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Chat Banned. Proof this system sucks.



  • gsundered11gsundered11 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    PWE don't give a flying frack about customers. They demonstrate this over and over again. That's why they have this system. STO has had it for years and STO appears to be a big success. They don't care if players threaten to leave. There's always a steady stream of new customers. Who wants a bunch of old players hanging around cluttering up the server, not buying Zen because they make all the AD or dilithium they need? The only customer they value is the ones spending money. People can whine and moan all they like about whether or not the current system is 'unfair'. They don't care. Honestly, they just don't. Nothing that is said here, nothing that goes on here hasn't been happening for years in their other games.

    Besides, if you want to play in the Forgotten Realms or the Star Trek Universe then their's is the only game in town which is why they have boughtup popular franchises. It's why I still play LOTRO despite all the Turbine/Warner greeding (but as i'm now finding they are rank amateurs when it comes to exploiting their customers). PWE have teams of accountants and MBA's figuring this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out. They know what they are doing.

    The only time you'll get a change is when they think the bottom line is under threat. I don't think this game is anywhere near this point. I don't care much about the chat system, it's practically a single player game anyway and I would not even notice if I was muted. What I do care about is having any useful information, recruitment messages or interesting questions whisked off the screen quicker than I can read it by endless trade spam.

    If the only options are the current system, with its exploitable flaws or none then I'm happy with things as they are now. Even if they did institute a trade channel (and i wish they would) the trade spammers wouldn't stick to it anyway. As for the all channel muting not being 'fair'. Yes it is. It's the known punishment. You don't like it, go. If you think you've been unfairly treated, take it up with PWE for all the good it'll do.

    I'm frankly appalled at the seething pool of scum the NW gaming community is. The naked exploiting and cheating, the self-entitled hogging of chat by traders, the racism, sexism and general stupidity and if what half here is said is true - the petty pointless vendetta's. There are people in this thread threatening to go out and spam ban people for no reason, people I hope PWE are taking note of and action against but I doubt it. WTF is wrong with some people? Why can't people just get on with playing the game and behave like polite civilised human beings.
  • gsundered11gsundered11 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    shroommage wrote: »
    Emphasis mine. "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs." But if the omelet was for your customers, and the customers are the eggs, doesn't this defeat the entire purpose of the omelet?

    Not if the cost of preventing broken eggs is more expensive than getting new ones. PWE thinks this is the case and the success of STO has done nothing to dissuade them of this notion. If half the people who threaten to leave or half their friends allegedly hit by unfair bans just closed their PWE accounts and left then maybe something would happen. But they did not in STO and they probably are not here either. Until that time PWE need do nothing but mouth the same 'yeah, we're looking into it. Really we are' platitudes they do in STO.
  • nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Not if the cost of preventing broken eggs is more expensive than getting new ones. PWE thinks this is the case and the success of STO has done nothing to dissuade them of this notion. If half the people who threaten to leave or half their friends allegedly hit by unfair bans just closed their PWE accounts and left then maybe something would happen. But they did not in STO and they probably are not here either. Until that time PWE need do nothing but mouth the same 'yeah, we're looking into it. Really we are' platitudes they do in STO.

    But its not PWE's doing per say so why close your PWE account because of something Cryptic put into their chat server BEFORE PWE bought them over.
  • gsundered11gsundered11 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Because this is how Chat works in all PWE games. Cryptic didn't 'put it there'. They implemented the PWE system. If you don't like it here you won't like it in STO. Besides, you can't affect their bottom line by switching your expenditure to another of their products.

    Take your gaming budget to another company or just accept this is how things are in PWE-Land. I find it both a little sad and a little amusing to think that PWE cares one little bit what our opinions are. They have a flunky to occasionally come on and do a little PR hand-waving and that's about it.

    i'd love them to create new channels and permanently ban anyone who posted outside of them. I'd love them to perma-ban anyone who spouts racist and sexist ****, I'd like them to perma-ban people who think Zone Chat is their personal ego-tripping performing stage. Hell, i'd perma-ban anyone who won't write in full sentences and without abbreviations.

    I just don't think they will and if they did the same self-entitled people would still spam Zone Chat anyway on the same old excuse of 'biggest market'.

    And then they have to leave in place a community punishment or provide expensive round the clock moderators.

    And that brings us full circle to 'it's not fair, I broke the rules and am being punished for it in the way it's stated I would be'.
  • breagandaerthbreagandaerth Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You must be delusional, you are MISSING THE ISSUE. People can ban people from ALL CHAT, NOT JUST ZONE, for 24 hours. I was banned 2 days ago from ALL CHAT for LFM. Not using it for trade spam.

    Banning someone from whispers, party chat, guild chat, and zone chat essentially makes the game unplayable for 24 hours. Good grief.
    fangowned wrote: »
    To the above <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>,you cant sell items in AH for gold unless i'm missing something.So saying once "wts item" in zone chat is not considered spam,if you dont know what spam is google it.and if you dont like seeing wts messages in zone chat blame the game for not having a trade chat.
    You are literally <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    Instead of facing the issue, you just want everyone to stay out of zone chat? I have a solution for you, turn your zone chat off.

    I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you speak to people like that in general. Not in real life of course. I doubt you are that foolish and brave, but you type these type of responses in the zone while you are lf1m.

    I also imagine there are people that do not like being insulted, like you do not like being insulted by me.

    Let's use this as a learning lesson. Perhaps we can mellow out a bit, and be more civil. I believe if you can accomplish this your chances of being banned may drop.

    So stop being
    literally <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>
    and being one of the numerous
    fangowned wrote: »
    <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>
    on your shard and all your problems should go away if you're not
  • delekii1delekii1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The current system makes literally no sense, and anyone who voted for it must be absolutely incapable of rational thought.

    Let's make a guild called "Chat Banners" and report literally every person who talks in game, so they all get banned.
  • nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Because this is how Chat works in all PWE games. Cryptic didn't 'put it there'. They implemented the PWE system. If you don't like it here you won't like it in STO. Besides, you can't affect their bottom line by switching your expenditure to another of their products.

    Take your gaming budget to another company or just accept this is how things are in PWE-Land. I find it both a little sad and a little amusing to think that PWE cares one little bit what our opinions are. They have a flunky to occasionally come on and do a little PR hand-waving and that's about it.

    i'd love them to create new channels and permanently ban anyone who posted outside of them. I'd love them to perma-ban anyone who spouts racist and sexist ****, I'd like them to perma-ban people who think Zone Chat is their personal ego-tripping performing stage. Hell, i'd perma-ban anyone who won't write in full sentences and without abbreviations.

    I just don't think they will and if they did the same self-entitled people would still spam Zone Chat anyway on the same old excuse of 'biggest market'.

    And then they have to leave in place a community punishment or provide expensive round the clock moderators.

    And that brings us full circle to 'it's not fair, I broke the rules and am being punished for it in the way it's stated I would be'.

    Your almost all wrong PWE didnt implement it like I said only the Cryptic games have it. The PWE ones dont have it. The chat ban was in CO and STO ( I'm a long time player of both those games) when it was under Atari's rule. Ive played most of PWE's games ( check my core connect for proof :P ) its nothing to do with "PWE Land".

    Again PWE had nothing to do with the chat ban thingy was most likely a another "great" idea from Atari that just happened to hang about after they left.
  • shroommageshroommage Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    PWE don't give a flying frack about customers. They demonstrate this over and over again. That's why they have this system. STO has had it for years and STO appears to be a big success. They don't care if players threaten to leave. There's always a steady stream of new customers. Who wants a bunch of old players hanging around cluttering up the server, not buying Zen because they make all the AD or dilithium they need? The only customer they value is the ones spending money. People can whine and moan all they like about whether or not the current system is 'unfair'. They don't care. Honestly, they just don't. Nothing that is said here, nothing that goes on here hasn't been happening for years in their other games.

    Besides, if you want to play in the Forgotten Realms or the Star Trek Universe then their's is the only game in town which is why they have boughtup popular franchises. It's why I still play LOTRO despite all the Turbine/Warner greeding (but as i'm now finding they are rank amateurs when it comes to exploiting their customers). PWE have teams of accountants and MBA's figuring this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out. They know what they are doing.

    The only time you'll get a change is when they think the bottom line is under threat. I don't think this game is anywhere near this point. I don't care much about the chat system, it's practically a single player game anyway and I would not even notice if I was muted. What I do care about is having any useful information, recruitment messages or interesting questions whisked off the screen quicker than I can read it by endless trade spam.

    If the only options are the current system, with its exploitable flaws or none then I'm happy with things as they are now. Even if they did institute a trade channel (and i wish they would) the trade spammers wouldn't stick to it anyway. As for the all channel muting not being 'fair'. Yes it is. It's the known punishment. You don't like it, go. If you think you've been unfairly treated, take it up with PWE for all the good it'll do.

    I'm frankly appalled at the seething pool of scum the NW gaming community is. The naked exploiting and cheating, the self-entitled hogging of chat by traders, the racism, sexism and general stupidity and if what half here is said is true - the petty pointless vendetta's. There are people in this thread threatening to go out and spam ban people for no reason, people I hope PWE are taking note of and action against but I doubt it. WTF is wrong with some people? Why can't people just get on with playing the game and behave like polite civilised human beings.

    Could I sum up your argument as "I don't care and neither should you"? That's what I'm getting out of it. You may have become complacent in what you seem to acknowledge is horrible negligence by Cryptic/PWE, but many of us have not. Don't you dare tell me what to care about.

    And need I remind you that the "naked exploiting and cheating" is the only thing that Cryptic/PWE actually responds to? I don't partake in such things, but I'm reaching a point where I would delight in seeing others do so. The abusers get banned, and Cryptic actually fixes their problems. Sounds like everyone wins when the abuse is widespread enough.
  • gsundered11gsundered11 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    You can misrepresent and misunderstand my post as much as you like. The only people who count are PWE and they have a long established track record of not caring. You can either accept that's how it is or continue railing against the wind and the tides. As you so masterfully observe, all they care about is the exploits that fill the gold-seller coffers with AD that undercut their sale of Zen to those wanting more AD.

    I expect nothing more from PWE, this is how they work. That's why I don't expect to be able to repeat post trades in Zone Chat without running the risk of unjust consquences. That's why I don't do it. Reward not worth the risk. Each time you post anything in chat you have to make that judgement and live with the consequences rather than come on the forum for another bout of fruitless raging.
  • nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You can misrepresent and misunderstand my post as much as you like. The only people who count are PWE and they have a long established track record of not caring. You can either accept that's how it is or continue railing against the wind and the tides. As you so masterfully observe, all they care about is the exploits that fill the gold-seller coffers with AD that undercut their sale of Zen to those wanting more AD.

    I expect nothing more from PWE, this is how they work. That's why I don't expect to be able to repeat post trades in Zone Chat without running the risk of unjust consquences. That's why I don't do it. Reward not worth the risk. Each time you post anything in chat you have to make that judgement and live with the consequences rather than come on the forum for another bout of fruitless raging.

    Actually PWE do care I found myself chat muted in STO/CO after being offline for a month due to crashing my car ( not online so not able to spam chat obviously :P ) had 21 hours to go on this mystery chat ban. I put in a simple to ticket to PWE themselves 12 hours later the chat ban was reversed . Ok so I was still chat muted for just over half the ban period BUT it did show PWE does care when innocent players get hit by this.
  • gsundered11gsundered11 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    nepht wrote: »
    Actually PWE do care I found myself chat muted in STO/CO after being offline for a month due to crashing my car ( not online so not able to spam chat obviously :P ) had 21 hours to go on this mystery chat ban. I put in a simple to ticket to PWE themselves 12 hours later the chat ban was reversed . Ok so I was still chat muted for just over half the ban period BUT it did show PWE does care when innocent players get hit by this.

    Good, then we can dismiss the whole problem of 'unfair' muting then. The system works and needs no changing. If you have a problem PWE will sort it for you. Did we really need 60 pages to come to this realisation?
  • nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Good, then we can dismiss the whole problem of 'unfair' muting then. The system works and needs no changing. If you have a problem PWE will sort it for you. Did we really need 60 pages to come to this realisation?

    If you actually read through this thread probably you will see most people want a working chat ban system. This one is busted due to the fact that according to the chat server IGNORE and REPORT SPAM are the same thing. PWE cant go through every ticket within 24 hours I was just lucky. By separating IGNORE and REPORT SPAM you will cut down on the number of players unfairly muted.

    Players shouldnt be chat banned for being ignored because someone doesnt like your face but they should be chat banned for spamming . There is a big difference.

    Also In CO PVPrs use it to mute people who beat them. Its got out of control over there :<
  • gsundered11gsundered11 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    nepht wrote: »
    Also In CO PVPrs use it to mute people who beat them. Its got out of control over there :<

    People are scum and pvp seems to bring out the worst in people. Hell, I've been put off even grouping in this game by the naked greed, selfishness and tantrums. I've been playing LOTRO for many years and was looking for something new. I had high hopes of NW but compared to the server I play on in LOTRO the NW 'community' is little more than a pack of feral dogs.

    When I pug in LOTRO a group will talk first and find out if everyone knows what they need to know. It will stop and take pause. In a NW pug there will be no discussion at all, people will be left to do what they think best even if new to the instance and at some point, as sure as God made little green apples, someone will rage-quit because other people are not as super-awesome as they think themselves are.

    I broke my own rule and signed up to pug an in-storyline quest yesterday. We got to the final boss and of course as half of us had never been here before there were wipes. Then the 'leader' quit because we weren't doing as much dps as he thought we should (when I checked the combat logs his rogue was doing joke levels of dps).

    In the end there was two of us left and we got the final boss down to 50%. If even a couple of others had stayed to keep the spawning adds off my back we'd have done it but no - 'things got hard so we quit'.


    I think PWE just accept that its customer base comprises way too many 'bad' elements and their chat system is just the manifestation of 'Let the scum fight it out among themselves. Who cares what they do to each other so long as they give us their money.'

    It's like a South American jail. Let the prisoners run it, we don't give a **** what they do to each other so long as they don't escape'.
  • chaelkchaelk Member Posts: 5,727 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    delekii1 wrote: »
    The current system makes literally no sense, and anyone who voted for it must be absolutely incapable of rational thought.

    Let's make a guild called "Chat Banners" and report literally every person who talks in game, so they all get banned.
    In Champions online, a guild was formed to protest about this system by randomly banning people.

    What needs to be changed is, as Nepht said, seperating Ignore from report spam. Ignore should just do that. Stop you from seeing a person's messages. NOT add to their chat ban colection points.
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • theamorabunnytheamorabunny Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2013
    Looks like people are going around trolling, making it so players can't chat in game.
    Yay! Lets try it. :confused:
  • bluedarkybluedarky Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    shroommage wrote: »
    Their abuse is too specific and controlled. If they instead dedicated themselves to report spamming everyone from zone chat, a lot more people would care.

    There are other examples like Nepht's PvP one, but there are entire groups dedicated to abusing this feature for kicks and giggles.
  • preludeiipreludeii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    shahualing wrote: »
    It's a good way to get banned, so...uh...go for it I guess?

    EDIT: I'd also like to point everyone to this thread;


    Arent the custom channels limited to a certain number of players? If yes, doesn't that make it effectively useless?
  • ana1963ana1963 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How do I stop the ******* Armoured Nightmare spam?
  • shroommageshroommage Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    People are scum and pvp seems to bring out the worst in people. Hell, I've been put off even grouping in this game by the naked greed, selfishness and tantrums. I've been playing LOTRO for many years and was looking for something new. I had high hopes of NW but compared to the server I play on in LOTRO the NW 'community' is little more than a pack of feral dogs.

    This isn't due to the people. It's due to poor design. In NW there is no reason not to roll need on every item, especially if you've been randomly selected as party leader. In GW2 there is very, very little greed between players in a group. This is because they don't have need/greed rolls. Everyone gets their own loot and never even sees what other players receive. You also can't inspect other players, which means you won't get kicked because your GS is too low. Even resource nodes are phased so that players can't ninja them from each other. GW2 has quite a few flaws, but they've done a great job of preventing hostilities between players that are supposed to be working together.

    If you want people to play nice, don't give them a reason to resent each other, and don't give them tools that are easy to abuse.
  • zdrahonulzdrahonul Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's people like you two that cause the real issues. I post once and get chat banned from EVERYTHING for 24 hours. You are missing the point. Ban me from zone, fine. But from everything else? That's a joke.

    2 days ago I was chat banned for "LF1M CN," not even spamming it. What should I use when I need to find people? What do you suggest zone chat be used for? Roleplaying? Get off your high horse and look at the real issue.

    Zone chat is NOT to be (ab)used for trading. If there's a dedicated trading chat, use that and that alone.
    As for punishment severity, a zone ban only would not teach anyone. A punishment has to hurt more than just telling someone "you naughty you". it should sting. A full chat ban stings, all right, and that's expected behavior.

    IMO (I might be wrong, that's how I see things though) zone chat should be mostly for Q&A and role playing. Nice people asking zone-specific questions and nicer people answering them. Occasional "I have looted XZY item, is it any good?" should be allowed, but what you did is called SPAM in my book. Same goes for everyone else yelling "WTB WTS LFG WTF OMG BBQ" <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> in zone chat.
  • walk2kwalk2k Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    so don't spam problem solved.

    it takes 20 people? should be more like 5-10

    say 5 for a 1-hr ban and 10 for a 24-hr ban

    if you annoy 20 people so much that they report you, hell should be a 7-days game ban and 30-days chat ban.






    seriously how hard is this to comprehend? oh but then we are talking about idiots who can't even find the trade channel
  • zdrahonulzdrahonul Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    walk2k wrote: »
    seriously how hard is this to comprehend? oh but then we are talking about idiots who can't even find the trade channel

    I didn't know until today, for two big reasons:
    1. I don't trade publicly
    2. I thought everyone us supposed to trade in the Zone channel, which made me wondering who made such a dumb design decision. Turns out all who trade on the ZTone channel are spammers. Woo-hoo, lots and lots of people to report now. Should keep me busy for a while :)
  • walk2kwalk2k Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    it's not super easy to find, but if you take 2 minutes to look thru the chat options, the "custom channel" thing presents itself pretty clearly, from there isn't difficult to type "trade" and viola... granted that's the trade channel for all of cryptic games or whatever (star trek?) but the helpful people there kindly directed me to the NW trade channel(s).

    and yes I spent a few minutes turbo-reporting everyone who spammed in zone, but it got boring pretty quick, and there are sooo many of them it's not worth it. just turn off zone when in town...
  • theamorabunnytheamorabunny Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2013
    ana1963 wrote: »
    How do I stop the ******* Armoured Nightmare spam?

    Game developers protected and supported spam feature. Its annoying, aye. I don't care to keep hearing who won one, specially when it pops up in a foreign language.
  • clcmercyclcmercy Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 308 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Because this is how Chat works in all PWE games. Cryptic didn't 'put it there'. They implemented the PWE system. If you don't like it here you won't like it in STO.

    Umm...news flash. PWI is not the developing studio for Champions Online, Star Trek Online, nor are they the developing studio for Neverwinter. CRYPTIC IS. PWI are the backers. Both CO and STO were produced and released BEFORE the PWI buyout. So tell me...how did PWI put anything in these games? Especially since this game is basically a copy/paste of the engine from the previous two games?

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
  • sereenawindsereenawind Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I see the point which it seems others are missing. If you get Zone banned fine you are banned from zone but don't ban from ALL chats because of 1 area. That DOES NOT make sense. I do like the idea of a time limit between chats. I've seen it used on other MMO's and it does help. But it doesn't help if every time you are allowed to chat you repeat the same thing!
    May the Good Lord keep you always in His Loving Arms
  • holthar1stholthar1st Member Posts: 107 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    You are literally <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    Instead of facing the issue, you just want everyone to stay out of zone chat? I have a solution for you, turn your zone chat off.

    No, you are literally <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    I have a solution for YOU stop whining and trolling in the forums, contact customer support. The other people replying to you are all right. It has to be a major inconvenience or whats the sense of banning a single chat channel in the first place.

    Face it, you're throwing a tantrum because you want it your way...WELL THIS AIN'T FRIGGING BURGER KING!!!

    enjoy your mini vacation...Que, the beach scene, dancing girls, girls feeding you grapes (of wrath) and the margarita girl
  • clcmercyclcmercy Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 308 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    ana1963 wrote: »
    How do I stop the ******* Armoured Nightmare spam?
    Game developers protected and supported spam feature. Its annoying, aye. I don't care to keep hearing who won one, specially when it pops up in a foreign language.


    So everyone has to deal with spam, and not just spam from the chatbox, but SPAM THAT FLASHES ON YOUR SCREEN. Often right in the middle of combat. And so that it blocks view for a few precious seconds. Yet it's immune to player moderation. But it's spam. Can't report it, though. Game developers WANT you to see it.

    Also...I'd like to ask...where is it written that zone chat isn't for selling or trading items?
    Where are these "MMO Etiquette" rules written down?
    How are people being made aware of them, if they are somewhere able to be read?
    How would YOU feel if a group of people suddenly decided that whatever YOU were using zone chat for was spam and started banning you?
    What gives you the right to enforce your will on someone else?

    In my personal experience over the last fifteen years of online gaming, EVER SINGLE MMO I've played has had zone chat positively filled with LFG requests, sales requests, trade requests , general gameplay questions from newbs, troll comments, people just talking back and forth....why is it such an issue all of a sudden? Only in THIS game is it being made a big deal over...and I'm currently playing TERA, Champions Online, Star Trek Online, Defiance, and DCUO. I beta tested for the new Marvel game and...yup. Same zone style chat as always. In every single game.

    This is also the only game company that has a chat that operates in this fashion, where a PLAYER has the ability to silence another player. Maybe all those other game companies don't do it BECAUSE ITS A BAD IDEA. Omigod, the notion.

    I'm going to end this post with this little statement: In the last ten years of gameplay...I have never had zone chat on for more than a cursory glance to check what's going on, and to see that it hasn't changed in a decade. I care not to be bothered by whatever passes through it, but I do on occasion check on it, so I know that it hasn't changed.

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
  • shroommageshroommage Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zdrahonul wrote: »
    Zone chat is NOT to be (ab)used for trading. If there's a dedicated trading chat, use that and that alone.
    As for punishment severity, a zone ban only would not teach anyone. A punishment has to hurt more than just telling someone "you naughty you". it should sting. A full chat ban stings, all right, and that's expected behavior.

    IMO (I might be wrong, that's how I see things though) zone chat should be mostly for Q&A and role playing. Nice people asking zone-specific questions and nicer people answering them. Occasional "I have looted XZY item, is it any good?" should be allowed, but what you did is called SPAM in my book. Same goes for everyone else yelling "WTB WTS LFG WTF OMG BBQ" <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> in zone chat.

    Get off your high horse. Show me the rule, in writing that describes what is considered chat abuse. Until then, your argument is absolutely invalid.

    EDIT: How many lines of role-play in zone chat do you honestly believe a person could get through before being chat banned?

    2nd EDIT: People asking questions get chat banned very frequently. Many people disagree with your opinion of what is and isn't chat abuse. Who is right? Remember, the majority does not determine what is abuse. It only takes 20.
    walk2k wrote: »
    it's not super easy to find, but if you take 2 minutes to look thru the chat options, the "custom channel" thing presents itself pretty clearly, from there isn't difficult to type "trade" and viola... granted that's the trade channel for all of cryptic games or whatever (star trek?) but the helpful people there kindly directed me to the NW trade channel(s).

    and yes I spent a few minutes turbo-reporting everyone who spammed in zone, but it got boring pretty quick, and there are sooo many of them it's not worth it. just turn off zone when in town...

    That is not an official trade channel, and it is not a valid solution.
  • calaminthacalamintha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zdrahonul wrote: »
    Zone chat is NOT to be (ab)used for trading.

    That's great and all that, but he wasn't chat banned for trading.
This discussion has been closed.