decreased.
Roar: The cooldown of this power has been decreased.
Savage Advance: Players can no longer rarely knock enemies back without spending Action Points.
Spinning Strike: While this power is active, the user is now immune to Control powers.
Spinning Strike: While this power is active, attacks are now guaranteed to be deflected.
Steadfast Determination: Ranks 2 and 3 now properly improve this power.
Sure Strike: The damage from this power has been increased.
Takedown: The cooldown of this power has been decreased.
Takedown: The range of this power has been increased.
Takedown: The user of this power now shifts forward slightly when attacking.
Unstoppable: This power now grants temporary health based on how much Determination the player had when activating it.
Unstoppable: This power no longer removes certain Movement buffs.
Wicked Strike: The damage from this power has been increased.
Feat: Deep Gash: The damage from this feat is now considered a DoT.
Feat: Defiance: This feat now properly increases threat generation.
Feat: Focused Destroyer: This feat no longer allows the player to build stacks when no target is hit.
Feat: Grudge Style: This feat now properly increases threat generation.
Feat: Grudge Style: The extra threat generation from this power no longer requires a critical hit to activate.
Feat: Intimidation: This feat now properly increases threat generation.
Feat: Intimidation: The damage bonus from Power has been increased.
Comedy below, no longer relevant, but I'm leaving it all the same.
So the mods have said we're going to see re-balancing across the board, here. What do you think the GWF will see? I'd love to see them surprise me, but I'm skeptical as to how they'll fix the class, so let the Speculation begin!!! Have fun
--GWF will now Dual Wield Great Weapons, one in each hand. Thieflings will be able to weild a 3rd Great Weapon with their tails.
--Spinning Strike will now randomly knock enemies 100 feet away, making GWF the new Control Wizards.
--GWF will now see the return of the "Reaver" encounter power, making it the GWF's I win button.
--Sure Strike will now do proper damage, with each strike taking off 33% of an enemies health.
--Not So Fast now has had it's range increased by 3x, and cause the player to take off and fly thru the air.
--Unstoppable really makes you unstoppable, using it makes the player Invincible for a limited duration, 5 minutes.
--Determination now fills solely with attacks.
--Each paragon tree is made viable.
--GWF now places 1st in every Dungeon run, in every category, end of story.
--Due to the new OPness of the class, parties are limited to bringing only 1 GWF on a run, as he will carry everyone to free loot anyways as he solos the dungeon.
--GWF is now considered viable by the entire gaming community, instantly loosing the stigma of worst class in game.
I also hope that we'll get a free respec. That'd be nice.
--GWF attacks that hit an enemy now buff a random party member with a random stat, for a random amount, lasting for a random duration, stacking to a random total.
--Spinning Strike now animates ribbons into your characters hair that twirl merrily.
I do because then I will get invited into groups.
Character is what a man is in the dark
New encounter: GWF is turned into a Rogue for 10 seconds.
(Bitter? Me?)
This would actually be amazing.
3x Destroyer + Steel Blitz + double bleeds + SoTS + Rogue armor debuff + duelist flurry
Pop determination before turning rogue for even FASTER ATTACKS AND MORE DAMAGE
Seze - Rogue - Necropolis -
Oops wrong class but seriously i want this.
-Power scaling improved dramatically
-Armor Penetration scaling lowered
-Improved itemization across the board
-Network performance and stability improved drastically
Great weapon fighter:
-Improved scaling on sure strike
-decreased stamina usage while sprinting by 15%
-lowered the amount of time before stamina begins regenerating to .5 seconds
-Destroyer capstone determination building now noticeable, and increases at will damage by 10% as well.
-Advanced option enabled to allow reaping strike to auto swing when it reaches a full charge
-Flourish now has a faster animation
-free respecs 4ever yo
just a few things i would like
Except that forced respec has been confirmed. Forever ago, when the state of the game post originally came out, people asked if there was going to be a respec to accompany the mentioned balance changes.
The response was "All abilities and feats would be automatically reset in the case of any major changes."
Cynical? Me?
Sorry. I just don't have much enthusiasm for this. My will to GWF has been pretty much smashed to fine powder by this point. Couple that with a trip though the Z store, to find that not only are the prices obscene, everything is also a per-character unlock. Hope you don't like alt characters because the Neverwinter finance&marketing team sure doesn't.
--GWF gets a new daily, that causes all players in party to become GWFs for 10 seconds.
What I'd like to see is a reworking of the Mark mechanic, namely removing it from our Tab key and making Tab for situations abilities.
GF has so many situational buffing powers. Into the Fray, Iron Warrior, Knight's Valor, Knight's Challenge. All of them have "some" use, but they take away from our available ability slots.
Atm a GF needs to slot 1 charge, 1 aoe, and 1 CC, even a dps GF. This does not leave much room for situational abilities.
This is worse for a tank GF, since you kinda need Knight's Valor and Enforced Threat to help generate aoe aggro. Then you need some mobility or CC: Lunging, Bull Charge, Frontline... well that's your 3 slots.
Now lets try the following.
1. Make Tide of Iron apply a mark to the target hit. Leave Threatening Rush the same. Now we have a readily available At-Will for melee marking.
2. Make Bull Charge's range equal to that of Lunging Strike, but also have Bull Charge apply aoe marks. Currently the range on Threatening Rush is not enough to gather ranged adds and the like.
3. Now that we have a number of ways to apply Mark, make the Tab key an augmenting slot (like CW) for buffing abilities. Perhaps increase the duration or decrease the cooldown of a buffing power in that slot by 25%.
DPS GF? Slot Into the Fray for trash clearing. Then slot Knight's Challenge for the boss.
Tanking GF? Slot Knight's Valor for massive aoe hate control and group protection. Or slot Iron Warrior to face-tank bosses like a pro.
Two this in one post.
1. Dual-weapon would be a welcome, and awesome idea. A way to increase damage through itemization, which is very miniscule right now for the GWF. This would lead to a number of interesting combinations, especially via enchant combos. I already have ideas.
2. That would at least make me want to try Spinning Strike again, but there's still some debate about what they're going to do with the push thing for CWs in the first place.
3. Need Reaver.
4. Not just SS, I hope, the entire class needs an overall damage boost to take it more viable with good playing in T2.
5. Hhaha, funny. NSF is perfect as it is, just an overall class dmg boost will make it special.
6. Like the jokes, but on a serious note, Unstop is fine as is, other than making sure it negates CCs like the TRs smoke screen.
7. It pretty much already does fill with attacks if you pick the right feats.
8. Definitely agree there, I completely ignored the last one because some of the feats are so horrid. Destroyer and a little Instigator made the most sense. Would also be nice if the player could pick and mix pathway feats a little more.
9. Hhah, I don't care about that, though it would be nice on occasion, especially in PvP for those rares. I'd just be happy with making sure classes do what you'd expect them to do. IE, TRs being more about evasion, GWFs more about damage.
10. I'm already set to kick many a CW and DC from loot gathering.
11. One problem I have, is I hope, as someone else commented, that this class doesn't become too EASY to use, and that's important. Playing as I have was difficult, and I like difficulty, I don't want to see it dumbed down to where it becomes the class of the day, everyone wanting to try it because the damage increase was so ridiculous there's no effort involved in using it anymore. I don't want to see that happen.
Not Trolling, this is meant as a joke to lighten the mood and meant to have fun. Some people got it. Humor =/= troll
or to quote the Joker
Why so serious?
Back to the comedy.
--New Roll level added, Donate. Now instead of Need, Greed, and Pass, party members have the option to force loot on the GWF, and loot that the GWF can't pick up causes the GWF to explode, taking no damage but dealing damage to all enemies around him.
Vicorin, Half-Orc Great Weapon Fighter
And then they stay away and pick at you from afar? What? RS is worthless as it is.
Wow is that a fact? This glitch was mentioned to the devs at least a week ago and they're aware of it. It happens when you hit Unstop and are stunned at the same moment. Just relog.
That was entirely unrelated to my statement. It was meant as an ironic "They will do nothing". You know, glass half empty kind of way. I will do better in the future in relaying my possible sarcasm/irony.
I do hope they do something, not only is the class quite unbalanced with the rest, the game itself is designed in a way that GF/GWF are not really necessary. Read this for one quite ranty explanation.
Vicorin, Half-Orc Great Weapon Fighter
Agreed I feel the same way, although I am having much fun leveling my GF. Also PVP is much better for a GF. PVE is it's only problem and only then because threat is pretty broken.