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  • braddassbraddass Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 108
    edited May 2013
    Update 5:15 PM Pacific: We have most of the information in-hand, but are waiting on a few final details to determine our plan of action. To clarify one thing I've seen around on Twitter, whatever we ultimately decide to do, a full character wipe will not happen. We're doing everything we can to minimize the impact of this fix, so that it changes what must change, but not much else. Thank you all for your patience, we appreciate it and will have you back in-game as soon as possible.[color]

    Then you have decided to NOT address all the exploits.

    Why allow the exploiters to keep they ill-gotten gains? A full wipe is the only way to insure an even playing field.

    Are you refunding part of the money we paid for Founders Packs? The value is certainly less than the $700 you advertised.
    I am a Lawyer in real life, but I try to roleplay an honorable character ;)
  • aeonaheartaeonaheart Member Posts: 40
    edited May 2013
    greymasque wrote: »
    aeonaheart wrote: »

    You seem to ignore the fact that closed beta had Zen purchasing, too. And that, at the end of closed beta, all purchased Zen was refunded into the buyers' game accounts.
    Yes, PWE does things differently from other publishers. Sometimes, they don't go about things in the best way. But if you think that opening the game up to the public for the purposes of finding & fixing exploits, bugs, & server-load issues isn't an open beta, then you might want to rethink your definitions.

    This is exactly why they do it. So people like you will fight their battle for them by making up illogical nonsense excuses & argue with anyone who says it's not really a beta. This way they don't have to defend their launching a flawed game, borrowing capital from their players so they don't have to pay interest on a loan, and delivering a sub-par experience to those who paid money by hiding behind a flank of zombie cheerleaders who swarm and attack anyone who says the first little criticism of PWs methods. Sorry but I'm not going to pretend with you. You go ahead though.
  • gfortgfort Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How about a wipe of all banks, all currency of any type, all gear/companions/mounts/etc. Then give a chest with a package of basic gear equivalent to the level of the characters on the account, gold and Nightmare Lockboxes equal to the half the level of the character. A basic mount for levels 20 and above.
    Reset all feats and powers to zero spent.

    Then, for all legitimate Zen purchases, refund the Zen to the account.
  • ashkedawnashkedawn Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I find it disconcerting that the company was aware of this exploit in another game as well as in the alpha testing of this game and did nothing to fix this exploit until it blew up in their face. I would like to hear some sort of response from the company on this irresponsible behaviour.
  • sinfectorsinfector Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This whole thing happened so many times in numerous games due to GREED.Since you have a game at a beta stage,why would you want to risk selling premium packages when you are not absolutely sure that you can uphold the terms safely?Don't get me wrong,i just started playing today,game looks super fun but the whole gig happened before just because the company is risking everything for some early stage profit.
  • matumatu Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Im a legit level 60 player and got the best loot of my 7 day play time 12 hours ago, if you roll back at all I will quit.

    Me too, spent a couple days trying to get my tier head, just got it today and now it might be gone thanks to some <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>...
  • fetoidboofetoidboo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Its funny how so many people play this game and yet not a single one has the patients to allow the game developers and employees to fix the problem. Hello people this is still in *BETA*. There is a reason they are allowing people to play a game that isn't in its finished state.... FOR REASONS LIKE THIS. This allows them to test the game and fix problems with that game so that people like you and I can enjoy playing it. Otherwise we might not have been able to play this game for another year or two after they finished having testers go through every in and out of the thing.
  • magismagis Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    everybody still talking about wipe due to that still being the preferred method for the vocal majority. my self inculded $700 + in PWE games and I WILL burn my account over this.

    I sorta get a warm fuzzy feeling inside thinking of the billions of ad gold sellers are about to lose.
  • maximiliousmaximilious Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    entalyan wrote: »
    Aren't you both right? The source and destination of a packet are inside the header, so if the NAT modifies/rewrites them, doesn't it partially rewrite the header?

    this is the internet, everyone is right.
  • cutegaycutegay Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Not yet. We're getting closer to finalizing the plan, though.

    I started this session by working remotely -- it reached a point where I decided I needed all my tools, so I drove in to the office.

    You have been made a fool of :http://www.reddit.com/r/Neverwinter/comments/1eebyi/an_exploiter_claims_to_have_made_almost_six/

    He still gets to keep his purple items, I don't think you banned him.
  • dalgomardalgomar Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    milkstash wrote: »
    This is outrageous! I demand at LEAST three taco's as compensation. Any less then three is unacceptable, I can't believe there is problems with this game that is in open-beta, I am definitly in a position to make demands! I am filing a lawsuit if i don't get these taco's, I will BACKTRACE this! the game has been down for more than 5 hours!

    3 tacos is off the table

    Counter offer: 1 warm,dead goldfish
  • helbourne63helbourne63 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 32
    edited May 2013
    All they have shared is 1. - that they will be taking action against identified exploiters (this won't fix the broken economy). And, 2. - they won't be doing a full wipe (roll-backs are still an option).

    In any case - the servers won't be comming up anytime soon. It's Sunday and they are going to want input from Finance, Marketing, and Legal departments before implementing any strategy. Also, banning accounts in itself takes some time to trace and implement. Finally, if a roll-back is in the future determining determining to what point in time to roll back to and testing takes signifcant time as well.

    Go make some popcorn and watch Game of Thrones and get some shut-eye.
    Hero of the North
  • bigbraidybigbraidy Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Exacly; most of the people complaining are probably individuals that actually used the exploit to begin with...so funny watching them squirm.
  • nwmtriggernwmtrigger Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think people's anger is misplaced here, this is not PerfectWorld's fault, it's the fault of whatever idiot(s) exploited an obvious bug. Something from way back in the day of NWN persistant world gaming;

    "If it seems to good to be true, it probably is, report it and make sure so you don't risk a ban"

    Simple rule, easily implemented :)
  • nmeapollonmeapollo Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    alecstorm wrote: »
    So basically, someone exploited a bug or something, "stole" some astral diamonds, and now i will lose mine that I acquired from daily within days?

    Tnks a lot, Cryptic. Seems fair. For you.

    I understand where you're coming from, but what's been overlooked is that those diamonds you've farmed legitimately are worth 1000s of times less than what they should be since a fair number of people were making hundreds of millions of diamonds using an exploit. Unfortunately if they don't wipe the server many of these people will still have "mule" accounts active with plenty of diamonds that devalue your diamonds by a significant margin.
  • xzorphynnxzorphynn Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    papertrip wrote: »
    I hope to get in game soon. Drinking beer starting now until I get back into game(and probably when i get back into game too). Hopefully I dont pass out.

    I see your beer, sir. And raise you shots of..... THE KRAKEN!!!
  • eqlunaeqluna Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 53
    edited May 2013

    1. Whoever did cheat, even once, ban forever.
    2. Whoever has 5 M Astral Diamond (ever), investigate that account and see if an exploit were ever used... if so, ban forever.
    3. In additional to that, do a 2 days rollback.

    That would be it. done deal.
  • magismagis Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    everybody still talking about wipe due to that still being the preferred method for the vocal majority. my self inculded $700 + in PWE games and I WILL burn my account over this.

    I sorta get a warm fuzzy feeling inside thinking of the billions of ad gold sellers are about to lose.
  • darkwingduck315darkwingduck315 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    desoro wrote: »
    Sit back and enjoy the game. Arguing whether its BETA or not in your opinions is pointless. Because the game developers and maintainers say it is BETA. Case closed. Moan and groan all day if you want, you just look sad and ignorant. Its BETA, the community found a major currency glitch and now it is being fixed within 24 hours. Awesome in my opinion. Thank god it was found before official release and thank god it will only take a day. Blizzard(WoW), Riot(LoL), or EA(Lots) teams would have taken a lot longer and probably wouldn't officially comment on the glitch, they would just fix it and act like it never happened while masking the patch with the title "minor balancing patch".
    Now I am going to do the three Ss (Sh**, Shower, and Shave) then go eat. By the time I am done, I will probably be able to sneak some gaming time in. Act civilized and do something similar rather then sitting on the forums pointless flaming.

    Regardless of the fact they say its beta.. might as well call it early access because as they stated their not going to wipe anything. So that means we all get to keep or toons no matter the lvl. Long story short open beta = early access to neverwinter.
  • thalackallathalackalla Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Server Wipe

    After all, it is "only a beta"... right?
    Well, we know it is not. The Beta tag is just a marketing cover to push unfinished product out the door.
    Money is changing hands after all so it is Live and For Consumption.
    However, a Total Wipe is what this game needs to go forward.

    c'mon Chant with me !



  • eyeofgruumsheyeofgruumsh Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This network conversation is comedy, many pretenders googling wiki info and acting like guru's.

    Simply put, your standard residential internet connection is on a leased IP. Your bulk of your player base will be connecting from their homes. Thus, IP banning is not feasible.

    Yes, this discussion about NAT can be applied to the topic at hand, but why would you even get into it if you understood the basic home internet connection?

    Why are you even talking about NAT in commerical/public spaces? Who cares, this point should have been rendered dead to begin with.
  • towematertowemater Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't think that one dude is going to get his tacos - just saying....
  • steenmachinesteenmachine Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I can't believe some of the ish you people post.

    It's classified as an open beta, they aren't hiding that fact one bit. Yes the zen shop is open, and typically during the alpha and beta periods is when more man hours are required to get a game running smoothly. You try and run a business with no cash flow. Questionable or not, all of the information is available for you, and it is ALWAYS the buyers decision to purchase zen. Whether they want a new mount, or just to support the company no one is being forced to pay a cent.

    As far as I know, no one is losing money, no one is losing characters and we don't have any idea what fixes are being implemented. Calm down!

    I can't even believe this is at 120+ pages. I found out about the servers, so I went outside and enjoyed my day. There is no point in complaining and speculating over things you have no control over, you'll know when you know; no sooner, no later.
  • necronomniconnecronomnicon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    nojo2211 wrote: »
    Here's a solution, open a new shard and make the decision to start over optional. Guarantee it's the most popular shard you'll have. Clean slate for those of us that want it.

    I want all of my zen refunded and everything on the other shard to be destroyed to balance it out then. I assumed that eventually rates would go down and my intial use of zen to buy diamonds would pay off a little, big mistake. I will not be ripped off by those little pastry faced geeks and their gd exploits ruining the rates and I will not take aloss on zen, I paid money for mine unlike those little ****s.
    So farewell hope, and with hope farewell fear,
    Farewell remorse; all good to me is lost.
    Evil, be thou my good.
  • ontrix1ontrix1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Folks, please remember this game is still in beta. This means that when the game goes live, you may have complete character rollback anyway. Hopefully you will not but beta means testing and getting rid of actual bugs such as this one. Not actual play. If people have spent real $$ on this game, I hope that they do not rollback your characters, they should have not allowed real money purchases on a beta version.
  • xilprodigyxilprodigy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    <3's for no wipe, rather not relevel both my characters
  • belgarion44belgarion44 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    cutegay wrote: »
    A wipe is the only way to go because people who bought Zen will be asking for refunds since people who used the exploit used the Astral Diamond to buy the Zen.

    Not everyone buys Zen and not everyone who does exploits games. Honestly We all need a little patience and yes if it goes the wipe I will expect a full refund of Zen that I have received. Its people that forget this is still under Beta and have no patience because they PL or have someone pl them that go the whole wipe I don't play a game to be elite like some 15 yo with no life. I have been playing D&D based games since the days table top was cool. If you dont like beta rules and dont like waiting then pay $50-$60 for a full release and complain about the bugs in that.
  • dakxerdakxer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    cathgar457 wrote: »
    So there will be no wipe as they will loose too much money and customers.
    Even rollbacks are going to upset a lot of their player base, especially ones that do not even know what is going on atm.

    Rock and a hard place comes to mind.

    Agreed. Having the bad luck of playing mostly on weekends, this hurts.
    The economy isn't ruined unless this was widespread. I have not heard how many accounts are involved (is it 40%, or just 1 %) If it is just 1%, I would think they can just destroy those accounts and any account they "shared" mail with - as those are the laundered money accounts. If it is closer to 10%, this could be a mess for months. Farmers and gold vendors are nothing new - there are always those trying to make a buck. They are always looking for ways to cheat for profit, and they have years of experience covering their tracks - so they know all the tricks. Fingers crossed this is just a bunch of gold spammers and to be honest, those idiots are in almost every game online and I hope they are banned quickly (if found, that's not always easy either - just ask WoW). The only fix, sell AD for less than the spammers - but my guess is, that would make all AD prices go way up. Yes, rock and hard place indeed....
  • xdprophetxdprophet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Again the dynamic nature of publicly routed IP address spaces in the end user realm is the reason that an IP ban is not feasible. NAT has nothing to do with it. You have no case, you were wrong from the start. However we have lifted you up so that your knuckles are no longer dragging in the dirt and you are now almost making sense, not say "WOW" at the beginning of every post and not calling everyone an idiot.

    Idiot. I am now calling you an idiot because you are an idiot. I have been writing networking, proxy, corporate firewall, and enterprise authentication code long before you were likely born. NAT is 95# of the problem. Other 5% is dynamic IP but my guess this game isnt popular enough that computers, that actually could reuse the same dynamic IP address, would all be playing Neverwinter.
  • cesmode8cesmode8 Member Posts: 384 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    papertrip wrote: »
    Halfway through 2nd.

    I need to catch up. Its on now.
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